
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     3  package p2p;
     5  // Reference:
     6  option go_package = "";
     8  // Represents peer-to-peer messages.
     9  // Only one type can be non-null.
    10  message Message {
    11    reserved 1; // Until E upgrade is activated.
    12    reserved 36; // Next unused field number.
    13    // NOTES
    14    // Use "oneof" for each message type and set rest to null if not used.
    15    // That is because when the compression is enabled, we don't want to include uncompressed fields.
    16    oneof message {
    17      // zstd-compressed bytes of a "p2p.Message" whose "oneof" "message" field is
    18      // NOT compressed_* BUT one of the message types (e.g. ping, pong, etc.).
    19      // This field is only set if the message type supports compression.
    20      bytes compressed_zstd = 2;
    22      // Fields lower than 10 are reserved for other compression algorithms.
    23      // TODO: support COMPRESS_SNAPPY
    25      // Network messages:
    26      Ping ping = 11;
    27      Pong pong = 12;
    28      Handshake handshake = 13;
    29      GetPeerList get_peer_list = 35;
    30      PeerList peer_list = 14;
    32      // State-sync messages:
    33      GetStateSummaryFrontier get_state_summary_frontier = 15;
    34      StateSummaryFrontier state_summary_frontier = 16;
    35      GetAcceptedStateSummary get_accepted_state_summary = 17;
    36      AcceptedStateSummary accepted_state_summary = 18;
    38      // Bootstrapping messages:
    39      GetAcceptedFrontier get_accepted_frontier = 19;
    40      AcceptedFrontier accepted_frontier = 20;
    41      GetAccepted get_accepted = 21;
    42      Accepted accepted = 22;
    43      GetAncestors get_ancestors = 23;
    44      Ancestors ancestors = 24;
    46      // Consensus messages:
    47      Get get = 25;
    48      Put put = 26;
    49      PushQuery push_query = 27;
    50      PullQuery pull_query = 28;
    51      Chits chits = 29;
    53      // App messages:
    54      AppRequest app_request = 30;
    55      AppResponse app_response = 31;
    56      AppGossip app_gossip = 32;
    57      AppError app_error = 34;
    58    }
    59  }
    61  // Ping reports a peer's perceived uptime percentage.
    62  //
    63  // Peers should respond to Ping with a Pong.
    64  message Ping {
    65    // Uptime percentage on the primary network [0, 100]
    66    uint32 uptime = 1;
    67    // Uptime percentage on subnets
    68    repeated SubnetUptime subnet_uptimes = 2;
    69  }
    71  // SubnetUptime is a descriptor for a peer's perceived uptime on a subnet.
    72  message SubnetUptime {
    73    // Subnet the peer is validating
    74    bytes subnet_id = 1;
    75    // Uptime percentage on the subnet [0, 100]
    76    uint32 uptime = 2;
    77  }
    79  // Pong is sent in response to a Ping.
    80  message Pong {
    81    reserved 1, 2; // Until E upgrade is activated.
    82  }
    84  // Handshake is the first outbound message sent to a peer when a connection is
    85  // established to start the p2p handshake.
    86  //
    87  // Peers must respond to a Handshake message with a PeerList message to allow the
    88  // peer to connect to other peers in the network.
    89  //
    90  // Peers should drop connections to peers with incompatible versions.
    91  message Handshake {
    92    reserved 5; // Until E upgrade is activated.
    93    // Network the peer is running on (e.g local, testnet, mainnet)
    94    uint32 network_id = 1;
    95    // Unix timestamp when this Handshake message was created
    96    uint64 my_time = 2;
    97    // IP address of the peer
    98    bytes ip_addr = 3;
    99    // IP port of the peer
   100    uint32 ip_port = 4;
   101    // Timestamp of the IP
   102    uint64 ip_signing_time = 6;
   103    // Signature of the peer IP port pair at a provided timestamp with the TLS
   104    // key.
   105    bytes ip_node_id_sig = 7;
   106    // Subnets the peer is tracking
   107    repeated bytes tracked_subnets = 8;
   108    Client client = 9;
   109    repeated uint32 supported_acps = 10;
   110    repeated uint32 objected_acps = 11;
   111    BloomFilter known_peers = 12;
   112    // Signature of the peer IP port pair at a provided timestamp with the BLS
   113    // key.
   114    bytes ip_bls_sig = 13;
   115  }
   117  // Metadata about a peer's P2P client used to determine compatibility
   118  message Client {
   119    // Client name (e.g avalanchego)
   120    string name = 1;
   121    // Client semantic version
   122    uint32 major = 2;
   123    uint32 minor = 3;
   124    uint32 patch = 4;
   125  }
   127  // BloomFilter with a random salt to prevent consistent hash collisions
   128  message BloomFilter {
   129    bytes filter = 1;
   130    bytes salt = 2;
   131  }
   133  // ClaimedIpPort contains metadata needed to connect to a peer
   134  message ClaimedIpPort {
   135    // X509 certificate of the peer
   136    bytes x509_certificate = 1;
   137    // IP address of the peer
   138    bytes ip_addr = 2;
   139    // IP port of the peer
   140    uint32 ip_port = 3;
   141    // Timestamp of the IP address + port pair
   142    uint64 timestamp = 4;
   143    // Signature of the IP port pair at a provided timestamp
   144    bytes signature = 5;
   145    // P-Chain transaction that added this peer to the validator set
   146    bytes tx_id = 6;
   147  }
   149  // GetPeerList contains a bloom filter of the currently known validator IPs.
   150  //
   151  // GetPeerList must not be responded to until finishing the handshake. After the
   152  // handshake is completed, GetPeerlist messages should be responded to with a
   153  // Peerlist message containing validators that are not present in the bloom
   154  // filter.
   155  message GetPeerList {
   156    BloomFilter known_peers = 1;
   157  }
   159  // PeerList contains network-level metadata for a set of validators.
   160  //
   161  // PeerList must be sent in response to an inbound Handshake message from a
   162  // remote peer a peer wants to connect to. Once a PeerList is received after
   163  // a Handshake message, the p2p handshake is complete and the connection is
   164  // established.
   165  //
   166  // PeerList should be sent in response to a GetPeerlist message if the handshake
   167  // has been completed.
   168  message PeerList {
   169    repeated ClaimedIpPort claimed_ip_ports = 1;
   170  }
   172  // GetStateSummaryFrontier requests a peer's most recently accepted state
   173  // summary
   174  message GetStateSummaryFrontier {
   175    // Chain being requested from
   176    bytes chain_id = 1;
   177    // Unique identifier for this request
   178    uint32 request_id = 2;
   179    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   180    uint64 deadline = 3;
   181  }
   183  // StateSummaryFrontier is sent in response to a GetStateSummaryFrontier request
   184  message StateSummaryFrontier {
   185    // Chain being responded from
   186    bytes chain_id = 1;
   187    // Request id of the original GetStateSummaryFrontier request
   188    uint32 request_id = 2;
   189    // The requested state summary
   190    bytes summary = 3;
   191  }
   193  // GetAcceptedStateSummary requests a set of state summaries at a set of
   194  // block heights
   195  message GetAcceptedStateSummary {
   196    // Chain bein requested from
   197    bytes chain_id = 1;
   198    // Unique identifier for this request
   199    uint32 request_id = 2;
   200    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   201    uint64 deadline = 3;
   202    // Heights being requested
   203    repeated uint64 heights = 4;
   204  }
   206  // AcceptedStateSummary is sent in response to GetAcceptedStateSummary
   207  message AcceptedStateSummary {
   208    // Chain being responded from
   209    bytes chain_id = 1;
   210    // Request id of the original GetAcceptedStateSummary request
   211    uint32 request_id = 2;
   212    // State summary ids
   213    repeated bytes summary_ids = 3;
   214  }
   216  // The consensus engine that should be used when handling a consensus request.
   217  enum EngineType {
   219    // Only the X-Chain uses avalanche consensus
   221    ENGINE_TYPE_SNOWMAN = 2;
   222  }
   224  // GetAcceptedFrontier requests the accepted frontier from a peer.
   225  //
   226  // Peers should respond to GetAcceptedFrontier with AcceptedFrontier.
   227  message GetAcceptedFrontier {
   228    reserved 4;
   229    // Chain being requested from
   230    bytes chain_id = 1;
   231    // Unique identifier for this request
   232    uint32 request_id = 2;
   233    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   234    uint64 deadline = 3;
   235  }
   237  // AcceptedFrontier contains the remote peer's last accepted frontier.
   238  //
   239  // AcceptedFrontier is sent in response to GetAcceptedFrontier.
   240  message AcceptedFrontier {
   241    // Chain being responded from
   242    bytes chain_id = 1;
   243    // Request id of the original GetAcceptedFrontier request
   244    uint32 request_id = 2;
   245    // The id of the last accepted frontier
   246    bytes container_id = 3;
   247  }
   249  // GetAccepted sends a request with the sender's accepted frontier to a remote
   250  // peer.
   251  //
   252  // Peers should respond to GetAccepted with an Accepted message.
   253  message GetAccepted {
   254    reserved 5;
   255    // Chain being requested from
   256    bytes chain_id = 1;
   257    // Unique identifier for this message
   258    uint32 request_id = 2;
   259    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   260    uint64 deadline = 3;
   261    // The sender's accepted frontier
   262    repeated bytes container_ids = 4;
   263  }
   265  // Accepted is sent in response to GetAccepted. The sending peer responds with
   266  // a subset of container ids from the GetAccepted request that the sending peer
   267  // has accepted.
   268  message Accepted {
   269    // Chain being responded from
   270    bytes chain_id = 1;
   271    // Request id of the original GetAccepted request
   272    uint32 request_id = 2;
   273    // Subset of container ids from the GetAccepted request that the sender has
   274    // accepted
   275    repeated bytes container_ids = 3;
   276  }
   278  // GetAncestors requests the ancestors for a given container.
   279  //
   280  // The remote peer should respond with an Ancestors message.
   281  message GetAncestors {
   282    // Chain being requested from
   283    bytes chain_id = 1;
   284    // Unique identifier for this request
   285    uint32 request_id = 2;
   286    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   287    uint64 deadline = 3;
   288    // Container for which ancestors are being requested
   289    bytes container_id = 4;
   290    // Consensus type to handle this message
   291    EngineType engine_type = 5;
   292  }
   294  // Ancestors is sent in response to GetAncestors.
   295  //
   296  // Ancestors contains a contiguous ancestry of containers for the requested
   297  // container in order of increasing block height.
   298  message Ancestors {
   299    // Chain being responded from
   300    bytes chain_id = 1;
   301    // Request id of the original GetAncestors request
   302    uint32 request_id = 2;
   303    // Ancestry for the requested container
   304    repeated bytes containers = 3;
   305  }
   307  // Get requests a container from a remote peer.
   308  //
   309  // Remote peers should respond with a Put message if they have the container.
   310  message Get {
   311    reserved 5;
   312    // Chain being requested from
   313    bytes chain_id = 1;
   314    // Unique identifier for this request
   315    uint32 request_id = 2;
   316    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   317    uint64 deadline = 3;
   318    // Container being requested
   319    bytes container_id = 4;
   320  }
   322  // Put is sent in response to Get with the requested block.
   323  message Put {
   324    // Chain being responded from
   325    bytes chain_id = 1;
   326    // Request id of the original Get request
   327    uint32 request_id = 2;
   328    // Requested container
   329    bytes container = 3;
   330  }
   332  // PushQuery requests the preferences of a remote peer given a container.
   333  //
   334  // Remote peers should respond to a PushQuery with a Chits message
   335  message PushQuery {
   336    reserved 5;
   337    // Chain being requested from
   338    bytes chain_id = 1;
   339    // Unique identifier for this request
   340    uint32 request_id = 2;
   341    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   342    uint64 deadline = 3;
   343    // Container being gossiped
   344    bytes container = 4;
   345    // Requesting peer's last accepted height
   346    uint64 requested_height = 6;
   347  }
   349  // PullQuery requests the preferences of a remote peer given a container id.
   350  //
   351  // Remote peers should respond to a PullQuery with a Chits message
   352  message PullQuery {
   353    reserved 5;
   354    // Chain being requested from
   355    bytes chain_id = 1;
   356    // Unique identifier for this request
   357    uint32 request_id = 2;
   358    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   359    uint64 deadline = 3;
   360    // Container id being gossiped
   361    bytes container_id = 4;
   362    // Requesting peer's last accepted height
   363    uint64 requested_height = 6;
   364  }
   366  // Chits contains the preferences of a peer in response to a PushQuery or
   367  // PullQuery message.
   368  message Chits {
   369    // Chain being responded from
   370    bytes chain_id = 1;
   371    // Request id of the original PushQuery/PullQuery request
   372    uint32 request_id = 2;
   373    // Currently preferred block
   374    bytes preferred_id = 3;
   375    // Last accepted block
   376    bytes accepted_id = 4;
   377    // Currently preferred block at the requested height
   378    bytes preferred_id_at_height = 5;
   379  }
   381  // AppRequest is a VM-defined request.
   382  //
   383  // Remote peers must respond to AppRequest with a corresponding AppResponse or
   384  // AppError
   385  message AppRequest {
   386    // Chain being requested from
   387    bytes chain_id = 1;
   388    // Unique identifier for this request
   389    uint32 request_id = 2;
   390    // Timeout (ns) for this request
   391    uint64 deadline = 3;
   392    // Request body
   393    bytes app_bytes = 4;
   394  }
   396  // AppResponse is a VM-defined response sent in response to AppRequest
   397  message AppResponse {
   398    // Chain being responded from
   399    bytes chain_id = 1;
   400    // Request id of the original AppRequest
   401    uint32 request_id = 2;
   402    // Response body
   403    bytes app_bytes = 3;
   404  }
   406  // AppError is a VM-defined error sent in response to AppRequest
   407  message AppError {
   408    // Chain the message is for
   409    bytes chain_id = 1;
   410    // Request id of the original AppRequest
   411    uint32 request_id = 2;
   412    // VM defined error code. VMs may define error codes > 0.
   413    sint32 error_code = 3;
   414    // VM defined error message
   415    string error_message = 4;
   416  }
   418  // AppGossip is a VM-defined message
   419  message AppGossip {
   420    // Chain the message is for
   421    bytes chain_id = 1;
   422    // Message body
   423    bytes app_bytes = 2;
   424  }