
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  set -euo pipefail
     5  # e.g.,
     6  # ./scripts/
     7  # ./scripts/ --ginkgo.label-filter=x                                       # All arguments are supplied to ginkgo
     8  # E2E_SERIAL=1 ./scripts/                                                  # Run tests serially
     9  # METALGO_PATH=./build/metalgo ./scripts/                          # Customization of avalanchego path
    10  if ! [[ "$0" =~ scripts/ ]]; then
    11    echo "must be run from repository root"
    12    exit 255
    13  fi
    15  #################################
    16  # Sourcing ensures that the necessary CGO flags are set to
    17  # build the portable version of BLST. Without this, ginkgo may fail to
    18  # build the test binary if run on a host (e.g. github worker) that lacks
    19  # the instructions to build non-portable BLST.
    20  source ./scripts/
    22  #################################
    23  echo "building e2e.test"
    24  # to install the ginkgo binary (required for test build and run)
    25  go install -v
    26  ACK_GINKGO_RC=true ginkgo build ./tests/e2e
    27  ./tests/e2e/e2e.test --help
    29  # Enable subnet testing by building xsvm
    30  ./scripts/
    31  echo ""
    33  # Ensure an absolute path to avoid dependency on the working directory
    34  # of script execution.
    35  METALGO_PATH="$(realpath "${METALGO_PATH:-./build/metalgo}")"
    36  E2E_ARGS="--metalgo-path=${METALGO_PATH}"
    38  #################################
    39  # Determine ginkgo args
    40  GINKGO_ARGS=""
    41  if [[ -n "${E2E_SERIAL:-}" ]]; then
    42    # Specs will be executed serially. This supports running e2e tests in CI
    43    # where parallel execution of tests that start new nodes beyond the
    44    # initial set of validators could overload the free tier CI workers.
    45    # Forcing serial execution in this test script instead of marking
    46    # resource-hungry tests as serial supports executing the test suite faster
    47    # on powerful development workstations.
    48    echo "tests will be executed serially to minimize resource requirements"
    49  else
    50    # Enable parallel execution of specs defined in the test binary by
    51    # default. This requires invoking the binary via the ginkgo cli
    52    # since the test binary isn't capable of executing specs in
    53    # parallel.
    54    echo "tests will be executed in parallel"
    55    GINKGO_ARGS="-p"
    56  fi
    58  #################################
    59  # - Execute in random order to identify unwanted dependency
    60  ginkgo ${GINKGO_ARGS} -v --randomize-all ./tests/e2e/e2e.test -- "${E2E_ARGS[@]}" "${@}"