(about) 1 # The version is supplied as a build argument rather than hard-coded 2 # to minimize the cost of version changes. 3 ARG GO_VERSION 4 5 # Antithesis: Getting the Antithesis golang instrumentation library 6 FROM AS instrumentor 7 8 # ============= Instrumentation Stage ================ 9 FROM golang:$GO_VERSION-bullseye 10 11 WORKDIR /build 12 # Copy and download avalanche dependencies using go mod 13 COPY go.mod . 14 COPY go.sum . 15 RUN go mod download 16 17 # Copy the code into the container 18 COPY . . 19 20 # Ensure pre-existing builds are not available for inclusion in the final image 21 RUN [ -d ./build ] && rm -rf ./build/* || true 22 23 # Keep the commit hash to easily verify the exact version that is running 24 RUN git rev-parse HEAD > ./commit_hash.txt 25 26 # Copy the instrumentor and supporting files to their correct locations 27 COPY --from=instrumentor /opt/antithesis /opt/antithesis 28 COPY --from=instrumentor /opt/antithesis/lib /lib 29 30 # Create the destination output directory for the instrumented code 31 RUN mkdir -p /avalanchego_instrumented 32 33 # Park the .git file in a safe location 34 RUN mkdir -p /opt/tmp/ 35 RUN cp -r .git /opt/tmp/ 36 37 # Instrument avalanchego 38 RUN /opt/antithesis/bin/goinstrumentor \ 39 -stderrthreshold=INFO \ 40 -antithesis /opt/antithesis/instrumentation \ 41 . \ 42 /avalanchego_instrumented 43 44 WORKDIR /avalanchego_instrumented/customer 45 RUN go mod download 46 RUN ln -s /opt/tmp/.git .git