(about) 1 # Subnets 2 3 The Avalanche network consists of the Primary Network and a collection of 4 sub-networks (subnets). 5 6 ## Subnet Creation 7 8 Subnets are created by issuing a *CreateSubnetTx*. After a *CreateSubnetTx* is 9 accepted, a new subnet will exist with the *SubnetID* equal to the *TxID* of the 10 *CreateSubnetTx*. The *CreateSubnetTx* creates a permissioned subnet. The 11 *Owner* field in *CreateSubnetTx* specifies who can modify the state of the 12 subnet. 13 14 ## Permissioned Subnets 15 16 A permissioned subnet can be modified by a few different transactions. 17 18 - CreateChainTx 19 - Creates a new chain that will be validated by all validators of the subnet. 20 - AddSubnetValidatorTx 21 - Adds a new validator to the subnet with the specified *StartTime*, 22 *EndTime*, and *Weight*. 23 - RemoveSubnetValidatorTx 24 - Removes a validator from the subnet. 25 - TransformSubnetTx 26 - Converts the permissioned subnet into a permissionless subnet. 27 - Specifies all of the staking parameters. 28 - AVAX is not allowed to be used as a staking token. In general, it is not 29 advisable to have multiple subnets using the same staking token. 30 - After becoming a permissionless subnet, previously added permissioned 31 validators will remain to finish their staking period. 32 - No more chains will be able to be added to the subnet. 33 34 ### Permissionless Subnets 35 36 Currently, nothing can be performed on a permissionless subnet.