
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package subprocess
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"sync"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  var _ runtime.Initializer = (*initializer)(nil)
    17  // Subprocess VM Runtime intializer.
    18  type initializer struct {
    19  	once sync.Once
    20  	// Address of the RPC Chain VM server
    21  	vmAddr string
    22  	// Error, if one occurred, during Initialization
    23  	err error
    24  	// Initialized is closed once Initialize is called
    25  	initialized chan struct{}
    26  }
    28  func newInitializer() *initializer {
    29  	return &initializer{
    30  		initialized: make(chan struct{}),
    31  	}
    32  }
    34  func (i *initializer) Initialize(_ context.Context, protocolVersion uint, vmAddr string) error {
    35  	i.once.Do(func() {
    36  		if version.RPCChainVMProtocol != protocolVersion {
    37  			i.err = fmt.Errorf("%w. MetalGo version %s implements RPCChainVM protocol version %d. The VM implements RPCChainVM protocol version %d. Please make sure that there is an exact match of the protocol versions. This can be achieved by updating your VM or running an older/newer version of AvalancheGo. Please be advised that some virtual machines may not yet support the latest RPCChainVM protocol version",
    38  				runtime.ErrProtocolVersionMismatch,
    39  				version.Current,
    40  				version.RPCChainVMProtocol,
    41  				protocolVersion,
    42  			)
    43  		}
    44  		i.vmAddr = vmAddr
    45  		close(i.initialized)
    46  	})
    47  	return i.err
    48  }