
     1  # Ahab
     2  #### Configure, launch, and work in Dockerized environments
     3  ![GitHub badge]( ![GitHub badge](
     5  [![Go Report Card](]( [![Godoc Reference](]( [![GitHub license](](
     7  Containerization is awesome, but the upfront costs of project setup and steep learning curve can
     8  make it a pain. Ahab is a CLI tool that jump-starts this process, avoiding frustration without
     9  obfuscating your workflow.
    11  When invoked at the command line, `ahab` searches the current directory (and its parents,
    12  recursively) for a file `ahab.json`. Its contents describe the manner in which Ahab will create and
    13  interact with a project's Docker container. The Ahab CLI supports all Docker container commands
    14  without having to specify a container name or ID - the container described by `ahab.json` is
    15  automatically targeted. For example, `docker rm [container_id]` becomes `ahab rm`. Additionally,
    16  Ahab introduces new commands such as `bash`, `up`, and `status` - a full list can be found
    17  [here](#commands). Ahab provides everything you need to quickly and effectively develop a
    18  containerized project.
    20  ## Table of Contents
    21  * [Installation](#installation)
    22  * [Commands](#commands)
    23  * [Configuration Reference](#configuration-reference)
    24  * [Key Features](#key-features)
    25  * [FAQ](#faq)
    27  ## Installation
    29  ### Arch Linux
    30  | AUR Package | Builds From
    31  | :-- | :--
    32  | [![ahab](]( | Latest Release
    33  | [![ahab-git](](    | Github Master Branch 
    35  ### Ubuntu (bionic, eoan, focal, groovy, xenial)
    36  ```sh
    37  $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:michaeldarr/ppa
    38  $ sudo apt update
    39  $ sudo apt install ahab
    40  ```
    42  ### Other (From Source)
    44  **Prerequisites:**
    45  * git
    46  * go (tested on 1.13.7)
    47  * make
    49  ```sh
    50  $ git clone
    51  $ cd ahab
    52  $ make  # or, `make self` to build ahab *with* ahab (prerequisites: Docker, Ahab)
    53  $ make install
    54  ```
    56  ## Commands
    57  Ahab supports all Docker container commands as described [here](#Ahab). For more information, use
    58  `ahab [command] --help` or visit the
    59  [Docker CLI reference]( Listed below are
    60  supplemental commands introduced by Ahab.
    62  | Command               | Description
    63  | :-------------------- | :--
    64  | `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`   | Shell-specific container terminal access
    65  | `cmd`                 | Execute an in-container command, attaching the input/output to your terminal
    66  | `down`                | Stop and remove the container
    67  | `ls`                  | List all containers, images, and volumes on your machine
    68  | `ls{c,i,v}`           | List one Docker asset type, e.g. `lsc`ontainers
    69  | `prune`               | Remove all unused Docker assets on your machine
    70  | `status`              | Print a human-friendly container status report
    71  | `up`                  | Create and start the container
    73  ## Configuration Reference
    74  **Note:** All string-type configuration fields support environment variable expansion in the forms
    75  `${var}` and `$var`.
    77  ### Project Configuration: `ahab.json`
    79  | Field                 | Type          | Default       | Description
    80  | :-------------------- | :------------ | :------------ | :--
    81  | `ahab`                | string        | **REQUIRED**  | Minimum Ahab version required to launch a project
    82  | `buildContext`        | string        | `ahab.json`'s directory         | Docker build context (if using `dockerfile` instead of `image`)
    83  | `command`             | string        | `top -b`      | [See Docker Reference](
    84  | `dockerfile`          | string        | None          | Dockerfile used to build container image (required if `image` not present)
    85  | `entrypoint`          | string        | None          | [See Docker Reference](
    86  | `environment`         | [string]      | []            | List of `KEY=VALUE` environment variables to set in the container
    87  | `hostname`            | string        | None          | Container host name
    88  | `image`               | string        | None          | Docker image used by the container  (required if `dockerfile` not present)
    89  | `init`                | [string]      | []            | List of commands to be run as root immediately after container creation
    90  | `name`                | string        | None          | Manually assign a name to the container instead of generating it from the config path
    91  | `options`             | [string]      | []            | List of options passed during container creation
    92  | `permissions`         | {[permissions](#permissions)} | {}            | See [Permissions](#permissions)
    93  | `restartAfterSetup`   | boolean       | false         | If true, the container restarts after permissions are set up and `init` commands are run
    94  | `shareDisplay`        | boolean       | false         | If true, processes within the container can launch windows onto the host's display (supports wayland and X11)
    95  | `user`                | string        | `ahab`        | User for container commands after initial setup
    96  | `volumes`             | [string]      | []            | List of volumes to mount during container creation
    97  | `workdir`             | string        | None          | [See Docker Reference](
    99  #### Permissions
   101  | Field     | Type      | Default   | Description
   102  | :-------- | :-------- | :-------- | :--
   103  | `cmdSet`  | string    | None      | Commands to use while setting permissions. If using a BusyBox-based image, set to `busybox`
   104  | `disable` | boolean   | false     | If true, Ahab does not set up any user permissions or create the `ahab` user
   105  | `groups`  | [string]  | []        | Groups the `ahab` user belongs to. If a group does not yet exist in-image, prefix it with a `!`, e.g. `"groups": ["!docker"]`
   107  ### User Configuration: `~/.config/ahab/config.json`
   109  | Field                 | Type          | Default       | Description
   110  | :-------------------- | :------------ | :------------ | :--
   111  | `environment`         | [string]      | []            | List of extra `KEY=VALUE` environment variables to set in containers
   112  | `hideCommands`        | boolean       | false         | If true, Ahab will not print Docker commands before it runs them
   113  | `options`             | [string]      | []            | List of extra options passed during container creation
   114  | `volumes`             | [string]      | []            | List of extra of volumes to mount during container creation
   116  ## Key Features
   118  ### Container Permissions, Solved
   119  Never worry about file permissions in your bind-mounted directories again. Ahab sets up a non-root
   120  user inside your container with the proper credentials to create, remove, and edit bind-mounted
   121  files while maintaining their existing permissions. It does this in a highly configurable and
   122  transparent manner so you have complete control over your project.
   124  ### Git-Style Configuration
   125  Ahab looks for the `ahab.json` file like `git` looks for the `.git` folder. If there is no config
   126  file in the current directory, Ahab searches its parent directories recursively until `ahab.json`
   127  is found or the root of the file system is reached. With this system, it's easy to manage multiple
   128  containers on a single machine, or even in a single project. Internally, Ahab leverages this
   129  feature to run its test suite (`test/ahab.json`) and build distribution-specific packages
   130  (`build/deb/ahab.json`).
   132  ### Stateless Operation
   133  Ahab has no internal state and never writes to any files. Each invocation is a blank slate, so you
   134  never end up with a bad installation or inexplicable errors. Additionally, since Ahab is an
   135  independent compiled binary instead of an interpreted python package (like `docker-compose`), you
   136  don't have to worry about machine-specific interpreter/dependency issues.
   138  ### Transparent Behavior
   139  Ahab acts like a developer, only using Docker commands to interact with containers. The commands run
   140  by Ahab are printed directly in the shell, so you know exactly what it's doing - there's no "magic"
   141  here. This has two major benefits:
   143  1. It's easy to replace Ahab with other tooling if needed
   144  2. Your own Docker CLI skills improve as you use Ahab
   146  ### Universal Image Support
   147  With Ahab's robust configuration options, you don't need to manage custom images or Dockerfiles for
   148  your containerized projects! You can set up users/groups, install new packages, and utilize arbitrary
   149  container options all without a single Dockerfile or shell script.
   151  ## FAQ
   153  ### How is this different than docker-compose?
   154  Ahab was created in response to frustration with docker-compose. One issue with docker-compose is
   155  its lag time behind Docker itself. Since docker-compose is a python package which interfaces with
   156  Docker via docker-py, the docker-compose team has to wait on docker-py for feature support. At the
   157  time of writing, the `--gpus` option is unsupported by docker-compose 7 months after its release in
   158  Docker CE. Ahab's arbitrary container options entirely avoid this issue.
   160  A second concern over docker-compose is its distribution mechanism as a python package. For teams
   161  of developers, this can be problematic due to inconsistent python package management and dependency
   162  tree conflicts. Internal tooling to extend docker-compose further exacerbates these issues. In
   163  contrast, Ahab is installed as a standalone binary executable.
   165  Lastly, docker-compose and Ahab serve two very different project archetypes. The ability to run
   166  multiple interdependent containers is needed only by a minority of projects; for most, only a
   167  single well-configured environment is required. Here, Ahab thrives with its simpler config files,
   168  development-ready environments, and gentler learning curves. New, volatile projects especially
   169  benefit from Ahab's commitment to transparency and replaceability.