(about) 1 // Code generated from java-escape by ANTLR 4.11.1. DO NOT EDIT. 2 3 package fql // FqlParser 4 import "" 5 6 // FqlParserListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by FqlParser. 7 type FqlParserListener interface { 8 antlr.ParseTreeListener 9 10 // EnterProgram is called when entering the program production. 11 EnterProgram(c *ProgramContext) 12 13 // EnterHead is called when entering the head production. 14 EnterHead(c *HeadContext) 15 16 // EnterUseExpression is called when entering the useExpression production. 17 EnterUseExpression(c *UseExpressionContext) 18 19 // EnterUse is called when entering the use production. 20 EnterUse(c *UseContext) 21 22 // EnterBody is called when entering the body production. 23 EnterBody(c *BodyContext) 24 25 // EnterBodyStatement is called when entering the bodyStatement production. 26 EnterBodyStatement(c *BodyStatementContext) 27 28 // EnterBodyExpression is called when entering the bodyExpression production. 29 EnterBodyExpression(c *BodyExpressionContext) 30 31 // EnterVariableDeclaration is called when entering the variableDeclaration production. 32 EnterVariableDeclaration(c *VariableDeclarationContext) 33 34 // EnterReturnExpression is called when entering the returnExpression production. 35 EnterReturnExpression(c *ReturnExpressionContext) 36 37 // EnterForExpression is called when entering the forExpression production. 38 EnterForExpression(c *ForExpressionContext) 39 40 // EnterForExpressionSource is called when entering the forExpressionSource production. 41 EnterForExpressionSource(c *ForExpressionSourceContext) 42 43 // EnterForExpressionClause is called when entering the forExpressionClause production. 44 EnterForExpressionClause(c *ForExpressionClauseContext) 45 46 // EnterForExpressionStatement is called when entering the forExpressionStatement production. 47 EnterForExpressionStatement(c *ForExpressionStatementContext) 48 49 // EnterForExpressionBody is called when entering the forExpressionBody production. 50 EnterForExpressionBody(c *ForExpressionBodyContext) 51 52 // EnterForExpressionReturn is called when entering the forExpressionReturn production. 53 EnterForExpressionReturn(c *ForExpressionReturnContext) 54 55 // EnterFilterClause is called when entering the filterClause production. 56 EnterFilterClause(c *FilterClauseContext) 57 58 // EnterLimitClause is called when entering the limitClause production. 59 EnterLimitClause(c *LimitClauseContext) 60 61 // EnterLimitClauseValue is called when entering the limitClauseValue production. 62 EnterLimitClauseValue(c *LimitClauseValueContext) 63 64 // EnterSortClause is called when entering the sortClause production. 65 EnterSortClause(c *SortClauseContext) 66 67 // EnterSortClauseExpression is called when entering the sortClauseExpression production. 68 EnterSortClauseExpression(c *SortClauseExpressionContext) 69 70 // EnterCollectClause is called when entering the collectClause production. 71 EnterCollectClause(c *CollectClauseContext) 72 73 // EnterCollectSelector is called when entering the collectSelector production. 74 EnterCollectSelector(c *CollectSelectorContext) 75 76 // EnterCollectGrouping is called when entering the collectGrouping production. 77 EnterCollectGrouping(c *CollectGroupingContext) 78 79 // EnterCollectAggregator is called when entering the collectAggregator production. 80 EnterCollectAggregator(c *CollectAggregatorContext) 81 82 // EnterCollectAggregateSelector is called when entering the collectAggregateSelector production. 83 EnterCollectAggregateSelector(c *CollectAggregateSelectorContext) 84 85 // EnterCollectGroupVariable is called when entering the collectGroupVariable production. 86 EnterCollectGroupVariable(c *CollectGroupVariableContext) 87 88 // EnterCollectCounter is called when entering the collectCounter production. 89 EnterCollectCounter(c *CollectCounterContext) 90 91 // EnterWaitForExpression is called when entering the waitForExpression production. 92 EnterWaitForExpression(c *WaitForExpressionContext) 93 94 // EnterWaitForEventName is called when entering the waitForEventName production. 95 EnterWaitForEventName(c *WaitForEventNameContext) 96 97 // EnterWaitForEventSource is called when entering the waitForEventSource production. 98 EnterWaitForEventSource(c *WaitForEventSourceContext) 99 100 // EnterOptionsClause is called when entering the optionsClause production. 101 EnterOptionsClause(c *OptionsClauseContext) 102 103 // EnterTimeoutClause is called when entering the timeoutClause production. 104 EnterTimeoutClause(c *TimeoutClauseContext) 105 106 // EnterParam is called when entering the param production. 107 EnterParam(c *ParamContext) 108 109 // EnterVariable is called when entering the variable production. 110 EnterVariable(c *VariableContext) 111 112 // EnterLiteral is called when entering the literal production. 113 EnterLiteral(c *LiteralContext) 114 115 // EnterArrayLiteral is called when entering the arrayLiteral production. 116 EnterArrayLiteral(c *ArrayLiteralContext) 117 118 // EnterObjectLiteral is called when entering the objectLiteral production. 119 EnterObjectLiteral(c *ObjectLiteralContext) 120 121 // EnterBooleanLiteral is called when entering the booleanLiteral production. 122 EnterBooleanLiteral(c *BooleanLiteralContext) 123 124 // EnterStringLiteral is called when entering the stringLiteral production. 125 EnterStringLiteral(c *StringLiteralContext) 126 127 // EnterFloatLiteral is called when entering the floatLiteral production. 128 EnterFloatLiteral(c *FloatLiteralContext) 129 130 // EnterIntegerLiteral is called when entering the integerLiteral production. 131 EnterIntegerLiteral(c *IntegerLiteralContext) 132 133 // EnterNoneLiteral is called when entering the noneLiteral production. 134 EnterNoneLiteral(c *NoneLiteralContext) 135 136 // EnterPropertyAssignment is called when entering the propertyAssignment production. 137 EnterPropertyAssignment(c *PropertyAssignmentContext) 138 139 // EnterComputedPropertyName is called when entering the computedPropertyName production. 140 EnterComputedPropertyName(c *ComputedPropertyNameContext) 141 142 // EnterPropertyName is called when entering the propertyName production. 143 EnterPropertyName(c *PropertyNameContext) 144 145 // EnterNamespaceIdentifier is called when entering the namespaceIdentifier production. 146 EnterNamespaceIdentifier(c *NamespaceIdentifierContext) 147 148 // EnterNamespace is called when entering the namespace production. 149 EnterNamespace(c *NamespaceContext) 150 151 // EnterMemberExpression is called when entering the memberExpression production. 152 EnterMemberExpression(c *MemberExpressionContext) 153 154 // EnterMemberExpressionSource is called when entering the memberExpressionSource production. 155 EnterMemberExpressionSource(c *MemberExpressionSourceContext) 156 157 // EnterFunctionCallExpression is called when entering the functionCallExpression production. 158 EnterFunctionCallExpression(c *FunctionCallExpressionContext) 159 160 // EnterFunctionCall is called when entering the functionCall production. 161 EnterFunctionCall(c *FunctionCallContext) 162 163 // EnterFunctionName is called when entering the functionName production. 164 EnterFunctionName(c *FunctionNameContext) 165 166 // EnterArgumentList is called when entering the argumentList production. 167 EnterArgumentList(c *ArgumentListContext) 168 169 // EnterMemberExpressionPath is called when entering the memberExpressionPath production. 170 EnterMemberExpressionPath(c *MemberExpressionPathContext) 171 172 // EnterSafeReservedWord is called when entering the safeReservedWord production. 173 EnterSafeReservedWord(c *SafeReservedWordContext) 174 175 // EnterUnsafeReservedWord is called when entering the unsafeReservedWord production. 176 EnterUnsafeReservedWord(c *UnsafeReservedWordContext) 177 178 // EnterRangeOperator is called when entering the rangeOperator production. 179 EnterRangeOperator(c *RangeOperatorContext) 180 181 // EnterRangeOperand is called when entering the rangeOperand production. 182 EnterRangeOperand(c *RangeOperandContext) 183 184 // EnterExpression is called when entering the expression production. 185 EnterExpression(c *ExpressionContext) 186 187 // EnterPredicate is called when entering the predicate production. 188 EnterPredicate(c *PredicateContext) 189 190 // EnterExpressionAtom is called when entering the expressionAtom production. 191 EnterExpressionAtom(c *ExpressionAtomContext) 192 193 // EnterArrayOperator is called when entering the arrayOperator production. 194 EnterArrayOperator(c *ArrayOperatorContext) 195 196 // EnterEqualityOperator is called when entering the equalityOperator production. 197 EnterEqualityOperator(c *EqualityOperatorContext) 198 199 // EnterInOperator is called when entering the inOperator production. 200 EnterInOperator(c *InOperatorContext) 201 202 // EnterLikeOperator is called when entering the likeOperator production. 203 EnterLikeOperator(c *LikeOperatorContext) 204 205 // EnterUnaryOperator is called when entering the unaryOperator production. 206 EnterUnaryOperator(c *UnaryOperatorContext) 207 208 // EnterRegexpOperator is called when entering the regexpOperator production. 209 EnterRegexpOperator(c *RegexpOperatorContext) 210 211 // EnterLogicalAndOperator is called when entering the logicalAndOperator production. 212 EnterLogicalAndOperator(c *LogicalAndOperatorContext) 213 214 // EnterLogicalOrOperator is called when entering the logicalOrOperator production. 215 EnterLogicalOrOperator(c *LogicalOrOperatorContext) 216 217 // EnterMultiplicativeOperator is called when entering the multiplicativeOperator production. 218 EnterMultiplicativeOperator(c *MultiplicativeOperatorContext) 219 220 // EnterAdditiveOperator is called when entering the additiveOperator production. 221 EnterAdditiveOperator(c *AdditiveOperatorContext) 222 223 // EnterErrorOperator is called when entering the errorOperator production. 224 EnterErrorOperator(c *ErrorOperatorContext) 225 226 // ExitProgram is called when exiting the program production. 227 ExitProgram(c *ProgramContext) 228 229 // ExitHead is called when exiting the head production. 230 ExitHead(c *HeadContext) 231 232 // ExitUseExpression is called when exiting the useExpression production. 233 ExitUseExpression(c *UseExpressionContext) 234 235 // ExitUse is called when exiting the use production. 236 ExitUse(c *UseContext) 237 238 // ExitBody is called when exiting the body production. 239 ExitBody(c *BodyContext) 240 241 // ExitBodyStatement is called when exiting the bodyStatement production. 242 ExitBodyStatement(c *BodyStatementContext) 243 244 // ExitBodyExpression is called when exiting the bodyExpression production. 245 ExitBodyExpression(c *BodyExpressionContext) 246 247 // ExitVariableDeclaration is called when exiting the variableDeclaration production. 248 ExitVariableDeclaration(c *VariableDeclarationContext) 249 250 // ExitReturnExpression is called when exiting the returnExpression production. 251 ExitReturnExpression(c *ReturnExpressionContext) 252 253 // ExitForExpression is called when exiting the forExpression production. 254 ExitForExpression(c *ForExpressionContext) 255 256 // ExitForExpressionSource is called when exiting the forExpressionSource production. 257 ExitForExpressionSource(c *ForExpressionSourceContext) 258 259 // ExitForExpressionClause is called when exiting the forExpressionClause production. 260 ExitForExpressionClause(c *ForExpressionClauseContext) 261 262 // ExitForExpressionStatement is called when exiting the forExpressionStatement production. 263 ExitForExpressionStatement(c *ForExpressionStatementContext) 264 265 // ExitForExpressionBody is called when exiting the forExpressionBody production. 266 ExitForExpressionBody(c *ForExpressionBodyContext) 267 268 // ExitForExpressionReturn is called when exiting the forExpressionReturn production. 269 ExitForExpressionReturn(c *ForExpressionReturnContext) 270 271 // ExitFilterClause is called when exiting the filterClause production. 272 ExitFilterClause(c *FilterClauseContext) 273 274 // ExitLimitClause is called when exiting the limitClause production. 275 ExitLimitClause(c *LimitClauseContext) 276 277 // ExitLimitClauseValue is called when exiting the limitClauseValue production. 278 ExitLimitClauseValue(c *LimitClauseValueContext) 279 280 // ExitSortClause is called when exiting the sortClause production. 281 ExitSortClause(c *SortClauseContext) 282 283 // ExitSortClauseExpression is called when exiting the sortClauseExpression production. 284 ExitSortClauseExpression(c *SortClauseExpressionContext) 285 286 // ExitCollectClause is called when exiting the collectClause production. 287 ExitCollectClause(c *CollectClauseContext) 288 289 // ExitCollectSelector is called when exiting the collectSelector production. 290 ExitCollectSelector(c *CollectSelectorContext) 291 292 // ExitCollectGrouping is called when exiting the collectGrouping production. 293 ExitCollectGrouping(c *CollectGroupingContext) 294 295 // ExitCollectAggregator is called when exiting the collectAggregator production. 296 ExitCollectAggregator(c *CollectAggregatorContext) 297 298 // ExitCollectAggregateSelector is called when exiting the collectAggregateSelector production. 299 ExitCollectAggregateSelector(c *CollectAggregateSelectorContext) 300 301 // ExitCollectGroupVariable is called when exiting the collectGroupVariable production. 302 ExitCollectGroupVariable(c *CollectGroupVariableContext) 303 304 // ExitCollectCounter is called when exiting the collectCounter production. 305 ExitCollectCounter(c *CollectCounterContext) 306 307 // ExitWaitForExpression is called when exiting the waitForExpression production. 308 ExitWaitForExpression(c *WaitForExpressionContext) 309 310 // ExitWaitForEventName is called when exiting the waitForEventName production. 311 ExitWaitForEventName(c *WaitForEventNameContext) 312 313 // ExitWaitForEventSource is called when exiting the waitForEventSource production. 314 ExitWaitForEventSource(c *WaitForEventSourceContext) 315 316 // ExitOptionsClause is called when exiting the optionsClause production. 317 ExitOptionsClause(c *OptionsClauseContext) 318 319 // ExitTimeoutClause is called when exiting the timeoutClause production. 320 ExitTimeoutClause(c *TimeoutClauseContext) 321 322 // ExitParam is called when exiting the param production. 323 ExitParam(c *ParamContext) 324 325 // ExitVariable is called when exiting the variable production. 326 ExitVariable(c *VariableContext) 327 328 // ExitLiteral is called when exiting the literal production. 329 ExitLiteral(c *LiteralContext) 330 331 // ExitArrayLiteral is called when exiting the arrayLiteral production. 332 ExitArrayLiteral(c *ArrayLiteralContext) 333 334 // ExitObjectLiteral is called when exiting the objectLiteral production. 335 ExitObjectLiteral(c *ObjectLiteralContext) 336 337 // ExitBooleanLiteral is called when exiting the booleanLiteral production. 338 ExitBooleanLiteral(c *BooleanLiteralContext) 339 340 // ExitStringLiteral is called when exiting the stringLiteral production. 341 ExitStringLiteral(c *StringLiteralContext) 342 343 // ExitFloatLiteral is called when exiting the floatLiteral production. 344 ExitFloatLiteral(c *FloatLiteralContext) 345 346 // ExitIntegerLiteral is called when exiting the integerLiteral production. 347 ExitIntegerLiteral(c *IntegerLiteralContext) 348 349 // ExitNoneLiteral is called when exiting the noneLiteral production. 350 ExitNoneLiteral(c *NoneLiteralContext) 351 352 // ExitPropertyAssignment is called when exiting the propertyAssignment production. 353 ExitPropertyAssignment(c *PropertyAssignmentContext) 354 355 // ExitComputedPropertyName is called when exiting the computedPropertyName production. 356 ExitComputedPropertyName(c *ComputedPropertyNameContext) 357 358 // ExitPropertyName is called when exiting the propertyName production. 359 ExitPropertyName(c *PropertyNameContext) 360 361 // ExitNamespaceIdentifier is called when exiting the namespaceIdentifier production. 362 ExitNamespaceIdentifier(c *NamespaceIdentifierContext) 363 364 // ExitNamespace is called when exiting the namespace production. 365 ExitNamespace(c *NamespaceContext) 366 367 // ExitMemberExpression is called when exiting the memberExpression production. 368 ExitMemberExpression(c *MemberExpressionContext) 369 370 // ExitMemberExpressionSource is called when exiting the memberExpressionSource production. 371 ExitMemberExpressionSource(c *MemberExpressionSourceContext) 372 373 // ExitFunctionCallExpression is called when exiting the functionCallExpression production. 374 ExitFunctionCallExpression(c *FunctionCallExpressionContext) 375 376 // ExitFunctionCall is called when exiting the functionCall production. 377 ExitFunctionCall(c *FunctionCallContext) 378 379 // ExitFunctionName is called when exiting the functionName production. 380 ExitFunctionName(c *FunctionNameContext) 381 382 // ExitArgumentList is called when exiting the argumentList production. 383 ExitArgumentList(c *ArgumentListContext) 384 385 // ExitMemberExpressionPath is called when exiting the memberExpressionPath production. 386 ExitMemberExpressionPath(c *MemberExpressionPathContext) 387 388 // ExitSafeReservedWord is called when exiting the safeReservedWord production. 389 ExitSafeReservedWord(c *SafeReservedWordContext) 390 391 // ExitUnsafeReservedWord is called when exiting the unsafeReservedWord production. 392 ExitUnsafeReservedWord(c *UnsafeReservedWordContext) 393 394 // ExitRangeOperator is called when exiting the rangeOperator production. 395 ExitRangeOperator(c *RangeOperatorContext) 396 397 // ExitRangeOperand is called when exiting the rangeOperand production. 398 ExitRangeOperand(c *RangeOperandContext) 399 400 // ExitExpression is called when exiting the expression production. 401 ExitExpression(c *ExpressionContext) 402 403 // ExitPredicate is called when exiting the predicate production. 404 ExitPredicate(c *PredicateContext) 405 406 // ExitExpressionAtom is called when exiting the expressionAtom production. 407 ExitExpressionAtom(c *ExpressionAtomContext) 408 409 // ExitArrayOperator is called when exiting the arrayOperator production. 410 ExitArrayOperator(c *ArrayOperatorContext) 411 412 // ExitEqualityOperator is called when exiting the equalityOperator production. 413 ExitEqualityOperator(c *EqualityOperatorContext) 414 415 // ExitInOperator is called when exiting the inOperator production. 416 ExitInOperator(c *InOperatorContext) 417 418 // ExitLikeOperator is called when exiting the likeOperator production. 419 ExitLikeOperator(c *LikeOperatorContext) 420 421 // ExitUnaryOperator is called when exiting the unaryOperator production. 422 ExitUnaryOperator(c *UnaryOperatorContext) 423 424 // ExitRegexpOperator is called when exiting the regexpOperator production. 425 ExitRegexpOperator(c *RegexpOperatorContext) 426 427 // ExitLogicalAndOperator is called when exiting the logicalAndOperator production. 428 ExitLogicalAndOperator(c *LogicalAndOperatorContext) 429 430 // ExitLogicalOrOperator is called when exiting the logicalOrOperator production. 431 ExitLogicalOrOperator(c *LogicalOrOperatorContext) 432 433 // ExitMultiplicativeOperator is called when exiting the multiplicativeOperator production. 434 ExitMultiplicativeOperator(c *MultiplicativeOperatorContext) 435 436 // ExitAdditiveOperator is called when exiting the additiveOperator production. 437 ExitAdditiveOperator(c *AdditiveOperatorContext) 438 439 // ExitErrorOperator is called when exiting the errorOperator production. 440 ExitErrorOperator(c *ErrorOperatorContext) 441 }