
     1  // Package integration_test.
     2  /*
     3   * Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
     4   */
     5  package integration_test
     7  import (
     8  	"archive/tar"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"math/rand"
    11  	"net/url"
    12  	"os"
    13  	"path"
    14  	"path/filepath"
    15  	"testing"
    16  	"time"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  )
    35  //
    36  // GET from
    37  //
    39  func TestGetFromArch(t *testing.T) {
    40  	const tmpDir = "/tmp"
    41  	runProviderTests(t, func(t *testing.T, bck *meta.Bck) {
    42  		var (
    43  			m = ioContext{
    44  				t:   t,
    45  				bck: bck.Clone(),
    46  			}
    47  			baseParams  = tools.BaseAPIParams(m.proxyURL)
    48  			errCh       = make(chan error, m.num)
    49  			numArchived = 100
    50  			randomNames = make([]string, numArchived)
    51  			subtests    = []struct {
    52  				ext        string // one of archive.FileExtensions
    53  				nested     bool   // subdirs
    54  				autodetect bool   // auto-detect by magic
    55  				mime       bool   // specify mime type
    56  			}{
    57  				{
    58  					ext: archive.ExtTar, nested: false, autodetect: false, mime: false,
    59  				},
    60  				{
    61  					ext: archive.ExtTarGz, nested: false, autodetect: false, mime: false,
    62  				},
    63  				{
    64  					ext: archive.ExtZip, nested: false, autodetect: false, mime: false,
    65  				},
    66  				{
    67  					ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, nested: false, autodetect: false, mime: false,
    68  				},
    69  				{
    70  					ext: archive.ExtTar, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: false,
    71  				},
    72  				{
    73  					ext: archive.ExtTarGz, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: false,
    74  				},
    75  				{
    76  					ext: archive.ExtZip, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: false,
    77  				},
    78  				{
    79  					ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: false,
    80  				},
    81  				{
    82  					ext: archive.ExtTar, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: true,
    83  				},
    84  				{
    85  					ext: archive.ExtTarGz, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: true,
    86  				},
    87  				{
    88  					ext: archive.ExtZip, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: true,
    89  				},
    90  				{
    91  					ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, nested: true, autodetect: true, mime: true,
    92  				},
    93  			}
    94  		)
    95  		if testing.Short() {
    96  			numArchived = 10
    97  		}
    98  		var (
    99  			sparsePrint           atomic.Int64
   100  			corruptAutoDetectOnce atomic.Int64
   101  		)
   102  		for _, test := range subtests {
   103  			tname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/nested=%t/detect=%t/mime=%t", test.ext, test.nested, test.autodetect, test.mime)
   104  			for _, tf := range []tar.Format{tar.FormatUnknown, tar.FormatGNU, tar.FormatPAX} {
   105  				tarFormat := tf
   106  				t.Run(path.Join(tname, "format-"+tarFormat.String()), func(t *testing.T) {
   107  					var (
   108  						err      error
   109  						fsize    = rand.Intn(10*cos.KiB) + 1
   110  						archName = tmpDir + "/" + cos.GenTie() + test.ext
   111  						dirs     = []string{"a", "b", "c", "a/b", "a/c", "b/c", "a/b/c", "a/c/b", "b/a/c"}
   112  					)
   113  					for i := range numArchived {
   114  						j := rand.Int()
   115  						randomNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d.txt", j)
   116  						if test.nested {
   117  							k := j % len(dirs)
   118  							dir := dirs[k]
   119  							randomNames[i] = dir + "/" + randomNames[i]
   120  						}
   121  						if j%3 == 0 {
   122  							randomNames[i] = "/" + randomNames[i]
   123  						}
   124  					}
   125  					err = tarch.CreateArchRandomFiles(
   126  						archName,
   127  						tarFormat,
   128  						test.ext,
   129  						numArchived,
   130  						fsize,
   131  						false,       // duplication
   132  						nil,         // record extensions
   133  						randomNames, // pregenerated filenames
   134  					)
   135  					tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   137  					objname := filepath.Base(archName)
   138  					if test.autodetect {
   139  						objname = objname[0 : len(objname)-len(test.ext)]
   140  					}
   142  					var (
   143  						reader    readers.Reader
   144  						corrupted bool
   145  					)
   146  					if test.autodetect && corruptAutoDetectOnce.Inc() == 1 {
   147  						corrupted = true
   148  						tlog.Logf("============== damaging %s - overwriting w/ random data\n", archName)
   149  						reader, err = readers.NewRandFile(filepath.Dir(archName),
   150  							filepath.Base(archName), 1024, cos.ChecksumNone)
   151  					} else {
   152  						reader, err = readers.NewExistingFile(archName, cos.ChecksumNone)
   153  					}
   154  					tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   155  					defer os.Remove(archName)
   157  					tools.Put(m.proxyURL, m.bck, objname, reader, errCh)
   158  					tassert.SelectErr(t, errCh, "put", true)
   160  					for _, randomName := range randomNames {
   161  						var mime string
   162  						if test.mime {
   163  							mime = "application/x-" + test.ext[1:]
   164  						}
   165  						getArgs := api.GetArgs{
   166  							Query: url.Values{
   167  								apc.QparamArchpath: []string{randomName},
   168  								apc.QparamArchmime: []string{mime},
   169  							},
   170  						}
   171  						oah, err := api.GetObject(baseParams, m.bck, objname, &getArgs)
   172  						if sparsePrint.Inc()%13 == 0 {
   173  							tlog.Logf("%s?%s=%s(%dB)\n", m.bck.Cname(objname), apc.QparamArchpath,
   174  								randomName, oah.Size())
   175  						}
   176  						if corrupted {
   177  							tassert.Errorf(t, err != nil, "expecting error reading corrupted arch %q", archName)
   178  							break
   179  						}
   180  						if err != nil {
   181  							tlog.Logf("Error reading %s?%s=%s(%dB), where randomName=%q, objname=%q, mime=%q, archName=%q\n",
   182  								m.bck.Cname(objname), apc.QparamArchpath, randomName, oah.Size(),
   183  								randomName, objname, mime, archName)
   184  							tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   185  						}
   186  					}
   187  				})
   188  			}
   189  		}
   190  	})
   191  }
   193  // archive multple obj-s with an option to append if exists
   194  func TestArchMultiObj(t *testing.T) {
   195  	tools.CheckSkip(t, &tools.SkipTestArgs{Long: true})
   196  	runProviderTests(t, func(t *testing.T, bck *meta.Bck) {
   197  		testArch(t, bck)
   198  	})
   199  }
   201  func testArch(t *testing.T, bck *meta.Bck) {
   202  	var (
   203  		numPuts = 100
   204  		m       = ioContext{
   205  			t:       t,
   206  			bck:     bck.Clone(),
   207  			num:     numPuts,
   208  			prefix:  "archive/",
   209  			ordered: true,
   210  		}
   211  		proxyURL   = tools.RandomProxyURL(t)
   212  		baseParams = tools.BaseAPIParams(proxyURL)
   213  		numArchs   = 15
   214  		numInArch  = min(m.num/2, 7)
   215  		fmtRange   = "%s{%d..%d}"
   216  		subtests   = []struct {
   217  			ext            string // one of archive.FileExtensions (same as: supported arch formats)
   218  			list           bool
   219  			inclSrcBckName bool
   220  			abrt           bool
   221  			apnd           bool
   222  		}{
   223  			{
   224  				ext: archive.ExtTar, list: true,
   225  			},
   226  			{
   227  				ext: archive.ExtTar, list: false, inclSrcBckName: true,
   228  			},
   229  			{
   230  				ext: archive.ExtTar, list: false,
   231  			},
   232  			{
   233  				ext: archive.ExtTar, list: true, apnd: true,
   234  			},
   235  			{
   236  				ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, list: true,
   237  			},
   238  		}
   239  		subtestsLong = []struct {
   240  			ext            string // one of archive.FileExtensions (same as: supported arch formats)
   241  			list           bool
   242  			inclSrcBckName bool
   243  			abrt           bool
   244  			apnd           bool
   245  		}{
   246  			{
   247  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, list: true,
   248  			},
   249  			{
   250  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, list: false, inclSrcBckName: true,
   251  			},
   252  			{
   253  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, list: true, inclSrcBckName: true, apnd: true,
   254  			},
   255  			{
   256  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, list: false, apnd: true,
   257  			},
   258  			{
   259  				ext: archive.ExtZip, list: true,
   260  			},
   261  			{
   262  				ext: archive.ExtZip, list: false, inclSrcBckName: true,
   263  			},
   264  			{
   265  				ext: archive.ExtZip, list: true,
   266  			},
   267  			{
   268  				ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, list: false,
   269  			},
   270  		}
   271  	)
   272  	if testing.Short() {
   273  		numArchs = 2
   274  	} else { // test-long
   275  		subtests = append(subtests, subtestsLong...)
   276  	}
   277  	for _, test := range subtests {
   278  		var (
   279  			abrt        string
   280  			listOrRange = "list"
   281  		)
   282  		if !test.list {
   283  			listOrRange = "range"
   284  		}
   285  		tm := mono.NanoTime()
   286  		if tm&0x3 == 0 && !test.apnd {
   287  			test.abrt = true
   288  			abrt = "/abort"
   289  		}
   290  		tname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s%s", test.ext, listOrRange, abrt)
   291  		if test.inclSrcBckName {
   292  			tname += "/incl-src=" + m.bck.Name
   293  		}
   294  		if test.apnd {
   295  			tname += "/append"
   296  		}
   297  		t.Run(tname, func(t *testing.T) {
   298  			if m.bck.IsRemote() {
   299  				m.num = numPuts >> 1
   300  			}
   301  			m.init(true /*cleanup*/)
   302  			m.fileSize = min(m.fileSize+m.fileSize/3, 32*cos.KiB)
   303  			m.puts()
   304  			if m.bck.IsRemote() {
   305  				defer m.del(-1)
   306  			}
   307  			bckTo := cmn.Bck{Name: trand.String(10), Provider: apc.AIS}
   308  			tools.CreateBucket(t, proxyURL, bckTo, nil, true /*cleanup*/)
   310  			if test.list {
   311  				for i := range numArchs {
   312  					archName := fmt.Sprintf("test_lst_%02d%s", i, test.ext)
   313  					list := make([]string, 0, numInArch)
   314  					for range numInArch {
   315  						list = append(list, m.objNames[rand.Intn(m.num)])
   316  					}
   317  					go func(archName string, list []string, i int) {
   318  						msg := cmn.ArchiveBckMsg{
   319  							ToBck:      bckTo,
   320  							ArchiveMsg: apc.ArchiveMsg{ArchName: archName},
   321  						}
   322  						msg.ListRange.ObjNames = list
   323  						msg.InclSrcBname = test.inclSrcBckName
   325  						xids, err := api.ArchiveMultiObj(baseParams, m.bck, &msg)
   326  						tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   327  						tlog.Logf("[%s] %2d: arch list %d objects %s => %s\n", xids, i, len(list), m.bck, bckTo)
   328  					}(archName, list, i)
   329  				}
   330  			} else {
   331  				for i := range numArchs {
   332  					archName := fmt.Sprintf("test_rng_%02d%s", i, test.ext)
   333  					start := rand.Intn(m.num - numInArch)
   334  					go func(archName string, start, i int) {
   335  						msg := cmn.ArchiveBckMsg{
   336  							ToBck:      bckTo,
   337  							ArchiveMsg: apc.ArchiveMsg{ArchName: archName},
   338  						}
   339  						msg.ListRange.Template = fmt.Sprintf(fmtRange, m.prefix, start, start+numInArch-1)
   340  						msg.InclSrcBname = test.inclSrcBckName
   342  						xids, err := api.ArchiveMultiObj(baseParams, m.bck, &msg)
   343  						tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   344  						tlog.Logf("[%s] %2d: arch range %s %s => %s\n",
   345  							xids, i, msg.ListRange.Template, m.bck, bckTo)
   346  					}(archName, start, i)
   347  				}
   348  			}
   350  			flt := xact.ArgsMsg{Kind: apc.ActArchive, Bck: m.bck}
   351  			if test.abrt {
   352  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)+1) * time.Second)
   353  				tlog.Logln("Aborting...")
   354  				api.AbortXaction(baseParams, &flt)
   355  			}
   357  			var lstToAppend *cmn.LsoRes
   358  			for ii := range 2 {
   359  				api.WaitForXactionIdle(baseParams, &flt)
   361  				tlog.Logf("List %s\n", bckTo)
   362  				msg := &apc.LsoMsg{Prefix: "test_"}
   363  				msg.AddProps(apc.GetPropsName, apc.GetPropsSize)
   364  				objList, err := api.ListObjects(baseParams, bckTo, msg, api.ListArgs{})
   365  				tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   366  				for _, en := range objList.Entries {
   367  					tlog.Logf("%s: %dB\n", en.Name, en.Size)
   368  				}
   369  				num := len(objList.Entries)
   370  				if num < numArchs && ii == 0 {
   371  					tlog.Logf("Warning: expected %d, have %d - retrying...\n", numArchs, num)
   372  					time.Sleep(7 * time.Second) // TODO: ditto
   373  					continue
   374  				}
   375  				tassert.Errorf(t, num == numArchs || test.abrt, "expected %d, have %d", numArchs, num)
   376  				lstToAppend = objList
   377  				break
   378  			}
   380  			msg := &apc.LsoMsg{Prefix: "test_"}
   381  			msg.AddProps(apc.GetPropsName, apc.GetPropsSize)
   382  			msg.SetFlag(apc.LsArchDir)
   383  			objList, err := api.ListObjects(baseParams, bckTo, msg, api.ListArgs{})
   384  			tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   385  			num := len(objList.Entries)
   386  			expectedNum := numArchs + numArchs*numInArch
   388  			tassert.Errorf(t, num == expectedNum || test.abrt, "expected %d, have %d", expectedNum, num)
   390  			// multi-object APPEND
   391  			if test.apnd {
   392  				for _, e := range lstToAppend.Entries {
   393  					start := rand.Intn(m.num - numInArch)
   394  					go func(archName string, start int) {
   395  						msg := cmn.ArchiveBckMsg{
   396  							ToBck:      bckTo,
   397  							ArchiveMsg: apc.ArchiveMsg{ArchName: archName},
   398  						}
   399  						msg.ListRange.Template = fmt.Sprintf(fmtRange, m.prefix, start, start+numInArch-1)
   400  						msg.InclSrcBname = test.inclSrcBckName
   402  						msg.AppendIfExists = true // here
   404  						xids, err := api.ArchiveMultiObj(baseParams, m.bck, &msg)
   405  						tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   406  						tlog.Logf("[%s] APPEND %s/%s => %s/%s\n",
   407  							xids, m.bck, msg.ListRange.Template, bckTo, archName)
   408  					}(e.Name, start)
   409  				}
   411  				time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
   412  				flt := xact.ArgsMsg{Kind: apc.ActArchive, Bck: m.bck}
   413  				api.WaitForXactionIdle(baseParams, &flt)
   414  			}
   416  			var (
   417  				objName string
   418  				mime    = "application/x-" + test.ext[1:]
   419  			)
   420  			for _, en := range objList.Entries {
   421  				if !en.IsInsideArch() {
   422  					objName = en.Name
   423  					continue
   424  				}
   425  				if rand.Intn(3) > 0 {
   426  					continue
   427  				}
   429  				getArgs := api.GetArgs{
   430  					Query: url.Values{
   431  						apc.QparamArchpath: []string{en.Name},
   432  						apc.QparamArchmime: []string{mime},
   433  					},
   434  				}
   435  				oah, err := api.GetObject(baseParams, bckTo, objName, &getArgs)
   436  				if err != nil {
   437  					t.Errorf("%s?%s=%s(%dB): %v", bckTo.Cname(objName), apc.QparamArchpath, en.Name, oah.Size(), err)
   438  				}
   439  			}
   440  		})
   441  	}
   442  }
   444  // exercises `api.ArchiveMultiObj` followed by api.PutApndArch(local rand-reader)
   445  func TestAppendToArch(t *testing.T) {
   446  	var (
   447  		bckFrom = cmn.Bck{Name: trand.String(10), Provider: apc.AIS}
   448  		bckTo   = cmn.Bck{Name: trand.String(10), Provider: apc.AIS}
   449  		m       = ioContext{
   450  			t:       t,
   451  			bck:     bckFrom,
   452  			num:     10,
   453  			prefix:  "archive/",
   454  			ordered: true,
   455  		}
   456  		proxyURL   = tools.RandomProxyURL(t)
   457  		baseParams = tools.BaseAPIParams(proxyURL)
   458  		numArchs   = m.num
   459  		numAdd     = m.num
   460  		numInArch  = min(m.num/2, 7)
   461  		objPattern = "test_lst_%04d%s"
   462  		archPath   = "extra/newfile%04d"
   463  		subtests   = []struct {
   464  			ext   string // one of archive.FileExtensions (same as: supported arch formats)
   465  			multi bool   // false - append a single file, true - append a list of objects
   466  		}{
   467  			{
   468  				ext: archive.ExtTar, multi: false,
   469  			},
   470  			{
   471  				ext: archive.ExtTar, multi: true,
   472  			},
   473  			{
   474  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, multi: false,
   475  			},
   476  			{
   477  				ext: archive.ExtTgz, multi: true,
   478  			},
   479  			{
   480  				ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, multi: false,
   481  			},
   482  		}
   483  		subtestsLong = []struct {
   484  			ext   string // one of archive.FileExtensions (same as: supported arch formats)
   485  			multi bool   // false - append a single file, true - append a list of objects
   486  		}{
   487  			{
   488  				ext: archive.ExtZip, multi: false,
   489  			},
   490  			{
   491  				ext: archive.ExtZip, multi: true,
   492  			},
   493  			{
   494  				ext: archive.ExtTarLz4, multi: true,
   495  			},
   496  		}
   497  	)
   498  	if !testing.Short() { // test-long, and see one other Skip below
   499  		subtests = append(subtests, subtestsLong...)
   500  	}
   501  	for _, test := range subtests {
   502  		tname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/multi=%t", test.ext, test.multi)
   503  		t.Run(tname, func(t *testing.T) {
   504  			tools.CreateBucket(t, proxyURL, bckFrom, nil, true /*cleanup*/)
   505  			tools.CreateBucket(t, proxyURL, bckTo, nil, true /*cleanup*/)
   506  			m.init(true /*cleanup*/)
   507  			m.fileSize = min(m.fileSize+m.fileSize/3, 32*cos.KiB)
   508  			m.puts()
   510  			if testing.Short() && test.ext != archive.ExtTar {
   511  				// skip all multi-object appends
   512  				if test.multi {
   513  					tools.ShortSkipf(t)
   514  				}
   515  				// reduce
   516  				numArchs = 2
   517  				numAdd = 3
   518  			}
   520  			for i := range numArchs {
   521  				archName := fmt.Sprintf(objPattern, i, test.ext)
   522  				list := make([]string, 0, numInArch)
   523  				for range numInArch {
   524  					list = append(list, m.objNames[rand.Intn(m.num)])
   525  				}
   526  				go func(archName string, list []string) {
   527  					msg := cmn.ArchiveBckMsg{
   528  						ToBck:      bckTo,
   529  						ArchiveMsg: apc.ArchiveMsg{ArchName: archName},
   530  					}
   531  					msg.ListRange.ObjNames = list
   533  					_, err := api.ArchiveMultiObj(baseParams, m.bck, &msg)
   534  					tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   535  				}(archName, list)
   536  			}
   538  			wargs := xact.ArgsMsg{Kind: apc.ActArchive, Bck: m.bck}
   539  			api.WaitForXactionIdle(baseParams, &wargs)
   541  			lsmsg := &apc.LsoMsg{Prefix: "test_lst"}
   542  			lsmsg.AddProps(apc.GetPropsName, apc.GetPropsSize)
   543  			objList, err := api.ListObjects(baseParams, bckTo, lsmsg, api.ListArgs{})
   544  			tassert.CheckFatal(t, err)
   545  			num := len(objList.Entries)
   546  			tassert.Errorf(t, num == numArchs, "expected %d, have %d", numArchs, num)
   548  			var sparsePrint atomic.Int64
   549  			for i := range numArchs {
   550  				archName := fmt.Sprintf(objPattern, i, test.ext)
   551  				if test.multi {
   552  					tlog.Logf("APPEND multi-obj %s => %s/%s\n", bckFrom, bckTo, archName)
   553  					list := make([]string, 0, numAdd)
   554  					for range numAdd {
   555  						list = append(list, m.objNames[rand.Intn(m.num)])
   556  					}
   557  					msg := cmn.ArchiveBckMsg{
   558  						ToBck:      bckTo,
   559  						ArchiveMsg: apc.ArchiveMsg{ArchName: archName},
   560  					}
   561  					msg.AppendIfExists = true
   562  					msg.ListRange.ObjNames = list
   563  					go func() {
   564  						_, err = api.ArchiveMultiObj(baseParams, bckFrom, &msg)
   565  						tassert.CheckError(t, err)
   566  					}()
   567  				} else {
   568  					for j := range numAdd {
   569  						reader, _ := readers.NewRand(fileSize, cos.ChecksumNone)
   570  						putArgs := api.PutArgs{
   571  							BaseParams: baseParams,
   572  							Bck:        bckTo,
   573  							ObjName:    archName,
   574  							Reader:     reader,
   575  							Size:       fileSize,
   576  						}
   577  						archpath := fmt.Sprintf(archPath, j) + cos.GenTie()
   578  						appendArchArgs := api.PutApndArchArgs{
   579  							PutArgs:  putArgs,
   580  							ArchPath: archpath,
   581  							Flags:    apc.ArchAppend, // existence required
   582  						}
   583  						if sparsePrint.Inc()%13 == 0 {
   584  							tlog.Logf("APPEND local rand => %s/%s/%s\n", bckTo, archName, archpath)
   585  						}
   586  						err = api.PutApndArch(&appendArchArgs)
   587  						tassert.CheckError(t, err)
   588  					}
   589  				}
   590  			}
   591  			if test.multi {
   592  				wargs := xact.ArgsMsg{Kind: apc.ActArchive, Bck: m.bck}
   593  				api.WaitForXactionIdle(baseParams, &wargs)
   594  			}
   596  			lsmsg.SetFlag(apc.LsArchDir)
   597  			objList, err = api.ListObjects(baseParams, bckTo, lsmsg, api.ListArgs{})
   598  			tassert.CheckError(t, err)
   599  			num = len(objList.Entries)
   600  			expectedNum := numArchs + numArchs*(numInArch+numAdd)
   602  			tassert.Errorf(t, num == expectedNum, "expected %d, have %d", expectedNum, num)
   603  		})
   604  	}
   605  }