
     1  // Package api provides native Go-based API/SDK over HTTP(S).
     2  /*
     3   * Copyright (c) 2018-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
     4   */
     5  package api
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"net/http"
    10  	"net/url"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  )
    22  // Start xaction
    23  func StartXaction(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg, extra string) (xid string, err error) {
    24  	if !xact.Table[args.Kind].Startable {
    25  		return "", fmt.Errorf("xaction %q is not startable", args.Kind)
    26  	}
    27  	q := args.Bck.NewQuery()
    28  	if args.Force {
    29  		q.Set(apc.QparamForce, "true")
    30  	}
    31  	msg := apc.ActMsg{Action: apc.ActXactStart, Value: args, Name: extra}
    32  	bp.Method = http.MethodPut
    33  	reqParams := AllocRp()
    34  	{
    35  		reqParams.BaseParams = bp
    36  		reqParams.Path = apc.URLPathClu.S
    37  		reqParams.Body = cos.MustMarshal(msg)
    38  		reqParams.Header = http.Header{cos.HdrContentType: []string{cos.ContentJSON}}
    39  		reqParams.Query = q
    40  	}
    41  	_, err = reqParams.doReqStr(&xid)
    42  	FreeRp(reqParams)
    43  	return
    44  }
    46  // Abort ("stop") xactions
    47  func AbortXaction(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (err error) {
    48  	msg := apc.ActMsg{Action: apc.ActXactStop, Value: args}
    49  	bp.Method = http.MethodPut
    50  	reqParams := AllocRp()
    51  	{
    52  		reqParams.BaseParams = bp
    53  		reqParams.Path = apc.URLPathClu.S
    54  		reqParams.Body = cos.MustMarshal(msg)
    55  		reqParams.Header = http.Header{cos.HdrContentType: []string{cos.ContentJSON}}
    56  		reqParams.Query = args.Bck.NewQuery()
    57  	}
    58  	err = reqParams.DoRequest()
    59  	FreeRp(reqParams)
    60  	return
    61  }
    63  //
    64  // querying and waiting
    65  //
    67  // returns a slice of canonical xaction names, as in: `xact.Cname()`
    68  // e.g.: put-copies[D-ViE6HEL_j] list[H96Y7bhR2s] copy-bck[matRQMRes] put-copies[pOibtHExY]
    69  // TODO: return idle xactions separately
    70  func GetAllRunningXactions(bp BaseParams, kindOrName string) (out []string, err error) {
    71  	msg := xact.QueryMsg{Kind: kindOrName}
    72  	bp.Method = http.MethodGet
    73  	reqParams := AllocRp()
    74  	{
    75  		reqParams.BaseParams = bp
    76  		reqParams.Path = apc.URLPathClu.S
    77  		reqParams.Body = cos.MustMarshal(msg)
    78  		reqParams.Header = http.Header{cos.HdrContentType: []string{cos.ContentJSON}}
    79  		reqParams.Query = url.Values{apc.QparamWhat: []string{apc.WhatAllRunningXacts}}
    80  	}
    81  	_, err = reqParams.DoReqAny(&out)
    82  	FreeRp(reqParams)
    83  	return
    84  }
    86  // QueryXactionSnaps gets all xaction snaps based on the specified selection.
    87  // NOTE: args.Kind can be either xaction kind or name - here and elsewhere
    88  func QueryXactionSnaps(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (xs xact.MultiSnap, err error) {
    89  	msg := xact.QueryMsg{ID: args.ID, Kind: args.Kind, Bck: args.Bck}
    90  	if args.OnlyRunning {
    91  		msg.OnlyRunning = apc.Ptr(true)
    92  	}
    93  	bp.Method = http.MethodGet
    94  	reqParams := AllocRp()
    95  	{
    96  		reqParams.BaseParams = bp
    97  		reqParams.Path = apc.URLPathClu.S
    98  		reqParams.Body = cos.MustMarshal(msg)
    99  		reqParams.Header = http.Header{cos.HdrContentType: []string{cos.ContentJSON}}
   100  		reqParams.Query = url.Values{apc.QparamWhat: []string{apc.WhatQueryXactStats}}
   101  	}
   102  	_, err = reqParams.DoReqAny(&xs)
   103  	FreeRp(reqParams)
   104  	return
   105  }
   107  // GetOneXactionStatus queries one of the IC (proxy) members for status
   108  // of the `args`-identified xaction.
   109  // NOTE:
   110  // - is used internally by the WaitForXactionIC() helper function (to wait on xaction)
   111  // - returns a single matching xaction or none;
   112  // - when the `args` filter "covers" multiple xactions the returned status corresponds to
   113  // any matching xaction that's currently running, or - if nothing's running -
   114  // the one that's finished most recently,
   115  // if exists
   116  func GetOneXactionStatus(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (status *nl.Status, err error) {
   117  	status = &nl.Status{}
   118  	q := url.Values{apc.QparamWhat: []string{apc.WhatOneXactStatus}}
   119  	err = getxst(status, q, bp, args)
   120  	return
   121  }
   123  // same as above, except that it returns _all_ matching xactions
   124  func GetAllXactionStatus(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (matching nl.StatusVec, err error) {
   125  	q := url.Values{apc.QparamWhat: []string{apc.WhatAllXactStatus}}
   126  	if args.Force {
   127  		// (force just-in-time)
   128  		// for each args-selected xaction:
   129  		// check if any of the targets delayed updating the corresponding status,
   130  		// and query those targets directly
   131  		q.Set(apc.QparamForce, "true")
   132  	}
   133  	err = getxst(&matching, q, bp, args)
   134  	return
   135  }
   137  func getxst(out any, q url.Values, bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (err error) {
   138  	bp.Method = http.MethodGet
   139  	msg := xact.QueryMsg{ID: args.ID, Kind: args.Kind, Bck: args.Bck}
   140  	if args.OnlyRunning {
   141  		msg.OnlyRunning = apc.Ptr(true)
   142  	}
   143  	reqParams := AllocRp()
   144  	{
   145  		reqParams.BaseParams = bp
   146  		reqParams.Path = apc.URLPathClu.S
   147  		reqParams.Body = cos.MustMarshal(msg)
   148  		reqParams.Header = http.Header{cos.HdrContentType: []string{cos.ContentJSON}}
   149  		reqParams.Query = q
   150  	}
   151  	_, err = reqParams.DoReqAny(out)
   152  	FreeRp(reqParams)
   153  	return
   154  }
   156  //
   157  // TODO: use `xact.IdlesBeforeFinishing` to provide a single unified wait-for API
   158  //
   160  type consIdle struct {
   161  	xid     string
   162  	cnt     int
   163  	delayed bool
   164  }
   166  func (ci *consIdle) check(snaps xact.MultiSnap) (done, resetProbeFreq bool) {
   167  	aborted, running, notstarted := snaps.IsIdle(ci.xid)
   168  	if aborted {
   169  		return true, false
   170  	}
   171  	if running {
   172  		ci.cnt = 0
   173  		return false, false
   174  	}
   175  	if notstarted && ci.cnt == 0 {
   176  		if !ci.delayed {
   177  			time.Sleep(min(2*xact.MinPollTime, 4*time.Second))
   178  			ci.delayed = true
   179  		}
   180  		return false, false
   181  	}
   182  	// is idle
   183  	ci.cnt++
   184  	return ci.cnt >= xact.NumConsecutiveIdle, true
   185  }
   187  // WaitForXactionIdle waits for a given on-demand xaction to be idle.
   188  func WaitForXactionIdle(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (err error) {
   189  	ci, running := &consIdle{xid: args.ID}, args.OnlyRunning
   190  	args.OnlyRunning = true
   191  	err = WaitForXactionNode(bp, args, ci.check)
   192  	args.OnlyRunning = running
   193  	return err
   194  }
   196  // WaitForXactionIC waits for a given xaction to complete.
   197  // Use it only for global xactions
   198  // (those that execute on all targets and report their status to IC, e.g. rebalance).
   199  func WaitForXactionIC(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg) (status *nl.Status, err error) {
   200  	return _waitx(bp, args, nil)
   201  }
   203  // WaitForXactionNode waits for a given xaction to complete.
   204  // Use for xactions that do _not_ report their status to IC members, namely:
   205  // - xact.IdlesBeforeFinishing()
   206  // - x-resilver (as it usually runs on a single node)
   207  func WaitForXactionNode(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg, fn func(xact.MultiSnap) (bool, bool)) error {
   208  	debug.Assert(args.Kind != "" || xact.IsValidUUID(args.ID))
   209  	_, err := _waitx(bp, args, fn)
   210  	return err
   211  }
   213  // TODO: `status` is currently always nil when we wait with a (`fn`) callback
   214  // TODO: un-defer cancel()
   215  func _waitx(bp BaseParams, args *xact.ArgsMsg, fn func(xact.MultiSnap) (bool, bool)) (status *nl.Status, err error) {
   216  	var (
   217  		elapsed         time.Duration
   218  		begin           = mono.NanoTime()
   219  		total, maxSleep = _times(args)
   220  		sleep           = xact.MinPollTime
   221  	)
   222  	for {
   223  		var done bool
   224  		if fn == nil {
   225  			status, err = GetOneXactionStatus(bp, args)
   226  			done = err == nil && status.Finished() && elapsed >= xact.MinPollTime
   227  		} else {
   228  			var (
   229  				snaps          xact.MultiSnap
   230  				resetProbeFreq bool
   231  			)
   232  			snaps, err = QueryXactionSnaps(bp, args)
   233  			if err == nil {
   234  				done, resetProbeFreq = fn(snaps)
   235  				if resetProbeFreq {
   236  					sleep = xact.MinPollTime
   237  				}
   238  			}
   239  		}
   240  		canRetry := err == nil || cos.IsRetriableConnErr(err) || cmn.IsStatusServiceUnavailable(err)
   241  		if done || !canRetry /*fail*/ {
   242  			return
   243  		}
   244  		time.Sleep(sleep)
   245  		sleep = min(maxSleep, sleep+sleep/2)
   247  		if elapsed = mono.Since(begin); elapsed >= total {
   248  			err = fmt.Errorf("api.wait: timed out (%v) waiting for %s", total, args.String())
   249  			return
   250  		}
   251  	}
   252  }
   254  func _times(args *xact.ArgsMsg) (time.Duration, time.Duration) {
   255  	total := args.Timeout
   256  	switch {
   257  	case args.Timeout == 0:
   258  		total = xact.DefWaitTimeShort
   259  	case args.Timeout < 0:
   260  		total = xact.DefWaitTimeLong
   261  	}
   262  	return total, min(xact.MaxProbingFreq, cos.ProbingFrequency(total))
   263  }