
     1  #!/bin/bash -p
     3  #
     4  # Control script to run a number of dataloader tests as specified in the
     5  # given config file,  using a hardware topology (number of DGX nodes,
     6  # GPUs per node) as specified in the config file.
     7  #
     9  function whinge {
    10  	echo "FAILURE $@"
    11  	exit 2
    12  }
    14  function usage {
    15    PROG=$1
    17    cat <<-EOU
    18      Usage: $PROG -c <testrc> -d <output-base-dir> -r <redis-svc> [-t <tag>] [-n] [-f] [-i <image>] [-s <pod-script>]
    19  EOU
    20  }
    22  declare -i dryrun=0   # dry-run; 1 = create pods but don't train; 2 = only show intent
    23  outdir=""
    24  tag=""
    25  redis_svc="bm-redis-master"
    26  image=""	    # image for containers
    27  flush=false
    28  script='./scripts/'
    30  while getopts ":c:d:fhi:nr:s:t:" opt; do
    31    case $opt in
    32      c)  testrc=$OPTARG
    33          [[ -r $testrc ]] || whinge "proposed test config file $testrc is absent/unreadable" 
    34          ;;
    35      d)  outdir=$OPTARG
    36          [[ -d $outdir ]] || whinge "proposed output directory $outdir does not exist"
    37          ;;
    38      f)  flush=true
    39          ;;
    40      h)
    41          usage $0
    42          exit 1
    43          ;;
    44      i)  image=$OPTARG
    45          ;;
    46      n)  dryrun=$((dryrun + 1))
    47          ;;
    48      r)  redis=$OPTARG
    49          ;;
    50      s)  script=$OPTARG
    51          [[ -f $script ]] || whinge "$script is awol!"
    52          ;;
    53      t)
    54          tag="$t"
    55          ;;
    56      \?) usage $0
    57          exit 1
    58    esac
    59  done
    61  [[ -n "$testrc" ]] || whinge "specify a test config file using -c"
    62  [[ -n "$outdir" ]] || whinge "specify an output parent directory using -d"
    64  DATE="$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M')"
    65  dest=$outdir/$DATE
    66  logs=$dest/logs
    67  mkdir -p $logs || whinge "failed to make output and log subdirectories"
    68  echo "Run output will accumulate in $dest"
    70  #
    71  # Copy test config into output directory with a standard name, and add any test tag/comment.
    72  #
    73  cp $testrc $dest/testrc
    74  [[ -n "$tag" ]] && echo "$tag" > $dest/tag
    76  #
    77  # Test infrastructure bits - no likely need to change these
    78  #
    79  masterhost=dmaster	  # distributed master, will be published in DNS for master pod
    80  masterport=29500      # port to rendevouz on at master
    81  groupname="dlbench"   # used to label headless service, and for group ops (delete) on pods we start
    82  groupnum="$$"         # for multiple users of script (it's a start! clash on service name still)
    84  #
    85  # Token check that we're alone
    86  #
    87  [[ -z $(kubectl get pods --no-headers --selector=group=${groupname}) ]] || whinge "we are not alone"
    89  #
    90  # Grok redis master IP from the given service name. We require a (passwordless!)
    91  # redis service to coordinate between this script and pods.
    92  #
    93  redis_ip=$(kubectl get service/${redis_svc} -o=jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}" 2>/dev/null)
    94  [[ -n "$redis_ip " ]] || whinge "Could not lookup cluster-IP of redis service $redis_svc"
    96  # this assumes we're running the control script on a
    97  # cluster node
    98  function rsignal {
    99    redis-cli -h ${redis_ip} "$@"
   100  }
   102  #
   103  # Testcase globals
   104  #
   105  declare -i tc_numnodes
   106  declare -i tc_ngpupernode
   107  declare tc_mode
   108  declare tc_backend
   109  declare tc_ctx
   110  declare tc_datapath
   111  declare tc_batchsize
   112  declare tc_cast
   113  declare -i tc_epochs
   114  declare -i tc_iters
   115  declare tc_extra
   116  declare tc_testloaders
   118  #
   119  # Create a configmap from the pod test script; specify key as 'runbench'
   120  # regardless of script basename.
   121  #
   122  kubectl delete configmap bench-script >/dev/null 2>&1
   123  kubectl create configmap bench-script --from-file=runbench=${script} || \
   124    whinge "failed to create bench script configmap"
   126  #
   127  # Create a pod to run a number of ranks of the distributed job, necessarily
   128  # all on the same physical node (being in a single pod).
   129  #
   130  # The "number of nodes" in torch.distributed is realized by that number of
   131  # pods. Depending on the gpu resource requests, it it possible that more than
   132  # one pod could be scheduled on the same physical node. If fillorder is
   133  # "widthfirst" then we use pod anti-affinity to spread pods over DGX
   134  # systems before filling a system; "depthfirst" we try to influence scheduling
   135  # to pack the pods in more densely.
   136  #
   137  function create_pod {
   138  	local podnum=$1
   139    local fillorder=$2
   140    local reqnode=$3
   142  	typeset master=false
   143  	ports=""
   144  	if [[ $podnum -eq 0 ]]; then
   145  		master=true
   146  		ports="\
   147      - name: distmaster
   148        containerPort: ${masterport}
   149        protocol: TCP"
   150  	fi
   152    # nodeAffinity and node labeling may be nicer, but this'll do
   153    reqnodename=""
   154    if [[ $reqnode != "-" ]]; then
   155    reqnodename="\
   156    nodeName: "$reqnode"
   157      "
   158    fi
   160    if [[ $fillorder == "widthfirst" ]]; then
   161      aff_which="podAntiAffinity"
   162    elif [[ $fillorder == "depthfirst" ]]; then
   163      aff_which="podAffinity"
   164    else
   165      whinge "Unknown fill order $fillorder"
   166    fi
   168    affinity="\
   169    affinity:
   170      ${aff_which}:
   171        preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
   172        - weight: 100
   173          podAffinityTerm:
   174            labelSelector:
   175              matchExpressions:
   176              - key: group
   177                operator: In
   178                values:
   179                - $groupname
   180            topologyKey: ""
   181      "
   183    #
   184    # For the master pod create a headless clusterIP service so that other
   185    # pods can use the master pod DNS name to redevouz on.
   186    #
   187  	if $master; then
   188  	  kubectl apply -f - <<EOSVC
   189  ---
   190  apiVersion: v1
   191  kind: Service
   192  metadata:
   193    name: "${masterhost}"
   194    labels:
   195      group: "${groupname}"
   196      groupnum: "${groupnum}"
   197  spec:
   198    type: ClusterIP
   199    clusterIP: None
   200    selector:
   201      group: "${groupname}"
   202      groupnum: "${groupnum}"
   203      master: "true"
   204  EOSVC
   206      [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && whinge "Failed to create headless service"
   207  	fi
   209    #
   210    # Create pod; use a temp file so we can view any failing yaml we build
   211    #
   212    tf=$(mktemp)
   213  	cat > $tf <<EOPOD
   214  ---
   215  apiVersion: v1
   216  kind: Pod
   217  metadata:
   218    generateName: ${groupname}-${podnum}-
   219    labels:
   220      group: "${groupname}"
   221      groupnum: "${groupnum}"
   222      master: "${master}"
   223  spec:
   224    containers:
   225    - name: dl
   226      image: ${image}
   227      resources:
   228        requests:
   229        limits:
   230 "${tc_ngpupernode}"
   231      command: [ "/bin/bash" ]
   232      args: [ "/bench/runbench" ]
   233      env:
   234      - name: ARG_MASTER_HOST
   235        value: "${masterhost}"
   236      - name: ARG_MASTER_PORT
   237        value: "${masterport}"
   238      - name: ARG_NNODES
   239        value: "${tc_numnodes}"
   240      - name: ARG_NODE_RANK
   241        value: "${podnum}"
   242      - name: ARG_NPROC_PER_NODE
   243        value: "${tc_ngpupernode}"
   244      ports:
   245  ${ports}
   246      volumeMounts:
   247      - name: scripts
   248        mountPath: /scripts
   249      - name: bench-script
   250        mountPath: /bench
   251      - name: benchrc
   252        mountPath: /benchrc
   253      - name: dshm
   254        mountPath: /dev/shm
   255      - name: imagenet-nfs
   256        mountPath: /nfs/imagenet                      # 'val' here is a copy of 'train'
   257        readOnly: true
   258      - name: imagenet-inflated-train-nfs
   259        mountPath: /nfs/imagenet-inflated/train       # 'train' here is inflated; no inflated val, so ...
   260        readOnly: true
   261      - name: imagenet-inflated-val-nfs
   262        mountPath: /nfs/imagenet-inflated/val         # ... this also mounts the train set on val
   263        readOnly: true
   264      - name: imagenet-train-ssd                      # std imagenet on SSD of every DGX system
   265        mountPath: /data/imagenet/train
   266      - name: imagenet-val-ssd
   267        mountPath: /data/imagenet/val                 # we point this to train data below
   268      - name: imagenet-inflated-train-ssd             # only present on dgx18
   269        mountPath: /data/imagenet-inflated/train
   270      - name: imagenet-inflated-val-ssd               # only present on dgx18, point to train data
   271        mountPath: /data/imagenet-inflated/val
   272  ${reqnodename}
   273  ${affinity}
   274    volumes:
   275    - name: scripts
   276      configMap:
   277        name: scripts
   278    - name: bench-script
   279      configMap:
   280        name: bench-script
   281    - name: benchrc
   282      configMap:
   283        name: benchrc-cm
   284    - name: dshm
   285      emptyDir:
   286        medium: Memory
   287    - name: imagenet-nfs
   288      persistentVolumeClaim:
   289        claimName: imagenet-nfs-pvc
   290        readOnly: true
   291    - name: imagenet-inflated-train-nfs
   292      persistentVolumeClaim:
   293        claimName: imagenet-inflated-train-nfs-pvc
   294        readOnly: true
   295    - name: imagenet-inflated-val-nfs
   296      persistentVolumeClaim:
   297        claimName: imagenet-inflated-val-nfs-pvc
   298        readOnly: true
   299    - name: imagenet-train-ssd
   300      hostPath:
   301        path: /imagenet/train
   302    - name: imagenet-val-ssd
   303      hostPath:
   304        path: /imagenet/train           # not a typo
   305    - name: imagenet-inflated-train-ssd # only populated on dgx18, empty elsewhere
   306      hostPath:
   307        path: /imagenet/train-inflated
   308    - name: imagenet-inflated-val-ssd   # only populated on dgx18, empty elsewhere
   309      hostPath:
   310        path: /imagenet/train-inflated
   311    restartPolicy: Never
   312  EOPOD
   314    kubectl create -f $tf
   315    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
   316      rm $tf
   317    else
   318      whinge "Failed to create pod; see yaml at $tf"
   319    fi
   320  }
   322  #
   323  # Used to flush only components involved in a test; now uses
   324  # ye olde blunderbuss.
   325  #
   326  # XXX Hardcoded bits here
   327  #
   328  function drop_caches {
   329    echo "Dropping caches in k8s cluster"
   330    ansible -f 24 -i $HOME/hosts.ini k8s-cluster -m shell -a 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' --become >/dev/null
   332    echo "Dropping cache on single node AIS system"
   333    ansible -i $HOME/hosts.ini single -m shell -a 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' --become >/dev/null
   335    echo "Dropping cache on single node NFS server"
   336    ansible -i $HOME/hosts.ini nfs -m shell -a 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' --become >/dev/null
   337  }
   339  function testit {
   340    local pfx=$1
   341    local fillorder=$2
   343    #
   344    # For webdataset, form the full datapath
   345    #
   346    if [[ $tc_backend =~ webdataset ]]; then
   347      tc_datapath=${tc_ctx}/v1/objects/$tc_datapath
   348    fi
   350    local summary="$tc_numnodes node(s) $tc_mode with $tc_ngpupernode GPU per node; "
   351    summary+="$tc_backend over $tc_datapath ($tc_extra) bs $tc_batchsize cast $tc_cast "
   352    summary+="${tc_epochs}x${tc_iters}"
   354    reqnode="-"
   355    # special case - the inflated imagenet dataset for SSD is only available on dgx18
   356    if [[ $tc_datapath == "/data/imagenet-inflated" ]]; then
   357      [[ $tc_numnodes -eq 1 ]] || whinge "The inflated imagenet set for SSD is only populated on one node!"
   358      reqnode="dgx18"
   359    fi
   361    echo "***** $summary"
   362    [[ $dryrun -ge 2 ]] && return
   364    if [[ $dryrun -ne 0 ]]; then
   365      pod_dryrun=true
   366    else
   367      pod_dryrun=false
   368      $flush && drop_caches
   369    fi
   371    #
   372    # Create a config map to configure the run in the pod
   373    #
   374    tf=$(mktemp) || whinge "failed to create temporary file"
   375    cat > $tf <<-EOCM
   376      #
   377      # sourced by script in pod to control training/inference
   378      #
   380      what=$tc_mode
   381      be=$tc_backend
   382      ds=$tc_datapath
   383      bs=$tc_batchsize
   384      cast=$tc_cast
   385      epochs=$tc_epochs
   386      prof=$tc_iters
   387      testloaders=$tc_testloaders
   388      redis_svc=${redis_svc}
   389      dryrun=$pod_dryrun
   391      #
   392      # for webdataset backends
   393      #
   394      export openbufsize=32768
   395      export tarbufsize=524288
   396      export shards="${tc_extra}"
   397      export val="${tc_extra}"
   398  EOCM
   400    kubectl delete cm/benchrc-cm 2>/dev/null
   401    kubectl create cm benchrc-cm --from-file=benchrc=$tf || whinge "failed to create configmap"
   402    rm $tf
   404    # Some very crude synchronization between control script and pods ...
   405    rsignal DEL benchr
   406    rsignal DEL benchc
   408  		for ((i=0; i<tc_numnodes; i=i+1)); do
   409  			create_pod $i $fillorder $reqnode
   410  		done
   412    #
   413    # Check and report pods confirmed as running the test
   414    # XXX No allowance for pod failures!
   415    #
   416    sleep 5
   417  	while true; do
   418  			running=$(rsignal GET benchr)
   419  			completed=$(rsignal GET benchc)
   421  			echo "${running:-0} pods of $tc_numnodes confirmed running, ${completed:-0} completed ($summary)"
   422  			if [[ -n "$completed" ]]; then
   423  				[[ $completed -eq $tc_numnodes ]] && break
   424  			fi
   426  			sleep 10
   427  		done
   429      # prefix is passed with testnum to avoid output collisions
   430      if [[ $dryrun -eq 0 ]]; then
   431   		  rf="${pfx}-${tc_mode}-${tc_backend}-${tc_ctx}-${tc_batchsize}-${tc_cast}"
   432  		  masterpod=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers --selector=group=${groupname},groupnum=${groupnum},master=true | awk '{print $1}'   )
   433  		  echo "All pods done, grabbing results from pod $masterpod to $dest/${rf}.json"
   434  		  kubectl cp ${masterpod}:/results/result.json $dest/${rf}.json
   435      fi
   437  		echo "Preserving pod logs ..."
   438  		for p in $(kubectl get pods --no-headers --selector=group=${groupname},groupnum=${groupnum} | awk '{print $1}'); do
   439  			kubectl logs $p > $logs/${rf}-$p-log.out
   440  		done 
   442  		echo "Deleting pods ..."
   443  		kubectl delete pods --selector=group=${groupname},groupnum=${groupnum}
   444  		sleep 5
   445  }
   447  #
   448  # Source testrc file
   449  #
   450  . $testrc || whinge "error in sourcing $testrc"
   452  for testset in ${enabled_sets[@]}; do
   453    declare config_worlds=""
   454    declare config_fillorder="widthfirst"
   456    for pass in planning doing; do
   457      declare -i testnum=1
   458      tc_testloaders=false
   460      eval echo "\"\$${testset}\"" | while read line; do
   461        if [[ $line =~ = ]]; then
   462            [[ $testnum -eq 1 ]] || whinge "set $testset - cannot change test config once test spec start"
   463            [[ $line =~ config_.*= ]] || whinge "set $testset illegal variable in test $testnum"
   464            eval $line
   465          continue
   466        fi
   468        # check required vars are set
   469        [[ -n "$config_worlds" ]] || whinge "set $testset missing config_worlds assignment"
   471        set -- $line
   472        declare modes=$1
   473        tc_backend=$2
   474        tc_ctx=$3
   475        tc_datapath=$4
   476        tc_batchsize=$5
   477        tc_cast=$6
   478        tc_epochs=$7
   479        tc_iters=$8
   480        tc_extra=$9
   481        [[ -n "$config_testloaders" ]] && tc_testloaders=$config_testloaders
   483        if [[ $modes == "both" ]]; then
   484          modes="training inference"
   485        elif [[ $modes == "-" ]]; then
   486          continue
   487        elif [[ $modes != "training" && $modes != "inference" ]]; then
   488          whinge "Unexpected mode $modes in $testset test $testnum"
   489        fi
   491        if [[ $mode == "planning" ]]; then
   492          testnum=$((testnum + 1))
   493          continue
   494        fi
   496        #
   497        # expand context (gateway url for AIS)
   498        #
   499        if [[ "${tc_ctx}" != "-" ]]; then
   500          tc_ctx=$(eval echo \$config_${tc_ctx})
   501        fi
   503        #
   504        # expand extra (shard pattern for AIS)
   505        #
   506        if [[ "${tc_extra}" != "-" ]]; then
   507          tc_extra=$(eval echo \$config_${tc_extra})
   508        fi
   510        for topo in $(echo $config_worlds | tr ',' ' '); do
   511          tc_numnodes=$(echo $topo | cut -d x -f 1)
   512          tc_ngpupernode=$(echo $topo | cut -d x -f 2)
   513          for tc_mode in $modes; do
   514            testit "${testset}-${testnum}" $config_fillorder
   515          done
   516        done
   518        testnum=$((testnum + 1))
   520      done
   521    done
   522  done