
     1  #
     2  # Sample test config file. Test config files are sourced by the control script,
     3  # and all variables named rn50_* are processed for testing. Each such set of
     4  # of tests begins with configuration assignments (node, gpupernode, [fillorder])
     5  # followed by dataloader test cases to run for that configuration.
     6  #
     7  # Columns for each test set are:
     8  #
     9  # model             training|inference|both|- (- to disable)
    10  # data-backend      will be used as the --data-backend argument in
    11  # context           if context is say xyz then will expand to value of ${config_xyz}, interpreted per dataloader type
    12  #                       webdataset: AIS gateway
    13  # datapath          the final argument to - the dataset filesystem path or bucket name
    14  # batchsize         the batch size to use on the cmdline
    15  # cast              fp16, amp or none for --fp16, --amp or no model cast
    16  # epochs            number of epochs to time for
    17  # iterations        maximum number of iterations per epochs
    18  # extra             extra for backend; for webdataset this is bucket name
    19  #
    20  # Note: the quotes are essential!
    21  #
    23  declare -a enabled_sets=(
    24      "rn50_red"
    25      "rn50_pink"
    26      "rn50_bluelite"
    27      "rn50_green"
    28      "rn50_yellow"
    29  )
    31  rn50_red="$(cat <<-EOM
    32      config_worlds=1x1,1x2,1x4,1x8
    33      config_fillorder=widthfirst
    34      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
    35      config_ais1=
    36      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
    37      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
    38      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
    39      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
    40      both    pytorch         -       /data/imagenet          256     fp16    1       100     -
    41      both    dali-cpu        -       /data/imagenet          256     fp16    1       100     -
    42      both    dali-gpu        -       /data/imagenet          256     fp16    1       100     -
    43  EOM
    44  )"
    46  rn50_pink="$(cat <<-EOM
    47      config_worlds=1x1,1x2,1x4,1x8
    48      config_fillorder=widthfirst
    49      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
    50      config_ais1=
    51      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
    52      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
    53      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
    54      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
    55      both    pytorch         -       /data/imagenet-inflated          256     fp16    1       100     -
    56      both    dali-cpu        -       /data/imagenet-inflated          256     fp16    1       100     -
    57      both    dali-gpu        -       /data/imagenet-inflated          256     fp16    1       100     -
    58  EOM
    59  )"
    61  rn50_bluelite="$(cat <<-EOM
    62      config_worlds=1x1,1x2,1x4,1x8,2x8,4x8,8x8
    63      config_fillorder=widthfirst
    64      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
    65      config_ais1=
    66      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
    67      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
    68      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
    69      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
    70      both    pytorch         -       /nfs/imagenet          256     fp16    1       100     -
    71  EOM
    72  )"
    74  rn50_green="$(cat <<-EOM
    75      config_worlds=1x1,1x2,1x4,1x8,2x8,4x8,8x8
    76      config_fillorder=widthfirst
    77      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
    78      config_ais1=
    79      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
    80      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
    81      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
    82      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
    83      both    webdataset      ais1    lpr-imagenet-uncompressed 256   fp16    1       100     shardpat_std
    84  EOM
    85  )"
    87  rn50_yellow="$(cat <<-EOM
    88      config_worlds=1x1,1x2,1x4,1x8,2x8,4x8,8x8
    89      config_fillorder=widthfirst
    90      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
    91      config_ais1=
    92      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
    93      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
    94      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
    95      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
    96      both    webdataset      ais12    lpr-imagenet-inflated 256   fp16    1       100     shardpat_inflated_std
    97  EOM
    98  )"
   100  rn50_testset1="$(cat <<-EOM
   101      config_nodes=1,2,4,8
   102      config_gpupernode=1,8
   103      config_fillorder=widthfirst
   104      config_ais12=http://demo-ais-proxy:51080
   105      config_ais1=
   106      config_shardpat_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}.tar\"
   107      config_shardpat_inflated_std=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}.tar\"
   108      config_shardpat_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..0147}-{000..019}.tar\"
   109      config_shardpat_inflated_augmented=\"imagenet_train-{0000..9999}-{000..019}.tar\"
   110      -       dali-cpu        -       /data/imagenet          64      fp16    1       100     -
   111      -       dali-gpu        -       /data/imagenet          64      fp16    1       100     -
   112      -       dali-cpu        -       /nfs/imagenet           64      fp16    1       100     -
   113      -       dali-gpu        -       /nfs/imagenet           64      fp16    1       100     -
   114      -       pytorch         -       /nfs/imagenet-inflated  256     fp16    1       100     -
   115      both    pytorch         -       /nfs/imagenet           256     fp16    1       100     -
   116      both    pytorch         -       /data/imagenet          256     fp16    1       100     -
   117      both    pytorch         -       /data/imagenet-inflated 256     fp16    1       100     -
   118      both    webdataset-pre  ais12   lpr-imagenet-augmented-uncompressed 256 fp16 1  100     shardpat_augmented
   119      both    webdataset      ais12   lpr-imagenet-uncompressed 256   fp16    1       100     shardpat_std
   120      both    webdataset-pre  ais12   lpr-imagenet-augmented-replicated 256 fp16 1    100     shardpat_inflated_augmented
   121      both    webdataset      ais1    lpr-imagenet-uncompressed 256   fp16    1       100     shardpat_std
   122      both    webdataset-pre  ais1    lpr-imagenet-augmented-uncompressed 256 fp16 1  100     shardpat_augmented
   123      both    webdataset-pre  ais1    lpr-imagenet-augmented-replicated 256 fp16 1    100     shardpat_inflated_augmented
   124      -       dali-cpu        -       /nfs/imagenet-inflated  64      fp16    1       100     -
   125      -       dali-gpu        -       /nfs/imagenet-inflated  64      fp16    1       100     -
   126  EOM
   127  )"