(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 # The following script lists the public, internal and replication network IP 4 # Addresses for each daemon. 5 SETUP_FILE="/tmp/docker_ais/deploy.env" 6 if [ -f $"$SETUP_FILE" ]; then 7 # get $PORT, $PORT_INTRA_CONTROL and $PORT_INTRA_DATA 8 source $SETUP_FILE 9 fi 10 11 for container_name in $(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"); do 12 connected_networks=$(docker inspect -f '{{range $key, $value := .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{printf "%s " $key}}{{end}}' $container_name) 13 echo $container_name 14 for network in $connected_networks 15 do 16 if [[ $network =~ ^${container_name:0:5} ]] 17 then 18 format="'{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.${network}.IPAddress}}'" 19 ip_address=$(docker inspect -f $format $container_name) 20 ip_address=${ip_address//\'/} # remove all single quotes 21 if [[ "$network" == *"public"* ]]; then 22 echo " $network: $ip_address:${PORT:-51080}" 23 elif [[ "$network" == *"internal_control"* ]]; then 24 echo " $network: $ip_address:${PORT_INTRA_CONTROL:-9080}" 25 else 26 echo " $network: $ip_address:${PORT_INTRA_DATA:-10080}" 27 fi 28 fi 29 done 30 echo 31 done 32 33 echo "Note if the docker deploy script was called from a different terminal window, the correct port numbers might not be listed above." 34