
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  # The following script is used to view logs of docker containers.
     3  name=`basename "$0"`
     4  usage() {
     5      echo "=============================================================== USAGE ========================================================="
     6      echo "$name [-c=container_name] [-d] [-f] [-n=1000] [-t=<error|warning|info|all>] [-w]"
     7      echo "    -c=NAME or --container=NAME  -> To view the log files of container named 'NAME'."
     8      echo "                                    Note, if no container is provided, then all log files are shown for all containers"
     9      echo "    -d or --default              -> default resolves to: $0 --type=all --lines=1000."
    10      echo "    -f or --follow               -> Follow the log file (essentially tail -f)."
    11      echo "    -n=NUM or --lines=NUM        -> Prints the last 'NUM' lines instead of last 100 lines of the log file."
    12      echo "    -t=TYPE or --type=TYPE       -> the type of log file to view where 'TYPE' is one of error(e), warning(w), info(i) or all(a)."
    13      echo "    -w or --watch                -> Use the Linux watch command to avoid cluttering the terminal window with too many logs."
    14      echo "                                    Note cannot watch all containers."
    15      echo "Note: Providing both the watch and follow flags will result in the watch flag taking precedence."
    16      exit 1
    17  }
    19  # valid_container_name checks if $1 is a valid container name
    20  valid_container_name() {
    21      if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then
    22          return
    23      fi
    24      found=FALSE
    25      for container_name in $(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"); do
    26          if [ "$1" == "$container_name" ]; then
    27              found=TRUE
    28              break
    29          fi
    30      done
    32      if [ "$found" == "FALSE" ]; then
    33          echo "Not a valid container name."
    34          exit 1
    35      fi
    36  }
    38  # valid_log_file_type checks if $1 is a supported log level
    39  valid_log_file_type() {
    40      if [ "$1" == "all" ] || [ "$1" == "a" ]; then
    41          log_file_name="all"
    42          return
    43      fi
    44      if [ "$1" == "error" ] || [ "$1" == "e" ]; then
    45          log_file_name='ais.ERROR'
    46          return
    47      fi
    48      if [ "$1" == "warning" ] || [ "$1" == "w" ]; then
    49          log_file_name='ais.WARNING'
    50          return
    51      fi
    52      if [ "$1" == "info" ] || [ "$1" == "i" ]; then
    53          log_file_name='ais.INFO'
    54          return
    55      fi
    56      echo "Not a valid log file type"
    57      exit 1
    58  }
    60  # container_name_to_folder converts a container name to its respective log directory
    61  container_name_to_folder() {
    62      directories=("${directories[@]}" "/tmp/ais/$1/log/")
    63  }
    65  # get_container_names gets the container names of all ais containers
    66  # and adds their log directories to $directories
    67  get_container_names() {
    68      for container_name in $(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"); do
    69          if  [[ $container_name == ais* ]]; then
    70              if [[ $container_name =~ ^ais[0-9]*_(proxy|target)_[0-9]* ]]; then
    71                  container_name=${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
    72              else
    73                  echo Invalid container name format
    74                  exit 1
    75              fi
    76              id=`docker ps | grep $container_name | awk '{print $1}'` # get id of container
    77              container_name_to_folder $id
    78          fi
    79      done
    80  }
    82  # file_path_join joins log directory with a log file in that directory and adds 
    83  # the file path to array $files
    84  file_path_join() {
    85      if [ "$2" == "all" ] ; then
    86          file_path_join $1 ais.ERROR
    87          file_path_join $1 ais.WARNING
    88          file_path_join $1 ais.INFO
    89      else
    90          combined="$1$2"
    91          if [ -f $combined ]; then
    92              files=("${files[@]}" "$combined")
    93          fi
    94      fi
    95  }
    97  numArgs=$#
    98  line_count=100
    99  follow=FALSE
   100  watch=FALSE
   102  container="all"
   103  LOG_TYPE="none"
   105  ################# Parse Arguments #################
   106  for i in "$@"
   107  do
   108  case $i in
   109      -n=*|--lines=*)
   110          line_count="${i#*=}"
   111          shift # past argument=value
   112          ;;
   114      -c=*|--container=*)
   115          container="${i#*=}"
   116          shift # past argument=value
   117          valid_container_name $container
   118          ;;
   120      -f|--follow)
   121          follow=TRUE
   122          watch=FALSE
   123          shift # past argument
   124          ;;
   126      -w|--watch)
   127          watch=TRUE
   128          follow=FALSE
   129          shift # past argument
   130          ;;
   132      -t=*|--type=*)
   133          LOG_TYPE="${i#*=}"
   134          shift # past argument=value
   135          valid_log_file_type $LOG_TYPE
   136          ;;
   138      -d|--default)
   139          shift # past argument
   140          line_count=1000
   141          break
   142          ;;
   144      *)
   145          usage
   146          ;;
   147  esac
   148  done
   150  # If no arguments are provided, interactively ask for the parameters
   151  if [ "$numArgs" -eq 0 ]; then
   152      ################# Containers #################
   153      echo "Enter name of container you would like to see logs for ('all' for all containers):"
   154      read container
   155      if [ -z "$container" ]; then
   156          echo "No container name supplied. Defaulting to all"
   157          container="all"
   158      fi
   159      valid_container_name $container
   161      ################# Log Type #################
   162      echo "Enter type of log file you would like to view. Valid options and their short forms: error(e), warning(w), info(i) or all(a)"
   163      read LOG_TYPE
   164      if [ -z "$LOG_TYPE" ]; then
   165          echo "No log file type supplied. Defaulting to error"
   166          LOG_TYPE="error"
   167      fi
   168      valid_log_file_type $LOG_TYPE
   170      ################# Number of Lines #################
   171      echo "Enter the number of lines you would like to view"
   172      read line_count
   173      if ! [[ "$line_count" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
   174        echo "Error: '$line_count' is not a number"; exit 1
   175      fi
   177      if [ ! "$container" == "all" ]; then
   178          ################# Follow? #################
   179          read -p "Follow the log file (y/n)?" choice
   180          case "$choice" in 
   181              y|Y )
   182              follow=TRUE
   183              ;;
   184              n|N )
   185              follow=FALSE
   186              ;;
   187              * )
   188              echo "Invalid input, defaulting to no following"
   189              follow=FALSE
   190              ;;
   191          esac
   193          ################# Watch? #################
   194          read -p "Watch the log file (y/n)?" choice
   195          case "$choice" in 
   196              y|Y )
   197              watch=TRUE
   198              follow=FALSE
   199              ;;
   200              n|N )
   201              watch=FALSE
   202              ;;
   203              * )
   204              echo "Invalid input, defaulting to no watching"
   205              watch=FALSE
   206              ;;
   207          esac
   208      fi
   209  fi
   211  if [ "$LOG_TYPE" == "none" ]; then
   212      LOG_TYPE="all"
   213      log_file_name="all"
   214  fi
   216  ################# Determine Command #################
   217  commandPrefix="tail -n $line_count"
   218  if [ "$watch" = TRUE ] && [ "$container" != "all" ]; then
   219      commandPrefix="watch -n 2 $commandPrefix"
   220  elif [ "$follow" = TRUE ] ; then
   221      commandPrefix="$commandPrefix -f"
   222  fi
   224  declare -a directories=()
   225  if [ "$container" == "all" ]; then
   226      get_container_names
   227  else
   228      container_name_to_folder $container
   229  fi
   231  ################# Determine Log Files #################
   232  declare -a files=()
   233  for dir in "${directories[@]}"
   234  do
   235      file_path_join $dir $log_file_name
   236  done
   238  if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
   239      echo No valid log files found. Exiting...
   240  else
   241      command="$commandPrefix ${files[@]}"
   242      eval $command
   243  fi