(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 set -e 4 5 # This script deploys AIS in an existing k8s cluster from within another node in the cluster 6 # Gitlab Kubernetes runners have access to kubectl but not minikube cmd line 7 # Each pod deployed will have its own clusterIP service to communicate without relying on host network 8 9 source ../ 10 11 check_variable_set() { 12 local var_name="$1" 13 local var_value="${!var_name}" 14 if [[ -z "$var_value" ]]; then 15 echo "Error: Required variable '$var_name' is not set." 16 exit 1 17 fi 18 } 19 20 # List of required variables 21 required_vars=("AISNODE_IMAGE" "NUM_TARGET" "NUM_PROXY") 22 23 for var in "${required_vars[@]}"; do 24 check_variable_set "$var" 25 done 26 27 is_number ${NUM_TARGET} 28 is_number ${NUM_PROXY} 29 if [[ ${NUM_PROXY} -lt 1 ]]; then 30 exit_error "${NUM_PROXY} is less than 1" 31 fi 32 33 export TEST_FSPATH_COUNT=${FS_CNT:-3} 34 PRIMARY_PORT=8080 35 export AIS_BACKEND_PROVIDERS=$PROVIDERS 36 INSTANCE=0 37 38 if [[ -n $HTTPS ]]; then 39 source utils/ 40 export SCHEME="https://" 41 export AIS_USE_HTTPS=true 42 export AIS_SKIP_VERIFY_CRT=true 43 export AIS_SERVER_CRT="/var/certs/tls.crt" 44 export AIS_SERVER_KEY="/var/certs/tls.key" 45 export PROTOCOL="HTTPS" 46 else 47 export SCHEME="http://" 48 export AIS_USE_HTTPS=false 49 export AIS_SKIP_VERIFY_CRT=false 50 export AIS_SERVER_CRT="" 51 export AIS_SERVER_KEY="" 52 export PROTOCOL="HTTP" 53 fi 54 55 export AIS_LOG_DIR="/tmp/ais/log" 56 export AIS_PRIMARY_HOST="ais-proxy-0.default.svc.cluster.local" 57 export AIS_PRIMARY_URL="${SCHEME}${AIS_PRIMARY_HOST}:${PRIMARY_PORT}" 58 59 if [[ ",$PROVIDERS," == *",gcp,"* ]]; then 60 echo "Creating GCP credentials secret" 61 kubectl delete secret gcp-creds || true 62 kubectl create secret generic gcp-creds --from-file=creds.json=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS 63 fi 64 65 # Necessary in case another run with different spec is aborted 66 echo "Cleaning up any previous deployment" 67 source utils/ 68 69 echo "Starting AIS deployment..." 70 echo "Starting primary proxy deployment..." 71 for i in $(seq 0 $((NUM_PROXY-1))); do 72 export POD_NAME="ais-proxy-${i}" 73 export PORT=$((PRIMARY_PORT+i)) 74 export INSTANCE=${INSTANCE} 75 # Use a clusterIP service for each pod for communication without host network 76 export HOSTNAME_LIST="$POD_NAME.default.svc.cluster.local" 77 envsubst < kube_templates/ci_proxy.yml | kubectl delete -f - || true 78 envsubst < kube_templates/ci_proxy.yml | kubectl apply -f - 79 INSTANCE=$((INSTANCE+1)) 80 done 81 82 echo "Waiting for the primary proxy to be ready..." 83 kubectl wait --for="condition=ready" --timeout=2m pod ais-proxy-0 84 85 echo "Starting target deployment..." 86 87 INSTANCE=0 88 for i in $(seq 0 $((NUM_TARGET-1))); do 89 export POD_NAME="ais-target-${i}" 90 export PORT=$((9090+i)) 91 export PORT_INTRA_CONTROL=$((9080+i)) 92 export PORT_INTRA_DATA=$((10080+i)) 93 export TARGET_POS_NUM=$i 94 export INSTANCE=${INSTANCE} 95 export HOSTNAME_LIST="$POD_NAME.default.svc.cluster.local" 96 97 envsubst < kube_templates/ci_target.yml | kubectl delete -f - || true 98 envsubst < kube_templates/ci_target.yml | kubectl create -f - 99 INSTANCE=$((INSTANCE+1)) 100 done 101 102 echo "Waiting for the targets to be ready..." 103 kubectl wait --for="condition=ready" --timeout=2m pods -l type=ais-target 104 105 echo "List of running pods" 106 kubectl get pods -o wide