(about) 1 --- 2 layout: post 3 title: HOW TO BENCHMARK 4 permalink: /docs/howto-benchmark 5 redirect_from: 6 - / 7 - /docs/ 8 --- 9 10 ## How to benchmark with AIStore 11 12 The tool we have developed is called AIS Loader (`aisloader`) - a load generator to benchmark and stress-test AIStore, or any S3-compatible backend. AIS Loader generates arbitrary read/write workloads including those (synthetic) ones that mimic training and inference workloads. The latter allows to run benchmarks in isolation and avoid compute-side bottlenecks, if any. 13 14 For usage, run: `aisloader`, or `aisloader usage`, or `aisloader --help`. 15 16 To get started, go to the `aistore` root directory and run: 17 18 ```console 19 $ make aisloader 20 $ $GOPATH/bin/aisloader 21 ``` 22 23 Following in this document are a few *easy* usage examples and dry-run instructions. For detailed description and more examples, please see [aisloader readme](/docs/ 24 25 ### Basic Examples 26 27 For the most recently updated command-line options and examples, please run `aisloader` or `aisloader usage`. 28 29 1. Destroy existing ais bucket - the first example. Delete all objects in a given Cloud-based bucket - the second example: 30 31 ```console 32 $ aisloader -bucket=nvais -duration 0s -totalputsize=0 33 $ aisloader -bucket=aws://nvais -cleanup=true -duration 0s -totalputsize=0 34 ``` 35 36 2. Time-based 100% PUT into ais bucket. Upon exit the bucket is emptied (by default): 37 38 ```console 39 $ aisloader -bucket=nvais -duration 10s -numworkers=3 -minsize=1K -maxsize=1K -pctput=100 -provider=ais 40 ``` 41 42 3. 100% GET from an ais bucket: 43 44 ```console 45 $ aisloader -bucket=nvais -duration 5s -numworkers=3 -pctput=0 -provider=ais 46 ``` 47 48 4. Mixed 30%/70% PUT and GET of variable-size objects to/from a Cloud bucket. PUT will generate random object names and is limited by the 10GB total size. Cleanup is not disabled, which means that upon completion all generated objects will be deleted: 49 50 ```console 51 $ aisloader -bucket=nvaws -duration 0s -numworkers=3 -minsize=1024 -maxsize=1MB -pctput=30 -provider=cloud -totalputsize=10G 52 ``` 53 54 5. PUT 2000 objects named as `aisloader/hex({0..2000}{loaderid})`: 55 56 ```console 57 $ aisloader -bucket=nvais -duration 10s -numworkers=3 -loaderid=11 -loadernum=20 -maxputs=2000 -objNamePrefix="aisloader" 58 ``` 59 60 6. PUT 30% of random TAR files and 70% GET of transformed TARs to TFRecords with tar2tf transformation. 61 62 ```console 63 $ aisloader -bucket=nvaws -duration=5m -numworkers=3 -pctput=30 -readertype=tar -transformation=tar2tf 64 ``` 65 66 ### AIS Loader full documentation 67 68 Full aisloader documentation, including more examples and full options list, is available [here](/docs/