
     1  // Package ec provides erasure coding (EC) based data protection for AIStore.
     2  /*
     3  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
     4   */
     5  package ec
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"net/http"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  type (
    28  	getFactory struct {
    29  		xreg.RenewBase
    30  		xctn *XactGet
    31  	}
    33  	// Erasure coding runner: accepts requests and dispatches them to
    34  	// a correct mountpath runner. Runner uses dedicated to EC memory manager
    35  	// inherited by dependent mountpath runners
    36  	XactGet struct {
    37  		xactECBase
    38  		xactReqBase
    39  		getJoggers map[string]*getJogger // mountpath joggers for GET
    40  	}
    42  	// extended x-ec-get statistics
    43  	ExtECGetStats struct {
    44  		AvgTime     cos.Duration `json:"ec.decode.ns"`
    45  		ErrCount    int64        `json:"ec.decode.err.n,string"`
    46  		AvgObjTime  cos.Duration `json:"ec.obj.process.ns"`
    47  		AvgQueueLen float64      `json:"ec.queue.len.f"`
    48  		IsIdle      bool         `json:"is_idle"`
    49  	}
    50  )
    52  // interface guard
    53  var (
    54  	_ xact.Demand    = (*XactGet)(nil)
    55  	_ xreg.Renewable = (*getFactory)(nil)
    56  )
    58  ////////////////
    59  // getFactory //
    60  ////////////////
    62  func (*getFactory) New(_ xreg.Args, bck *meta.Bck) xreg.Renewable {
    63  	p := &getFactory{RenewBase: xreg.RenewBase{Bck: bck}}
    64  	return p
    65  }
    67  func (p *getFactory) Start() error {
    68  	xec := ECM.NewGetXact(p.Bck.Bucket())
    69  	xec.DemandBase.Init(cos.GenUUID(), p.Kind(), p.Bck, 0 /*use default*/)
    70  	p.xctn = xec
    71  	go xec.Run(nil)
    72  	return nil
    73  }
    74  func (*getFactory) Kind() string     { return apc.ActECGet }
    75  func (p *getFactory) Get() core.Xact { return p.xctn }
    77  func (p *getFactory) WhenPrevIsRunning(xprev xreg.Renewable) (xreg.WPR, error) {
    78  	debug.Assertf(false, "%s vs %s", p.Str(p.Kind()), xprev) // xreg.usePrev() must've returned true
    79  	return xreg.WprUse, nil
    80  }
    82  /////////////
    83  // XactGet //
    84  /////////////
    86  func newGetXact(bck *cmn.Bck, mgr *Manager) *XactGet {
    87  	var (
    88  		avail, disabled = fs.Get()
    89  		totalPaths      = len(avail) + len(disabled)
    90  		config          = cmn.GCO.Get()
    91  		xctn            = &XactGet{
    92  			getJoggers: make(map[string]*getJogger, totalPaths),
    93  		}
    94  	)
    95  	xctn.xactECBase.init(config, bck, mgr)
    96  	xctn.xactReqBase.init()
    98  	// create all runners but do not start them until Run is called
    99  	for mpath := range avail {
   100  		getJog := xctn.newGetJogger(mpath)
   101  		xctn.getJoggers[mpath] = getJog
   102  	}
   103  	for mpath := range disabled {
   104  		getJog := xctn.newGetJogger(mpath)
   105  		xctn.getJoggers[mpath] = getJog
   106  	}
   107  	return xctn
   108  }
   110  func (r *XactGet) DispatchResp(iReq intraReq, hdr *transport.ObjHdr, bck *meta.Bck, reader io.Reader) {
   111  	objName, objAttrs := hdr.ObjName, hdr.ObjAttrs
   112  	uname := unique(hdr.SID, bck, objName)
   113  	switch hdr.Opcode {
   114  	// It is response to slice/replica request by an object
   115  	// restoration process. In this case, there should exists
   116  	// a slice "waiting" for the data to arrive (registered with `regWriter`.
   117  	// Read the data into the slice writer and notify the slice when
   118  	// the transfer is complete
   119  	case respPut:
   120  		if cmn.Rom.FastV(4, cos.SmoduleEC) {
   121  			nlog.Infof("Response from %s, %s", hdr.SID, uname)
   122  		}
   123  		r.dOwner.mtx.Lock()
   124  		writer, ok := r.dOwner.slices[uname]
   125  		r.dOwner.mtx.Unlock()
   127  		if !ok {
   128  			err := fmt.Errorf("%s: no slice writer for %s (uname %s)", core.T, bck.Cname(objName), uname)
   129  			r.AddErr(err, 0)
   130  			return
   131  		}
   132  		if err := _writerReceive(writer, iReq.exists, objAttrs, reader); err != nil {
   133  			err = fmt.Errorf("%s: failed to read %s replica: %w (uname %s)", core.T, bck.Cname(objName), err, uname)
   134  			r.AddErr(err, 0)
   135  		}
   136  	default:
   137  		debug.Assert(false, "opcode", hdr.Opcode)
   138  		nlog.Errorf("Invalid request: %d", hdr.Opcode)
   139  	}
   140  }
   142  func (r *XactGet) newGetJogger(mpath string) *getJogger {
   143  	var (
   144  		client *http.Client
   145  		cargs  = cmn.TransportArgs{Timeout: r.config.Client.Timeout.D()}
   146  	)
   147  	if r.config.Net.HTTP.UseHTTPS {
   148  		client = cmn.NewIntraClientTLS(cargs, r.config)
   149  	} else {
   150  		client = cmn.NewClient(cargs)
   151  	}
   152  	j := &getJogger{
   153  		parent: r,
   154  		mpath:  mpath,
   155  		client: client,
   156  		workCh: make(chan *request, requestBufSizeFS),
   157  	}
   158  	j.stopCh.Init()
   159  	return j
   160  }
   162  func (r *XactGet) dispatchRequest(req *request, lom *core.LOM) error {
   163  	if !r.ecRequestsEnabled() {
   164  		if req.ErrCh != nil {
   165  			req.ErrCh <- ErrorECDisabled
   166  			close(req.ErrCh)
   167  		}
   168  		return ErrorECDisabled
   169  	}
   171  	debug.Assert(req.Action == ActRestore)
   173  	jogger, ok := r.getJoggers[lom.Mountpath().Path]
   174  	if !ok {
   175  		debug.Assert(false, "invalid "+lom.Mountpath().String())
   176  	}
   177  	r.stats.updateQueue(len(jogger.workCh))
   178  	jogger.workCh <- req
   179  	return nil
   180  }
   182  func (r *XactGet) Run(*sync.WaitGroup) {
   183  	nlog.Infoln(r.Name())
   184  	for _, jog := range r.getJoggers {
   185  		go
   186  	}
   188  	ticker := time.NewTicker(r.config.Periodic.StatsTime.D())
   189  	defer ticker.Stop()
   191  	// as of now all requests are equal. Some may get throttling later
   192  	for {
   193  		select {
   194  		case <-ticker.C:
   195  			if cmn.Rom.FastV(4, cos.SmoduleEC) {
   196  				if s := r.ECStats().String(); s != "" {
   197  					nlog.Infoln(s)
   198  				}
   199  			}
   200  		case mpathRequest := <-r.mpathReqCh:
   201  			switch mpathRequest.action {
   202  			case apc.ActMountpathAttach:
   203  				r.addMpath(mpathRequest.mpath)
   204  			case apc.ActMountpathDetach:
   205  				r.removeMpath(mpathRequest.mpath)
   206  			}
   207  		case <-r.IdleTimer():
   208  			// It's OK not to notify ecmanager, it'll just have stopped xctn in a map.
   209  			r.stop()
   210  			return
   211  		case msg := <-r.controlCh:
   212  			if msg.Action == ActEnableRequests {
   213  				r.setEcRequestsEnabled()
   214  				break
   215  			}
   216  			debug.Assert(msg.Action == ActClearRequests)
   218  			r.setEcRequestsDisabled()
   219  			r.stop()
   220  			return
   221  		case <-r.ChanAbort():
   222  			r.stop()
   223  			return
   224  		}
   225  	}
   226  }
   228  func (r *XactGet) Stop(err error) { r.Abort(err) }
   230  func (r *XactGet) stop() {
   231  	r.DemandBase.Stop()
   232  	for _, jog := range r.getJoggers {
   233  		jog.stop()
   234  	}
   236  	// Don't close bundles, they are shared between bucket's EC actions
   237  	r.Finish()
   238  }
   240  // Decode schedules an object to be restored from existing slices.
   241  // A caller should wait for the main object restoration is completed. When
   242  // ecrunner finishes main object restoration process it puts into request.ErrCh
   243  // channel the error or nil. The caller may read the object after receiving
   244  // a nil value from channel but ecrunner keeps working - it reuploads all missing
   245  // slices or copies
   246  func (r *XactGet) decode(req *request, lom *core.LOM) {
   247  	debug.Assert(req.Action == ActRestore, "invalid action for restore: "+req.Action)
   248  	r.stats.updateDecode()
   249  	req.putTime = time.Now()
   250 = time.Now()
   252  	if err := r.dispatchRequest(req, lom); err != nil {
   253  		nlog.Errorf("Failed to restore %s: %v", lom, err)
   254  		freeReq(req)
   255  	}
   256  }
   258  // ClearRequests disables receiving new EC requests, they will be terminated with error
   259  // Then it starts draining a channel from pending EC requests
   260  // It does not enable receiving new EC requests, it has to be done explicitly, when EC is enabled again
   261  func (r *XactGet) ClearRequests() {
   262  	msg := RequestsControlMsg{
   263  		Action: ActClearRequests,
   264  	}
   266  	r.controlCh <- msg
   267  }
   269  func (r *XactGet) EnableRequests() {
   270  	msg := RequestsControlMsg{
   271  		Action: ActEnableRequests,
   272  	}
   274  	r.controlCh <- msg
   275  }
   277  //
   278  // fsprunner methods
   279  //
   281  func (r *XactGet) addMpath(mpath string) {
   282  	jogger, ok := r.getJoggers[mpath]
   283  	if ok && jogger != nil {
   284  		nlog.Warningf("Attempted to add already existing mountpath: %s", mpath)
   285  		return
   286  	}
   287  	getJog := r.newGetJogger(mpath)
   288  	r.getJoggers[mpath] = getJog
   289  	go
   290  }
   292  func (r *XactGet) removeMpath(mpath string) {
   293  	getJog, ok := r.getJoggers[mpath]
   294  	if !ok {
   295  		debug.Assert(false, "invalid mountpath: "+mpath)
   296  	}
   297  	getJog.stop()
   298  	delete(r.getJoggers, mpath)
   299  }
   301  func (r *XactGet) Snap() (snap *core.Snap) {
   302  	snap = r.baseSnap()
   303  	st := r.stats.stats()
   304  	snap.Ext = &ExtECGetStats{
   305  		AvgTime:     cos.Duration(st.DecodeTime),
   306  		ErrCount:    st.DecodeErr,
   307  		AvgObjTime:  cos.Duration(st.ObjTime),
   308  		AvgQueueLen: st.QueueLen,
   309  		IsIdle:      r.Pending() == 0,
   310  	}
   311  	snap.Stats.Objs = st.GetReq
   312  	return
   313  }