(about) 1 2 SHELL := /bin/bash 3 PYTHON = python3 4 PIP = pip3 5 DOCFILE := ../docs/ 6 PYAISLOADER_TEST_TYPE ?= short 7 define PREFIX = 8 --- 9 layout: post 10 title: PYTHON SDK 11 permalink: /docs/python-sdk 12 redirect_from: 13 - / 14 - /docs/ 15 --- 16 17 AIStore Python SDK is a growing set of client-side objects and methods to access and utilize AIS clusters. 18 19 > For PyTorch integration and usage examples, please refer to [AIS Python SDK]( available via Python Package Index (PyPI), or see []( 20 21 endef 22 export PREFIX 23 BOTO_UNIT_TEST_COUNT := $(shell ls -1 tests/unit/botocore_patch/test*py | wc -l) 24 export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN := testing 25 # will be fetched from CI pipeline secrets 26 # export AWS_REGION := us-east-1 27 # export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY := testing 28 # export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID := testing 29 export AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN := testing 30 BOTO_VERSION_ARGS := "" 31 ifdef BOTO3_VERSION 32 BOTO_VERSION_ARGS := " boto3==$(BOTO3_VERSION) " 33 endif 34 ifdef BOTOCORE_VERSION 35 BOTO_VERSION_ARGS := " $(BOTO_VERSION_ARGS) botocore==$(BOTOCORE_VERSION) " 36 endif 37 BOTO_VERSION_ARGS := $(patsubst "%",%,$(BOTO_VERSION_ARGS)) 38 39 .PHONY: common_deps 40 common_deps: 41 $(PIP) install -r aistore/common_requirements --quiet 42 43 .PHONY: dev_deps 44 dev_deps: 45 $(PIP) install -r aistore/pytorch/dev_requirements --quiet 46 47 .PHONY: botocore_deps 48 botocore_deps: 49 $(PIP) install --upgrade -r aistore/botocore_patch/botocore_requirements $(BOTO_VERSION_ARGS) --quiet 50 51 .PHONY: s3_test_deps 52 s3_test_deps: 53 $(PIP) install --upgrade -r tests/s3compat/requirements --quiet 54 55 .PHONY: python_tests 56 python_tests: common_deps dev_deps botocore_deps python_sdk_tests python_etl_tests python_botocore_tests 57 58 # Tests for aistore.sdk 59 .PHONY: python_sdk_tests 60 python_sdk_tests: common_deps python_sdk_unit_tests python_sdk_integration_tests 61 62 .PHONY: python_sdk_integration_tests 63 python_sdk_integration_tests: common_deps 64 pytest -v tests/integration/sdk -m "not etl" 65 66 .PHONY: python_sdk_unit_tests 67 python_sdk_unit_tests: common_deps 68 pytest -v tests/unit/sdk 69 70 .PHONY: python_etl_tests 71 python_etl_tests: common_deps 72 pytest -v -s tests/integration/sdk/ -m etl 73 74 .PHONY: python_s3_compat_test 75 python_s3_compat_test: s3_test_deps 76 python3 tests/s3compat/ 77 78 # Tests for aistore.botocore_patch 79 .PHONY: python_botocore_tests 80 python_botocore_tests: common_deps botocore_deps python_botocore_unit_tests python_botocore_integration_tests 81 82 .PHONY: python_botocore_unit_tests 83 python_botocore_unit_tests: common_deps botocore_deps 84 pytest -v -n $(BOTO_UNIT_TEST_COUNT) --dist loadfile tests/unit/botocore_patch 85 86 .PHONY: python_botocore_integration_tests 87 python_botocore_integration_tests: common_deps botocore_deps 88 pytest -v tests/integration/botocore_patch tests/integration/boto3 89 90 # Tests for aistore.pytorch 91 .PHONY: python_pytorch_unit_tests 92 python_pytorch_unit_tests: common_deps dev_deps 93 pytest -v tests/unit/pytorch 94 95 .PHONY: lint 96 lint: common_deps 97 pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc --recursive=y aistore 98 99 .PHONY: lint-tests 100 lint-tests: common_deps botocore_deps 101 pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc-tests --recursive=y tests 102 103 .PHONY: generate-docs 104 generate-docs: 105 @ set -e 106 @ [[ $$(pipx --help) ]] || $(PIP) install pipx; $(PYTHON) -m pipx ensurepath --force 107 @ [[ $$(pydoc-markdown --help) ]] || pipx install --force pydoc-markdown[novella] 108 @ echo "$$PREFIX" > $(DOCFILE) 109 @ pydoc-markdown -I ./aistore/sdk -m client -m cluster -m bucket -m object -m multiobj.object_group -m multiobj.object_names -m multiobj.object_range -m multiobj.object_template -m job -m object_reader -m object_iterator -m etl '{ renderer: { type: markdown, descriptive_class_title: "Class: ", render_toc: true, render_toc_title: "", render_module_header: false, classdef_with_decorators: true } }' >> $(DOCFILE) 110 @ sed -i -e 's/####/###/g' $(DOCFILE) 111 112 .PHONY: 113 test-pyaisloader: 114 @./pyaisloader/ $(PYAISLOADER_TEST_TYPE)