
     1  #!/bin/bash
     3  set -e
     5  function retry {
     6    local n=1
     7    local max=5
     8    local delay=5
     9    while true; do
    10      "$@" && break || {
    11        if [[ $n -lt $max ]]; then
    12          ((n++))
    13          echo "Command failed. Attempt $n/$max:"
    14          sleep $delay;
    15        else
    16          echo "The command has failed after $n attempts." >&2
    17          exit 1
    18        fi
    19      }
    20    done
    21  }
    23  root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"; pwd -P)" ## NOTE: this assumes `` itself is one level below
    25  # Default values
    26  aws_provider="n"
    27  azure_provider="n"
    28  gcp_provider="n"
    29  loopback=0
    30  target_cnt=5
    31  proxy_cnt=5
    32  mountpath_cnt=5
    33  deployment="local"
    34  remote_alias="rmtais"
    35  cleanup="false"
    37  usage="NAME:
    38    $(basename "$0") - locally deploy AIS clusters for development
    40  USAGE:
    41    ./ [options...]
    43  OPTIONS:
    44    --target-cnt        Number of target nodes in the cluster (default: 5)
    45    --proxy-cnt         Number of proxies/gateways (default: 5)
    46    --mountpath-cnt     Number of mountpaths (default: 5)
    47    --cleanup           Cleanup data and metadata from the previous deployments
    48    --deployment        Choose which AIS cluster(s) to deploy, one of: 'local', 'remote', 'all' (default: 'local')
    49    --remote-alias      Alias to assign to the remote cluster (default: 'rmtais')
    50    --aws               Support AWS S3 backend (i.e., build \`aisnode\` executable with AWS S3 SDK)
    51    --gcp               Support Google Cloud Platform (i.e., build \`aisnode\` with libraries to access GCP)
    52    --azure             Support Azure Cloud (experimental)
    53    --loopback          Loopback device size, e.g. 10G, 100M (default: 0). Zero size means: no loopbacks.
    54    --dir               The root directory of the aistore repository
    55    --https             Use HTTPS
    56    --override_backends Configure remote backends at deployment time (override previously stored backend configuration)
    57    --standby           When starting up, do not join cluster - wait instead for admin request (advanced usage, target-only)
    58    --transient         Do not store config changes, keep all the updates in memory
    59    -h, --help          Show this help text
    60  "
    62  # NOTE: `AIS_USE_HTTPS` and other system environment variables are listed in the `env` package:
    63  #
    65  export MODE="debug"
    67  # NOTE: additional `aisnode` command-line (run `aisnode --help`)
    68  export RUN_ARGS=""
    70  while (( "$#" )); do
    71    case "${1}" in
    72      -h|--help) echo -n "${usage}"; exit;;
    74      --aws)   aws_provider="y";   shift;;
    75      --azure) azure_provider="y"; shift;;
    76      --gcp)   gcp_provider="y";   shift;;
    77      --loopback) loopback=$2;  shift; shift;;
    78      --dir) root_dir=$2; shift; shift;;
    79      --deployment) deployment=$2; shift; shift;;
    80      --remote-alias) remote_alias=$2; shift; shift;;
    81      --target-cnt) target_cnt=$2; shift; shift;;
    82      --proxy-cnt) proxy_cnt=$2; shift; shift;;
    83      --mountpath-cnt) mountpath_cnt=$2; shift; shift;;
    84      --cleanup) cleanup="true"; shift;;
    85      --transient) RUN_ARGS="$RUN_ARGS -transient"; shift;;
    86      --standby) RUN_ARGS="$RUN_ARGS -standby"; shift;;
    87      --override_backends) RUN_ARGS="$RUN_ARGS -override_backends"; shift;;
    88      --override-backends) RUN_ARGS="$RUN_ARGS -override_backends"; shift;;
    89      --https)
    90        export AIS_USE_HTTPS="true"
    91        export AIS_SKIP_VERIFY_CRT="true"
    92        export AIS_SERVER_CRT="${AIS_SERVER_CRT:$HOME/localhost.crt}"
    93        export AIS_SERVER_KEY="${AIS_SERVER_KEY:$HOME/localhost.key}"
    94        shift
    95        ;;
    96      -*) RUN_ARGS="$RUN_ARGS ${1}"; shift;; ## NOTE: catch-all here assumes that everything that falls through the switch is binary
    98      *) echo "fatal: unknown argument '${1}'"; exit 1;;
    99    esac
   100  done
   102  case "${deployment}" in
   103    local|remote|all)
   104      ;;
   105    *)
   106      echo "fatal: unknown --deployment argument value '${deployment}' (expected one of: 'local', 'remote', 'all')"
   107      exit 1
   108      ;;
   109  esac
   111  pushd "${root_dir}" 1>/dev/null
   113  make kill
   114  if [[ ${cleanup} == "true" ]]; then
   115    make clean
   116  fi
   118  if [[ ${deployment} == "local" || ${deployment} == "all" ]]; then
   119    echo -e "${target_cnt}\n${proxy_cnt}\n${mountpath_cnt}\n${aws_provider}\n${gcp_provider}\n${azure_provider}\n${loopback}\n" |\
   120  	  make deploy "RUN_ARGS=${RUN_ARGS}"
   121  fi
   123  make -j8 authn aisloader cli 1>/dev/null # Build binaries in parallel
   125  if [[ ${deployment} == "remote" || ${deployment} == "all" ]]; then
   126    if [[ ${deployment} == "all" ]]; then
   127      echo -e "\n*** Remote cluster ***"
   128    fi
   129    echo -e "1\n1\n3\n${aws_provider}\n${gcp_provider}\n${azure_provider}\n${loopback}\n" | DEPLOY_AS_NEXT_TIER="true" AIS_AUTHN_ENABLED=false make deploy
   131    # Do not try attach remote cluster if the main cluster did not start.
   132    if [[ ${deployment} == "all" ]]; then
   133      tier_endpoint=""
   134      if [[ -n ${AIS_USE_HTTPS} ]]; then
   135        tier_endpoint=""
   136      fi
   137      sleep 5
   138      if [[ ${AIS_AUTHN_ENABLED} == "true" ]]; then
   139         tokenfile=$(mktemp -q /tmp/ais.auth.token.XXXXXX)
   140         ais auth login admin -p admin -f ${tokenfile}
   141         export AIS_AUTHN_TOKEN_FILE=${tokenfile}
   142      fi
   143      retry ais cluster remote-attach "${remote_alias}=${tier_endpoint}"
   144    fi
   145  fi
   147  popd 1>/dev/null