(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 # This script starts or restarts minikube with a specific amount of resources, 4 # registers a gitlab runner if necessary, then opens a minikube tunnel 5 6 # Check if the RUNNER_TOKEN was provided 7 RUNNER_TOKEN=$1 8 if [ -z "$RUNNER_TOKEN" ]; then 9 echo "No runner token provided. No new runner will be registered." 10 fi 11 12 # Install required packages and make sure the gitlab runner system service is running 13 sudo ./ 14 15 GITLAB_HOST="" 16 17 MINIKUBE_NODES=${MINIKUBE_NODES:-3} 18 # Requirements for each minikube node 19 MAX_CPU=16 20 MAX_RAM=32768 21 MIN_CPU=2 22 MIN_RAM=4096 23 # Reserved for host system 24 HOST_MEM=2000 25 HOST_CPU=2 26 27 NUM_CPU=$(nproc --all) 28 TOTAL_MEM=$(free -m | awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}') 29 # Reserve 2 cores for the host system, but do not exceed the max number of cores 30 MINIKUBE_CPU=$(((NUM_CPU-HOST_CPU) / MINIKUBE_NODES)) 31 if [ "$MINIKUBE_CPU" -gt "$MAX_CPU" ]; then 32 MINIKUBE_CPU=$MAX_CPU 33 elif [ "$MINIKUBE_CPU" -lt $MIN_CPU ]; then 34 MINIKUBE_CPU=$MIN_CPU 35 fi 36 37 # Reserve 2000MB for the host system, but do not exceed the max amount of memory 38 MINIKUBE_MEMORY=$(((TOTAL_MEM - HOST_MEM) / MINIKUBE_NODES)) 39 if [ "$MINIKUBE_MEMORY" -gt "$MAX_RAM" ]; then 40 MINIKUBE_MEMORY=$MAX_RAM 41 elif [ "$MINIKUBE_MEMORY" -lt "$MIN_RAM" ]; then 42 MINIKUBE_MEMORY=$MIN_RAM 43 fi 44 # Must be named this for minikube to pick it up, so we have a consistent config dir 45 export MINIKUBE_HOME=/var/local/minikube/.minikube 46 47 cleanup_minikube() { 48 # Find all running minikube tunnel processes and get their PIDs 49 PIDS=$(ps aux | grep '[m]inikube tunnel' | awk '{print $2}') 50 51 # Check if any PIDs were found 52 if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then 53 echo "No minikube tunnel process found." 54 else 55 # Kill the processes 56 for PID in $PIDS; do 57 echo "Terminating minikube tunnel process with PID: $PID" 58 sudo kill -9 $PID 59 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 60 echo "Process $PID terminated." 61 else 62 echo "Failed to terminate process $PID." 63 fi 64 done 65 fi 66 rm minikube_tunnel.log 67 minikube stop 68 minikube delete 69 } 70 71 # (Re)Start minikube 72 cleanup_minikube 73 minikube start --cpus=$MINIKUBE_CPU --memory=$MINIKUBE_MEMORY --nodes=$MINIKUBE_NODES 74 75 # Required for hostPath mounts on multi-node clusters 76 minikube addons enable volumesnapshots 77 minikube addons enable csi-hostpath-driver 78 # Cannot build with "minikube docker-env" for multi-node, so use registry 79 minikube addons enable registry 80 81 # Apply RBAC to allow the default service account admin privileges 82 kubectl apply -f minikube_rbac.yaml 83 84 # Apply modified coredns config to allow for faster DNS updates 85 # Useful for tests where we create and destroy new services rapidly 86 kubectl replace -f coredns_config.yaml 87 88 # Register the runner in short-lived config container if a runner token is provided 89 if [ -n "$RUNNER_TOKEN" ]; then 90 echo "Running gitlab-runner register to create config with new token" 91 sudo gitlab-runner register \ 92 --non-interactive \ 93 --url "$GITLAB_HOST" \ 94 --token "$RUNNER_TOKEN" \ 95 --name test-runner \ 96 --executor kubernetes \ 97 --kubernetes-host "$(minikube ip):8443" \ 98 --kubernetes-image ubuntu:22.04 \ 99 --kubernetes-namespace default \ 100 --kubernetes-cert-file "$MINIKUBE_HOME/profiles/minikube/apiserver.crt" \ 101 --kubernetes-key-file "$MINIKUBE_HOME/profiles/minikube/apiserver.key" \ 102 --kubernetes-ca-file "$MINIKUBE_HOME/ca.crt" 103 fi 104 105 # Open a minikube tunnel indefinitely 106 nohup minikube tunnel > minikube_tunnel.log 2>&1 &