
     1  ---
     2  collectionMetadata: &collectionMetadata
     3    description: >-
     4      This is a description about the NewYork collection in Markdown.
     5      We offer both 3D Tiles and Features for this collection.
     6    keywords:
     7      - Keyword1
     8      - Keyword2
     9    thumbnail: 3d.png
    10    lastUpdated: "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z"
    11    temporalProperties:
    12      startDate: validfrom
    13      endDate: validto
    14    extent:
    15      srs: EPSG:3857
    16      bbox: ["-74.391538", "40.435655", "-73.430235", "41.030882"]
    17      interval: [ "\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"", "null" ]
    19  version: 1.0.0
    20  title: New York
    21  # shortened title, used in breadcrumb path
    22  serviceIdentifier: New York
    23  abstract: >-
    24    This is a description about the dataset in Markdown.
    25  license:
    26    name: CC0 1.0
    27    url:
    28  baseUrl: http://localhost:8180
    29  ogcApi:
    30    3dgeovolumes:
    31      tileServer:
    32      collections:
    33        - id: NewYork
    34          # reference to common metadata
    35          metadata: *collectionMetadata
    36          tileServerPath: "NewYork/3DTiles"
    37          uriTemplate3dTiles: "3DTiles/{level}/{x}/{y}.b3m"
    38    features:
    39      datasources:
    40        defaultWGS84:
    41          geopackage:
    42            local:
    43              # Dutch addresses, but for example purposes let's pretend these are NYC addresses
    44              file: ./examples/resources/addresses-crs84.gpkg
    45        additional:
    46          - srs: EPSG:28992
    47            geopackage:
    48              local:
    49                file: ./examples/resources/addresses-rd.gpkg
    50      collections:
    51        - id: NewYork
    52          tableName: addresses
    53          # reference to common metadata
    54          metadata: *collectionMetadata