
     1  {
     2    "id": "NewYork",
     3    "title": "NewYork",
     4    "description": "This is a description about the NewYork collection in Markdown. We offer both 3D Tiles and Features for this collection.",
     5    "collectionType": "3d-container",
     6    "extent": {
     7      "spatial": {
     8        "bbox": [
     9          [
    10            -74.391538,
    11            40.435655,
    12            -73.430235,
    13            41.030882
    14          ]
    15        ],
    16        "crs": ""
    17      },
    18      "temporal": {
    19        "interval": [
    20          [
    21            "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    22            null
    23          ]
    24        ],
    25        "trs": ""
    26      }
    27    },
    28    "crs": [
    29      "",
    30      ""
    31    ],
    32    "storageCrs": "",
    33    "links": [
    34      {
    35        "rel": "self",
    36        "type": "application/json",
    37        "title": "This document as JSON",
    38        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork?f=json"
    39      },
    40      {
    41        "rel": "alternate",
    42        "type": "text/html",
    43        "title": "This document as HTML",
    44        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork?f=html"
    45      },
    46      {
    47        "rel": "items",
    48        "type": "application/json+3dtiles",
    49        "title": "Tileset definition of collection NewYork according to the OGC 3D Tiles specification",
    50        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork/3dtiles?f=json"
    51      },
    52      {
    53        "rel": "items",
    54        "type": "application/geo+json",
    55        "title": "The JSON representation of the NewYork features served from this endpoint",
    56        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork/items?f=json"
    57      },
    58      {
    59        "rel": "items",
    60        "type": "application/vnd.ogc.fg+json",
    61        "title": "The JSON-FG representation of the NewYork features served from this endpoint",
    62        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork/items?f=jsonfg"
    63      },
    64      {
    65        "rel": "items",
    66        "type": "text/html",
    67        "title": "The HTML representation of the NewYork features served from this endpoint",
    68        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork/items?f=html"
    69      }
    70    ],
    71    "content": [
    72      {
    73        "rel": "original",
    74        "type": "application/json+3dtiles",
    75        "title": "Tileset definition of collection NewYork according to the OGC 3D Tiles specification",
    76        "href": "http://localhost:8180/collections/NewYork/3dtiles?f=json",
    77        "collectionType": "3d-container"
    78      }
    79    ]
    80  }