(about) 1 {{- /*gotype:*/ -}} 2 {{ define "content" }} 3 {{ if .Config.OgcAPI.Styles }} 4 <hgroup> 5 <h1 class="title" id="title">{{ .Config.Title }} - {{ i18n "Styles" }}</h1> 6 </hgroup> 7 <div class="row py-3"> 8 <div class="col-md-12"> 9 <p> 10 {{ i18n "StylesText" }} 11 </p> 12 </div> 13 </div> 14 <div class="row"> 15 <div class="col-md-6"> 16 {{ $baseUrl := .Config.BaseURL }} 17 {{ $defaultSrs := (index .Config.OgcAPI.Tiles.SupportedSrs 0)}} 18 {{ $projections := dict "EPSG:28992" "NetherlandsRDNewQuad" "EPSG:3035" "EuropeanETRS89_LAEAQuad" "EPSG:3857" "WebMercatorQuad" }} 19 {{ $defaultStyle := .Config.OgcAPI.Styles.Default }} 20 <table class="table table-borderless table-sm w-auto"> 21 <tbody> 22 <tr> 23 {{ if and (eq (len .Config.OgcAPI.Styles.SupportedStyles) 1) (eq (len .Config.OgcAPI.Tiles.SupportedSrs) 1) }} 24 <td class="w-auto text-nowrap fw-bold"> 25 Style 26 </td> 27 <td class="w-auto px-2"> 28 {{ (index .Config.OgcAPI.Styles.SupportedStyles 0).Title }} ({{ (get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs) }}) 29 </td> 30 {{ else }} 31 <td class="w-auto text-nowrap"> 32 <label for="styles" class="col-form-label fw-bold">Style</label> 33 </td> 34 <td class="w-auto px-2"> 35 {{ $supportedSrs := .Config.OgcAPI.Tiles.SupportedSrs }} 36 <select id="styles" class="form-select"> 37 {{ range $style := .Config.OgcAPI.Styles.SupportedStyles }} 38 {{ range $srs := $supportedSrs }} 39 {{ $projection := get $projections (index $srs).Srs }} 40 <option value='{"style":"{{ $style.ID }}__{{ lower $projection }}","proj":"{{ $projection }}"}'>{{ $style.Title }} ({{ get $projections (index $srs).Srs }})</option> 41 {{ end }} 42 {{ end }} 43 </select> 44 </td> 45 {{ end }} 46 </tr> 47 <tr> 48 <td class="w-auto text-nowrap fw-bold"> 49 URL 50 </td> 51 <td class="w-auto px-2"> 52 <a id="href-url" href="styles/{{ $defaultStyle }}__{{ get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs | lower }}" 53 aria-label="{{ i18n "View" }} style"> 54 {{ $baseUrl }}/styles/{{ $defaultStyle }}__{{ get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs | lower }} 55 </a> 56 </td> 57 </tr> 58 <tr> 59 <td class="w-auto text-nowrap fw-bold"> 60 {{ i18n "Format" }} 61 </td> 62 <td class="w-auto px-2"> 63 Mapbox style 64 </td> 65 </tr> 66 <tr> 67 <td class="w-auto text-nowrap fw-bold"> 68 Metadata 69 </td> 70 <td class="w-auto px-2"> 71 <a id="href-metadata" href="styles/{{ $defaultStyle }}__{{ get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs | lower }}/metadata" 72 aria-label="{{ i18n "View" }} style metadata"> 73 {{ i18n "StyleMetadata" }} 74 </a> 75 </td> 76 </tr> 77 </tbody> 78 </table> 79 </div> 80 <div class="col-md-6"> 81 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="view-component/styles.css"> 82 <script type="text/javascript" src="view-component/main.js"></script> 83 <script type="text/javascript" src="view-component/polyfills.js"></script> 84 <script type="text/javascript" src="view-component/runtime.js"></script> 85 <p>{{ i18n "StylingExample" }}:</p> 86 <app-vectortile-view id="styles-vectortile-view" class="card vectortile-view" 87 tile-url="{{ $baseUrl }}/tiles/{{ get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs }}" 88 style-url="{{ $baseUrl }}/styles/{{ $defaultStyle }}__{{ get $projections $defaultSrs.Srs | lower }}?f=mapbox" 89 center-x="5.3896944" center-y="52.1562499"> 90 </app-vectortile-view> 91 </div> 92 </div> 93 <script> 94 document.addEventListener('input', function (event) { 95 // only operate on styles dropdown 96 if ( !== 'styles') return; 97 // update table fields 98 const value = JSON.parse(; 99 const selectedStyle =; 100 const selectedProjection = value.proj; 101 const urlHref = document.getElementById('href-url'); 102 const metadataHref = document.getElementById('href-metadata'); 103 urlHref.textContent = '{{ $baseUrl }}/styles/' + selectedStyle; 104 urlHref.setAttribute('href', 'styles/' + selectedStyle); 105 metadataHref.setAttribute('href', 'styles/' + selectedStyle + '/metadata'); 106 // update style-url in app-vectortile-view 107 const viewer = document.getElementById('styles-vectortile-view') 108 viewer.setAttribute('tile-url', '{{ $baseUrl }}/tiles/' + selectedProjection) 109 viewer.setAttribute('style-url', '{{ $baseUrl }}/styles/' + selectedStyle + '?f=mapbox') 110 }, false); 111 </script> 112 <noscript>Enable Javascript to display vector tiles viewer</noscript> 113 {{ end }} 114 {{ end }}