
     1  package container // import ""
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"sort"
     7  	"strings"
     8  	"sync"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	swarmtypes ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	executorpkg ""
    18  	clustertypes ""
    19  	""
    20  	networktypes ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	swarmlog ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  )
    30  type executor struct {
    31  	backend       executorpkg.Backend
    32  	imageBackend  executorpkg.ImageBackend
    33  	pluginBackend plugin.Backend
    34  	volumeBackend executorpkg.VolumeBackend
    35  	dependencies  exec.DependencyManager
    36  	mutex         sync.Mutex // This mutex protects the following node field
    37  	node          *api.NodeDescription
    39  	// nodeObj holds a copy of the swarmkit Node object from the time of the
    40  	// last call to executor.Configure. This allows us to discover which
    41  	// network attachments the node previously had, which further allows us to
    42  	// determine which, if any, need to be removed. nodeObj is not protected by
    43  	// a mutex, because it is only written to in the method (Configure) that it
    44  	// is read from. If that changes, it may need to be guarded.
    45  	nodeObj *api.Node
    46  }
    48  // NewExecutor returns an executor from the docker client.
    49  func NewExecutor(b executorpkg.Backend, p plugin.Backend, i executorpkg.ImageBackend, v executorpkg.VolumeBackend) exec.Executor {
    50  	return &executor{
    51  		backend:       b,
    52  		pluginBackend: p,
    53  		imageBackend:  i,
    54  		volumeBackend: v,
    55  		dependencies:  agent.NewDependencyManager(b.PluginGetter()),
    56  	}
    57  }
    59  // Describe returns the underlying node description from the docker client.
    60  func (e *executor) Describe(ctx context.Context) (*api.NodeDescription, error) {
    61  	info := e.backend.SystemInfo()
    63  	plugins := map[api.PluginDescription]struct{}{}
    64  	addPlugins := func(typ string, names []string) {
    65  		for _, name := range names {
    66  			plugins[api.PluginDescription{
    67  				Type: typ,
    68  				Name: name,
    69  			}] = struct{}{}
    70  		}
    71  	}
    73  	// add v1 plugins
    74  	addPlugins("Volume", info.Plugins.Volume)
    75  	// Add builtin driver "overlay" (the only builtin multi-host driver) to
    76  	// the plugin list by default.
    77  	addPlugins("Network", append([]string{"overlay"}, info.Plugins.Network...))
    78  	addPlugins("Authorization", info.Plugins.Authorization)
    79  	addPlugins("Log", info.Plugins.Log)
    81  	// add v2 plugins
    82  	v2Plugins, err := e.backend.PluginManager().List(filters.NewArgs())
    83  	if err == nil {
    84  		for _, plgn := range v2Plugins {
    85  			for _, typ := range plgn.Config.Interface.Types {
    86  				if typ.Prefix != "docker" || !plgn.Enabled {
    87  					continue
    88  				}
    89  				plgnTyp := typ.Capability
    90  				switch typ.Capability {
    91  				case "volumedriver":
    92  					plgnTyp = "Volume"
    93  				case "networkdriver":
    94  					plgnTyp = "Network"
    95  				case "logdriver":
    96  					plgnTyp = "Log"
    97  				}
    99  				plugins[api.PluginDescription{
   100  					Type: plgnTyp,
   101  					Name: plgn.Name,
   102  				}] = struct{}{}
   103  			}
   104  		}
   105  	}
   107  	pluginFields := make([]api.PluginDescription, 0, len(plugins))
   108  	for k := range plugins {
   109  		pluginFields = append(pluginFields, k)
   110  	}
   112  	sort.Sort(sortedPlugins(pluginFields))
   114  	// parse []string labels into a map[string]string
   115  	labels := map[string]string{}
   116  	for _, l := range info.Labels {
   117  		k, v, ok := strings.Cut(l, "=")
   118  		// this will take the last value in the list for a given key
   119  		// ideally, one shouldn't assign multiple values to the same key
   120  		if ok {
   121  			labels[k] = v
   122  		}
   123  	}
   125  	// TODO(dperny): don't ignore the error here
   126  	csiInfo, _ := e.Volumes().Plugins().NodeInfo(ctx)
   128  	description := &api.NodeDescription{
   129  		Hostname: info.Name,
   130  		Platform: &api.Platform{
   131  			Architecture: info.Architecture,
   132  			OS:           info.OSType,
   133  		},
   134  		Engine: &api.EngineDescription{
   135  			EngineVersion: info.ServerVersion,
   136  			Labels:        labels,
   137  			Plugins:       pluginFields,
   138  		},
   139  		Resources: &api.Resources{
   140  			NanoCPUs:    int64(info.NCPU) * 1e9,
   141  			MemoryBytes: info.MemTotal,
   142  			Generic:     convert.GenericResourcesToGRPC(info.GenericResources),
   143  		},
   144  		CSIInfo: csiInfo,
   145  	}
   147  	// Save the node information in the executor field
   148  	e.mutex.Lock()
   149  	e.node = description
   150  	e.mutex.Unlock()
   152  	return description, nil
   153  }
   155  func (e *executor) Configure(ctx context.Context, node *api.Node) error {
   156  	var ingressNA *api.NetworkAttachment
   157  	attachments := make(map[string]string)
   159  	for _, na := range node.Attachments {
   160  		if na == nil || na.Network == nil || len(na.Addresses) == 0 {
   161  			// this should not happen, but we got a panic here and don't have a
   162  			// good idea about what the underlying data structure looks like.
   163  			swarmlog.G(ctx).WithField("NetworkAttachment", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", na)).Warn("skipping nil or malformed node network attachment entry")
   164  			continue
   165  		}
   167  		if na.Network.Spec.Ingress {
   168  			ingressNA = na
   169  		}
   171  		attachments[na.Network.ID] = na.Addresses[0]
   172  	}
   174  	// discover which, if any, attachments have been removed.
   175  	//
   176  	// we aren't responsible directly for creating these networks. that is
   177  	// handled indirectly when a container using that network is created.
   178  	// however, when it comes time to remove the network, none of the relevant
   179  	// tasks may exist anymore. this means we should go ahead and try to remove
   180  	// any network we know to no longer be in use.
   182  	// removeAttachments maps the network ID to a boolean. This boolean
   183  	// indicates whether the attachment in question is totally removed (true),
   184  	// or has just had its IP changed (false)
   185  	removeAttachments := make(map[string]bool)
   187  	// the first time we Configure, nodeObj wil be nil, because it will not be
   188  	// set yet. in that case, skip this check.
   189  	if e.nodeObj != nil {
   190  		for _, na := range e.nodeObj.Attachments {
   191  			// same thing as above, check sanity of the attachments so we don't
   192  			// get a panic.
   193  			if na == nil || na.Network == nil || len(na.Addresses) == 0 {
   194  				swarmlog.G(ctx).WithField("NetworkAttachment", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", na)).Warn("skipping nil or malformed node network attachment entry")
   195  				continue
   196  			}
   198  			// now, check if the attachment exists and shares the same IP address.
   199  			if ip, ok := attachments[na.Network.ID]; !ok || na.Addresses[0] != ip {
   200  				// if the map entry exists, then the network still exists, and the
   201  				// IP must be what has changed
   202  				removeAttachments[na.Network.ID] = !ok
   203  			}
   204  		}
   205  	}
   207  	if (ingressNA == nil) && (node.Attachment != nil) && (len(node.Attachment.Addresses) > 0) {
   208  		ingressNA = node.Attachment
   209  		attachments[ingressNA.Network.ID] = ingressNA.Addresses[0]
   210  	}
   212  	if ingressNA == nil {
   213  		e.backend.ReleaseIngress()
   214  		return e.backend.GetAttachmentStore().ResetAttachments(attachments)
   215  	}
   217  	options := types.NetworkCreate{
   218  		Driver: ingressNA.Network.DriverState.Name,
   219  		IPAM: &network.IPAM{
   220  			Driver: ingressNA.Network.IPAM.Driver.Name,
   221  		},
   222  		Options: ingressNA.Network.DriverState.Options,
   223  		Ingress: true,
   224  	}
   226  	for _, ic := range ingressNA.Network.IPAM.Configs {
   227  		c := network.IPAMConfig{
   228  			Subnet:  ic.Subnet,
   229  			IPRange: ic.Range,
   230  			Gateway: ic.Gateway,
   231  		}
   232  		options.IPAM.Config = append(options.IPAM.Config, c)
   233  	}
   235  	_, err := e.backend.SetupIngress(clustertypes.NetworkCreateRequest{
   236  		ID: ingressNA.Network.ID,
   237  		NetworkCreateRequest: types.NetworkCreateRequest{
   238  			Name:          ingressNA.Network.Spec.Annotations.Name,
   239  			NetworkCreate: options,
   240  		},
   241  	}, ingressNA.Addresses[0])
   242  	if err != nil {
   243  		return err
   244  	}
   246  	var (
   247  		activeEndpointsError *libnetwork.ActiveEndpointsError
   248  		errNoSuchNetwork     libnetwork.ErrNoSuchNetwork
   249  	)
   251  	// now, finally, remove any network LB attachments that we no longer have.
   252  	for nw, gone := range removeAttachments {
   253  		err := e.backend.DeleteManagedNetwork(nw)
   254  		switch {
   255  		case err == nil:
   256  			continue
   257  		case errors.As(err, &activeEndpointsError):
   258  			// this is the purpose of the boolean in the map. it's literally
   259  			// just to log an appropriate, informative error. i'm unsure if
   260  			// this can ever actually occur, but we need to know if it does.
   261  			if gone {
   262  				swarmlog.G(ctx).Warnf("network %s should be removed, but still has active attachments", nw)
   263  			} else {
   264  				swarmlog.G(ctx).Warnf("network %s should have its node LB IP changed, but cannot be removed because of active attachments", nw)
   265  			}
   266  			continue
   267  		case errors.As(err, &errNoSuchNetwork):
   268  			// NoSuchNetworkError indicates the network is already gone.
   269  			continue
   270  		default:
   271  			swarmlog.G(ctx).Errorf("network %s remove failed: %v", nw, err)
   272  		}
   273  	}
   275  	// now update our copy of the node object, reset the attachment store, and
   276  	// return
   277  	e.nodeObj = node
   279  	return e.backend.GetAttachmentStore().ResetAttachments(attachments)
   280  }
   282  // Controller returns a docker container runner.
   283  func (e *executor) Controller(t *api.Task) (exec.Controller, error) {
   284  	dependencyGetter := template.NewTemplatedDependencyGetter(agent.Restrict(e.dependencies, t), t, nil)
   286  	// Get the node description from the executor field
   287  	e.mutex.Lock()
   288  	nodeDescription := e.node
   289  	e.mutex.Unlock()
   291  	if t.Spec.GetAttachment() != nil {
   292  		return newNetworkAttacherController(e.backend, e.imageBackend, e.volumeBackend, t, nodeDescription, dependencyGetter)
   293  	}
   295  	var ctlr exec.Controller
   296  	switch r := t.Spec.GetRuntime().(type) {
   297  	case *api.TaskSpec_Generic:
   298  		swarmlog.G(context.TODO()).WithFields(log.Fields{
   299  			"kind":     r.Generic.Kind,
   300  			"type_url": r.Generic.Payload.TypeUrl,
   301  		}).Debug("custom runtime requested")
   302  		runtimeKind, err := naming.Runtime(t.Spec)
   303  		if err != nil {
   304  			return ctlr, err
   305  		}
   306  		switch runtimeKind {
   307  		case string(swarmtypes.RuntimePlugin):
   308  			if !e.backend.HasExperimental() {
   309  				return ctlr, fmt.Errorf("runtime type %q only supported in experimental", swarmtypes.RuntimePlugin)
   310  			}
   311  			c, err := plugin.NewController(e.pluginBackend, t)
   312  			if err != nil {
   313  				return ctlr, err
   314  			}
   315  			ctlr = c
   316  		default:
   317  			return ctlr, fmt.Errorf("unsupported runtime type: %q", runtimeKind)
   318  		}
   319  	case *api.TaskSpec_Container:
   320  		c, err := newController(e.backend, e.imageBackend, e.volumeBackend, t, nodeDescription, dependencyGetter)
   321  		if err != nil {
   322  			return ctlr, err
   323  		}
   324  		ctlr = c
   325  	default:
   326  		return ctlr, fmt.Errorf("unsupported runtime: %q", r)
   327  	}
   329  	return ctlr, nil
   330  }
   332  func (e *executor) SetNetworkBootstrapKeys(keys []*api.EncryptionKey) error {
   333  	nwKeys := []*networktypes.EncryptionKey{}
   334  	for _, key := range keys {
   335  		nwKey := &networktypes.EncryptionKey{
   336  			Subsystem:   key.Subsystem,
   337  			Algorithm:   int32(key.Algorithm),
   338  			Key:         make([]byte, len(key.Key)),
   339  			LamportTime: key.LamportTime,
   340  		}
   341  		copy(nwKey.Key, key.Key)
   342  		nwKeys = append(nwKeys, nwKey)
   343  	}
   344  	e.backend.SetNetworkBootstrapKeys(nwKeys)
   346  	return nil
   347  }
   349  func (e *executor) Secrets() exec.SecretsManager {
   350  	return e.dependencies.Secrets()
   351  }
   353  func (e *executor) Configs() exec.ConfigsManager {
   354  	return e.dependencies.Configs()
   355  }
   357  func (e *executor) Volumes() exec.VolumesManager {
   358  	return e.dependencies.Volumes()
   359  }
   361  type sortedPlugins []api.PluginDescription
   363  func (sp sortedPlugins) Len() int { return len(sp) }
   365  func (sp sortedPlugins) Swap(i, j int) { sp[i], sp[j] = sp[j], sp[i] }
   367  func (sp sortedPlugins) Less(i, j int) bool {
   368  	if sp[i].Type != sp[j].Type {
   369  		return sp[i].Type < sp[j].Type
   370  	}
   371  	return sp[i].Name < sp[j].Name
   372  }