
     1  //go:build !windows
     3  package main
     5  import (
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"strconv"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"testing"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	testdaemon ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  func setPortConfig(portConfig []swarm.PortConfig) testdaemon.ServiceConstructor {
    27  	return func(s *swarm.Service) {
    28  		if s.Spec.EndpointSpec == nil {
    29  			s.Spec.EndpointSpec = &swarm.EndpointSpec{}
    30  		}
    31  		s.Spec.EndpointSpec.Ports = portConfig
    32  	}
    33  }
    35  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPIServiceUpdatePort(c *testing.T) {
    36  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
    37  	d := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
    39  	// Create a service with a port mapping of 8080:8081.
    40  	portConfig := []swarm.PortConfig{{TargetPort: 8081, PublishedPort: 8080}}
    41  	serviceID := d.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setInstances(1), setPortConfig(portConfig))
    42  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
    44  	// Update the service: changed the port mapping from 8080:8081 to 8082:8083.
    45  	updatedPortConfig := []swarm.PortConfig{{TargetPort: 8083, PublishedPort: 8082}}
    46  	remoteService := d.GetService(ctx, c, serviceID)
    47  	d.UpdateService(ctx, c, remoteService, setPortConfig(updatedPortConfig))
    49  	// Inspect the service and verify port mapping.
    50  	updatedService := d.GetService(ctx, c, serviceID)
    51  	assert.Assert(c, updatedService.Spec.EndpointSpec != nil)
    52  	assert.Equal(c, len(updatedService.Spec.EndpointSpec.Ports), 1)
    53  	assert.Equal(c, updatedService.Spec.EndpointSpec.Ports[0].TargetPort, uint32(8083))
    54  	assert.Equal(c, updatedService.Spec.EndpointSpec.Ports[0].PublishedPort, uint32(8082))
    55  }
    57  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesEmptyList(c *testing.T) {
    58  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
    59  	d := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
    61  	services := d.ListServices(ctx, c)
    62  	assert.Assert(c, services != nil)
    63  	assert.Assert(c, len(services) == 0, "services: %#v", services)
    64  }
    66  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesCreate(c *testing.T) {
    67  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
    68  	d := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
    70  	instances := 2
    71  	id := d.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setInstances(instances))
    72  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
    74  	client := d.NewClientT(c)
    75  	defer client.Close()
    77  	options := types.ServiceInspectOptions{InsertDefaults: true}
    79  	// insertDefaults inserts UpdateConfig when service is fetched by ID
    80  	resp, _, err := client.ServiceInspectWithRaw(ctx, id, options)
    81  	out := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", resp)
    82  	assert.NilError(c, err)
    83  	assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "UpdateConfig"))
    85  	// insertDefaults inserts UpdateConfig when service is fetched by ID
    86  	resp, _, err = client.ServiceInspectWithRaw(ctx, "top", options)
    87  	out = fmt.Sprintf("%+v", resp)
    88  	assert.NilError(c, err)
    89  	assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out, "UpdateConfig"))
    91  	service := d.GetService(ctx, c, id)
    92  	instances = 5
    93  	d.UpdateService(ctx, c, service, setInstances(instances))
    94  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
    96  	d.RemoveService(ctx, c, service.ID)
    97  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
    98  }
   100  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesMultipleAgents(c *testing.T) {
   101  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   102  	d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
   103  	d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   104  	d3 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   106  	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // make sure all daemons are ready to accept tasks
   108  	instances := 9
   109  	id := d1.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setInstances(instances))
   111  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   112  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   113  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.GreaterThan(0)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   115  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   117  	// reconciliation on d2 node down
   118  	d2.Stop(c)
   120  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   122  	// test downscaling
   123  	instances = 5
   124  	d1.UpdateService(ctx, c, d1.GetService(ctx, c, id), setInstances(instances))
   125  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   126  }
   128  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesCreateGlobal(c *testing.T) {
   129  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   130  	d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
   131  	d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   132  	d3 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   134  	d1.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setGlobalMode)
   136  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   137  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   138  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   140  	d4 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   141  	d5 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   143  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d4.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   144  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d5.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), checker.Equals(1)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   145  }
   147  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesUpdate(c *testing.T) {
   148  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   149  	const nodeCount = 3
   150  	var daemons [nodeCount]*daemon.Daemon
   151  	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   152  		daemons[i] = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, i == 0)
   153  	}
   154  	// wait for nodes ready
   155  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckNodeReadyCount(ctx), checker.Equals(nodeCount)), poll.WithTimeout(5*time.Second))
   157  	// service image at start
   158  	image1 := "busybox:latest"
   159  	// target image in update
   160  	image2 := "busybox:test"
   162  	// create a different tag
   163  	for _, d := range daemons {
   164  		out, err := d.Cmd("tag", image1, image2)
   165  		assert.NilError(c, err, out)
   166  	}
   168  	// create service
   169  	instances := 5
   170  	parallelism := 2
   171  	rollbackParallelism := 3
   172  	id := daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, serviceForUpdate, setInstances(instances))
   174  	// wait for tasks ready
   175  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   177  	// issue service update
   178  	service := daemons[0].GetService(ctx, c, id)
   179  	daemons[0].UpdateService(ctx, c, service, setImage(image2))
   181  	// first batch
   182  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - parallelism, image2: parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   184  	// 2nd batch
   185  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - 2*parallelism, image2: 2 * parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   187  	// 3nd batch
   188  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image2: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   190  	// Roll back to the previous version. This uses the CLI because
   191  	// rollback used to be a client-side operation.
   192  	out, err := daemons[0].Cmd("service", "update", "--detach", "--rollback", id)
   193  	assert.NilError(c, err, out)
   195  	// first batch
   196  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image2: instances - rollbackParallelism, image1: rollbackParallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   198  	// 2nd batch
   199  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   200  }
   202  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesUpdateStartFirst(c *testing.T) {
   203  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   204  	d := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
   206  	// service image at start
   207  	image1 := "busybox:latest"
   208  	// target image in update
   209  	image2 := "testhealth:latest"
   211  	// service started from this image won't pass health check
   212  	result := cli.BuildCmd(c, image2, cli.Daemon(d),
   213  		build.WithDockerfile(`FROM busybox
   214  		HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s --timeout=30s --retries=1024 \
   215  		  CMD cat /status`),
   216  	)
   217  	result.Assert(c, icmd.Success)
   219  	// create service
   220  	instances := 5
   221  	parallelism := 2
   222  	rollbackParallelism := 3
   223  	id := d.CreateService(ctx, c, serviceForUpdate, setInstances(instances), setUpdateOrder(swarm.UpdateOrderStartFirst), setRollbackOrder(swarm.UpdateOrderStartFirst))
   225  	checkStartingTasks := func(expected int) []swarm.Task {
   226  		var startingTasks []swarm.Task
   227  		poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, func(c *testing.T) (interface{}, string) {
   228  			tasks := d.GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   229  			startingTasks = nil
   230  			for _, t := range tasks {
   231  				if t.Status.State == swarm.TaskStateStarting {
   232  					startingTasks = append(startingTasks, t)
   233  				}
   234  			}
   235  			return startingTasks, ""
   236  		}, checker.HasLen(expected)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   238  		return startingTasks
   239  	}
   241  	makeTasksHealthy := func(tasks []swarm.Task) {
   242  		for _, t := range tasks {
   243  			containerID := t.Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID
   244  			d.Cmd("exec", containerID, "touch", "/status")
   245  		}
   246  	}
   248  	// wait for tasks ready
   249  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   251  	// issue service update
   252  	service := d.GetService(ctx, c, id)
   253  	d.UpdateService(ctx, c, service, setImage(image2))
   255  	// first batch
   257  	// The old tasks should be running, and the new ones should be starting.
   258  	startingTasks := checkStartingTasks(parallelism)
   260  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   262  	// make it healthy
   263  	makeTasksHealthy(startingTasks)
   265  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - parallelism, image2: parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   267  	// 2nd batch
   269  	// The old tasks should be running, and the new ones should be starting.
   270  	startingTasks = checkStartingTasks(parallelism)
   272  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - parallelism, image2: parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   274  	// make it healthy
   275  	makeTasksHealthy(startingTasks)
   277  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - 2*parallelism, image2: 2 * parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   279  	// 3nd batch
   281  	// The old tasks should be running, and the new ones should be starting.
   282  	startingTasks = checkStartingTasks(1)
   284  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances - 2*parallelism, image2: 2 * parallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   286  	// make it healthy
   287  	makeTasksHealthy(startingTasks)
   289  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image2: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   291  	// Roll back to the previous version. This uses the CLI because
   292  	// rollback is a client-side operation.
   293  	out, err := d.Cmd("service", "update", "--detach", "--rollback", id)
   294  	assert.NilError(c, err, out)
   296  	// first batch
   297  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image2: instances - rollbackParallelism, image1: rollbackParallelism})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   299  	// 2nd batch
   300  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, d.CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   301  }
   303  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesFailedUpdate(c *testing.T) {
   304  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   305  	const nodeCount = 3
   306  	var daemons [nodeCount]*daemon.Daemon
   307  	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   308  		daemons[i] = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, i == 0)
   309  	}
   310  	// wait for nodes ready
   311  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckNodeReadyCount(ctx), checker.Equals(nodeCount)), poll.WithTimeout(5*time.Second))
   313  	// service image at start
   314  	image1 := "busybox:latest"
   315  	// target image in update
   316  	image2 := "busybox:badtag"
   318  	// create service
   319  	instances := 5
   320  	id := daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, serviceForUpdate, setInstances(instances))
   322  	// wait for tasks ready
   323  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   325  	// issue service update
   326  	service := daemons[0].GetService(ctx, c, id)
   327  	daemons[0].UpdateService(ctx, c, service, setImage(image2), setFailureAction(swarm.UpdateFailureActionPause), setMaxFailureRatio(0.25), setParallelism(1))
   329  	// should update 2 tasks and then pause
   330  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceUpdateState(ctx, id), checker.Equals(swarm.UpdateStatePaused)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   331  	v, _ := daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id)(c)
   332  	assert.Assert(c, v == instances-2)
   334  	// Roll back to the previous version. This uses the CLI because
   335  	// rollback used to be a client-side operation.
   336  	out, err := daemons[0].Cmd("service", "update", "--detach", "--rollback", id)
   337  	assert.NilError(c, err, out)
   339  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckRunningTaskImages(ctx), checker.DeepEquals(map[string]int{image1: instances})), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   340  }
   342  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServiceConstraintRole(c *testing.T) {
   343  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   344  	const nodeCount = 3
   345  	var daemons [nodeCount]*daemon.Daemon
   346  	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   347  		daemons[i] = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, i == 0)
   348  	}
   349  	// wait for nodes ready
   350  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckNodeReadyCount(ctx), checker.Equals(nodeCount)), poll.WithTimeout(5*time.Second))
   352  	// create service
   353  	constraints := []string{"node.role==worker"}
   354  	instances := 3
   355  	id := daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   356  	// wait for tasks ready
   357  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   358  	// validate tasks are running on worker nodes
   359  	tasks := daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   360  	for _, task := range tasks {
   361  		node := daemons[0].GetNode(ctx, c, task.NodeID)
   362  		assert.Equal(c, node.Spec.Role, swarm.NodeRoleWorker)
   363  	}
   364  	// remove service
   365  	daemons[0].RemoveService(ctx, c, id)
   367  	// create service
   368  	constraints = []string{"node.role!=worker"}
   369  	id = daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   370  	// wait for tasks ready
   371  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   372  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   373  	// validate tasks are running on manager nodes
   374  	for _, task := range tasks {
   375  		node := daemons[0].GetNode(ctx, c, task.NodeID)
   376  		assert.Equal(c, node.Spec.Role, swarm.NodeRoleManager)
   377  	}
   378  	// remove service
   379  	daemons[0].RemoveService(ctx, c, id)
   381  	// create service
   382  	constraints = []string{"node.role==nosuchrole"}
   383  	id = daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   384  	// wait for tasks created
   385  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   386  	// let scheduler try
   387  	time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
   388  	// validate tasks are not assigned to any node
   389  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   390  	for _, task := range tasks {
   391  		assert.Equal(c, task.NodeID, "")
   392  	}
   393  }
   395  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServiceConstraintLabel(c *testing.T) {
   396  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   397  	const nodeCount = 3
   398  	var daemons [nodeCount]*daemon.Daemon
   399  	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   400  		daemons[i] = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, i == 0)
   401  	}
   402  	// wait for nodes ready
   403  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckNodeReadyCount(ctx), checker.Equals(nodeCount)), poll.WithTimeout(5*time.Second))
   404  	nodes := daemons[0].ListNodes(ctx, c)
   405  	assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), nodeCount)
   407  	// add labels to nodes
   408  	daemons[0].UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[0].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
   409  		n.Spec.Annotations.Labels = map[string]string{
   410  			"security": "high",
   411  		}
   412  	})
   413  	for i := 1; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   414  		daemons[0].UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[i].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
   415  			n.Spec.Annotations.Labels = map[string]string{
   416  				"security": "low",
   417  			}
   418  		})
   419  	}
   421  	// create service
   422  	instances := 3
   423  	constraints := []string{""}
   424  	id := daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   425  	// wait for tasks ready
   426  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   427  	tasks := daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   428  	// validate all tasks are running on nodes[0]
   429  	for _, task := range tasks {
   430  		assert.Assert(c, task.NodeID == nodes[0].ID)
   431  	}
   432  	// remove service
   433  	daemons[0].RemoveService(ctx, c, id)
   435  	// create service
   436  	constraints = []string{"!=high"}
   437  	id = daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   438  	// wait for tasks ready
   439  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   440  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   441  	// validate all tasks are NOT running on nodes[0]
   442  	for _, task := range tasks {
   443  		assert.Assert(c, task.NodeID != nodes[0].ID)
   444  	}
   445  	// remove service
   446  	daemons[0].RemoveService(ctx, c, id)
   448  	constraints = []string{""}
   449  	id = daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   450  	// wait for tasks created
   451  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   452  	// let scheduler try
   453  	time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
   454  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   455  	// validate tasks are not assigned
   456  	for _, task := range tasks {
   457  		assert.Assert(c, task.NodeID == "")
   458  	}
   459  	// remove service
   460  	daemons[0].RemoveService(ctx, c, id)
   462  	// multiple constraints
   463  	constraints = []string{
   464  		"",
   465  		fmt.Sprintf("", nodes[1].ID),
   466  	}
   467  	id = daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setConstraints(constraints), setInstances(instances))
   468  	// wait for tasks created
   469  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   470  	// let scheduler try
   471  	time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
   472  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   473  	// validate tasks are not assigned
   474  	for _, task := range tasks {
   475  		assert.Assert(c, task.NodeID == "")
   476  	}
   477  	// make nodes[1] fulfills the constraints
   478  	daemons[0].UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[1].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
   479  		n.Spec.Annotations.Labels = map[string]string{
   480  			"security": "high",
   481  		}
   482  	})
   483  	// wait for tasks ready
   484  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   485  	tasks = daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   486  	for _, task := range tasks {
   487  		assert.Assert(c, task.NodeID == nodes[1].ID)
   488  	}
   489  }
   491  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicePlacementPrefs(c *testing.T) {
   492  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   494  	const nodeCount = 3
   495  	var daemons [nodeCount]*daemon.Daemon
   496  	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   497  		daemons[i] = s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, i == 0)
   498  	}
   499  	// wait for nodes ready
   500  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckNodeReadyCount(ctx), checker.Equals(nodeCount)), poll.WithTimeout(5*time.Second))
   501  	nodes := daemons[0].ListNodes(ctx, c)
   502  	assert.Equal(c, len(nodes), nodeCount)
   504  	// add labels to nodes
   505  	daemons[0].UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[0].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
   506  		n.Spec.Annotations.Labels = map[string]string{
   507  			"rack": "a",
   508  		}
   509  	})
   510  	for i := 1; i < nodeCount; i++ {
   511  		daemons[0].UpdateNode(ctx, c, nodes[i].ID, func(n *swarm.Node) {
   512  			n.Spec.Annotations.Labels = map[string]string{
   513  				"rack": "b",
   514  			}
   515  		})
   516  	}
   518  	// create service
   519  	instances := 4
   520  	prefs := []swarm.PlacementPreference{{Spread: &swarm.SpreadOver{SpreadDescriptor: "node.labels.rack"}}}
   521  	id := daemons[0].CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setPlacementPrefs(prefs), setInstances(instances))
   522  	// wait for tasks ready
   523  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, daemons[0].CheckServiceRunningTasks(ctx, id), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   524  	tasks := daemons[0].GetServiceTasks(ctx, c, id)
   525  	// validate all tasks are running on nodes[0]
   526  	tasksOnNode := make(map[string]int)
   527  	for _, task := range tasks {
   528  		tasksOnNode[task.NodeID]++
   529  	}
   530  	assert.Assert(c, tasksOnNode[nodes[0].ID] == 2)
   531  	assert.Assert(c, tasksOnNode[nodes[1].ID] == 1)
   532  	assert.Assert(c, tasksOnNode[nodes[2].ID] == 1)
   533  }
   535  func (s *DockerSwarmSuite) TestAPISwarmServicesStateReporting(c *testing.T) {
   536  	testRequires(c, testEnv.IsLocalDaemon)
   537  	testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux)
   538  	ctx := testutil.GetContext(c)
   540  	d1 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
   541  	d2 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, true)
   542  	d3 := s.AddDaemon(ctx, c, true, false)
   544  	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // make sure all daemons are ready to accept
   546  	instances := 9
   547  	d1.CreateService(ctx, c, simpleTestService, setInstances(instances))
   549  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   551  	getContainers := func() map[string]*daemon.Daemon {
   552  		m := make(map[string]*daemon.Daemon)
   553  		for _, d := range []*daemon.Daemon{d1, d2, d3} {
   554  			for _, id := range d.ActiveContainers(testutil.GetContext(c), c) {
   555  				m[id] = d
   556  			}
   557  		}
   558  		return m
   559  	}
   561  	containers := getContainers()
   562  	assert.Assert(c, len(containers) == instances)
   563  	var toRemove string
   564  	for i := range containers {
   565  		toRemove = i
   566  	}
   568  	_, err := containers[toRemove].Cmd("stop", toRemove)
   569  	assert.NilError(c, err)
   571  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   573  	containers2 := getContainers()
   574  	assert.Assert(c, len(containers2) == instances)
   575  	for i := range containers {
   576  		if i == toRemove {
   577  			assert.Assert(c, containers2[i] == nil)
   578  		} else {
   579  			assert.Assert(c, containers2[i] != nil)
   580  		}
   581  	}
   583  	containers = containers2
   584  	for i := range containers {
   585  		toRemove = i
   586  	}
   588  	// try with killing process outside of docker
   589  	pidStr, err := containers[toRemove].Cmd("inspect", "-f", "{{.State.Pid}}", toRemove)
   590  	assert.NilError(c, err)
   591  	pid, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(pidStr))
   592  	assert.NilError(c, err)
   593  	assert.NilError(c, unix.Kill(pid, unix.SIGKILL))
   595  	time.Sleep(time.Second) // give some time to handle the signal
   597  	poll.WaitOn(c, pollCheck(c, reducedCheck(sumAsIntegers, d1.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d2.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx), d3.CheckActiveContainerCount(ctx)), checker.Equals(instances)), poll.WithTimeout(defaultReconciliationTimeout))
   599  	containers2 = getContainers()
   600  	assert.Assert(c, len(containers2) == instances)
   601  	for i := range containers {
   602  		if i == toRemove {
   603  			assert.Assert(c, containers2[i] == nil)
   604  		} else {
   605  			assert.Assert(c, containers2[i] != nil)
   606  		}
   607  	}
   608  }