(about) 1 /* 2 File: JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol.h 3 Abstract: An NSURLProtocol subclass that overrides the built-in HTTP/HTTPS protocol. 4 Version: 1.1 5 6 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple 7 Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following 8 terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of 9 this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do 10 not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or 11 redistribute this Apple software. 12 13 In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and 14 subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive 15 license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the 16 "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple 17 Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; 18 provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and 19 without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following 20 text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. 21 Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may 22 be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software 23 without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as 24 expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or 25 implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any 26 patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other 27 works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. 28 29 The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE 30 MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION 31 THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 32 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND 33 OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. 34 35 IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL 36 OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 37 SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 38 INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, 39 MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED 40 AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), 41 STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE 42 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 43 44 Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. 45 46 */ 47 48 @import Foundation; 49 50 @protocol JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocolDelegate; 51 52 /*! An NSURLProtocol subclass that overrides the built-in HTTP/HTTPS protocol to intercept 53 * authentication challenges for subsystems, ilke UIWebView, that don't otherwise allow it. 54 * To use this class you should set up your delegate (+setDelegate:) and then call +start. 55 * If you don't call +start the class is completely benign. 56 * 57 * The really tricky stuff here is related to the authentication challenge delegate 58 * callbacks; see the docs for JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocolDelegate for the details. 59 */ 60 61 @interface JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol : NSURLProtocol 62 63 /*! Call this to start the module. Prior to this the module is just dormant, and 64 * all HTTP requests proceed as normal. After this all HTTP and HTTPS requests 65 * go through this module. 66 */ 67 68 + (void)start; 69 70 /*! 71 Unregisters the protocol 72 */ 73 + (void)stop; 74 75 /*! Sets the delegate for the class. 76 * \details Note that there's one delegate for the entire class, not one per 77 * instance of the class as is more normal. The delegate is not retained in general, 78 * but is retained for the duration of any given call. Once you set the delegate to nil 79 * you can be assured that it won't be called unretained (that is, by the time that 80 * -setDelegate: returns, we've already done all possible retains on the delegate). 81 * 82 * The delegate is weakly referenced, so there's no risk of a crash if you don't 83 * explicitly nil it. 84 * \param newValue The new delegate to use; may be nil. 85 */ 86 87 + (void)setDelegate:(nullable id<JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocolDelegate>)newValue; 88 89 /*! Returns the class delegate. 90 */ 91 92 + (nullable id<JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocolDelegate>)delegate; 93 94 /*! Sets the user agent token 95 * \details This token is appended to the system default user agent. 96 */ 97 + (void)setUserAgentToken:(nullable NSString *)userAgentToken; 98 99 /*! Returns the user agent token. 100 */ 101 + (nullable NSString *)userAgentToken; 102 103 + (void)resetSharedDemux; 104 105 @property (atomic, strong, readonly) NSURLAuthenticationChallenge * __nullable pendingChallenge; ///< The current authentication challenge; it's only safe to access this from the main thread. 106 107 /*! Call this method to resolve an authentication challeng. This must be called on the main thread. 108 * \param challenge The challenge to resolve. This must match the pendingChallenge property. 109 * \param credential The credential to use, or nil to continue without a credential. 110 */ 111 112 - (void)resolvePendingAuthenticationChallengeWithCredential:(nonnull NSURLCredential *)credential; 113 - (void)cancelPendingAuthenticationChallenge; 114 115 @end 116 117 /*! The delegate for the JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol class (not its instances). 118 * \details The delegate handles two different types of callbacks: 119 * 120 * - authentication challenges 121 * 122 * - logging 123 * 124 * The latter is very simple. The former is quite tricky. The basic idea is that each JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol 125 * instance sends the delegate a serialised stream of authentication challenges, each of which it is 126 * expected to resolve. The sequence is as follows: 127 * 128 * -# It calls -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace: to determine if the delegate 129 * can handle the challenge. This can be call on an arbitrary background thread. 130 * 131 * -# If the delegate returns YES, it calls -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: to 132 * actually process the challenge. This is always called on the main thread. The delegate can resolve 133 * the challenge synchronously (that is, before returning from the call) or it can return from the call 134 * and then, later on, resolve the challenge. Resolving the challenge involves calling 135 * -[JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol resolveAuthenticationChallenge:withCredential:], which also must be called 136 * on the main thread. Between the calls to -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: 137 * and -[JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol resolveAuthenticationChallenge:withCredential:], the protocol's 138 * pendingChallenge property will contain the challenge. 139 * 140 * -# While there is a pending challenge, the protocol may call -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge: 141 * to cancel the challenge. This is always called on the main thread. 142 * 143 * Note that this design follows the original NSURLConnection model, not the newer NSURLConnection model 144 * (introduced in OS X 10.7 / iOS 5) or the NSURLSession model, because of my concerns about performance. 145 * Specifically, -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace: can be called on any thread 146 * but -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: is called on the main thread. If I unified 147 * them I'd end up calling the resulting single routine on the main thread, which meanings a lot more 148 * bouncing between threads, much of which would be pointless in the common case where you don't want to 149 * customise the default behaviour. Alternatively I could call the unified routine on an arbitrary thread, 150 * but that would make it harder for clients and require a major rework of my implementation. 151 */ 152 153 typedef void (^JAHPDidCancelAuthenticationChallengeHandler)(JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol * __nonnull authenticatingHTTPProtocol, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge * __nonnull challenge); 154 155 @protocol JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocolDelegate <NSObject> 156 157 @optional 158 159 /*! Called by an JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol instance to ask the delegate whether it's prepared to handle 160 * a particular authentication challenge. Can be called on any thread. 161 * \param protocol The protocol instance itself; will not be nil. 162 * \param protectionSpace The protection space for the authentication challenge; will not be nil. 163 * \returns Return YES if you want the -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: delegate 164 * callback, or NO for the challenge to be handled in the default way. 165 */ 166 167 - (BOOL)authenticatingHTTPProtocol:(nonnull JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol *)authenticatingHTTPProtocol canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:(nonnull NSURLProtectionSpace *)protectionSpace; 168 169 /*! Called by an JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol instance to request that the delegate process on authentication 170 * challenge. Will be called on the main thread. Unless the challenge is cancelled (see below) 171 * the delegate must eventually resolve it by calling -resolveAuthenticationChallenge:withCredential:. 172 * \param protocol The protocol instance itself; will not be nil. 173 * \param challenge The authentication challenge; will not be nil. 174 * \returns an optional JAHPDidCancelAuthenticationChallengeHandler that will be called when the 175 * JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol instance cancels the authentication challenge. Just like 176 * -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:. If this is returned, there is usually no need 177 * to implement -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:. This block will be called before 178 * -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:. 179 */ 180 181 - (nullable JAHPDidCancelAuthenticationChallengeHandler)authenticatingHTTPProtocol:(nonnull JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol *)authenticatingHTTPProtocol didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(nonnull NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge; 182 183 /*! Called by an JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol instance to cancel an issued authentication challenge. 184 * Will be called on the main thread. 185 * \param protocol The protocol instance itself; will not be nil. 186 * \param challenge The authentication challenge; will not be nil; will match the challenge 187 * previously issued by -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:. 188 */ 189 190 - (void)authenticatingHTTPProtocol:(nonnull JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol *)authenticatingHTTPProtocol didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:(nonnull NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge; 191 192 /*! Called by the JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol to log various bits of information. 193 * Can be called on any thread. 194 * \param protocol The protocol instance itself; nil to indicate log messages from the class itself. 195 * \param format A standard NSString-style format string; will not be nil. 196 * \param arguments Arguments for that format string. 197 */ 198 199 - (void)authenticatingHTTPProtocol:(nullable JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol *)authenticatingHTTPProtocol logWithFormat:(nonnull NSString *)format 200 // clang's static analyzer doesn't know that a va_list can't have an nullability annotation. 201 #pragma clang diagnostic push 202 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability-completeness" 203 arguments:(va_list)arguments; 204 #pragma clang diagnostic pop 205 206 /*! Called by the JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol to log various bits of information. Use this if implementing in Swift. Swift doesn't like 207 * -authenticatingHTTPProtocol:logWithFormat:arguments: because 208 * `Method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter 3 cannot be represented in Objective-C` 209 * I assume this is a problem with Swift not understanding that CVAListPointer should become va_list. 210 * Can be called on any thread. 211 * \param protocol The protocol instance itself; nil to indicate log messages from the class itself. 212 * \param message A message to log 213 */ 214 215 - (void)authenticatingHTTPProtocol:(nullable JAHPAuthenticatingHTTPProtocol *)authenticatingHTTPProtocol logMessage:(nonnull NSString *)message; 216 217 @end