
     1  repos:
     2    - repo:
     3      rev: v4.0.1
     4      hooks:
     5        - id: check-added-large-files
     6          args: ["--maxkb=1024"]
     7        - id: check-merge-conflict
     8        - id: detect-aws-credentials
     9          args:
    10            - "--allow-missing-credentials"
    11        - id: detect-private-key
    12          exclude: |
    13            (?x)^(
    14              examples/big-bang/kustomization/values.yaml|
    15              examples/istio-with-separate-cert/files/bigbangdev.key
    16            )$
    17        - id: end-of-file-fixer
    18          exclude: "^examples/big-bang/template/bigbang/vendor/.*$"
    19        - id: fix-byte-order-marker
    20        - id: trailing-whitespace
    21          exclude: "^examples/big-bang/template/bigbang/vendor/.*$"
    22          args: [--markdown-linebreak-ext=md]
    23    - repo:
    24      rev: 0.2.0
    25      hooks:
    26        - id: fix-smartquotes
    27    - repo:
    28      rev: v0.4.0
    29      hooks:
    30        - id: go-fmt
    31    - repo: local
    32      hooks:
    33        - id: check-docs-and-schema
    34          name: Check for outdated docs and Jackal schema
    35          entry: ./hack/
    36          files: "src/types/types.go"
    37          types: [go]
    38          language: script
    39          description:
    40            "Checks if there have been changes
    41            made to the docs and schema"
    42    - repo:
    43      rev: 0.14.0
    44      hooks:
    45        - id: check-jsonschema
    46          name: "Validate Jackal Configs Against Schema"
    47          files: "jackal.yaml"
    48          types: [yaml]
    49          args: ["--schemafile", "jackal.schema.json"]
    50          exclude: |
    51            (?x)^(
    52              src/test/packages/12-lint/.*
    53            )$