
     1  # Skuba setup
     2  #skuba:
     3  #  binpath: "" # path to skuba binary
     4  #  srcpath: "" # path to skuba source
     5  #  verbosity: 10  # default value passed to skuba with -v
     6  #
     7  #
     8  # Kubectl setup
     9  #kubectl:
    10  #  path: #path to kubectl binary (defaults to /usr/bin/kubectl)
    11  #
    12  #
    13  terraform:
    14  #  internal_net: "" # name of the internal network
    15  #  plugin_dir: "" # path to the terraform plugin dir
    16  #  stack_name: "" # name of the stack
    17  #  tfdir: ""  # path to terraform templates
    18  #  tfvars: "" # terraform vars
    19  #  nodeuser: "sles"  # Default node username
    20    lb:
    21      count: 1
    22  #    memory: 8192
    23  #    cpu: 4
    24    master:
    25      count: 3
    26  #    memory: 4096
    27  #    cpu: 4
    28    worker:
    29      count: 3
    30  #    memory: 4096
    31  #    cpu: 2
    33  packages:
    34  # mirror: "" # mirror url for downloading packages
    35    additional_pkgs:
    36    - "ca-certificates-suse"
    37    additional_repos:
    38      branch_repo: $BRANCH_REPO
    40  utils:
    41    ssh_key: "$WORKSPACE/ci/infra/id_shared" 
    42    ssh_user: "sles"
    43    ssh_sock: "/tmp/$TERRAFORM_STACK_NAME/agent.sock"
    45  #openstack:
    46  #  openrc: "" #os.getenv("OPENSTACK_OPENRC")
    48  #vmware:
    49  #  env_file: "" #os.getenv("VMWARE_ENV_FILE")
    50  #  template_name: "SLES15-SP1-GM-guestinfo" #os.getenv("VMWARE_TEMPLATE_NAME")
    52  #libvirt:
    53  #  uri: "qemu:///system" #os.getenv("LIBVIRT_URI")
    54  #  keyfile: "" #os.getenv("LIBVIRT_KEYFILE")
    55  #  image_uri: "" #os.getenv("LIBVIRT_IMAGE_URI") 
    56  #
    57  #log:
    58  #  level: DEBUG