(about) 1 load("//tools:defs.bzl", "build_test", "gazelle", "go_path") 2 load("//tools/nogo:defs.bzl", "nogo_config") 3 load("//tools/yamltest:defs.bzl", "yaml_test") 4 load("//website:defs.bzl", "doc") 5 6 package(licenses = ["notice"]) 7 8 exports_files(["LICENSE"]) 9 10 nogo_config( 11 name = "nogo_config", 12 srcs = ["nogo.yaml"], 13 visibility = ["//:sandbox"], 14 ) 15 16 doc( 17 name = "contributing", 18 src = "", 19 category = "Project", 20 permalink = "/contributing/", 21 visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"], 22 weight = "20", 23 ) 24 25 doc( 26 name = "security", 27 src = "", 28 category = "Project", 29 permalink = "/security/", 30 visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"], 31 weight = "30", 32 ) 33 34 doc( 35 name = "governance", 36 src = "", 37 category = "Project", 38 permalink = "/community/governance/", 39 subcategory = "Community", 40 visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"], 41 weight = "20", 42 ) 43 44 doc( 45 name = "code_of_conduct", 46 src = "", 47 category = "Project", 48 permalink = "/community/code_of_conduct/", 49 subcategory = "Community", 50 visibility = ["//website:__pkg__"], 51 weight = "99", 52 ) 53 54 yaml_test( 55 name = "nogo_config_test", 56 srcs = glob(["nogo*.yaml"]), 57 schema = "//tools/nogo:config-schema.json", 58 ) 59 60 yaml_test( 61 name = "github_workflows_test", 62 srcs = glob([".github/workflows/*.yml"]), 63 schema = "@github_workflow_schema//file", 64 ) 65 66 yaml_test( 67 name = "buildkite_pipelines_test", 68 srcs = glob([".buildkite/*.yaml"]), 69 schema = "@buildkite_pipeline_schema//file", 70 ) 71 72 # The sandbox filegroup is used for sandbox-internal dependencies. 73 package_group( 74 name = "sandbox", 75 packages = ["//..."], 76 ) 77 78 # For targets that will not normally build internally, we ensure that they are 79 # least build by a static BUILD test. 80 build_test( 81 name = "build_test", 82 targets = [ 83 "//test/e2e:integration_test", 84 "//test/image:image_test", 85 "//test/root:root_test", 86 "//test/benchmarks/base:startup_test", 87 "//test/benchmarks/base:size_test", 88 "//test/benchmarks/base:sysbench_test", 89 "//test/benchmarks/database:redis_test", 90 "//test/benchmarks/fs:bazel_test", 91 "//test/benchmarks/fs:fio_test", 92 "//test/benchmarks/media:ffmpeg_test", 93 "//test/benchmarks/ml:tensorflow_test", 94 "//test/benchmarks/network:httpd_test", 95 "//test/benchmarks/network:nginx_test", 96 "//test/benchmarks/network:node_test", 97 "//test/benchmarks/network:ruby_test", 98 ], 99 ) 100 101 # gopath defines a directory that is structured in a way that is compatible 102 # with standard Go tools. Things like godoc, editors and refactor tools should 103 # work as expected. 104 # 105 # The files in this tree are symlinks to the true sources. 106 go_path( 107 name = "gopath", 108 mode = "link", 109 deps = [ 110 # Main binaries. 111 # 112 # For reasons related to reproducibility of the generated 113 # files, in order to ensure that :gopath produces only a 114 # a single "pure" version of all files, we can only depend 115 # on go_library targets here, and not go_binary. Thus the 116 # binaries have been factored into a cli package, which is 117 # a good practice in any case. 118 "//runsc/cli", 119 "//shim/cli", 120 "//webhook/pkg/cli", 121 122 # Packages that are not dependencies of the above. 123 "//pkg/sentry/kernel/memevent", 124 "//pkg/tcpip/adapters/gonet", 125 "//pkg/tcpip/faketime", 126 "//pkg/tcpip/link/channel", 127 "//pkg/tcpip/link/ethernet", 128 "//pkg/tcpip/link/muxed", 129 "//pkg/tcpip/link/pipe", 130 "//pkg/tcpip/link/sharedmem", 131 "//pkg/tcpip/link/sharedmem/pipe", 132 "//pkg/tcpip/link/sharedmem/queue", 133 "//pkg/tcpip/link/tun", 134 "//pkg/tcpip/link/waitable", 135 "//pkg/tcpip/sample/tun_tcp_connect", 136 "//pkg/tcpip/sample/tun_tcp_echo", 137 "//pkg/tcpip/transport/tcpconntrack", 138 ], 139 ) 140 141 # gazelle is a set of build tools. 142 # 143 # To update the WORKSPACE from go.mod, use: 144 # bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod 145 gazelle(name = "gazelle")