
     1  load("//tools:defs.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
     2  load("//tools/go_generics:defs.bzl", "go_template", "go_template_instance")
     4  package(licenses = ["notice"])
     6  [
     7      # These files are tagged with relevant build architectures. We can always
     8      # build all the input files, which will be included only in the relevant
     9      # architecture builds.
    10      go_template(
    11          name = "generic_walker_%s" % arch,
    12          srcs = [
    13              "walker_generic.go",
    14              "walker_%s.go" % arch,
    15          ],
    16          opt_types = [
    17              "Visitor",
    18          ],
    19          visibility = [":__pkg__"],
    20      )
    21      for arch in ("amd64", "arm64")
    22  ]
    24  [
    25      # See above.
    26      go_template_instance(
    27          name = "walker_%s_%s" % (op, arch),
    28          out = "walker_%s_%s.go" % (op, arch),
    29          package = "pagetables",
    30          prefix = op,
    31          template = ":generic_walker_%s" % arch,
    32          types = {
    33              "Visitor": "%sVisitor" % op,
    34          },
    35      )
    36      for op in ("map", "unmap", "lookup", "empty", "check")
    37      for arch in ("amd64", "arm64")
    38  ]
    40  go_library(
    41      name = "pagetables",
    42      srcs = [
    43          "allocator.go",
    44          "allocator_unsafe.go",
    45          "pagetables.go",
    46          "pagetables_aarch64.go",
    47          "pagetables_amd64.go",
    48          "pagetables_arm64.go",
    49          "pagetables_x86.go",
    50          "pcids.go",
    51          "pcids_aarch64.go",
    52          "pcids_aarch64.s",
    53          "pcids_x86.go",
    54          "walker_amd64.go",
    55          "walker_arm64.go",
    56          "walker_generic.go",
    57          ":walker_empty_amd64",
    58          ":walker_empty_arm64",
    59          ":walker_lookup_amd64",
    60          ":walker_lookup_arm64",
    61          ":walker_map_amd64",
    62          ":walker_map_arm64",
    63          ":walker_unmap_amd64",
    64          ":walker_unmap_arm64",
    65      ],
    66      visibility = [
    67          "//pkg/ring0:__subpackages__",
    68          "//pkg/sentry/platform/kvm:__subpackages__",
    69      ],
    70      deps = [
    71          "//pkg/hostarch",
    72          "//pkg/sync",
    73      ],
    74  )
    76  go_test(
    77      name = "pagetables_test",
    78      size = "small",
    79      srcs = [
    80          "pagetables_amd64_test.go",
    81          "pagetables_arm64_test.go",
    82          "pagetables_test.go",
    83          ":walker_check_amd64",
    84          ":walker_check_arm64",
    85      ],
    86      library = ":pagetables",
    87      deps = ["//pkg/hostarch"],
    88  )