
     1  package filebench
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"log"
     8  	"math/rand"
     9  	"sort"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"sync/atomic"
    12  	"text/tabwriter"
    13  	"time"
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  // ReadSizes are the parameters for a benchmark run.
    22  type ReadSizes struct {
    23  	ChunkBytes       []int
    24  	ContiguousChunks []int
    25  	MaxReadBytes     int
    26  	MaxReplicates    int
    27  }
    29  // ReplicateTargetBytes limits the number of replicates of a single benchmark condition.
    30  const ReplicateTargetBytes int = 1e9
    32  // DefaultReadSizes constructs ReadSizes with the default range of parameters.
    33  func DefaultReadSizes() ReadSizes {
    34  	return ReadSizes{
    35  		ChunkBytes: []int{
    36  			1 << 10,
    37  			1 << 20,
    38  			1 << 23,
    39  			1 << 24,
    40  			1 << 25,
    41  			1 << 27,
    42  			1 << 29,
    43  			1 << 30,
    44  			1 << 32,
    45  		},
    46  		ContiguousChunks: []int{
    47  			1,
    48  			1 << 3,
    49  			1 << 6,
    50  			1 << 9,
    51  		},
    52  		MaxReadBytes:  1 << 32,
    53  		MaxReplicates: 10,
    54  	}
    55  }
    57  func (r ReadSizes) MinFileSize() int {
    58  	size := maxInts(r.ChunkBytes) * maxInts(r.ContiguousChunks)
    59  	if size < r.MaxReadBytes {
    60  		return size
    61  	}
    62  	return r.MaxReadBytes
    63  }
    65  func (r ReadSizes) sort() {
    66  	must.True(len(r.ChunkBytes) > 0)
    67  	must.True(len(r.ContiguousChunks) > 0)
    68  	sort.Ints(r.ChunkBytes)
    69  	sort.Ints(r.ContiguousChunks)
    70  }
    72  type Prefix struct {
    73  	Path string
    74  	// MaxReadBytes optionally overrides ReadSizes.MaxReadBytes (only to become smaller).
    75  	// Useful if one prefix (like FUSE) is slower than others.
    76  	MaxReadBytes int
    77  }
    79  // RunAndPrint executes the benchmark cases and prints a human-readable summary to out.
    80  // pathPrefixes is typically s3:// or a FUSE mount point. Results are reported for each one.
    81  // pathSuffix* are at least one S3-relative path (like bucket/some/file.txt) to a large file to read
    82  // during benchmarking. If there are multiple, reads are spread across them (not multiplied for each
    83  // suffix). Caller may want to pass multiple to try to reduce throttling when several benchmark
    84  // tasks are running in parallel (see Bigmachine.RunAndPrint).
    85  func (r ReadSizes) RunAndPrint(
    86  	ctx context.Context,
    87  	out io.Writer,
    88  	pathPrefixes []Prefix,
    89  	pathSuffix0 string,
    90  	pathSuffixes ...string,
    91  ) {
    92  	minFileSize := r.MinFileSize()
    93  	r.sort() // Make sure table is easy to read.
    95  	pathSuffixes = append([]string{pathSuffix0}, pathSuffixes...)
    96  	type fileOption struct {
    97  		file.File
    98  		Info file.Info
    99  	}
   100  	files := make([][]fileOption, len(pathPrefixes))
   101  	for prefixIdx, prefix := range pathPrefixes {
   102  		files[prefixIdx] = make([]fileOption, len(pathSuffixes))
   103  		for suffixIdx, suffix := range pathSuffixes {
   104  			f, err := file.Open(ctx, file.Join(prefix.Path, suffix))
   105  			must.Nil(err)
   106  			defer func() { must.Nil(f.Close(ctx)) }()
   107  			o := &files[prefixIdx][suffixIdx]
   108  			o.File = f
   110  			o.Info, err = f.Stat(ctx)
   111  			must.Nil(err)
   112  			must.True(o.Info.Size() >= int64(minFileSize), "file too small", f.Name())
   113  		}
   114  	}
   116  	type (
   117  		condition struct {
   118  			prefixIdx, chunkBytesIdx, contiguousChunksIdx int
   119  			parallel                                      bool
   120  		}
   121  		result struct {
   122  			totalBytes int
   123  			totalTime  time.Duration
   124  		}
   125  	)
   126  	var (
   127  		tasks   []condition
   128  		results = make([][][][]result, len(pathPrefixes))
   129  	)
   130  	for prefixIdx, prefix := range pathPrefixes {
   131  		results[prefixIdx] = make([][][]result, len(r.ChunkBytes))
   132  		for chunkBytesIdx, chunkBytes := range r.ChunkBytes {
   133  			results[prefixIdx][chunkBytesIdx] = make([][]result, len(r.ContiguousChunks))
   134  			for contiguousChunksIdx, contiguousChunks := range r.ContiguousChunks {
   135  				results[prefixIdx][chunkBytesIdx][contiguousChunksIdx] = make([]result, 2)
   136  				totalReadBytes := chunkBytes * contiguousChunks
   137  				maxReadBytes := r.MaxReadBytes
   138  				if 0 < prefix.MaxReadBytes && prefix.MaxReadBytes < maxReadBytes {
   139  					maxReadBytes = prefix.MaxReadBytes
   140  				}
   141  				if totalReadBytes > maxReadBytes {
   142  					continue
   143  				}
   144  				replicates := 1
   145  				if totalReadBytes < ReplicateTargetBytes {
   146  					replicates = (ReplicateTargetBytes - 1 + totalReadBytes) / totalReadBytes
   147  					if replicates > r.MaxReplicates {
   148  						replicates = r.MaxReplicates
   149  					}
   150  				}
   151  				for _, parallel := range []bool{false, true} {
   152  					for ri := 0; ri < replicates; ri++ {
   153  						tasks = append(tasks, condition{
   154  							prefixIdx:           prefixIdx,
   155  							chunkBytesIdx:       chunkBytesIdx,
   156  							contiguousChunksIdx: contiguousChunksIdx,
   157  							parallel:            parallel,
   158  						})
   159  					}
   160  				}
   161  			}
   162  		}
   163  	}
   165  	var (
   166  		reproducibleRandom = rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
   167  		ephemeralRandom    = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   168  	)
   169  	// While benchmarking is running, it's easy to compare the current task index from different
   170  	// benchmarking machines to judge their relative progress.
   171  	reproducibleRandom.Shuffle(len(tasks), func(i, j int) {
   172  		tasks[i], tasks[j] = tasks[j], tasks[i]
   173  	})
   175  	var (
   176  		currentTaskIdx int32
   177  		cancelled      = make(chan struct{})
   178  	)
   179  	go func() {
   180  		ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
   181  		defer ticker.Stop()
   182  		for {
   183  			select {
   184  			case <-ticker.C:
   185  				taskIdx := atomic.LoadInt32(&currentTaskIdx)
   186  				c := tasks[taskIdx]
   187  				prefix := pathPrefixes[c.prefixIdx]
   188  				chunkBytes := r.ChunkBytes[c.chunkBytesIdx]
   189  				contiguousChunks := r.ContiguousChunks[c.contiguousChunksIdx]
   190  				log.Printf("done %d of %d tasks, current: %dB * %d on %s",
   191  					taskIdx, len(tasks), chunkBytes, contiguousChunks, prefix.Path)
   192  			case <-cancelled:
   193  				break
   194  			}
   195  		}
   196  	}()
   197  	defer close(cancelled)
   199  	dst := make([]byte, r.MaxReadBytes)
   200  	for taskIdx, c := range tasks {
   201  		atomic.StoreInt32(&currentTaskIdx, int32(taskIdx))
   203  		chunkBytes := r.ChunkBytes[c.chunkBytesIdx]
   204  		contiguousChunks := r.ContiguousChunks[c.contiguousChunksIdx]
   206  		// Vary read locations non-reproducibly to try to spread load and avoid S3 throttling.
   207  		// There's a tradeoff here: we're also likely introducing variance in benchmark results
   208  		// if S3 read performance varies between objects and over time, which it probably does [1].
   209  		// For now, empirically, it seems like throttling is the bigger problem, especially because
   210  		// our benchmark runs are relatively brief (compared to large batch workloads) and thus
   211  		// significantly affected by some throttling. We may revisit this in the future if a
   212  		// different choice helps make the benchmark a better guide for optimization.
   213  		//
   214  		// [1]
   215  		f := files[c.prefixIdx][ephemeralRandom.Intn(len(pathSuffixes))]
   216  		offset := ephemeralRandom.Int63n(f.Info.Size() - int64(chunkBytes*contiguousChunks) + 1)
   218  		parIdx := 0
   219  		start := time.Now()
   220  		func() {
   221  			var (
   222  				traverser traverse.T
   223  				chunks    = make([]struct {
   224  					r   io.Reader
   225  					dst []byte
   226  				}, contiguousChunks)
   227  			)
   228  			if c.parallel {
   229  				parIdx = 1
   230  				for i := range chunks {
   231  					chunkOffset := i * chunkBytes
   232  					rc := f.OffsetReader(offset + int64(chunkOffset))
   233  					defer func() { must.Nil(rc.Close(ctx)) }()
   234  					chunks[i].r = ioctx.ToStdReader(ctx, rc)
   235  					chunks[i].dst = dst[chunkOffset : chunkOffset+chunkBytes]
   236  				}
   237  			} else {
   238  				traverser.Limit = 1
   239  				rc := ioctx.ToStdReadCloser(ctx, f.OffsetReader(offset))
   240  				defer func() { must.Nil(rc.Close()) }()
   241  				for i := range chunks {
   242  					chunks[i].r = rc
   243  					chunks[i].dst = dst[:chunkBytes]
   244  				}
   245  			}
   246  			_ = traverser.Each(contiguousChunks, func(i int) error {
   247  				n, err := io.ReadFull(chunks[i].r, chunks[i].dst)
   248  				must.Nil(err)
   249  				must.True(n == chunkBytes)
   250  				return nil
   251  			})
   252  		}()
   253  		elapsed := time.Since(start)
   255  		results[c.prefixIdx][c.chunkBytesIdx][c.contiguousChunksIdx][parIdx].totalBytes += chunkBytes * contiguousChunks
   256  		results[c.prefixIdx][c.chunkBytesIdx][c.contiguousChunksIdx][parIdx].totalTime += elapsed
   257  	}
   259  	tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(out, 0, 4, 4, ' ', 0)
   260  	mustPrintf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
   261  		_, err := fmt.Fprintf(tw, format, args...)
   262  		must.Nil(err)
   263  	}
   264  	mustPrintf("\t")
   265  	for _, prefix := range pathPrefixes {
   266  		mustPrintf("%s%s", prefix.Path, strings.Repeat("\t", 2*len(r.ContiguousChunks)))
   267  	}
   268  	mustPrintf("\n")
   269  	for range files {
   270  		for _, parLabel := range []string{"", "p"} {
   271  			for _, contiguousChunks := range r.ContiguousChunks {
   272  				mustPrintf("\t%s%d", parLabel, contiguousChunks)
   273  			}
   274  		}
   275  	}
   276  	mustPrintf("\n")
   277  	for chunkBytesIdx, chunkBytes := range r.ChunkBytes {
   278  		mustPrintf("%d", chunkBytes/(1<<20))
   279  		for prefixIdx := range files {
   280  			for _, parIdx := range []int{0, 1} {
   281  				for contiguousChunksIdx := range r.ContiguousChunks {
   282  					s := results[prefixIdx][chunkBytesIdx][contiguousChunksIdx][parIdx]
   283  					mustPrintf("\t")
   284  					if s.totalTime > 0 {
   285  						mibs := float64(s.totalBytes) / s.totalTime.Seconds() / float64(1<<20)
   286  						mustPrintf("%.f", mibs)
   287  					}
   288  				}
   289  			}
   290  		}
   291  		mustPrintf("\n")
   292  	}
   293  	must.Nil(tw.Flush())
   294  }
   296  func maxInts(ints []int) int {
   297  	if len(ints) == 0 {
   298  		return 0 // OK for our purposes.
   299  	}
   300  	max := ints[0]
   301  	for _, i := range ints[1:] {
   302  		if i > max {
   303  			max = i
   304  		}
   305  	}
   306  	return max
   307  }