
     1  package s3file
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"strings"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  // s3Query is a generic description of an S3 object or prefix.
    18  type s3Query struct {
    19  	impl *s3Impl
    20  	// bucket must be non-empty.
    21  	bucket string
    22  	// key is either an S3 object's key or a key prefix (optionally ending with pathSeparator).
    23  	// "" is allowed and refers to the root of the bucket.
    24  	key string
    25  }
    27  func (q s3Query) path() string { return pathPrefix + q.bucket + pathSeparator + q.key }
    29  // TODO: Dedupe with gfilefs.
    30  const fileInfoCacheFor = 1 * time.Hour
    32  type (
    33  	// versionsDirViewGen lists all the versions of all the (direct child) objects in a single S3
    34  	// "directory" (that is, single bucket with a single key prefix).
    35  	//
    36  	// Note: We implement fsnode.ChildrenGenerator rather than fsnode.Iterator because it reduces
    37  	// implementation complexity. We need to parse three separate fields from listing responses
    38  	// so the implementation is a bit verbose, and Child()/Children() differences introduce edge
    39  	// cases we should test. But, we'll probably want to do this eventually.
    40  	versionsDirViewGen struct{ s3Query }
    42  	// versionsObjectGen lists the versions of an S3 object. Each version of the object is accessible
    43  	// via a child node. Additionally, if there are other S3 object versions that have this path as
    44  	// a prefix (or, in directory terms, if there used to be a directory with the same name as this
    45  	// file), a dir/ child provides access to those.
    46  	//
    47  	// Scheme:
    48  	//   vVERSION_ID/ for each version
    49  	//   vVERSION_ID (empty file) to mark deletion time
    50  	//   dir/ for children, if there used to be a "directory" with this name
    51  	// TODO:
    52  	//   @DATE/ -> VERSION_ID/ for each version
    53  	//   latest/ -> VERSION_ID/
    54  	//   0/, 1/, etc. -> VERSION_ID/
    55  	//
    56  	// Note: We implement fsnode.ChildrenGenerator rather than fsnode.Iterator because it reduces
    57  	// implementation complexity and we expect number of versions per object to be relatively
    58  	// modest in practice. If we see performance problems, we can make it more sophisticated.
    59  	versionsObjViewGen struct{ s3Query }
    60  )
    62  var (
    63  	_ fsnode.ChildrenGenerator = versionsDirViewGen{}
    64  	_ fsnode.ChildrenGenerator = versionsObjViewGen{}
    66  	objViewDirInfo = fsnode.NewDirInfo("dir").WithCacheableFor(fileInfoCacheFor)
    67  )
    69  func (g versionsDirViewGen) GenerateChildren(ctx context.Context) ([]fsnode.T, error) {
    70  	biofseventlog.UsedFeature("s3.versions.dirview")
    71  	dirPrefix := g.key
    72  	if dirPrefix != "" {
    73  		dirPrefix = g.key + pathSeparator
    74  	}
    75  	iterator, err := newVersionsIterator(ctx, g.impl, g.s3Query, s3.ListObjectVersionsInput{
    76  		Bucket:    aws.String(g.bucket),
    77  		Delimiter: aws.String(pathSeparator),
    78  		Prefix:    aws.String(dirPrefix),
    79  	})
    80  	if err != nil {
    81  		return nil, err
    82  	}
    83  	var (
    84  		dirChildren = map[string]fsnode.T{}
    85  		objChildren = map[string][]fsnode.T{}
    86  	)
    87  	for iterator.HasNextPage() {
    88  		out, err := iterator.NextPage(ctx)
    89  		if err != nil {
    90  			return nil, err
    91  		}
    92  		for _, common := range out.CommonPrefixes {
    93  			name := (*common.Prefix)[len(dirPrefix):]
    94  			name = name[:len(name)-len(pathSeparator)]
    95  			if name == "" {
    96  				// Note: S3 keys may have multiple trailing `/`s leading to name == "".
    97  				// For now, we skip these, making them inaccessible to users.
    98  				// TODO: Better mapping of S3 key semantics onto fsnode.T, for example recursively
    99  				// listing "key//" so we can merge those children into "key/"'s.
   100  				// See also: BXDS-2039 for the non-version listing case.
   101  				continue
   102  			}
   103  			q := g.s3Query
   104  			q.key = dirPrefix + name
   105  			dirChildren[name] = fsnode.NewParent(
   106  				fsnode.NewDirInfo(name).WithCacheableFor(fileInfoCacheFor),
   107  				versionsDirViewGen{q})
   108  		}
   109  		for _, del := range out.DeleteMarkers {
   110  			if *del.Key == dirPrefix {
   111  				continue // Skip directory markers.
   112  			}
   113  			name := (*del.Key)[len(dirPrefix):]
   114  			objChildren[name] = append(objChildren[name], newDeleteChild(del))
   115  		}
   116  		for _, version := range out.Versions {
   117  			if *version.Key == dirPrefix {
   118  				continue // Skip directory markers.
   119  			}
   120  			q := g.s3Query
   121  			q.key = *version.Key
   122  			name := q.key[len(dirPrefix):]
   123  			objChildren[name] = append(objChildren[name], newVersionChild(q, version))
   124  		}
   125  	}
   126  	merged := make([]fsnode.T, 0, len(dirChildren)+len(objChildren))
   127  	for name, child := range dirChildren {
   128  		if _, ok := objChildren[name]; ok {
   129  			// If a name was used both for files and directories, prefer files here, because
   130  			// the user can find the directory view under {name}/dir/.
   131  			continue
   132  		}
   133  		merged = append(merged, child)
   134  	}
   135  	for name, children := range objChildren {
   136  		merged = append(merged, fsnode.NewParent(
   137  			fsnode.NewDirInfo(name).WithCacheableFor(fileInfoCacheFor),
   138  			fsnode.ConstChildren(children...),
   139  		))
   140  	}
   141  	return merged, nil
   142  }
   144  func (g versionsObjViewGen) GenerateChildren(ctx context.Context) ([]fsnode.T, error) {
   145  	biofseventlog.UsedFeature("s3.versions.objview")
   146  	iterator, err := newVersionsIterator(ctx, g.impl, g.s3Query, s3.ListObjectVersionsInput{
   147  		Bucket:    aws.String(g.bucket),
   148  		Delimiter: aws.String(pathSeparator),
   149  		Prefix:    aws.String(g.key),
   150  	})
   151  	if err != nil {
   152  		return nil, err
   153  	}
   154  	var (
   155  		versions         []fsnode.T
   156  		hasOtherChildren bool
   157  	)
   158  	for iterator.HasNextPage() {
   159  		out, err := iterator.NextPage(ctx)
   160  		if err != nil {
   161  			return nil, err
   162  		}
   163  		if len(out.CommonPrefixes) > 0 {
   164  			hasOtherChildren = true
   165  		}
   166  		for _, del := range out.DeleteMarkers {
   167  			if *del.Key != g.key {
   168  				hasOtherChildren = true
   169  				// del is in a "subdirectory" of a previous directory version of our object.
   170  				// We don't render those here; instead we just add the dir/ child below.
   171  				continue
   172  				// Note: It seems like S3 returns delete markers in sorted order, but the API
   173  				// docs don't explicitly state this for ListObjectVersions [1] as they do for
   174  				// ListObjectsV2 [2], so we `continue` instead of `break`. We're still assuming
   175  				// API response pages are so ordered, though, because the alternative is unworkable.
   176  				// TODO: Ask AWS for explicit documentation on versions ordering.
   177  				//
   178  				// [1]
   179  				// [2]
   180  			}
   181  			versions = append(versions, newDeleteChild(del))
   182  		}
   183  		for _, version := range out.Versions {
   184  			if *version.Key != g.key {
   185  				hasOtherChildren = true
   186  				continue // See delete marker note.
   187  			}
   188  			versions = append(versions, newVersionChild(g.s3Query, version))
   189  		}
   190  	}
   191  	if hasOtherChildren {
   192  		versions = append(versions, fsnode.NewParent(objViewDirInfo, versionsDirViewGen{g.s3Query}))
   193  	}
   194  	return versions, nil
   195  }
   197  func newVersionChild(q s3Query, v *s3.ObjectVersion) fsnode.Parent {
   198  	must.Truef(len(q.key) > 0, "creating child for %#v, %v", q, v)
   199  	name := q.key
   200  	if idx := strings.LastIndex(name, pathSeparator); idx >= 0 {
   201  		name = name[idx+len(pathSeparator):]
   202  	}
   203  	dirName := "v" + sanitizePathElem(*v.VersionId)
   204  	// Some S3 storage classes don't allow immediate, direct access (for example, requiring restore
   205  	// first). They also have very different cost profiles and users may not know about these and
   206  	// accidentally, expensively download many objects (especially with biofs, where it's easy
   207  	// to run `grep`, etc.). We have a best-effort allowlist and block others for now.
   208  	// TODO: Refine this UX. Maybe add a README.txt describing these properties and suggesting
   209  	// using the AWS console for unsupported objects.
   210  	// TODO: Consider supporting Glacier restoration.
   211  	//
   212  	// Note: This field's `enum` tag [1] names an enum with only one value (standard class [2]).
   213  	// However, as of this writing, we're seeing the API return more values, like DEEP_ARCHIVE.
   214  	// We assume it can take any value in s3.ObjectStorageClass* instead.
   215  	// TODO: Verify this, report to AWS, etc.
   216  	// [1]
   217  	// [2]
   218  	switch *v.StorageClass {
   219  	default:
   220  		dirName += "." + *v.StorageClass
   221  		return fsnode.NewParent(
   222  			fsnode.NewDirInfo(dirName).WithModTime(*v.LastModified),
   223  			fsnode.ConstChildren())
   224  	case
   225  		s3.ObjectStorageClassStandard,
   226  		s3.ObjectStorageClassReducedRedundancy,
   227  		s3.ObjectStorageClassStandardIa,
   228  		s3.ObjectStorageClassOnezoneIa,
   229  		s3.ObjectStorageClassIntelligentTiering:
   230  		return fsnode.NewParent(
   231  			fsnode.NewDirInfo(dirName).WithModTime(*v.LastModified),
   232  			fsnode.ConstChildren(
   233  				versionsLeaf{
   234  					FileInfo:  fsnode.NewRegInfo(name).WithSize(*v.Size).WithModTime(*v.LastModified),
   235  					s3Query:   q,
   236  					versionID: *v.VersionId,
   237  				},
   238  			),
   239  		)
   240  	}
   241  }
   243  func newDeleteChild(del *s3.DeleteMarkerEntry) fsnode.T {
   244  	return fsnode.ConstLeaf(
   245  		fsnode.NewRegInfo("v"+sanitizePathElem(*del.VersionId)).WithModTime(*del.LastModified),
   246  		nil)
   247  }
   249  type versionsIterator struct {
   250  	in     s3.ListObjectVersionsInput
   251  	eof    bool
   252  	policy retryPolicy
   253  	path   string
   254  }
   256  func newVersionsIterator(
   257  	ctx context.Context,
   258  	impl *s3Impl,
   259  	q s3Query,
   260  	in s3.ListObjectVersionsInput,
   261  ) (*versionsIterator, error) {
   262  	clients, err := impl.clientsForAction(ctx, "ListVersions", q.bucket, q.key)
   263  	if err != nil {
   264  		return nil, errors.E(err, "getting clients")
   265  	}
   266  	policy := newBackoffPolicy(clients, file.Opts{})
   267  	return &versionsIterator{in: in, policy: policy, path: q.path()}, nil
   268  }
   270  func (it *versionsIterator) HasNextPage() bool { return !it.eof }
   272  func (it *versionsIterator) NextPage(ctx context.Context) (*s3.ListObjectVersionsOutput, error) {
   273  	for {
   274  		var ids s3RequestIDs
   275  		out, err := it.policy.client().ListObjectVersionsWithContext(ctx, &, ids.captureOption())
   276  		if err == nil {
   277 = out.NextKeyMarker
   278 = out.NextVersionIdMarker
   279  			if !*out.IsTruncated {
   280  				it.eof = true
   281  			}
   282  			return out, nil
   283  		}
   284  		if !it.policy.shouldRetry(ctx, err, it.path) {
   285  			it.eof = true
   286  			return nil, annotate(err, ids, &it.policy, "s3file.versionsRootNode.Child", it.path)
   287  		}
   288  	}
   289  }
   291  func sanitizePathElem(s string) string {
   292  	// TODO: Consider being stricter. S3 guarantees very little about version IDs:
   293  	//
   294  	// TODO: Implement more robust replacement (with some escape char, etc.) so that we cannot
   295  	// introduce collisions.
   296  	return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "/", "_")
   297  }