
     1  # This is ivy. Type a newline to advance to each new step. Type one now.
     2  # Each step in the demo is one line of input followed by some output from ivy. Type a newline now to see.
     3  2+2
     4  # The first line you see above (2+2) is input; the next (4) is output from a running ivy.
     5  # Comments start with # and produce no output.
     6  # Whenever you like, you can type an expression yourself. Try typing 2*3 now, followed by two newlines:
     7  # Keep typing newlines; the ivy demo is about to start.
     8  # Arithmetic has the obvious operations: + - * etc. ** is exponentiation. mod is modulo.
     9  23
    10  23 + 45
    11  23 * 45
    12  23 - 45
    13  7 ** 3
    14  7 mod 3
    15  # Operator precedence is unusual.
    16  # Unary operators operate on everything to the right.
    17  # Binary operators operate on the item immediately to the left, and everything to the right.
    18  2*3+4     # Parsed as 2*(3+4), not the usual (2*3)+4.
    19  2**2+3    # 2**5, not (2**2) + 3
    20  (2**2)+3  # Use parentheses if you need to group differently.
    21  # Ivy can do rational arithmetic, so 1/3 is really 1/3, not 0.333....
    22  1/3
    23  1/3 + 4/5
    24  1/3 ** 2  # We'll see non-integral exponents later.
    25  # Even when a number is input in floating notation, it is still an exact rational number inside.
    26  1.2
    27  # In fact, ivy is a "bignum" calculator that can handle huge numbers and rationals made of huge numers.
    28  1e10       # Still an integer.
    29  1e100      # Still an integer.
    30  1e10/3     # Not an integer, but an exact rational.
    31  3/1e10     # Not an integer, but an exact rational.
    32  2**64      # They can get big.
    33  2**640     # They can get really big.
    34  # They can get really really big. Type a newline to see 2**6400 scroll by.
    35  2**6400
    36  # Ivy also has characters, which represent a Unicode code point.
    37  'x'
    38  char 0x61     # char is an operator: character with given value.
    39  char 0x1f4a9
    40  code '💩'      # char's inverse, the value of given character, here printed in decimal.
    41  # Everything in ivy can be placed into a vector.
    42  # Vectors are written and displayed with spaces between the elements.
    43  1 2 3
    44  1 4/3 5/3 (2+1/3)
    45  # Vectors of characters print without quotes or spaces.
    46  'h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'
    47  # This is a nicer way to write 'h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'. It means the same.
    48  'hello'
    49  # Arithmetic works on vectors.
    50  1 2 3 + 4 5 6
    51  # Arithmetic between scalar and vector also works, either way.
    52  23 + 1 2 3
    53  1 2 3 + 23   # Note the grouping: vector is a single value.
    54  # More fun with scalar and vector.
    55  1 << 1 2 3 4 5
    56  (1 << 1 2 3 4 5) == (2 ** 1 2 3 4 5)  # Note: true is 1, false is 0.
    57  # iota is an "index generator": It counts from 1.
    58  iota 10
    59  2 ** iota 5
    60  (1 << iota 100) == 2 ** iota 100
    61  2 ** -1 + iota 32 # Again, see how the precedence rules work.
    62  # The take operator removes n items from the beginning of the vector.
    63  3 take iota 10
    64  -3 take iota 10     # Negative n takes from the end.
    65  # Drop is the other half: it drops n from the vector.
    66  3 drop iota 10
    67  -3 drop iota 10     # Negative n drops from the end.
    68  6 drop 'hello world'
    69  # Reduction
    70  iota 15
    71  # Add them up:
    72  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15
    73  # Automate this by reducing + over the vector, like this:
    74  +/iota 15
    75  # We can reduce using any binary operator. This is factorial:
    76  1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10
    77  */iota 10
    78  */iota 100
    79  # Type this: */iota 10000
    80  # That printed using floating-point notation for manageability but it is still an integer inside.
    81  # max and min are binary operators that do the obvious. (Use semicolons to separate expresssions.)
    82  3 max 7; 'is max and'; 3 min 7; 'is min'
    83  # Like all binary arithmetic operators, max applies elementwise.
    84  2 3 4 max 4 3 2
    85  # Reduce using max to find maxmimum element in vector.
    86  max/2 34 42 233 2 2 521 14 1 4 1 55 133
    87  # Ivy allows multidimensional arrays. The shape operator binary rho builds them.
    88  # Dimension (which may be a vector) on the left, data on the right.
    89  5 rho 1
    90  5 5 rho 1
    91  5 5 rho 25
    92  5 5 rho iota 25
    93  3 5 5 rho iota 125
    94  # Unary rho tells us the shape of an item.
    95  x = 3 5 rho iota 15; x
    96  rho x
    97  x = 3 5 5 rho iota 75; x
    98  rho x
    99  # Arithmetic on matrices works as you would expect by now.
   100  x/2
   101  x**2
   102  x**3
   103  x**10
   104  # Inner product is written with a . between the operators.
   105  # This gives dot product: multiply corresponding elements and add the result.
   106  1 2 3 4 +.* 2 3 4 5
   107  # Any operator works. How many items are the same?
   108  (1 2 3) +.== (1 3 3)
   109  # How many differ?
   110  (1 2 3) +.!= (1 3 3)
   111  # Outer product generates a matrix of all combinations applying the binary operator.
   112  (iota 5) o.* -1 + iota 5
   113  # That's a letter 'o', dot, star.
   114  # Any operator works; here is how to make an identity matrix.
   115  x = iota 5; x o.== x
   116  # Random numbers: Use a unary ? to roll an n-sided die from 1 to n.
   117  ?100
   118  ?100
   119  ?20 rho 6  # 20 rolls of a 6-sided die.
   120  x = ?20 rho 6 # Remember one set of rolls.
   121  x
   122  # Indexing is easy.
   123  x[1]
   124  x[1 19 3]  # You can index with a vector.
   125  # The up and down operators generate index vectors that would sort the input.
   126  up x
   127  x[up x]
   128  x[down x]
   129  'hello world'[up 'hello world']
   130  'hello world'[down 'hello world']
   131  # More rolls of a die.
   132  ?10 rho 6
   133  # Remember a set of rolls.
   134  x = ?10 rho 6; x
   135  # The outer product of == and the integers puts 1 in each row where that value appeared.
   136  # Compare the last row of the next result to the 6s in x.
   137  (iota 6) o.== x
   138  # Count the number of times each value appears by reducing the matrix horizontally.
   139  +/(iota 6) o.== x
   140  # Do it for a much larger set of rolls: is the die fair?
   141  +/(iota 6) o.== ?60000 rho 6
   142  # Remember that ivy is a big number calculator.
   143  */iota 100
   144  2**64
   145  2**iota 64
   146  -1+2**63
   147  # Settings are made and queried with a leading right paren. )help lists the settings
   148  )help
   149  # Use )base to switch input and output to base 16.
   150  )base 16
   151  )base   # The input and output for settings is always base 10.
   152  # _ is a variable that holds the most recently evaluated expression. It remembers our 63-bit number.
   153  _
   154  1<<iota 10   # 16 powers of two, base 16.
   155  (2**40)-1    # The largest 64-bit number base 16.
   156  )obase 10    # Output base 10, input base still 16.
   157  )base
   158  -1+2**63            # The largest 63-bit number base 10.
   159  -1+2**64            # The largest 64-bit number base 10.
   160  # Go back to base 10 input and output.
   161  )base 10
   162  # Rationals can be very big too.
   163  (2**1e3)/(3**1e2)
   164  # Such output can be unwieldy. Change the output format using a Printf string.
   165  )format '%.12g'
   166  _
   167  # We need more precision.
   168  )format "%.100g"    # Double quotes work too; there's no difference.
   169  _
   170  )format '%#x'
   171  _
   172  )format '%.12g'     # A nice format, easily available by running ivy -g.
   173  _
   174  (3 4 rho iota 12)/4
   175  # Irrational functions cannot be represented precisely by rational numbers.
   176  # Ivy stores irrational results in high-precision (default 256-bit) floating point numbers.
   177  sqrt 2
   178  # pi and e are built-in, high-precision constants.
   179  pi
   180  e
   181  )format "%.100g"
   182  pi
   183  )format '%.12g'
   184  pi
   185  # Exponentials and logarithms.
   186  2**1/2  # Note: Non-integral exponent generates irrational result.
   187  e**1e6
   188  log e**1e6
   189  log e**1e8
   190  log 1e1000000    # Yes, that is 10 to the millionth power.
   191  # Transcendentals. (The low bits aren't always quite right...)
   192  sin pi/2
   193  cos .25*pi * -1 + iota 9
   194  log iota 6
   195  # Successive approximations to e. (We force the calculation to use float using the "float" unary operator. Why?)
   196  (float 1+10**-iota 9) ** 10**iota 9
   197  # Default precision is 256 bits of mantissa. We can go up to 10000.
   198  )prec 3000         # Units are bits, not digits.
   199  e
   200  )format '%.1000g'  # Units are digits. (Sorry for the inconsistency.)
   201  e
   202  pi
   203  sqrt 2
   204  e**1e6
   205  log e**1e6  # Only 904 good digits; the log algorithm is numerically weak. (Ideas welcome.)
   206  (2**1e3)/(3**1e2)
   207  # User-defined operators are declared as unary or binary (or both). This one computes the (unary) average.
   208  op avg x = (+/x)/rho x
   209  avg iota 100
   210  # Here is a binary operator.
   211  op n largest x = n take x[down x]
   212  3 largest ? 100 rho 1000
   213  4 largest 'hello world'
   214  # Population count. Use encode to turn the value into a string of bits. Use log to decide how many.
   215  op a base b = ((ceil b log a) rho b) encode a
   216  7 base 2
   217  op popcount n = +/n base 2
   218  popcount 7
   219  popcount 1e6
   220  popcount 1e100
   221  # Here is one to sum the digits. The unary operator text turns its argument into text, like Sprintf.
   222  op sumdigits x = t = text x; +/(code (t in '0123456789') sel t) - code '0'
   223  # Break it down:  The sel operator selects from the right based on the non-zero elements in the left.
   224  # The in operator generates a selector by choosing only the bytes that are ASCII digits.
   225  sumdigits 99
   226  sumdigits iota 10
   227  sumdigits '23 skidoo'  # Note: It counts only the digits.
   228  # That's it! Have fun.
   229  # For more information visit