
     1  BlackBox [![CircleCI](]( [![Build Status](](
     2  ========
     4  Safely store secrets in a VCS repo (i.e. Git, Mercurial, Subversion or Perforce). These commands make it easy for you to Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) encrypt specific files in a repo so they are "encrypted at rest" in your repository. However, the scripts make it easy to decrypt them when you need to view or edit them, and decrypt them for use in production. Originally written for Puppet, BlackBox now works with any Git or Mercurial repository.
     6  A slide presentation about an older release [is on SlideShare](
     8  Join our mailing list: [](
    10  Table of Contents
    11  =================
    13  - [BlackBox](#blackbox)
    14  - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
    15  - [Overview](#overview)
    16  - [Why is this important?](#why-is-this-important)
    17  - [Installation Instructions](#installation-instructions)
    18  - [Commands](#commands)
    19  - [Compatibility](#compatibility)
    20  - [How is the encryption done?](#how-is-the-encryption-done)
    21  - [What does this look like to the typical user?](#what-does-this-look-like-to-the-typical-user)
    22  - Configuration Management
    23    - [How to use the secrets with Ansible?](#how-to-use-the-secrets-with-ansible)
    24    - [How to use the secrets with Puppet?](#how-to-use-the-secrets-with-puppet)
    25      - [Entire files](#entire-files)
    26      - [Small strings](#small-strings)
    27  - File Management
    28    - [How to enroll a new file into the system?](#how-to-enroll-a-new-file-into-the-system)
    29    - [How to remove a file from the system?](#how-to-remove-a-file-from-the-system)
    30  - User Management
    31    - [How to indoctrinate a new user into the system?](#how-to-indoctrinate-a-new-user-into-the-system)
    32    - [How to remove a user from the system?](#how-to-remove-a-user-from-the-system)
    33  - Repo Management
    34    - [Enabling BlackBox For a Repo](#enabling-blackbox-for-a-repo)
    35  - [Set up automated users or “role accounts”](#set-up-automated-users-or-role-accounts)
    36  - [Replacing expired keys](#replacing-expired-keys)
    37  - [Some common errors](#some-common-errors)
    38  - [Using BlackBox on Windows](#using-blackbox-on-windows)
    39  - [Using BlackBox without a repo](#using-blackbox-without-a-repo)
    40  - [Some Subversion gotchas](#some-subversion-gotchas)
    41  - [Using Blackbox when gpg2 is installed next to gpg](#using-blackbox-when-gpg2-is-installed-next-to-gpg)
    42  - [How to submit bugs or ask questions?](#how-to-submit-bugs-or-ask-questions)
    43  - [Developer Info](#developer-info)
    44  - [Alternatives](#alternatives)
    45  - [License](#license)
    47  Overview
    48  ========
    50  Suppose you have a VCS repository (i.e. a Git or Mercurial repo) and certain files contain secrets such as passwords or SSL private keys. Often people just store such files "and hope that nobody finds them in the repo". That's not safe.
    52  With BlackBox, those files are stored encrypted using GPG. Access to the VCS repo without also having the right GPG keys makes it worthless to have the files. As long as you keep your GPG keys safe, you don't have to worry about storing your VCS repo on an untrusted server. Heck, even if you trust your server, now you don't have to trust the people that do backups of that server, or the people that handle the backup tapes!
    54  Rather than one GPG passphrase for all the files, each person with access has their own GPG keys in the system. Any file can be decrypted by anyone with their GPG key. This way, if one person leaves the company, you don't have to communicate a new password to everyone with access. Simply disable the one key that should no longer have access. The process for doing this is as easy as running 2 commands (1 to disable their key, 1 to re-encrypt all files.)
    56  Automated processes often need access to all the decrypted files. This is easy too. For example, suppose Git is being used for Puppet files. The master needs access to the decrypted version of all the files. Simply set up a GPG key for the Puppet master (or the role account that pushes new files to the Puppet master) and have that user run `blackbox_postdeploy` after any files are updated.
    58  Getting started
    59  ---------------
    61  1. If you don't have a GPG key, set it up using instructions such as:
    62  [Set up GPG key]( \
    63  Now you are ready to go.
    65  1. `cd` into a Git, Mercurial, Subversion or Perforce repository and run `blackbox_initialize`.
    67  1. If a file is to be encrypted, run `blackbox_register_new_file` and you are done.
    69  1. Add and remove keys with `blackbox_addadmin` and `blackbox_removeadmin`.
    71  1. To view and/or edit a file, run `blackbox_edit`;
    72  this will decrypt the file and open with whatever is specified by
    73  your $EDITOR environment variable. \
    74  When you close the editor the
    75  file will automatically be encrypted again and the temporary plaintext
    76  file will be shredded. \
    77  If you need to leave the file decrypted while
    78  you update you can use the`blackbox_edit_start` to decrypt the file
    79  and `blackbox_edit_end` when you want to "put it back in the box."
    81  Why is this important?
    82  ======================
    84  OBVIOUSLY we don't want secret things like SSL private keys and passwords to be leaked.
    86  NOT SO OBVIOUSLY when we store "secrets" in a VCS repo like Git or Mercurial, suddenly we are less able to share our code with other people. Communication between subteams of an organization is hurt. You can't collaborate as well. Either you find yourself emailing individual files around (yuck!), making a special repo with just the files needed by your collaborators (yuck!!), or just deciding that collaboration isn't worth all that effort (yuck!!!).
    88  The ability to be open and transparent about our code, with the exception of a few specific files, is key to the kind of collaboration that DevOps and modern IT practitioners need to do.
    90  Installation Instructions
    91  =========================
    93  - *The hard way (manual)*: Copy all the files in "bin" to your "bin".
    94  - *The hard way (automatic)*: `make copy-install` will copy the bin files into $PREFIX/bin, default is /usr/local (uninstall with `make copy-uninstall`).
    95  - *The symlinks way*: `make symlinks-install` will make symlinks of the bin files into $PREFIX/bin, default is /usr/local (uninstall with `make copy-uninstall`) (useful when doing development)
    96  - *The MacPorts Way*: `sudo port install vcs_blackbox`
    97  - *The Homebrew Way*: `brew install blackbox`
    98  - *The RPM way*: Check out the repo and make an RPM via `make packages-rpm`; now you can distribute the RPM via local methods. (Requires [fpm](
    99  - *The Debian/Ubuntu way*: Check out the repo and make a DEB via `make packages-deb`; now you can distribute the DEB via local methods. (Requires [fpm](
   100  - *The Antigen Way*: Add `antigen bundle StackExchange/blackbox` to your .zshrc
   101  - *The Zgenom Way*: Add `zgenom load StackExchange/blackbox` to your .zshrc where you're loading your other plugins.
   102  - *The Nix Way*: `nix-shell -p blackbox`
   103  - *The Pkgsrc Way*: `pkgin in scm-blackbox`
   105  Commands
   106  ========
   108  | Name:                               | Description:                                                            |
   109  |-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   110  | `blackbox_edit <file>`              | Decrypt, run $EDITOR, re-encrypt a file                                 |
   111  | `blackbox_edit_start <file>`        | Decrypt a file so it can be updated                                     |
   112  | `blackbox_edit_end <file>`          | Encrypt a file after blackbox_edit_start was used                       |
   113  | `blackbox_cat <file>`               | Decrypt and view the contents of a file                                 |
   114  | `blackbox_view <file>`              | Like blackbox_cat but pipes to `less` or $PAGER                         |
   115  | `blackbox_diff`                     | Diff decrypted files against their original crypted version             |
   116  | `blackbox_initialize`               | Enable blackbox for a GIT or HG repo                                    |
   117  | `blackbox_register_new_file <file>` | Encrypt a file for the first time                                       |
   118  | `blackbox_deregister_file <file>`   | Remove a file from blackbox                                             |
   119  | `blackbox_list_files`               | List the files maintained by blackbox                                   |
   120  | `blackbox_list_admins`              | List admins currently authorized for blackbox                           |
   121  | `blackbox_decrypt_file <file>`      | Decrypt a file                                                          |
   122  | `blackbox_decrypt_all_files`        | Decrypt all managed files (INTERACTIVE)                                 |
   123  | `blackbox_postdeploy`               | Decrypt all managed files (batch)                                       |
   124  | `blackbox_addadmin <gpg-key>`       | Add someone to the list of people that can encrypt/decrypt secrets      |
   125  | `blackbox_removeadmin <gpg-key>`    | Remove someone from the list of people that can encrypt/decrypt secrets |
   126  | `blackbox_shred_all_files`          | Safely delete any decrypted files                                       |
   127  | `blackbox_update_all_files`         | Decrypt then re-encrypt all files. Useful after keys are changed        |
   128  | `blackbox_whatsnew <file>`          | show what has changed in the last commit for a given file               |
   130  Compatibility
   131  =============
   133  BlackBox automatically determines which VCS you are using and does the right thing. It has a plug-in architecture to make it easy to extend to work with other systems. It has been tested to work with many operating systems.
   135  - Version Control systems
   136    - `git` -- The Git
   137    - `hg` -- Mercurial
   138    - `svn` -- SubVersion (Thanks, Ben Drasin!)
   139    - `p4` -- Perforce
   140    - none -- The files can be decrypted outside of a repo if the `.blackbox` directory is intact
   141  - Operating system
   142    - CentOS / RedHat
   143    - MacOS X
   144    - Cygwin (Thanks, Ben Drasin!) **See Note Below**
   145    - MinGW (git bash on windows) **See Note Below**
   146    - NetBSD
   147    - SmartOS
   149  To add or fix support for a VCS system, look for code at the end of `bin/`
   151  To add or fix support for a new operating system, look for the case statements in `bin/` and `bin/` and maybe `tools/`
   153  Using BlackBox on Windows
   154  =========================
   156  BlackBox can be used with Cygwin or MinGW.
   158  ### Protect the line endings
   160  BlackBox assumes that `blackbox-admins.txt` and `blackbox-files.txt` will have
   161  LF line endings. Windows users should be careful to configure Git or other systems
   162  to not convert or "fix" those files.
   164  If you use Git, add the following lines to your `.gitattributes` file:
   166      **/blackbox-admins.txt text eol=lf
   167      **/blackbox-files.txt text eol=lf
   169  The latest version of `blackbox_initialize` will create a `.gitattributes` file in the `$BLACKBOXDATA`
   170  directory (usually `.blackbox`) for you.
   172  ### Cygwin
   174  Cygwin support requires the following packages:
   176  Normal operation:
   178  - gnupg
   179  - git or mercurial or subversion or perforce (as appropriate)
   181  Development (if you will be adding code and want to run the confidence test)
   183  - procps
   184  - make
   185  - git (the confidence test currently only tests git)
   187  ### MinGW
   189  MinGW (comes with Git for Windows) support requires the following:
   191  Normal operation:
   193  - [Git for Windows]( (not tested with Mercurial)
   194    - Git Bash MINTTY returns a MinGW console.  So when you install make sure you pick `MINTTY` instead of windows console.  You'll be executing blackbox from the Git Bash prompt.
   195    - You need at least version 2.8.1 of Git for Windows.
   196  - [GnuWin32]( - needed for various tools not least of which is mktemp which is used by blackbox
   197    - after downloading the install just provides you with some batch files.  Because of prior issues at sourceforge and to make sure you get the latest version of each package the batch files handle the brunt of the work of getting the correct packages and installing them for you.
   198    - from a **windows command prompt** run `download.bat`  once it has completed run `install.bat` then add the path for those tools to your PATH (ex: `PATH=%PATH%;c:\GnuWin32\bin`)
   200  Development:
   202  - unknown (if you develop Blackbox under MinGW, please let us know if any additional packages are required to run `make test`)
   204  How is the encryption done?
   205  ===========================
   207  GPG has many different ways to encrypt a file. BlackBox uses the mode that lets you specify a list of keys that can decrypt the message.
   209  If you have 5 people ("admins") that should be able to access the secrets, each creates a GPG key and adds their public key to the keychain. The GPG command used to encrypt the file lists all 5 key names, and therefore any 1 key can decrypt the file.
   211  To remove someone's access, remove that admin's key name (i.e. email address) from the list of admins and re-encrypt all the files. They can still read the .gpg file (assuming they have access to the repository) but they can't decrypt it any more.
   213  *What if they kept a copy of the old repo before you removed access?* Yes, they can decrypt old versions of the file. This is why when an admin leaves the team, you should change all your passwords, SSL certs, and so on. You should have been doing that before BlackBox, right?
   215  *Why don't you use symmetric keys?* In other words, why mess with all this GPG key stuff and instead why don't we just encrypt all the files with a single passphrase. Yes, GPG supports that, but then we are managing a shared password, which is fraught with problems. If someone "leaves the team" we would have to communicate to everyone a new password. Now we just have to remove their key. This scales better.
   217  *How do automated processes decrypt without asking for a password?* GPG requires a passphrase on a private key. However, it permits the creation of subkeys that have no passphrase. For automated processes, create a subkey that is only stored on the machine that needs to decrypt the files. For example, at Stack Exchange, when our Continuous Integration (CI) system pushes a code change to our Puppet masters, they run `blackbox_postdeploy` to decrypt all the files. The user that runs this code has a subkey that doesn't require a passphrase. Since we have many masters, each has its own key. And, yes, this means our Puppet Masters have to be very secure. However, they were already secure because, like, dude... if you can break into someone's puppet master you own their network.
   219  *If you use Puppet, why didn't you just use hiera-eyaml?* There are 4 reasons:
   221  1. This works with any Git or Mercurial repo, even if you aren't using Puppet.
   222  2. hiera-eyaml decrypts "on demand" which means your Puppet Master now uses a lot of CPU to decrypt keys every time it is contacted. It slows down your master, which, in my case, is already slow enough.
   223  3. This works with binary files, without having to ASCIIify them and paste them into a YAML file. Have you tried to do this with a cert that is 10K long and changes every few weeks? Ick.
   224  4. hiera-eyaml didn't exist when I wrote this.
   226  What does this look like to the typical user?
   227  =============================================
   229  - If you need to, start the GPG Agent: `eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)`
   230  - Decrypt the file so it is editable: `blackbox_edit_start FILENAME`
   231  - (You will need to enter your GPG passphrase.)
   232  - Edit FILENAME as you desire: `vim FILENAME`
   233  - Re-encrypt the file: `blackbox_edit_end FILENAME`
   234  - Commit the changes. `git commit -a` or `hg commit`
   236  Wait... it can be even easier than that! Run `blackbox_edit FILENAME`, and it'll decrypt the file in a temp file and call `$EDITOR` on it, re-encrypting again after the editor is closed.
   238  How to use the secrets with Ansible?
   239  ===================================
   241  Ansible Vault provides functionality for encrypting both entire files and strings stored within files; however,
   242  keeping track of the password(s) required for decryption is not handled by this module.
   244  Instead one must specify a password file when running the playbook.
   246  Ansible example for password file: `my_secret_password.txt.gpg`
   248  ```
   249  ansible-playbook --vault-password-file my_secret_password.txt site.yml
   250  ```
   252  Alternatively, one can specify this in the `ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE` environment variable.
   254  How to use the secrets with Puppet?
   255  ===================================
   257  ### Entire files:
   259  Entire files, such as SSL certs and private keys, are treated just like regular files. You decrypt them any time you push a new release to the puppet master.
   261  Puppet example for an encrypted file: `secret_file.key.gpg`
   263  ```
   264  file { '/etc/my_little_secret.key':
   265      ensure  => 'file',
   266      owner   => 'root',
   267      group   => 'puppet',
   268      mode    => '0760',
   269      source  => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/secret_file.key",
   270  }
   271  ```
   273  ### Small strings:
   275  Small strings, such as passwords and API keys, are stored in a hiera yaml file, which you encrypt with `blackbox_register_new_file`. For example, we use a file called `blackbox.yaml`. You can access them using the hiera() function.
   277  *Setup:* Configure `hiera.yaml` by adding "blackbox" to the search hierarchy:
   279  ```
   280  :hierarchy:
   281    - ...
   282    - blackbox
   283    - ...
   284  ```
   286  In blackbox.yaml specify:
   288  ```
   289  ---
   290  module::test_password: "my secret password"
   291  ```
   293  In your Puppet Code, access the password as you would any hiera data:
   295  ```
   296  $the_password = hiera('module::test_password', 'fail')
   298  file {'/tmp/debug-blackbox.txt':
   299      content => $the_password,
   300      owner   => 'root',
   301      group   => 'root',
   302      mode    => '0600',
   303  }
   304  ```
   306  The variable `$the_password` will contain "my secret password" and can be used anywhere strings are used.
   308  How to enroll a new file into the system?
   309  =========================================
   311  - If you need to, start the GPG Agent: `eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)`
   312  - Add the file to the system:
   314  ```
   315  blackbox_register_new_file path/to/
   316  ```
   318  Multiple file names can be specified on the command line:
   320  Example 1: Register 2 files:
   322  ```
   323  blackbox_register_new_file file1.txt file2.txt
   324  ```
   326  Example 2: Register all the files in `$DIR`:
   328  ```
   329  find $DIR -type f -not -name '*.gpg' -print0 | xargs -0 blackbox_register_new_file
   330  ```
   332  How to remove a file from the system?
   333  =====================================
   335  This happens quite rarely, but we've got it covered:
   337  ```
   338  blackbox_deregister_file path/to/
   339  ```
   341  How to indoctrinate a new user into the system?
   342  ===============================================
   344  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   346  `.blackbox/blackbox-admins.txt` is a file that lists which users are able to decrypt files. (More pedantically, it is a list of the GnuPG key names that the file is encrypted for.)
   348  To join the list of people that can edit the file requires three steps; You create a GPG key and add it to the key ring. Then, someone that already has access adds you to the system. Lastly, you should test your access.
   350  ### Step 1: NEW USER creates a GPG key pair on a secure machine and adds to public keychain.
   352  If you don't already have a GPG key, here's how to generate one:
   354  ```
   355  gpg --gen-key
   356  ```
   358  WARNING: New versions of GPG generate keys which are not understood by
   359  old versions of GPG.  If you generate a key with a new version of GPG,
   360  this will cause problems for users of older versions of GPG.
   361  Therefore it is recommended that you either assure that everyone using
   362  Blackbox have the exact same version of GPG, or generate GPG keys
   363  using a version of GPG as old as the oldest version of GPG used by
   364  everyone using Blackbox.
   366  Pick defaults for encryption settings, 0 expiration. Pick a VERY GOOD passphrase. Store a backup of the private key someplace secure. For example, keep the backup copy on a USB drive that is locked in safe.  Or, at least put it on a secure machine with little or no internet access, full-disk-encryption, etc. Your employer probably has rules about how to store such things.
   368  FYI: If generating the key is slow, this is usually because the system
   369  isn't generating enough entropy.  Tip: Open another window on that
   370  machine and run this command: `ls -R /`
   372  Now that you have a GPG key, add yourself as an admin:
   374  ```
   375  blackbox_addadmin KEYNAME
   376  ```
   378  ...where "KEYNAME" is the email address listed in the gpg key you created previously. For example:
   380  ```
   381  blackbox_addadmin
   382  ```
   384  When the command completes successfully, instructions on how to commit these changes will be output. Run the command as given to commit the changes. It will look like this:
   386  ```
   387  git commit -m'NEW ADMIN:' .blackbox/pubring.gpg .blackbox/trustdb.gpg .blackbox/blackbox-admins.txt
   388  ```
   390  Then push it to the repo:
   392  ```
   393  git push
   395  or
   397  ht push
   399  (or whatever is appropriate)
   400  ```
   402  NOTE: Creating a Role Account? If you are adding the pubring.gpg of a role account, you can specify the directory where the pubring.gpg file can be found as a 2nd parameter: `blackbox_addadmin /path/to/the/dir`
   404  ### Step 2: EXISTING ADMIN adds new user to the system.
   406  Ask someone that already has access to re-encrypt the data files. This gives you access. They simply decrypt and re-encrypt the data without making any changes.
   408  Pre-check: Verify the new keys look good.
   410  ```
   411  git pull    # Or whatever is required for your system
   412  gpg --homedir=.blackbox --list-keys
   413  ```
   415  For example, examine the key name (email address) to make sure it conforms to corporate standards.
   417  Import the keychain into your personal keychain and reencrypt:
   419  ```
   420  gpg --import .blackbox/pubring.gpg
   421  blackbox_update_all_files
   422  ```
   424  Push the re-encrypted files:
   426  ```
   427  git commit -a
   428  git push
   430  or
   432  hg commit
   433  hg push
   434  ```
   436  ### Step 3: NEW USER tests.
   438  Make sure you can decrypt a file. (Suggestion: Keep a dummy file in VCS just for new people to practice on.)
   440  How to remove a user from the system?
   441  =====================================
   443  Simply run `blackbox_removeadmin` with their keyname then re-encrypt:
   445  Example:
   447  ```
   448  blackbox_removeadmin
   449  blackbox_update_all_files
   450  ```
   452  When the command completes, you will be given a reminder to check in the change and push it.
   454  Note that their keys will still be in the key ring, but they will go unused. If you'd like to clean up the keyring, use the normal GPG commands and check in the file.
   456  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   458  ```
   459  gpg --homedir=.blackbox --list-keys
   460  gpg --homedir=.blackbox --delete-key
   461  git commit -m'Cleaned from keyring'  .blackbox/*
   462  ```
   464  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   466  The key ring only has public keys. There are no secret keys to delete.
   468  Remember that this person did have access to all the secrets at one time. They could have made a copy. Therefore, to be completely secure, you should change all passwords, generate new SSL keys, and so on just like when anyone that had privileged access leaves an organization.
   470  Where is the configuration stored? .blackbox vs. keyrings/live
   471  ==============================================================
   473  Blackbox stores its configuration data in the `.blackbox` subdirectory.  Older
   474  repos use `keyrings/live`.  For backwards compatibility either will work.
   476  All documentation refers to `.blackbox`.
   478  You can convert an old repo by simply renaming the directory:
   480  ```
   481  mv keyrings/live .blackbox
   482  rmdir keyrings
   483  ```
   485  There is no technical reason to convert old repos except that it is less
   486  confusing to users.
   488  This change was made in commit 60e782a0, release v1.20180615.
   490  The details:
   492  - First Blackbox checks `$BLACKBOXDATA`. If this environment variable is set, this is the directory that will be used. If it lists a directory that does not exist, Blackbox will print an error and exit.
   493  - If `$BLACKBOXDATA` is not set: (which is the typical use case)
   494    - Blackbox will first try `keyrings/live` and use it if it exists.
   495    - Otherwise the default `.blackbox` will be used.  If `.blackbox` does not exist, Blackbox will print an error and exit.
   498  Enabling BlackBox For a Repo
   499  ============================
   501  Overview:
   503  To add "blackbox" to a git or mercurial repo, you'll need to do the following:
   505  1. Run the initialize script. This adds a few files to your repo in a directory called ".blackbox".
   506  2. For the first user, create a GPG key and add it to the key ring.
   507  3. Encrypt the files you want to be "secret".
   508  4. For any automated user (one that must be able to decrypt without a passphrase), create a GPG key and create a subkey with an empty passphrase.
   510  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   512  ### Run the initialize script.
   514  You'll want to include blackbox's "bin" directory in your PATH:
   516  ```
   517  export PATH=$PATH:/the/path/to/blackbox/bin
   518  blackbox_initialize
   519  ```
   521  If you're using antigen, adding `antigen bundle StackExchange/blackbox` to your .zshrc will download this repository and add it to your $PATH.
   523  ### For the first user, create a GPG key and add it to the key ring.
   525  Follow the instructions for "[How to indoctrinate a new user into the system?](#how-to-indoctrinate-a-new-user-into-the-system)". Only do Step 1.
   527  Once that is done, is a good idea to test the system by making sure a file can be added to the system (see "How to enroll a new file into the system?"), and a different user can decrypt the file.
   529  Make a new file and register it:
   531  ```
   532  rm -f foo.txt.gpg foo.txt
   533  echo This is a test. >foo.txt
   534  blackbox_register_new_file foo.txt
   535  ```
   537  Decrypt it:
   539  ```
   540  blackbox_edit_start foo.txt.gpg
   541  cat foo.txt
   542  echo This is the new file contents. >foo.txt
   543  ```
   545  Re-encrypt it:
   547  ```
   548  blackbox_edit_end foo.txt.gpg
   549  ls -l foo.txt*
   550  ```
   552  You should only see `foo.txt.gpg` as `foo.txt` should be gone.
   554  The next step is to commit `foo.txt.gpg` and make sure another user can check out, view, and change the contents of the file. That is left as an exercise for the reader. If you are feel like taking a risk, don't commit `foo.txt.gpg` and delete it instead.
   556  Set up automated users or "role accounts"
   557  =========================================
   559  i.e. This is how a Puppet Master can have access to the unencrypted data.
   561  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   563  An automated user (a "role account") is one that that must be able to decrypt without a passphrase. In general you'll want to do this for the user that pulls the files from the repo to the master. This may be automated with Jenkins CI or other CI system.
   565  GPG keys have to have a passphrase. However, passphrases are optional on subkeys. Therefore, we will create a key with a passphrase then create a subkey without a passphrase. Since the subkey is very powerful, it should be created on a very secure machine.
   567  There's another catch. The role account probably can't check files into Git/Mercurial. It probably only has read-only access to the repo. That's a good security policy. This means that the role account can't be used to upload the subkey public bits into the repo.
   569  Therefore, we will create the key/subkey on a secure machine as yourself. From there we can commit the public portions into the repo. Also from this account we will export the parts that the role account needs, copy them to where the role account can access them, and import them as the role account.
   571  ProTip: If asked to generate entropy, consider running this on the same machine in another window: `sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null`
   573  For the rest of this doc, you'll need to make the following substitutions:
   575  - ROLEUSER: svc_deployacct or whatever your role account's name is.
   576  - NEWMASTER: the machine this role account exists on.
   577  - SECUREHOST: The machine you use to create the keys.
   579  NOTE: This should be more automated/scripted. Patches welcome.
   581  On SECUREHOST, create the puppet master's keys:
   583  ```
   584  $ mkdir /tmp/NEWMASTER
   585  $ cd /tmp/NEWMASTER
   586  $ gpg --homedir . --gen-key
   587  Your selection?
   588     (1) RSA and RSA (default)
   589  What keysize do you want? (2048) DEFAULT
   590  Key is valid for? (0) DEFAULT
   592  # Real name: Puppet CI Deploy Account
   593  # Email address:
   594  ```
   596  NOTE: Rather than a real email address, use the username@FQDN of the host the key will be used on. If you use this role account on many machines, each should have its own key. By using the FQDN of the host, you will be able to know which key is which. In this doc, we'll refer to username@FQDN as $KEYNAME
   598  Save the passphrase somewhere safe!
   600  Create a sub-key that has no password:
   602  ```
   603  $ gpg --homedir . --edit-key svc_deployacct
   604  gpg> addkey
   605  (enter passphrase)
   606    Please select what kind of key you want:
   607     (3) DSA (sign only)
   608     (4) RSA (sign only)
   609     (5) Elgamal (encrypt only)
   610     (6) RSA (encrypt only)
   611  Your selection? 6
   612  What keysize do you want? (2048)
   613  Key is valid for? (0)
   614  Command> key 2
   615  (the new subkey has a "*" next to it)
   616  Command> passwd
   617  (enter the main key's passphrase)
   618  (enter an empty passphrase for the subkey... confirm you want to do this)
   619  Command> save
   620  ```
   622  Now securely export this directory to NEWMASTER:
   624  ```
   625  gpg --homedir . --export -a svc_sadeploy >/tmp/NEWMASTER/pubkey.txt
   626  tar cvf /tmp/keys.tar .
   627  rsync -avP /tmp/keys.tar NEWMASTER:/tmp/.
   628  ```
   630  On NEWMASTER, receive the new GnuPG config:
   632  ```
   633  sudo -u svc_deployacct bash
   634  mkdir -m 0700 -p ~/.gnupg
   635  cd ~/.gnupg && tar xpvf /tmp/keys.tar
   636  ```
   638  <!---
   639  Back on SECUREHOST, import the pubkey into the repository.
   641  ```
   642  $ cd .blackbox
   643  $ gpg --homedir . --import /tmp/NEWMASTER/pubkey.txt
   644  ```
   645  -->
   647  Back on SECUREHOST, add the new email address to .blackbox/blackbox-admins.txt:
   649  ```
   650  cd /path/to/the/repo
   651  blackbox_addadmin $KEYNAME /tmp/NEWMASTER
   652  ```
   654  Verify that secring.gpg is a zero-length file. If it isn't, you have somehow added a private key to the keyring. Start over.
   656  ```
   657  cd .blackbox
   658  ls -l secring.gpg
   659  ```
   661  Commit the recent changes:
   663  ```
   664  cd .blackbox
   665  git commit -m"Adding key for KEYNAME" pubring.gpg trustdb.gpg blackbox-admins.txt
   666  ```
   668  Regenerate all encrypted files with the new key:
   670  ```
   671  blackbox_update_all_files
   672  git status
   673  git commit -m"updated encryption" -a
   674  git push
   675  ```
   677  On NEWMASTER, import the keys and decrypt the files:
   679  ```
   680  sudo -u svc_sadeploy bash   # Become the role account.
   681  gpg --import /etc/puppet/.blackbox/pubring.gpg
   682  export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/blackbox/bin
   683  blackbox_postdeploy
   684  sudo -u puppet cat /etc/puppet/hieradata/blackbox.yaml # or any encrypted file.
   685  ```
   687  ProTip: If you get "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key" then you forgot to re-encrypt blackbox.yaml with the new key.
   689  On SECUREHOST, securely delete your files:
   691  ```
   692  cd /tmp/NEWMASTER
   693  # On machines with the "shred" command:
   694  shred -u /tmp/keys.tar
   695  find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 shred -u
   696  # All else:
   697  rm -rf /tmp/NEWMASTER
   698  ```
   700  Also shred any other temporary files you may have made.
   702  Replacing expired keys
   703  ======================
   705  If someone's key has already expired, blackbox will stop
   706  encrypting.  You see this error:
   708  ```
   709  $ blackbox_edit_end modified_file.txt
   710  --> Error: can't re-encrypt because a key has expired.
   711  ```
   713  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   715  You can also detect keys that are about to expire by issuing this command and manually reviewing the "expired:" dates:
   717      gpg --homedir=.blackbox  --list-keys
   719  or... list UIDs that will expire within 1 month from today: (Warning: this also lists keys without an expiration date)
   721      gpg --homedir=.blackbox --list-keys  --with-colons --fixed-list-mode  | grep ^uid | awk -F: '$6 < '$(( $(date +%s) + 2592000))
   723  Here's how to replace the key:
   725  - Step 1. Administrator removes expired user:
   727  Warning: This process will erase any unencrypted files that you were in the process of editing. Copy them elsewhere and restore the changes when done.
   729  ```
   730  blackbox_removeadmin
   731  # This next command overwrites any changed unencrypted files. See warning above.
   732  blackbox_update_all_files
   733  git commit -m "Re-encrypt all files"
   734  gpg --homedir=.blackbox --delete-key
   735  git commit -m 'Cleaned from keyring'  .blackbox/*
   736  git push
   737  ```
   739  - Step 2. Expired user adds an updated key:
   741  ```
   742  git pull
   743  blackbox_addadmin
   744  git commit -m'NEW ADMIN: .blackbox/pubring.gpg .blackbox/trustdb.gpg .blackbox/blackbox-admins.txt
   745  git push
   746  ```
   748  - Step 3. Administrator re-encrypts all files with the updated key of the expired user:
   750  ```
   751  git pull
   752  gpg --import .blackbox/pubring.gpg
   753  blackbox_update_all_files
   754  git commit -m "Re-encrypt all files"
   755  git push
   756  ```
   758  - Step 4: Clean up:
   760  Any files that were temporarily copied in the first step so as to not be overwritten can now be copied back and re-encrypted with the `blackbox_edit_end` command.
   762  (Thanks to @chishaku for finding a solution to this problem!)
   764  ### Configure git to show diffs in encrypted files
   766  It's possible to tell Git to decrypt versions of the file before running them through `git diff` or `git log`. To achieve this do:
   768  - Add the following to `.gitattributes` at the top of the git repository:
   770  ```
   771  *.gpg diff=blackbox
   772  ```
   774  - Add the following to `.git/config`:
   776  ```
   777  [diff "blackbox"]
   778      textconv = gpg --use-agent -q --batch --decrypt
   779  ````
   781  And now commands like `git log -p file.gpg` will show a nice log of the changes in the encrypted file.
   783  Some common errors
   784  ==================
   786  `gpg: filename: skipped: No public key` -- Usually this means there is an item in `.blackbox/blackbox-admins.txt` that is not the name of the key. Either something invalid was inserted (like a filename instead of a username) or a user has left the organization and their key was removed from the keychain, but their name wasn't removed from the blackbox-admins.txt file.
   788  `gpg: decryption failed: No secret key` -- Usually means you forgot to re-encrypt the file with the new key.
   790  `Error: can't re-encrypt because a key has expired.` -- A user's key has expired and can't be used to encrypt any more. Follow the [Replace expired keys](#replace-expired-keys) tip.
   792  FYI: Your repo may use `keyrings/live` instead of `.blackbox`. See "Where is the configuration stored?"
   794  Using Blackbox without a repo
   795  =============================
   797  If the files are copied out of a repo they can still be decrypted and edited. Obviously edits, changes to keys, and such will be lost if they are made outside the repo. Also note that commands are most likely to only work if run from the base directory (i.e. the parent to the .blackbox directory).
   799  The following commands have been tested outside a repo:
   801  - `blackbox_postdeploy`
   802  - `blackbox_edit_start`
   803  - `blackbox_edit_end`
   805  Some Subversion gotchas
   806  =======================
   808  The current implementation will store the blackbox in `/keyrings` at the root of the entire repo.  This will create an issue between environments that have different roots (i.e. checking out `/` on development vs `/releases/foo` in production). To get around this, you can `export BLACKBOX_REPOBASE=/path/to/repo` and set a specific base for your repo.
   810  This was originally written for git and supports a two-phase commit, in which `commit` is a local commit and "push" sends the change upstream to the version control server when something is registered or deregistered with the system.  The current implementation will immediately `commit` a file (to the upstream subversion server) when you execute a `blackbox_*` command.
   812  Using Blackbox when gpg2 is installed next to gpg
   813  =================================================
   815  In some situations, team members or automated roles need to install gpg
   816  2.x alongside the system gpg version 1.x to catch up with the team's gpg
   817  version. On Ubuntu 16, you can ```apt-get install gnupg2``` which
   818  installs the binary gpg2. If you want to use this gpg2 binary, run every
   819  blackbox command with GPG=gpg2.
   821  For example:
   823  ```
   824  GPG=gpg2 blackbox_postdeploy
   825  ```
   827  How to submit bugs or ask questions?
   828  ====================================
   830  We welcome questions, bug reports and feedback!
   832  The best place to start is to join the [blackbox-project mailing list]( and ask there.
   834  Bugs are tracked here in Github. Please feel free to [report bugs]( yourself.
   836  Developer Info
   837  ==============
   839  Code submissions are gladly welcomed! The code is fairly easy to read.
   841  Get the code:
   843  ```
   844  git clone
   845  ```
   847  Test your changes:
   849  ```
   850  make confidence
   851  ```
   853  This runs through a number of system tests. It creates a repo, encrypts files, decrypts files, and so on. You can run these tests to verify that the changes you made didn't break anything. You can also use these tests to verify that the system works with a new operating system.
   855  Please submit tests with code changes:
   857  The best way to change BlackBox is via Test Driven Development. First add a test to `tools/`. This test should fail, and demonstrate the need for the change you are about to make. Then fix the bug or add the feature you want. When you are done, `make confidence` should pass all tests. The PR you submit should include your code as well as the new test. This way the confidence tests accumulate as the system grows as we know future changes don't break old features.
   859  Note: The tests currently assume "git" and have been tested only on CentOS, Mac OS X, and Cygwin. Patches welcome!
   861  Alternatives
   862  ============
   864  Here are other open source packages that do something similar to BlackBox. If you like them better than BlackBox, please use them.
   866  - [git-crypt](
   867  - [Pass](
   868  - [Transcrypt](
   869  - [Keyringer](
   870  - [git-secret](
   872  git-crypt has the best git integration. Once set up it is nearly transparent to the users. However it only works with git.
   875  License
   876  =======
   878  This content is released under the MIT License.
   879  See the [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) file.