
     1  package eth
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"sync/atomic"
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	qlightproto ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  type qlightClientHandler ethHandler
    27  func (h *qlightClientHandler) Chain() *core.BlockChain     { return h.chain }
    28  func (h *qlightClientHandler) StateBloom() *trie.SyncBloom { return h.stateBloom }
    29  func (h *qlightClientHandler) TxPool() eth.TxPool          { return h.txpool }
    31  func (h *qlightClientHandler) RunPeer(peer *eth.Peer, handler eth.Handler) error {
    32  	return nil
    33  }
    34  func (h *qlightClientHandler) Handle(peer *eth.Peer, packet eth.Packet) error {
    35  	return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer, packet)
    36  }
    38  func (h *qlightClientHandler) RunQPeer(peer *qlightproto.Peer, hand qlightproto.Handler) error {
    39  	return (*handler)(h).runQLightClientPeer(peer, hand)
    40  }
    42  // PeerInfo retrieves all known `eth` information about a peer.
    43  func (h *qlightClientHandler) PeerInfo(id enode.ID) interface{} {
    44  	if p := h.peers.peer(id.String()); p != nil {
    45  		return
    46  	}
    47  	return nil
    48  }
    50  // AcceptTxs retrieves whether transaction processing is enabled on the node
    51  // or if inbound transactions should simply be dropped.
    52  func (h *qlightClientHandler) AcceptTxs() bool {
    53  	return atomic.LoadUint32(&h.acceptTxs) == 1
    54  }
    56  // newHandler returns a handler for all Ethereum chain management protocol.
    57  func newQLightClientHandler(config *handlerConfig) (*handler, error) {
    58  	// Create the protocol manager with the base fields
    59  	if config.EventMux == nil {
    60  		config.EventMux = new(event.TypeMux) // Nicety initialization for tests
    61  	}
    62  	h := &handler{
    63  		networkID:          config.Network,
    64  		forkFilter:         forkid.NewFilter(config.Chain),
    65  		eventMux:           config.EventMux,
    66  		database:           config.Database,
    67  		txpool:             config.TxPool,
    68  		chain:              config.Chain,
    69  		peers:              newPeerSet(),
    70  		authorizationList:  config.AuthorizationList,
    71  		txsyncCh:           make(chan *txsync),
    72  		quitSync:           make(chan struct{}),
    73  		raftMode:           config.RaftMode,
    74  		engine:             config.Engine,
    75  		psi:                config.psi,
    76  		privateClientCache: config.privateClientCache,
    77  		tokenHolder:        config.tokenHolder,
    78  	}
    80  	if config.Sync == downloader.FullSync {
    81  		// The database seems empty as the current block is the genesis. Yet the fast
    82  		// block is ahead, so fast sync was enabled for this node at a certain point.
    83  		// The scenarios where this can happen is
    84  		// * if the user manually (or via a bad block) rolled back a fast sync node
    85  		//   below the sync point.
    86  		// * the last fast sync is not finished while user specifies a full sync this
    87  		//   time. But we don't have any recent state for full sync.
    88  		// In these cases however it's safe to reenable fast sync.
    89  		fullBlock, fastBlock := h.chain.CurrentBlock(), h.chain.CurrentFastBlock()
    90  		if fullBlock.NumberU64() == 0 && fastBlock.NumberU64() > 0 {
    91  			h.fastSync = uint32(1)
    92  			log.Warn("Switch sync mode from full sync to fast sync")
    93  		}
    94  	} else {
    95  		if h.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
    96  			// Print warning log if database is not empty to run fast sync.
    97  			log.Warn("Switch sync mode from fast sync to full sync")
    98  		} else {
    99  			// If fast sync was requested and our database is empty, grant it
   100  			h.fastSync = uint32(1)
   101  			if config.Sync == downloader.SnapSync {
   102  				h.snapSync = uint32(1)
   103  			}
   104  		}
   105  	}
   106  	// If we have trusted checkpoints, enforce them on the chain
   107  	if config.Checkpoint != nil {
   108  		h.checkpointNumber = (config.Checkpoint.SectionIndex+1)*params.CHTFrequency - 1
   109  		h.checkpointHash = config.Checkpoint.SectionHead
   110  	}
   111  	// Construct the downloader (long sync) and its backing state bloom if fast
   112  	// sync is requested. The downloader is responsible for deallocating the state
   113  	// bloom when it's done.
   114  	if atomic.LoadUint32(&h.fastSync) == 1 {
   115  		h.stateBloom = trie.NewSyncBloom(config.BloomCache, config.Database)
   116  	}
   117  	h.downloader = downloader.New(h.checkpointNumber, config.Database, h.stateBloom, h.eventMux, h.chain, nil, h.removePeer)
   119  	// Construct the fetcher (short sync)
   120  	validator := func(header *types.Header) error {
   121  		return h.chain.Engine().VerifyHeader(h.chain, header, true)
   122  	}
   123  	heighter := func() uint64 {
   124  		return h.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
   125  	}
   126  	inserter := func(blocks types.Blocks) (int, error) {
   127  		// If sync hasn't reached the checkpoint yet, deny importing weird blocks.
   128  		//
   129  		// Ideally we would also compare the head block's timestamp and similarly reject
   130  		// the propagated block if the head is too old. Unfortunately there is a corner
   131  		// case when starting new networks, where the genesis might be ancient (0 unix)
   132  		// which would prevent full nodes from accepting it.
   133  		if h.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() < h.checkpointNumber {
   134  			log.Warn("Unsynced yet, discarded propagated block", "number", blocks[0].Number(), "hash", blocks[0].Hash())
   135  			return 0, nil
   136  		}
   137  		// If fast sync is running, deny importing weird blocks. This is a problematic
   138  		// clause when starting up a new network, because fast-syncing miners might not
   139  		// accept each others' blocks until a restart. Unfortunately we haven't figured
   140  		// out a way yet where nodes can decide unilaterally whether the network is new
   141  		// or not. This should be fixed if we figure out a solution.
   142  		if atomic.LoadUint32(&h.fastSync) == 1 {
   143  			log.Warn("Fast syncing, discarded propagated block", "number", blocks[0].Number(), "hash", blocks[0].Hash())
   144  			return 0, nil
   145  		}
   146  		n, err := h.chain.InsertChain(blocks)
   147  		if err == nil {
   148  			atomic.StoreUint32(&h.acceptTxs, 1) // Mark initial sync done on any fetcher import
   149  		}
   150  		return n, err
   151  	}
   152  	h.blockFetcher = fetcher.NewBlockFetcher(false, nil, h.chain.GetBlockByHash, validator, h.BroadcastBlockQLightClient, heighter, nil, inserter, h.removePeer)
   154  	fetchTx := func(peer string, hashes []common.Hash) error {
   155  		p := h.peers.peer(peer)
   156  		if p == nil {
   157  			return errors.New("unknown peer")
   158  		}
   159  		return p.RequestTxs(hashes)
   160  	}
   161  	h.txFetcher = fetcher.NewTxFetcher(h.txpool.Has, h.txpool.AddRemotes, fetchTx)
   162  	h.chainSync = newChainSyncer(h)
   163  	return h, nil
   164  }
   166  // runEthPeer registers an eth peer into the joint eth/snap peerset, adds it to
   167  // various subsistems and starts handling messages.
   168  func (h *handler) runQLightClientPeer(peer *qlightproto.Peer, handler qlightproto.Handler) error {
   169  	// If the peer has a `snap` extension, wait for it to connect so we can have
   170  	// a uniform initialization/teardown mechanism
   171  	snap, err := h.peers.waitSnapExtension(peer.EthPeer)
   172  	if err != nil {
   173  		peer.Log().Error("Snapshot extension barrier failed", "err", err)
   174  		return err
   175  	}
   176  	// TODO(karalabe): Not sure why this is needed
   177  	if !h.chainSync.handlePeerEvent(peer.EthPeer) {
   178  		return p2p.DiscQuitting
   179  	}
   180  	h.peerWG.Add(1)
   181  	defer h.peerWG.Done()
   183  	// Execute the Ethereum handshake
   184  	var (
   185  		genesis = h.chain.Genesis()
   186  		head    = h.chain.CurrentHeader()
   187  		hash    = head.Hash()
   188  		number  = head.Number.Uint64()
   189  		td      = h.chain.GetTd(hash, number)
   190  	)
   191  	forkID := forkid.NewID(h.chain.Config(), h.chain.Genesis().Hash(), h.chain.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64())
   192  	if err := peer.EthPeer.Handshake(h.networkID, td, hash, genesis.Hash(), forkID, h.forkFilter); err != nil {
   193  		peer.Log().Debug("Ethereum handshake failed", "err", err)
   195  		// Quorum
   196  		// When the Handshake() returns an error, the Run method corresponding to `eth` protocol returns with the error, causing the peer to drop, signal subprotocol as well to exit the `Run` method
   197  		peer.EthPeerDisconnected <- struct{}{}
   198  		// End Quorum
   199  		return err
   200  	}
   202  	log.Info("QLight attempting handshake")
   203  	if err := peer.QLightHandshake(false, h.psi, h.tokenHolder.CurrentToken()); err != nil {
   204  		peer.Log().Debug("QLight handshake failed", "err", err)
   205  		log.Info("QLight handshake failed", "err", err)
   207  		// Quorum
   208  		// When the Handshake() returns an error, the Run method corresponding to `eth` protocol returns with the error, causing the peer to drop, signal subprotocol as well to exit the `Run` method
   209  		peer.EthPeerDisconnected <- struct{}{}
   210  		// End Quorum
   211  		return err
   212  	}
   214  	peer.Log().Debug("QLight handshake result for peer", "peer", peer.ID(), "server", peer.QLightServer(), "psi", peer.QLightPSI(), "token", peer.QLightToken())
   215  	log.Info("QLight handshake result for peer", "peer", peer.ID(), "server", peer.QLightServer(), "psi", peer.QLightPSI(), "token", peer.QLightToken())
   216  	// if we're not connected to a qlight server - disconnect the peer
   217  	if !peer.QLightServer() {
   218  		peer.Log().Debug("QLight connected to a non server peer. Disconnecting.")
   220  		// Quorum
   221  		// When the Handshake() returns an error, the Run method corresponding to `eth` protocol returns with the error, causing the peer to drop, signal subprotocol as well to exit the `Run` method
   222  		peer.EthPeerDisconnected <- struct{}{}
   223  		// End Quorum
   224  		return fmt.Errorf("connected to a non server peer")
   225  	}
   227  	reject := false // reserved peer slots
   228  	if atomic.LoadUint32(&h.snapSync) == 1 {
   229  		if snap == nil {
   230  			// If we are running snap-sync, we want to reserve roughly half the peer
   231  			// slots for peers supporting the snap protocol.
   232  			// The logic here is; we only allow up to 5 more non-snap peers than snap-peers.
   233  			if all, snp := h.peers.len(), h.peers.snapLen(); all-snp > snp+5 {
   234  				reject = true
   235  			}
   236  		}
   237  	}
   238  	// Ignore maxPeers if this is a trusted peer
   239  	if !peer.Peer.Info().Network.Trusted {
   240  		if reject || h.peers.len() >= h.maxPeers {
   241  			return p2p.DiscTooManyPeers
   242  		}
   243  	}
   244  	peer.Log().Debug("Ethereum peer connected", "name", peer.Name())
   246  	// Register the peer locally
   247  	if err := h.peers.registerQPeer(peer); err != nil {
   248  		peer.Log().Error("Ethereum peer registration failed", "err", err)
   250  		// Quorum
   251  		// When the Register() returns an error, the Run method corresponding to `eth` protocol returns with the error, causing the peer to drop, signal subprotocol as well to exit the `Run` method
   252  		peer.EthPeerDisconnected <- struct{}{}
   253  		// End Quorum
   255  		return err
   256  	}
   257  	defer h.removePeer(peer.ID())
   259  	p := h.peers.peer(peer.ID())
   260  	if p == nil {
   261  		return errors.New("peer dropped during handling")
   262  	}
   263  	// Register the peer in the downloader. If the downloader considers it banned, we disconnect
   264  	if err := h.downloader.RegisterPeer(peer.ID(), peer.Version(), peer.EthPeer); err != nil {
   265  		peer.Log().Error("Failed to register peer in eth syncer", "err", err)
   266  		return err
   267  	}
   268  	if snap != nil {
   269  		if err := h.downloader.SnapSyncer.Register(snap); err != nil {
   270  			peer.Log().Error("Failed to register peer in snap syncer", "err", err)
   271  			return err
   272  		}
   273  	}
   274  	h.chainSync.handlePeerEvent(peer.EthPeer)
   276  	// Propagate existing transactions. new transactions appearing
   277  	// after this will be sent via broadcasts.
   278  	h.syncTransactions(peer.EthPeer)
   280  	// If we have a trusted CHT, reject all peers below that (avoid fast sync eclipse)
   281  	if h.checkpointHash != (common.Hash{}) {
   282  		// Request the peer's checkpoint header for chain height/weight validation
   283  		if err := peer.EthPeer.RequestHeadersByNumber(h.checkpointNumber, 1, 0, false); err != nil {
   284  			return err
   285  		}
   286  		// Start a timer to disconnect if the peer doesn't reply in time
   287  		p.syncDrop = time.AfterFunc(syncChallengeTimeout, func() {
   288  			peer.Log().Warn("Checkpoint challenge timed out, dropping", "addr", peer.RemoteAddr(), "type", peer.Name())
   289  			h.removePeer(peer.ID())
   290  		})
   291  		// Make sure it's cleaned up if the peer dies off
   292  		defer func() {
   293  			if p.syncDrop != nil {
   294  				p.syncDrop.Stop()
   295  				p.syncDrop = nil
   296  			}
   297  		}()
   298  	}
   299  	// If we have any explicit authorized block hashes, request them
   300  	for number := range h.authorizationList {
   301  		if err := peer.EthPeer.RequestHeadersByNumber(number, 1, 0, false); err != nil {
   302  			return err
   303  		}
   304  	}
   306  	// Quorum notify other subprotocols that the eth peer is ready, and has been added to the peerset.
   307  	p.EthPeerRegistered <- struct{}{}
   308  	// Quorum
   310  	// Handle incoming messages until the connection is torn down
   311  	return handler(peer)
   312  }
   314  func (h *handler) StartQLightClient() {
   315  	h.maxPeers = 1
   316  	// Quorum
   317  	if h.raftMode {
   318  		// We set this immediately in raft mode to make sure the miner never drops
   319  		// incoming txes. Raft mode doesn't use the fetcher or downloader, and so
   320  		// this would never be set otherwise.
   321  		atomic.StoreUint32(&h.acceptTxs, 1)
   322  	}
   323  	// End Quorum
   325  	// start sync handlers
   326  	h.wg.Add(1)
   327  	go h.chainSync.loop()
   328  }
   330  func (h *handler) StopQLightClient() {
   331  	if h == nil {
   332  		return
   333  	}
   334  	// Quit chainSync and txsync64.
   335  	// After this is done, no new peers will be accepted.
   336  	close(h.quitSync)
   337  	h.wg.Wait()
   339  	// Disconnect existing sessions.
   340  	// This also closes the gate for any new registrations on the peer set.
   341  	// sessions which are already established but not added to h.peers yet
   342  	// will exit when they try to register.
   343  	h.peers.close()
   344  	h.peerWG.Wait()
   345  	log.Info("QLight client protocol stopped")
   346  }
   348  // BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of its peers, or
   349  // will only announce its availability (depending what's requested).
   350  func (h *handler) BroadcastBlockQLightClient(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
   351  }
   353  // Handle is invoked from a peer's message handler when it receives a new remote
   354  // message that the handler couldn't consume and serve itself.
   355  func (h *qlightClientHandler) QHandle(peer *qlightproto.Peer, packet eth.Packet) error {
   356  	// Consume any broadcasts and announces, forwarding the rest to the downloader
   357  	switch packet := packet.(type) {
   358  	case *eth.BlockHeadersPacket:
   359  		return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer.EthPeer, packet)
   361  	case *eth.BlockBodiesPacket:
   362  		txset, uncleset := packet.Unpack()
   363  		h.handleBodiesQLight(txset)
   364  		return (*ethHandler)(h).handleBodies(peer.EthPeer, txset, uncleset)
   366  	case *eth.NewBlockHashesPacket:
   367  		return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer.EthPeer, packet)
   369  	case *eth.NewBlockPacket:
   370  		h.updateCacheWithNonPartyTxData(packet.Block.Transactions())
   371  		return (*ethHandler)(h).handleBlockBroadcast(peer.EthPeer, packet.Block, packet.TD)
   372  	case *qlightproto.BlockPrivateDataPacket:
   373  		return h.handleBlockPrivateData(packet)
   374  	case *eth.NewPooledTransactionHashesPacket:
   375  		return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer.EthPeer, packet)
   376  	case *eth.TransactionsPacket:
   377  		h.updateCacheWithNonPartyTxData(*packet)
   378  		return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer.EthPeer, packet)
   379  	case *eth.PooledTransactionsPacket:
   380  		return (*ethHandler)(h).Handle(peer.EthPeer, packet)
   382  	default:
   383  		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected eth packet type: %T", packet)
   384  	}
   385  }
   387  // handleBodies is invoked from a peer's message handler when it transmits a batch
   388  // of block bodies for the local node to process.
   389  func (h *qlightClientHandler) handleBodiesQLight(txs [][]*types.Transaction) {
   390  	for _, txArray := range txs {
   391  		h.updateCacheWithNonPartyTxData(txArray)
   392  	}
   393  }
   395  func (h *qlightClientHandler) updateCacheWithNonPartyTxData(transactions []*types.Transaction) {
   396  	for _, tx := range transactions {
   397  		if tx.IsPrivate() || tx.IsPrivacyMarker() {
   398  			txHash := common.BytesToEncryptedPayloadHash(tx.Data())
   399  			h.privateClientCache.CheckAndAddEmptyEntry(txHash)
   400  		}
   401  	}
   402  }
   404  func (h *qlightClientHandler) handleBlockPrivateData(blockPrivateData *qlightproto.BlockPrivateDataPacket) error {
   405  	for _, b := range *blockPrivateData {
   406  		if err := h.privateClientCache.AddPrivateBlock(b); err != nil {
   407  			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to handle private block data: %v", err)
   408  		}
   409  	}
   410  	return nil
   411  }