
     1  # muxfys
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    11  muxfys is a pure Go library for temporarily in-process mounting multiple
    12  different remote file systems or object stores on to the same mount point as a
    13  "filey" system. Currently only support for S3-like systems has been implemented.
    15  It has high performance, and is easy to use with nothing else to install, and no
    16  root permissions needed (except to initially install/configure fuse: on old
    17  linux you may need to install fuse-utils, and for macOS you'll need to install
    18  osxfuse; for both you must ensure that 'user_allow_other' is set in
    19  /etc/fuse.conf or equivalent).
    21  It has good S3 compatibility, working with AWS Signature Version 4 (Amazon S3,
    22  Minio, et al.) and AWS Signature Version 2 (Google Cloud Storage, Openstack
    23  Swift, Ceph Object Gateway, Riak CS, et al).
    25  It allows "multiplexing": you can mount multiple different S3 buckets (or sub
    26  directories of the same bucket) on the same local directory. This makes commands
    27  you want to run against the files in your buckets much simpler, eg. instead of
    28  mounting s3://publicbucket, s3://myinputbucket and s3://myoutputbucket to
    29  separate mount points and running:
    31      $ myexe -ref /mnt/publicbucket/refs/human/ref.fa -i /mnt/myinbucket/xyz/123/
    32        input.file > /mnt/myoutputbucket/xyz/123/output.file
    34  You could multiplex the 3 buckets (at the desired paths) on to the directory you
    35  will work from and just run:
    37      $ myexe -ref ref.fa -i input.file > output.file
    39  It is a "filey" system ('fys' instead of 'fs') in that it cares about
    40  performance and efficiency first, and POSIX second. It is designed around a
    41  particular use-case:
    43  Non-interactively read a small handful of files who's paths you already know,
    44  probably a few times for small files and only once for large files, then upload
    45  a few large files. Eg. we want to mount S3 buckets that contain thousands of
    46  unchanging cache files, and a few big input files that we process using those
    47  cache files, and finally generate some results.
    49  In particular this means we hold on to directory and file attributes forever and
    50  assume they don't change externally. Permissions are ignored and only you get
    51  read/write access.
    53  When using muxfys, you 1) mount, 2) do something that needs the files in your S3
    54  bucket(s), 3) unmount. Then repeat 1-3 for other things that need data in your
    55  S3 buckets.
    57  # Performance
    59  To get a basic sense of performance, a 1GB file in a Ceph Object Gateway S3
    60  bucket was read, twice in a row for tools with caching, using the methods that
    61  worked for me (I had to hack minfs to get it to work); units are seconds
    62  (average of 3 attempts) needed to read the whole file:
    64      | method         | fresh | cached |
    65      |----------------|-------|--------|
    66      | s3cmd          | 5.9   | n/a    |
    67      | mc             | 7.9   | n/a    |
    68      | minfs          | 40    | n/a    |
    69      | s3fs           | 12.1  | n/a    |
    70      | s3fs caching   | 12.2  | 1.0    |
    71      | muxfys         | 5.7   | n/a    |
    72      | muxfys caching | 5.8   | 0.7    |
    74  Ie. minfs is very slow, and muxfys is about 2x faster than s3fs, with no
    75  noticeable performance penalty for fuse mounting vs simply downloading the files
    76  you need to local disk. (You also get the benefit of being able to seek and read
    77  only small parts of the remote file, without having to download the whole
    78  thing.)
    80  The same story holds true when performing the above test 100 times
    81  ~simultaneously; while some reads take much longer due to Ceph/network overload,
    82  muxfys remains on average twice as fast as s3fs. The only significant change is
    83  that s3cmd starts to fail.
    85  For a real-world test, some data processing and analysis was done with samtools,
    86  a tool that can end up reading small parts of very large files.
    87 was partially followed to map fastqs with 441 read pairs
    88  (extracted from an old human chr20 mapping). Mapping, sorting and calling was
    89  carried out, in addition to creating and viewing a cram. The different caching
    90  strategies used were: cup == reference-related files cached, fastq files
    91  uncached, working in a normal POSIX directory; cuf == as cup, but working in a
    92  fuse mounted writable directory; uuf == as cuf, but with no caching for the
    93  reference-related files. The local(mc) method involved downloading all files
    94  with mc first, with the cached result being the maximum possible performance:
    95  that of running bwa and samtools when all required files are accessed from the
    96  local POSIX filesystem. Units are seconds (average of 3 attempts):
    98      | method     | fresh | cached |
    99      |------------|-------|--------|
   100      | local(mc)  | 157   | 40     |
   101      | s3fs.cup   | 175   | 50     |
   102      | muxfys.cup | 80    | 45     |
   103      | muxfys.cuf | 79    | 44     |
   104      | muxfys.uuf | 88    | n/a    |
   106  Ie. muxfys is about 2x faster than just downloading all required files manually,
   107  and over 2x faster than using s3fs. There isn't much performance loss when the
   108  data is cached vs maximum possible performance. There's no noticeable penalty
   109  (indeed it's a little faster) for working directly in a muxfys-mounted
   110  directory.
   112  Finally, to compare to a highly optimised tool written in C that has built-in
   113  support (via libcurl) for reading from S3, samtools was once again used, this
   114  time to read 100bp (the equivalent of a few lines) from an 8GB indexed cram
   115  file. The builtin(mc) method involved downloading the single required cram cache
   116  file from S3 first using mc, then relying on samtools' built-in S3 support by
   117  giving it the s3:// path to the cram file; the cached result involves samtools
   118  reading this cache file and the cram's index files from the local POSIX
   119  filesystem, but it still reads cram data itself from the remote S3 system. The
   120  other methods used samtools normally, giving it paths within the fuse mount(s)
   121  created. The different caching strategies used were: cu == reference-related
   122  files cached, cram-related files uncached; cc == everything cached; uu ==
   123  nothing cached. Units are seconds (average of 3 attempts):
   125      | method      | fresh | cached |
   126      |-------------|-------|--------|
   127      | builtin(mc) | 1.3   | 0.5    |
   128      |     | 4.3   | 1.7    |
   129      |     | 4.4   | 0.5    |
   130      | s3fs.uu     | 4.4   | 2.2    |
   131      |   | 0.3   | 0.1    |
   132      |   | 0.3   | 0.06   |
   133      | muxfys.uu   | 0.3   | 0.1    |
   135  Ie. muxfys is much faster than s3fs (more than 2x faster probably due to much
   136  faster and more efficient stating of files), and using it also gives a
   137  significant benefit over using a tools' built-in support for S3.
   139  # Status & Limitations
   141  The only `RemoteAccessor` implemented so far is for S3-like object stores.
   143  In cached mode, random reads and writes have been implemented.
   145  In non-cached mode, random reads and serial writes have been implemented.
   146  (It is unlikely that random uncached writes will be implemented.)
   148  Non-POSIX behaviours:
   150  * does not store file mode/owner/group
   151  * does not support hardlinks
   152  * symlinks are only supported temporarily in a cached writeable mount: they
   153    can be created and used, but do not get uploaded
   154  * `atime` (and typically `ctime`) is always the same as `mtime`
   155  * `mtime` of files is not stored remotely (remote file mtimes are of their
   156    upload time, and muxfys only guarantees that files are uploaded in the order
   157    of their mtimes)
   158  * does not upload empty directories, can't rename remote directories
   159  * `fsync` is ignored, files are only flushed on `close`
   161  # Guidance
   163  `CacheData: true` will usually give you the best performance. Not setting an
   164  explicit CacheDir will also give the best performance, as if you read a small
   165  part of a large file, only the part you read will be downloaded and cached in
   166  the unique CacheDir.
   168  Only turn on `Write` mode if you have to write.
   170  Use `CacheData: false` if you will read more data than can be stored on local
   171  disk.
   173  If you know that you will definitely end up reading the same data multiple times
   174  (either during a mount, or from different mounts) on the same machine, and have
   175  sufficient local disk space, use `CacheData: true` and set an explicit CacheDir
   176  (with a constant absolute path, eg. starting in /tmp). Doing this results in any
   177  file read downloading the whole remote file to cache it, which can be wasteful
   178  if you only need to read a small part of a large file. (But this is the only way
   179  that muxfys can coordinate the cache amongst independent processes.)
   181  # Usage
   183  ```go
   184  import ""
   186  // fully manual S3 configuration
   187  accessorConfig := &muxfys.S3Config{
   188      Target:    "",
   189      Region:    "us-east-1",
   190      AccessKey: os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
   191      SecretKey: os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
   192  }
   193  accessor, err := muxfys.NewS3Accessor(accessorConfig)
   194  if err != nil {
   195      log.Fatal(err)
   196  }
   197  remoteConfig1 := &muxfys.RemoteConfig{
   198      Accessor: accessor,
   199      CacheDir: "/tmp/muxfys/cache",
   200      Write:    true,
   201  }
   203  // or read configuration from standard AWS S3 config files and environment
   204  // variables
   205  accessorConfig, err = muxfys.S3ConfigFromEnvironment("default",
   206      "myotherbucket/another/subdir")
   207  if err != nil {
   208      log.Fatalf("could not read config from environment: %s\n", err)
   209  }
   210  accessor, err = muxfys.NewS3Accessor(accessorConfig)
   211  if err != nil {
   212      log.Fatal(err)
   213  }
   214  remoteConfig2 := &muxfys.RemoteConfig{
   215      Accessor:  accessor,
   216      CacheData: true,
   217  }
   219  cfg := &muxfys.Config{
   220      Mount:     "/tmp/muxfys/mount",
   221      CacheBase: "/tmp",
   222      Retries:   3,
   223      Verbose:   true,
   224  }
   226  fs, err := muxfys.New(cfg)
   227  if err != nil {
   228      log.Fatalf("bad configuration: %s\n", err)
   229  }
   231  err = fs.Mount(remoteConfig, remoteConfig2)
   232  if err != nil {
   233      log.Fatalf("could not mount: %s\n", err)
   234  }
   235  fs.UnmountOnDeath()
   237  // read from & write to files in /tmp/muxfys/mount, which contains the
   238  // contents of mybucket/subdir and myotherbucket/another/subdir; writes will
   239  // get uploaded to mybucket/subdir when you Unmount()
   241  err = fs.Unmount()
   242  if err != nil {
   243      log.Fatalf("could not unmount: %s\n", err)
   244  }
   246  logs := fs.Logs()
   247  ```
   249  # Provenance
   251  There are many ways of accessing data in S3 buckets. Common tools include s3cmd
   252  for direct up/download of particular files, and s3fs for fuse-mounting a bucket.
   253  But these are not written in Go.
   255  Amazon provide aws-sdk-go for interacting with S3, but this does not work with
   256  (my) Ceph Object Gateway and possibly other implementations of S3.
   258  minio-go is an alternative Go library that provides good compatibility with a
   259  wide variety of S3-like systems.
   261  There are at least 3 Go libraries for creating fuse-mounted file-systems.
   262 was based on, claiming higher
   263  performance. Also claiming high performance is
   265  There are at least 2 projects that implement fuse-mounting of S3 buckets:
   267  * is implemented using minio-go and bazil, but in my
   268    hands was very slow. It is designed to be run as root, requiring file-based
   269    configuration.
   270  * is implemented using aws-sdk-go and jacobsa/fuse,
   271    making it incompatible with (my) Ceph Object Gateway.
   273  Both are designed to be run as daemons as opposed to being used in-process.
   275  muxfys is implemented using minio-go for compatibility, and hanwen/go-fuse for
   276  speed. (In my testing, hanwen/go-fuse and jacobsa/fuse did not have noticeably
   277  difference performance characteristics, but go-fuse was easier to write for.)
   278  However, some of its read code is inspired by goofys. Thanks to minimising
   279  remote calls to the remote S3 system, and only implementing what S3 is generally
   280  capable of, it shares and adds to goofys' non-POSIX behaviours.
   282  ## Versioning
   284  This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( See
   285 for a description of changes.
   287  If you want to rely on a stable API, vendor the library, updating within a
   288  desired version. For example, you could use [Glide]( and:
   290      $ glide get^2.0.0