
     1  // Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package ast_test
    16  import (
    17  	. ""
    19  	. ""
    20  	_ ""
    21  )
    23  var _ = Suite(&testExpressionsSuite{})
    25  type testExpressionsSuite struct {
    26  }
    28  type checkVisitor struct{}
    30  func (v checkVisitor) Enter(in Node) (Node, bool) {
    31  	if e, ok := in.(*checkExpr); ok {
    32  		e.enterCnt++
    33  		return in, true
    34  	}
    35  	return in, false
    36  }
    38  func (v checkVisitor) Leave(in Node) (Node, bool) {
    39  	if e, ok := in.(*checkExpr); ok {
    40  		e.leaveCnt++
    41  	}
    42  	return in, true
    43  }
    45  type checkExpr struct {
    46  	ValueExpr
    48  	enterCnt int
    49  	leaveCnt int
    50  }
    52  func (n *checkExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Node, bool) {
    53  	newNode, skipChildren := v.Enter(n)
    54  	if skipChildren {
    55  		return v.Leave(newNode)
    56  	}
    57  	n = newNode.(*checkExpr)
    58  	return v.Leave(n)
    59  }
    61  func (n *checkExpr) reset() {
    62  	n.enterCnt = 0
    63  	n.leaveCnt = 0
    64  }
    66  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestExpresionsVisitorCover(c *C) {
    67  	ce := &checkExpr{}
    68  	stmts :=
    69  		[]struct {
    70  			node             Node
    71  			expectedEnterCnt int
    72  			expectedLeaveCnt int
    73  		}{
    74  			{&BetweenExpr{Expr: ce, Left: ce, Right: ce}, 3, 3},
    75  			{&BinaryOperationExpr{L: ce, R: ce}, 2, 2},
    76  			{&CaseExpr{Value: ce, WhenClauses: []*WhenClause{{Expr: ce, Result: ce},
    77  				{Expr: ce, Result: ce}}, ElseClause: ce}, 6, 6},
    78  			{&ColumnNameExpr{Name: &ColumnName{}}, 0, 0},
    79  			{&CompareSubqueryExpr{L: ce, R: ce}, 2, 2},
    80  			{&DefaultExpr{Name: &ColumnName{}}, 0, 0},
    81  			{&ExistsSubqueryExpr{Sel: ce}, 1, 1},
    82  			{&IsNullExpr{Expr: ce}, 1, 1},
    83  			{&IsTruthExpr{Expr: ce}, 1, 1},
    84  			{NewParamMarkerExpr(0), 0, 0},
    85  			{&ParenthesesExpr{Expr: ce}, 1, 1},
    86  			{&PatternInExpr{Expr: ce, List: []ExprNode{ce, ce, ce}, Sel: ce}, 5, 5},
    87  			{&PatternLikeExpr{Expr: ce, Pattern: ce}, 2, 2},
    88  			{&PatternRegexpExpr{Expr: ce, Pattern: ce}, 2, 2},
    89  			{&PositionExpr{}, 0, 0},
    90  			{&RowExpr{Values: []ExprNode{ce, ce}}, 2, 2},
    91  			{&UnaryOperationExpr{V: ce}, 1, 1},
    92  			{NewValueExpr(0), 0, 0},
    93  			{&ValuesExpr{Column: &ColumnNameExpr{Name: &ColumnName{}}}, 0, 0},
    94  			{&VariableExpr{Value: ce}, 1, 1},
    95  		}
    97  	for _, v := range stmts {
    98  		ce.reset()
    99  		v.node.Accept(checkVisitor{})
   100  		c.Check(ce.enterCnt, Equals, v.expectedEnterCnt)
   101  		c.Check(ce.leaveCnt, Equals, v.expectedLeaveCnt)
   102  		v.node.Accept(visitor1{})
   103  	}
   104  }
   106  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestUnaryOperationExprRestore(c *C) {
   107  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   108  		{"++1", "++1"},
   109  		{"--1", "--1"},
   110  		{"-+1", "-+1"},
   111  		{"-1", "-1"},
   112  	}
   113  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   114  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   115  	}
   116  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   117  }
   119  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestColumnNameExprRestore(c *C) {
   120  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   121  		{"abc", "`abc`"},
   122  		{"`abc`", "`abc`"},
   123  		{"`ab``c`", "`ab``c`"},
   124  		{"sabc.tABC", "`sabc`.`tABC`"},
   125  		{"dabc.sabc.tabc", "`dabc`.`sabc`.`tabc`"},
   126  		{"dabc.`sabc`.tabc", "`dabc`.`sabc`.`tabc`"},
   127  		{"`dABC`.`sabc`.tabc", "`dABC`.`sabc`.`tabc`"},
   128  	}
   129  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   130  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   131  	}
   132  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   133  }
   135  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestIsNullExprRestore(c *C) {
   136  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   137  		{"a is null", "`a` IS NULL"},
   138  		{"a is not null", "`a` IS NOT NULL"},
   139  	}
   140  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   141  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   142  	}
   143  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   144  }
   146  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestIsTruthRestore(c *C) {
   147  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   148  		{"a is true", "`a` IS TRUE"},
   149  		{"a is not true", "`a` IS NOT TRUE"},
   150  		{"a is FALSE", "`a` IS FALSE"},
   151  		{"a is not false", "`a` IS NOT FALSE"},
   152  	}
   153  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   154  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   155  	}
   156  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   157  }
   159  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestBetweenExprRestore(c *C) {
   160  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   161  		{"b between 1 and 2", "`b` BETWEEN 1 AND 2"},
   162  		{"b not between 1 and 2", "`b` NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 2"},
   163  		{"b between a and b", "`b` BETWEEN `a` AND `b`"},
   164  		{"b between '' and 'b'", "`b` BETWEEN '' AND 'b'"},
   165  		{"b between '2018-11-01' and '2018-11-02'", "`b` BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-02'"},
   166  	}
   167  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   168  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   169  	}
   170  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   171  }
   173  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestCaseExpr(c *C) {
   174  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   175  		{"case when 1 then 2 end", "CASE WHEN 1 THEN 2 END"},
   176  		{"case when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' end", "CASE WHEN 1 THEN 'a' WHEN 2 THEN 'b' END"},
   177  		{"case when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' else 'c' end", "CASE WHEN 1 THEN 'a' WHEN 2 THEN 'b' ELSE 'c' END"},
   178  		{"case when 'a'!=1 then true else false end", "CASE WHEN 'a'!=1 THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END"},
   179  		{"case a when 'a' then true else false end", "CASE `a` WHEN 'a' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END"},
   180  	}
   181  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   182  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   183  	}
   184  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   185  }
   187  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestBinaryOperationExpr(c *C) {
   188  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   189  		{"'a'!=1", "'a'!=1"},
   190  		{"a!=1", "`a`!=1"},
   191  		{"3<5", "3<5"},
   192  		{"10>5", "10>5"},
   193  		{"3+5", "3+5"},
   194  		{"3-5", "3-5"},
   195  		{"a<>5", "`a`!=5"},
   196  		{"a=1", "`a`=1"},
   197  	}
   198  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   199  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   200  	}
   201  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   202  }
   204  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestParenthesesExpr(c *C) {
   205  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   206  		{"(1+2)*3", "(1+2)*3"},
   207  		{"1+2*3", "1+2*3"},
   208  	}
   209  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   210  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   211  	}
   212  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   213  }
   215  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestWhenClause(c *C) {
   216  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   217  		{"when 1 then 2", "WHEN 1 THEN 2"},
   218  		{"when 1 then 'a'", "WHEN 1 THEN 'a'"},
   219  		{"when 'a'!=1 then true", "WHEN 'a'!=1 THEN TRUE"},
   220  	}
   221  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   222  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr.(*CaseExpr).WhenClauses[0]
   223  	}
   224  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select case %s end", extractNodeFunc)
   225  }
   227  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestDefaultExpr(c *C) {
   228  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   229  		{"default", "DEFAULT"},
   230  		{"default(i)", "DEFAULT(`i`)"},
   231  	}
   232  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   233  		return node.(*InsertStmt).Lists[0][0]
   234  	}
   235  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "insert into t values(%s)", extractNodeFunc)
   236  }
   238  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestPatternInExprRestore(c *C) {
   239  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   240  		{"'a' in ('b')", "'a' IN ('b')"},
   241  		{"2 in (0,3,7)", "2 IN (0,3,7)"},
   242  		{"2 not in (0,3,7)", "2 NOT IN (0,3,7)"},
   243  		{"2 in (select 2)", "2 IN (SELECT 2)"},
   244  		{"2 not in (select 2)", "2 NOT IN (SELECT 2)"},
   245  	}
   246  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   247  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   248  	}
   249  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   250  }
   252  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestPatternLikeExprRestore(c *C) {
   253  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   254  		{"a like 't1'", "`a` LIKE 't1'"},
   255  		{"a like 't1%'", "`a` LIKE 't1%'"},
   256  		{"a like '%t1%'", "`a` LIKE '%t1%'"},
   257  		{"a like '%t1_|'", "`a` LIKE '%t1_|'"},
   258  		{"a not like 't1'", "`a` NOT LIKE 't1'"},
   259  		{"a not like 't1%'", "`a` NOT LIKE 't1%'"},
   260  		{"a not like '%D%v%'", "`a` NOT LIKE '%D%v%'"},
   261  		{"a not like '%t1_|'", "`a` NOT LIKE '%t1_|'"},
   262  	}
   263  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   264  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   265  	}
   266  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   267  }
   269  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestValuesExpr(c *C) {
   270  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   271  		{"values(a)", "VALUES(`a`)"},
   272  		{"values(a)+values(b)", "VALUES(`a`)+VALUES(`b`)"},
   273  	}
   274  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   275  		return node.(*InsertStmt).OnDuplicate[0].Expr
   276  	}
   277  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "insert into t values (1,2,3) on duplicate key update c=%s", extractNodeFunc)
   278  }
   280  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestPatternRegexpExprRestore(c *C) {
   281  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   282  		{"a regexp 't1'", "`a` REGEXP 't1'"},
   283  		{"a regexp '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'", "`a` REGEXP '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'"},
   284  		{"a rlike 't1'", "`a` REGEXP 't1'"},
   285  		{"a rlike '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'", "`a` REGEXP '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'"},
   286  		{"a not regexp 't1'", "`a` NOT REGEXP 't1'"},
   287  		{"a not regexp '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'", "`a` NOT REGEXP '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'"},
   288  		{"a not rlike 't1'", "`a` NOT REGEXP 't1'"},
   289  		{"a not rlike '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'", "`a` NOT REGEXP '^[abc][0-9]{11}|ok$'"},
   290  	}
   291  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   292  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   293  	}
   294  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   295  }
   297  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestRowExprRestore(c *C) {
   298  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   299  		{"(1,2)", "ROW(1,2)"},
   300  		{"(col1,col2)", "ROW(`col1`,`col2`)"},
   301  		{"row(1,2)", "ROW(1,2)"},
   302  		{"row(col1,col2)", "ROW(`col1`,`col2`)"},
   303  	}
   304  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   305  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Where.(*BinaryOperationExpr).L
   306  	}
   307  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select 1 from t1 where %s = row(1,2)", extractNodeFunc)
   308  }
   310  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestMaxValueExprRestore(c *C) {
   311  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   312  		{"maxvalue", "MAXVALUE"},
   313  	}
   314  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   315  		return node.(*AlterTableStmt).Specs[0].PartDefinitions[0].LessThan[0]
   316  	}
   317  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "alter table posts add partition ( partition p1 values less than %s)", extractNodeFunc)
   318  }
   320  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestPositionExprRestore(c *C) {
   321  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   322  		{"1", "1"},
   323  	}
   324  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   325  		return node.(*SelectStmt).OrderBy.Items[0]
   326  	}
   327  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select * from t order by %s", extractNodeFunc)
   329  }
   331  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestExistsSubqueryExprRestore(c *C) {
   332  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   333  		{"EXISTS (SELECT 2)", "EXISTS (SELECT 2)"},
   334  		{"NOT EXISTS (SELECT 2)", "NOT EXISTS (SELECT 2)"},
   335  	}
   336  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   337  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Where
   338  	}
   339  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select 1 from t1 where %s", extractNodeFunc)
   340  }
   342  func (tc *testExpressionsSuite) TestVariableExpr(c *C) {
   343  	testCases := []NodeRestoreTestCase{
   344  		{"@a>1", "@`a`>1"},
   345  		{"@`aB`+1", "@`aB`+1"},
   346  		{"@'a':=1", "@`a`:=1"},
   347  		{"@`a``b`=4", "@`a``b`=4"},
   348  		{`@"aBC">1`, "@`aBC`>1"},
   349  		{"@`a`+1", "@`a`+1"},
   350  		{"@``", "@``"},
   351  		{"@", "@``"},
   352  		{"@@``", "@@``"},
   353  		{"@@", "@@``"},
   354  		{"@@var", "@@`var`"},
   355  		{"@@global.b='foo'", "@@GLOBAL.`b`='foo'"},
   356  		{"@@session.'C'", "@@SESSION.`c`"},
   357  		{`@@local."aBc"`, "@@SESSION.`abc`"},
   358  	}
   359  	extractNodeFunc := func(node Node) Node {
   360  		return node.(*SelectStmt).Fields.Fields[0].Expr
   361  	}
   362  	RunNodeRestoreTest(c, testCases, "select %s", extractNodeFunc)
   363  }