
     1  Consensus Rules
     2  ===============
     4  This document is meant to provide a good high level overview of the Sia
     5  cryptosystem, but does not fully explain all of the small details. The most
     6  accurate explanation of the consensus rules is the consensus package (and all
     7  dependencies).
     9  This document will be more understandable if you have a general understanding
    10  of proof of work blockchains, and does not try to build up from first
    11  principles.
    13  Cryptographic Algorithms
    14  ------------------------
    16  Sia uses cryptographic hashing and cryptographic signing, each of which has
    17  many potentially secure algorithms that can be used. We acknowledge our
    18  inexperience, and that we have chosen these algorithms not because of our own
    19  confidence in their properties, but because other people seem confident in
    20  their properties.
    22  For hashing, our primary goal is to use an algorithm that cannot be merge mined
    23  with Bitcoin, even partially. A secondary goal is hashing speed on consumer
    24  hardware, including phones and other low power devices.
    26  For signing, our primary goal is verification speed. A secondary goal is an
    27  algorithm that supports HD keys. A tertiary goal is an algorithm that supports
    28  threshold signatures.
    30  #### Hashing: blake2b
    32    [blake2b]( "Wiki page") has been chosen as a hashing algorithm because it is fast, it has had
    33    substantial review, and it has invulnerability to length extension attacks.
    34    Another particularly important feature of BLAKE2b is that it is not SHA-2. We
    35    wish to avoid merge mining with Bitcoin, because that may result in many
    36    apathetic Bitcoin miners mining on our blockchain, which may make soft forks
    37    harder to coordinate.
    39  #### Signatures: variable type signatures
    41    Each public key will have an specifier (a 16 byte array) and a byte slice
    42    containing an encoding of the public key. The specifier will tell the
    43    signature verification which signing algorithm to use when verifying a
    44    signature. Each signature will be a byte slice, the encoding can be
    45    determined by looking at the specifier of the corresponding public key.
    47    This method allows new signature types to be easily added to the currency in
    48    a way that does not invalidate existing outputs and keys. Adding a new
    49    signature type requires a soft fork, but allows easy protection against
    50    cryptographic breaks, and easy migration to new cryptography if there are any
    51    breakthroughs in areas like verification speed, ring signatures, etc.
    53    Allowed algorithms:
    55    ed25519: The specifier must match the string "ed25519". The public key
    56    must be encoded into 32 bytes. Signatures and public keys will need to
    57    follow the ed25519 specification. More information can be found at
    60    entropy: The specifier must match the string "entropy". The signature will
    61    always be invalid. This provides a way to add entropy buffers to
    62    SpendCondition objects to protect low entropy information, while being able
    63    to prove that the entropy buffers are invalid public keys.
    65    There are plans to also add ECDSA secp256k1 and Schnorr secp256k1. New
    66    signing algorithms can be added to Sia through a soft fork, because
    67    unrecognized algorithm types are always considered to have valid signatures.
    69  Currency
    70  --------
    72  The Sia cryptosystem has two types of currency. The first is the Siacoin.
    73  Siacoins are generated every block and distributed to the miners. These miners
    74  can then use the siacoins to fund file contracts, or can send the siacoins to
    75  other parties. The siacoin is represented by an infinite precision unsigned
    76  integer.
    78  The second currency in the Sia cryptosystem is the Siafund, which is a special
    79  asset limited to 10,000 indivisible units. Each time a file contract payout is
    80  made, 3.9% of the payout is put into the siafund pool. The number of siacoins
    81  in the siafund pool must always be divisible by 10,000; the number of coins
    82  taken from the payout is rounded down to the nearest 10,000. The siafund is
    83  also represented by an infinite precision unsigned integer.
    85  Siafund owners can collect the siacoins in the siafund pool. For every 10,000
    86  siacoins added to the siafund pool, a siafund owner can withdraw 1 siacoin.
    87  Approx. 8790 siafunds are owned by Nebulous Inc. The remaining siafunds are
    88  owned by early backers of the Sia project.
    90  There are future plans to enable sidechain compatibility with Sia. This would
    91  allow other currencies such as Bitcoin to be spent in all the same places that
    92  the Siacoin can be spent.
    94  Marshalling
    95  -----------
    97  Many of the Sia types need to be hashed at some point, which requires having a
    98  consistent algorithm for marshalling types into a set of bytes that can be
    99  hashed. The following rules are used for hashing:
   101   - Integers are little-endian, and are always encoded as 8 bytes.
   102   - Bools are encoded as one byte, where zero is false and one is true.
   103   - Variable length types such as strings are prefaced by 8 bytes containing
   104     their length.
   105   - Arrays and structs are encoded as their individual elements concatenated
   106     together. The ordering of the struct is determined by the struct definition.
   107     There is only one way to encode each struct.
   108   - The Currency type (an infinite precision integer) is encoded in big endian
   109     using as many bytes as necessary to represent the underlying number. As it
   110     is a variable length type, it is prefixed by 8 bytes containing the length.
   112  Block Size
   113  ----------
   115  The maximum block size is 2e6 bytes. There is no limit on transaction size,
   116  though it must fit inside of the block. Most miners enforce a size limit of
   117  16e3 bytes per transaction.
   119  Block Timestamps
   120  ----------------
   122  Each block has a minimum allowed timestamp. The minimum timestamp is found by
   123  taking the median timestamp of the previous 11 blocks. If there are not 11
   124  previous blocks, the genesis timestamp is used repeatedly.
   126  Blocks will be rejected if they are timestamped more than three hours in the
   127  future, but can be accepted again once enough time has passed.
   129  Block ID
   130  --------
   132  The ID of a block is derived using:
   133  	Hash(Parent Block ID + 64 bit Nonce + Timestamp + Block Merkle Root)
   135  The block Merkle root is obtained by creating a Merkle tree whose leaves are
   136  the hashes of the miner outputs (one leaf per miner output), and the hashes of 
   137  the transactions (one leaf per transaction).
   139  Block Target
   140  ------------
   142  For a block to be valid, the id of the block must be below a certain target.
   143  The target is adjusted once every 500 blocks, and it is adjusted by looking at
   144  the timestamps of the previous 1000 blocks. The expected amount of time passed
   145  between the most recent block and the 1000th previous block is 10e3 minutes. If
   146  more time has passed, the target is lowered. If less time has passed, the
   147  target is increased. Each adjustment can adjust the target by up to 2.5x.
   149  The target is changed in proportion to the difference in time (If the time was
   150  half of what was expected, the new target is 1/2 the old target). There is a
   151  clamp on the adjustment. In one block, the target cannot adjust upwards by more
   152  more than 1001/1000, and cannot adjust downwards by more than 999/1000.
   154  The new target is calculated using (expected time passed in seconds) / (actual
   155  time passed in seconds) * (current target). The division and multiplication
   156  should be done using infinite precision, and the result should be truncated.
   158  If there are not 1000 blocks, the genesis timestamp is used for comparison.
   159  The expected time is (10 minutes * block height).
   161  Block Subsidy
   162  -------------
   164  The coinbase for a block is (300,000 - height) * 10^24, with a minimum of
   165  30,000 \* 10^24. Any miner fees get added to the coinbase to create the block
   166  subsidy. The block subsidy is then given to multiple outputs, called the miner
   167  payouts. The total value of the miner payouts must equal the block subsidy.
   169  The ids of the outputs created by the miner payouts is determined by taking the
   170  block id and concatenating the index of the payout that the output corresponds
   171  to.
   173  The outputs created by the block subsidy cannot be spent for 50 blocks, and are
   174  not considered a part of the consensus set until 50 blocks have transpired.
   175  This limitation is in place because a simple blockchain reorganization is
   176  enough to invalidate the output; double spend attacks and false spend attacks
   177  are much easier to execute.
   179  Transactions
   180  ------------
   182  A Transaction is composed of the following:
   184  - Siacoin Inputs
   185  - Siacoin Outputs
   186  - File Contracts
   187  - File Contract Revisions
   188  - Storage Proofs
   189  - Siafund Inputs
   190  - Siafund Outputs
   191  - Miner Fees
   192  - Arbitrary Data
   193  - Transaction Signatures
   195  The sum of all the siacoin inputs must equal the sum of all the miner fees,
   196  siacoin outputs, and file contract payouts. There can be no leftovers. The sum
   197  of all siafund inputs must equal the sum of all siafund outputs.
   199  Several objects have unlock hashes. An unlock hash is the Merkle root of the
   200  'unlock conditions' object. The unlock conditions contain a timelock, a number
   201  of required signatures, and a set of public keys that can be used during
   202  signing.
   204  The Merkle root of the unlock condition objects is formed by taking the Merkle
   205  root of a tree whose leaves are the timelock, the public keys (one leaf per
   206  key), and the number of signatures. This ordering is chosen specifically
   207  because the timelock and the number of signatures are low entropy. By using
   208  random data as the first and last public key, you can make it safe to reveal
   209  any of the public keys without revealing the low entropy items.
   211  The unlock conditions cannot be satisfied until enough signatures have
   212  provided, and until the height of the blockchain is at least equal to the value
   213  of the timelock.
   215  The unlock conditions contains a set of public keys which can each be used only
   216  once when providing signatures. The same public key can be listed twice, which
   217  means that it can be used twice. The number of required signatures indicates
   218  how many public keys must be used to validate the input. If required signatures
   219  is '0', the input is effectively 'anyone can spend'. If the required signature
   220  count is greater than the number of public keys, the input is unspendable.
   221  There must be exactly enough signatures. For example, if there are 3 public
   222  keys and only two required signatures, then only two signatures can be included
   223  into the transaction.
   225  Siacoin Inputs
   226  --------------
   228  Each input spends an output. The output being spent must exist in the consensus
   229  set. The 'value' field of the output indicates how many siacoins must be used
   230  in the outputs of the transaction. Valid outputs are miner fees, siacoin
   231  outputs, and contract payouts.
   233  Siacoin Outputs
   234  ---------------
   236  Siacoin outputs contain a value and an unlock hash (also called a coin
   237  address). The unlock hash is the Merkle root of the spend conditions that must
   238  be met to spend the output.
   240  File Contracts
   241  --------------
   243  A file contract is an agreement by some party to prove they have a file at a
   244  given point in time. The contract contains the Merkle root of the data being
   245  stored, and the size in bytes of the data being stored.
   247  The Merkle root is formed by breaking the file into 64 byte segments and
   248  hashing each segment to form the leaves of the Merkle tree. The final segment
   249  is not padded out.
   251  The storage proof must be submitted between the 'WindowStart' and 'WindowEnd'
   252  fields of the contract. There is a 'Payout', which indicates how many siacoins
   253  are given out when the storage proof is provided. 3.9% of this payout (rounded
   254  down to the nearest 10,000) is put aside for the owners of siafunds. If the
   255  storage proof is provided and is valid, the remaining payout is put in an
   256  output spendable by the 'valid proof spend hash', and if a valid storage proof
   257  is not provided to the blockchain by 'end', the remaining payout is put in an
   258  output spendable by the 'missed proof spend hash'.
   260  All contracts must have a non-zero payout, 'start' must be before 'end', and
   261  'start' must be greater than the current height of the blockchain. A storage
   262  proof is acceptable if it is submitted in the block of height 'end'.
   264  File contracts are created with a 'Revision Hash', which is the Merkle root of
   265  an unlock conditions object. A 'file contract revision' can be submitted which
   266  fulfills the unlock conditions object, resulting in the file contract being
   267  replaced by a new file contract, as specified in the revision.
   269  File Contract Revisions
   270  -----------------------
   272  A file contract revision modifies a contract. File contracts have a revision
   273  number, and any revision submitted to the blockchain must have a higher
   274  revision number in order to be valid. Any field can be changed except for the
   275  payout - siacoins cannot be added to or removed from the file contract during a
   276  revision, though the destination upon a successful or unsuccessful storage
   277  proof can be changed.
   279  The greatest application for file contract revisions is file-diff channels - a
   280  file contract can be edited many times off-blockchain as a user uploads new or
   281  different content to the host. This improves the overall scalability of Sia.
   283  Storage Proofs
   284  --------------
   286  A storage proof transaction is any transaction containing a storage proof.
   287  Storage proof transactions are not allowed to have siacoin or siafund outputs,
   288  and are not allowed to have file contracts.
   290  When creating a storage proof, you only prove that you have a single 64 byte
   291  segment of the file. The piece that you must prove you have is chosen
   292  randomly using the contract id and the id of the 'trigger block'.  The
   293  trigger block is the block at height 'Start' - 1, where 'Start' is the value
   294  'Start' in the contract that the storage proof is fulfilling.
   296  The file is composed of 64 byte segments whose hashes compose the leaves of a
   297  Merkle tree. When proving you have the file, you must prove you have one of the
   298  leaves. To determine which leaf, take the hash of the contract id concatenated
   299  to the trigger block id, then take the numerical value of the result modulus
   300  the number of segments:
   302  	Hash(file contract id + trigger block id) % num segments
   304  The proof is formed by providing the 64 byte segment, and then the missing
   305  hashes required to fill out the remaining tree. The total size of the proof
   306  will be 64 bytes + 32 bytes * log(num segments), and can be verified by anybody
   307  who knows the root hash and the file size.
   309  Storage proof transactions are not allowed to have siacoin outputs, siafund
   310  outputs, or contracts. All outputs created by the storage proofs cannot be
   311  spent for 50 blocks.
   313  These limits are in place because a simple blockchain reorganization can change
   314  the trigger block, which will invalidate the storage proof and therefore the
   315  entire transaction. This makes double spend attacks and false spend attacks
   316  significantly easier to execute.
   318  Siafund Inputs
   319  --------------
   321  A siafund input works similar to a siacoin input. It contains the id of a
   322  siafund output being spent, and the unlock conditions required to spend the
   323  output.
   325  A special output is created when a siafund output is used as input. All of the
   326  siacoins that have accrued in the siafund since its last spend are sent to the
   327  'claim spend hash' found in the siafund output, which is a normal siacoin
   328  address. The value of the siacoin output is determined by taking the size of
   329  the siacoin pool when the output was created and comparing it to the current
   330  size of the siacoin pool. The equation is:
   332  	((Current Pool Size - Previous Pool Size) / 10,000) * siafund quantity
   334  Like the miner outputs and the storage proof outputs, the siafund output cannot
   335  be spent for 50 blocks because the value of the output can change if the
   336  blockchain reorganizes. Reorganizations will not however cause the transaction
   337  to be invalidated, so the ban on contracts and outputs does not need to be in
   338  place.
   340  Siafund Outputs
   341  ---------------
   343  Like siacoin outputs, siafund outputs contain a value and an unlock hash. The
   344  value indicates the number of siafunds that are put into the output, and the
   345  unlock hash is the Merkle root of the unlock conditions object which allows the
   346  output to be spent.
   348  Siafund outputs also contain a claim unlock hash field, which indicates the
   349  unlock hash of the siacoin output that is created when the siafund output is
   350  spent. The value of the output that gets created will depend on the growth of
   351  the siacoin pool between the creation and the spending of the output. This
   352  growth is measured by storing a 'claim start', which indicates the size of the
   353  siafund pool at the moment the siafund output was created.
   355  Miner Fees
   356  ----------
   358  A miner fee is a volume of siacoins that get added to the block subsidy.
   360  Arbitrary Data
   361  --------------
   363  Arbitrary data is a set of data that is ignored by consensus. In the future, it
   364  may be used for soft forks, paired with 'anyone can spend' transactions. In the
   365  meantime, it is an easy way for third party applications to make use of the
   366  siacoin blockchain.
   368  Transaction Signatures
   369  ----------------------
   371  Each signature points to a single public key index in a single unlock
   372  conditions object. No two signatures can point to the same public key index for
   373  the same set of unlock conditions.
   375  Each signature also contains a timelock, and is not valid until the blockchain
   376  has reached a height equal to the timelock height.
   378  Signatures also have a 'covered fields' object, which indicates which parts of
   379  the transaction get included in the signature. There is a 'whole transaction'
   380  flag, which indicates that every part of the transaction except for the
   381  signatures gets included, which eliminates any malleability outside of the
   382  signatures. The signatures can also be individually included, to enforce that
   383  your signature is only valid if certain other signatures are present.
   385  If the 'whole transaction' is not set, all fields need to be added manually,
   386  and additional parties can add new fields, meaning the transaction will be
   387  malleable. This does however allow other parties to add additional inputs,
   388  fees, etc. after you have signed the transaction without invalidating your
   389  signature. If the whole transaction flag is set, all other elements in the
   390  covered fields object must be empty except for the signatures field.
   392  The covered fields object contains a slice of indexes for each element of the
   393  transaction (siacoin inputs, miner fees, etc.). The slice must be sorted, and
   394  there can be no repeated elements.
   396  Entirely nonmalleable transactions can be achieved by setting the 'whole
   397  transaction' flag and then providing the last signature, including every other
   398  signature in your signature. Because no frivolous signatures are allowed, the
   399  transaction cannot be changed without your signature being invalidated.