
     1  # 配置
     3  ---
     5  ## Core
     6  ```yaml
     7  name: "foo"                   # 项目名称
     8  runtime:                      # 服务运行时
     9    maxWorkers: 0               # 最大 goroutines, 默认为 256 * 1024
    10    workerMaxIdleSeconds: 10    # 最大协程空闲秒数, 默认为 10
    11    handleTimeoutSeconds: 10    # 函数处理超时秒数, 默认为 10
    12  ```
    13  ## Logger
    14  ```yaml
    15  log:
    16    level: info                 # 等级: debug, info, warn, error
    17    formatter: console          # 输出格式: console, json
    18    color: true                 # 是否开启色彩
    19  ```
    20  ## Http
    21  ```yaml
    22  server:
    23    port: 80                    # 端口
    24    cors:                       # cors, 默认是全部允许
    25      allowedOrigins:
    26        - "*"
    27      allowedHeaders:
    28        - "X-Foo"
    29      exposedHeaders:
    30        - "X-Foo"
    31      allowCredentials: false
    32      maxAge: 10
    33    tls:                        # https, 默认为空
    34      kind: ""                  # tls 类型: DEFAULT, SSC, ACME 
    35      options: {}               # 类型配置
    36    websocket:
    37      readBufferSize: "4k"
    38      writeBufferSize: "4k"
    39      enableCompression: false
    40      maxConns: 0
    41    options: {}                 # 服务其它配置
    42    interceptors: {}            # 拦截器配置
    43  ```
    44  ### TLS
    45  `DEFAULT` 类型配置: 
    46  ```yaml
    47  options: 
    48    cert: "证书路径"
    49    key: "密钥路径"
    50  ```
    51  `SSC` 类型配置:
    52  ```yaml
    53  options:
    54    ca: "CA路径"
    55    caKey: "CA密钥路径"
    56  ```
    57  `ACME` 类型配置没有预设, 不过可以阅读 [ACMES]( 来获取更多信息。
    58  ```shell
    59  go get
    60  ```
    61  创建ACME配置
    62  ```go
    63  type AcmeConfig struct {
    64  	CA string 
    65  	Key string
    66  	Endpoint string
    67  	Domain string
    68  }
    69  ```
    70  注册ACME加载器
    71  ```go
    72  ssl.RegisterLoader("ACME", func(options configuares.Config) (serverTLS *tls.Config, clientTLS *tls.Config, err error) {
    73  	config := AcmeConfig{}
    74  	configErr := options.As(&config)
    75  	// handle configErr
    76  	ca, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(config.CA)
    77  	key, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(config.Key)
    78  	acme, connErr := client.New(ca, key, config.Endpoint) 
    79  	// handle connErr 
    80  	serverTLS, _, err = acme.Obtain(context.TODO(), config.Domain) 
    81  	// handle err
    82  })
    83  ```
    84  设置配置
    85  ```yaml
    86  options:
    87    ca: "CA路径"
    88    caKey: "CA密钥路径"
    89    endpoint: "acme的服务端点"
    90    domain: "待申请域名"
    91  ```
    92  ### 服务配置
    93  `Fasthttp` 配置:
    94  ```yaml
    95  options:
    96    readTimeoutSeconds: 2
    97    maxWorkerIdleSeconds: 10
    98    maxRequestBody: "4MB"
    99    reduceMemoryUsage: true
   100  ```
   101  ### 拦截器配置
   102  `pprof`
   103  ```yaml
   104  interceptors:
   105    pprof:
   106      password: "bcrypt password"
   107  ```
   108  ## OpenAPI
   109  ```yaml
   110  oas:
   111    title: "Project title"
   112    description: |
   113      Project description
   114    terms: "https://terms.fns"
   115    contact:
   116      name: "hello"
   117      url: "https://hello.fns"
   118      email: "hello@fns"
   119    license:
   120      name: "license"
   121      url: "https://license.fns"
   122    servers:
   123      - url: "https://test.hello.fns"
   124        description: "test"
   125      - url: "https://hello.fns"
   126        description: "prod"
   127  ```
   128  ## 集群配置
   129  阅读 [doc]( 获取更多信息。
   130  ```yaml
   131  cluster:
   132    devMode: false                  # 开发模式,当开启后,本地开发的服务不会推送到集群中。
   133    nodesProxyAddress: "ip:port"    # 当开发模式开启后,如果需要访问集群但直接访问不行,则可以添加一个集群访问代理。
   134    kind: ""                        # 集群类型: members, swarm, kubernetes.
   135    client:
   136      maxIdleConnSeconds: 0
   137      maxConnsPerHost: 0
   138      maxIdleConnsPerHost: 0
   139      requestTimeoutSeconds: 0
   140    options: {}                     # 集群类型的配置
   141  ```
   142  ## 服务
   143  根节点的名称为服务名,第二层节点一般是组件名(如果组件模式是被使用的).   
   144  举例: `jwt authorizations`
   145  ```yaml
   146  authorizations:
   147    encoding:
   148      method: "RS512"
   149      publicKey: "path of public key"
   150      privateKey: "path of private key"
   151      issuer: ""
   152      audience:
   153        - "foo"
   154        - "bar"
   155      expirations: "720h0m0s"
   156    store: {}
   157  ```