
     1  package evidence_test
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"testing"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    11  	dbm ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	cmtproto ""
    20  	cmtversion ""
    21  	sm ""
    22  	smmocks ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  const (
    28  	defaultVotingPower = 10
    29  )
    31  func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Lunatic(t *testing.T) {
    32  	const (
    33  		height       int64 = 10
    34  		commonHeight int64 = 4
    35  		totalVals          = 10
    36  		byzVals            = 4
    37  	)
    38  	attackTime := defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Hour)
    39  	// create valid lunatic evidence
    40  	ev, trusted, common := makeLunaticEvidence(
    41  		t, height, commonHeight, totalVals, byzVals, totalVals-byzVals, defaultEvidenceTime, attackTime)
    42  	require.NoError(t, ev.ValidateBasic())
    44  	// good pass -> no error
    45  	err := evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, common.SignedHeader, trusted.SignedHeader, common.ValidatorSet,
    46  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2*time.Hour), 3*time.Hour)
    47  	assert.NoError(t, err)
    49  	// trusted and conflicting hashes are the same -> an error should be returned
    50  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, common.SignedHeader, ev.ConflictingBlock.SignedHeader, common.ValidatorSet,
    51  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2*time.Hour), 3*time.Hour)
    52  	assert.Error(t, err)
    54  	// evidence with different total validator power should fail
    55  	ev.TotalVotingPower = 1 * defaultVotingPower
    56  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, common.SignedHeader, trusted.SignedHeader, common.ValidatorSet,
    57  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2*time.Hour), 3*time.Hour)
    58  	assert.Error(t, err)
    60  	// evidence without enough malicious votes should fail
    61  	ev, trusted, common = makeLunaticEvidence(
    62  		t, height, commonHeight, totalVals, byzVals-1, totalVals-byzVals, defaultEvidenceTime, attackTime)
    63  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, common.SignedHeader, trusted.SignedHeader, common.ValidatorSet,
    64  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2*time.Hour), 3*time.Hour)
    65  	assert.Error(t, err)
    66  }
    68  func TestVerify_LunaticAttackAgainstState(t *testing.T) {
    69  	const (
    70  		height       int64 = 10
    71  		commonHeight int64 = 4
    72  		totalVals          = 10
    73  		byzVals            = 4
    74  	)
    75  	attackTime := defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Hour)
    76  	// create valid lunatic evidence
    77  	ev, trusted, common := makeLunaticEvidence(
    78  		t, height, commonHeight, totalVals, byzVals, totalVals-byzVals, defaultEvidenceTime, attackTime)
    80  	// now we try to test verification against state
    81  	state := sm.State{
    82  		LastBlockTime:   defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
    83  		LastBlockHeight: height + 1,
    84  		ConsensusParams: *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
    85  	}
    86  	stateStore := &smmocks.Store{}
    87  	stateStore.On("LoadValidators", commonHeight).Return(common.ValidatorSet, nil)
    88  	stateStore.On("Load").Return(state, nil)
    89  	blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
    90  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", commonHeight).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *common.Header})
    91  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", height).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *trusted.Header})
    92  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", commonHeight).Return(common.Commit)
    93  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", height).Return(trusted.Commit)
    94  	pool, err := evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
    95  	require.NoError(t, err)
    96  	pool.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
    98  	evList := types.EvidenceList{ev}
    99  	// check that the evidence pool correctly verifies the evidence
   100  	assert.NoError(t, pool.CheckEvidence(evList))
   102  	// as it was not originally in the pending bucket, it should now have been added
   103  	pendingEvs, _ := pool.PendingEvidence(state.ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxBytes)
   104  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(pendingEvs))
   105  	assert.Equal(t, ev, pendingEvs[0])
   107  	// if we submit evidence only against a single byzantine validator when we see there are more validators then this
   108  	// should return an error
   109  	ev.ByzantineValidators = ev.ByzantineValidators[:1]
   110  	t.Log(evList)
   111  	assert.Error(t, pool.CheckEvidence(evList))
   112  	// restore original byz vals
   113  	ev.ByzantineValidators = ev.GetByzantineValidators(common.ValidatorSet, trusted.SignedHeader)
   115  	// duplicate evidence should be rejected
   116  	evList = types.EvidenceList{ev, ev}
   117  	pool, err = evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   118  	require.NoError(t, err)
   119  	assert.Error(t, pool.CheckEvidence(evList))
   121  	// If evidence is submitted with an altered timestamp it should return an error
   122  	ev.Timestamp = defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Minute)
   123  	pool, err = evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   124  	require.NoError(t, err)
   125  	assert.Error(t, pool.AddEvidence(ev))
   126  	ev.Timestamp = defaultEvidenceTime
   128  	// Evidence submitted with a different validator power should fail
   129  	ev.TotalVotingPower = 1
   130  	pool, err = evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   131  	require.NoError(t, err)
   132  	assert.Error(t, pool.AddEvidence(ev))
   133  	ev.TotalVotingPower = common.ValidatorSet.TotalVotingPower()
   134  }
   136  func TestVerify_ForwardLunaticAttack(t *testing.T) {
   137  	const (
   138  		nodeHeight   int64 = 8
   139  		attackHeight int64 = 10
   140  		commonHeight int64 = 4
   141  		totalVals          = 10
   142  		byzVals            = 5
   143  	)
   144  	attackTime := defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Hour)
   146  	// create a forward lunatic attack
   147  	ev, trusted, common := makeLunaticEvidence(
   148  		t, attackHeight, commonHeight, totalVals, byzVals, totalVals-byzVals, defaultEvidenceTime, attackTime)
   150  	// now we try to test verification against state
   151  	state := sm.State{
   152  		LastBlockTime:   defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
   153  		LastBlockHeight: nodeHeight,
   154  		ConsensusParams: *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
   155  	}
   157  	// modify trusted light block so that it is of a height less than the conflicting one
   158  	trusted.Header.Height = state.LastBlockHeight
   159  	trusted.Header.Time = state.LastBlockTime
   161  	stateStore := &smmocks.Store{}
   162  	stateStore.On("LoadValidators", commonHeight).Return(common.ValidatorSet, nil)
   163  	stateStore.On("Load").Return(state, nil)
   164  	blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
   165  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", commonHeight).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *common.Header})
   166  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", nodeHeight).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *trusted.Header})
   167  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", attackHeight).Return(nil)
   168  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", commonHeight).Return(common.Commit)
   169  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", nodeHeight).Return(trusted.Commit)
   170  	blockStore.On("Height").Return(nodeHeight)
   171  	pool, err := evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   172  	require.NoError(t, err)
   174  	// check that the evidence pool correctly verifies the evidence
   175  	assert.NoError(t, pool.CheckEvidence(types.EvidenceList{ev}))
   177  	// now we use a time which isn't able to contradict the FLA - thus we can't verify the evidence
   178  	oldBlockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
   179  	oldHeader := trusted.Header
   180  	oldHeader.Time = defaultEvidenceTime
   181  	oldBlockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", commonHeight).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *common.Header})
   182  	oldBlockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", nodeHeight).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *oldHeader})
   183  	oldBlockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", attackHeight).Return(nil)
   184  	oldBlockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", commonHeight).Return(common.Commit)
   185  	oldBlockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", nodeHeight).Return(trusted.Commit)
   186  	oldBlockStore.On("Height").Return(nodeHeight)
   187  	require.Equal(t, defaultEvidenceTime, oldBlockStore.LoadBlockMeta(nodeHeight).Header.Time)
   189  	pool, err = evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, oldBlockStore)
   190  	require.NoError(t, err)
   191  	assert.Error(t, pool.CheckEvidence(types.EvidenceList{ev}))
   192  }
   194  func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Equivocation(t *testing.T) {
   195  	conflictingVals, conflictingPrivVals := types.RandValidatorSet(5, 10)
   196  	trustedHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
   198  	conflictingHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
   199  	conflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingVals.Hash()
   201  	trustedHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash
   202  	trustedHeader.NextValidatorsHash = conflictingHeader.NextValidatorsHash
   203  	trustedHeader.ConsensusHash = conflictingHeader.ConsensusHash
   204  	trustedHeader.AppHash = conflictingHeader.AppHash
   205  	trustedHeader.LastResultsHash = conflictingHeader.LastResultsHash
   207  	// we are simulating a duplicate vote attack where all the validators in the conflictingVals set
   208  	// except the last validator vote twice
   209  	blockID := makeBlockID(conflictingHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   210  	voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, 10, 1, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
   211  	commit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(blockID, voteSet, conflictingPrivVals[:4], defaultEvidenceTime)
   212  	require.NoError(t, err)
   213  	ev := &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
   214  		ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
   215  			SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
   216  				Header: conflictingHeader,
   217  				Commit: commit,
   218  			},
   219  			ValidatorSet: conflictingVals,
   220  		},
   221  		CommonHeight:        10,
   222  		ByzantineValidators: conflictingVals.Validators[:4],
   223  		TotalVotingPower:    50,
   224  		Timestamp:           defaultEvidenceTime,
   225  	}
   227  	trustedBlockID := makeBlockID(trustedHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   228  	trustedVoteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, 10, 1, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
   229  	trustedCommit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(trustedBlockID, trustedVoteSet, conflictingPrivVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
   230  	require.NoError(t, err)
   231  	trustedSignedHeader := &types.SignedHeader{
   232  		Header: trustedHeader,
   233  		Commit: trustedCommit,
   234  	}
   236  	// good pass -> no error
   237  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, trustedSignedHeader, trustedSignedHeader, conflictingVals,
   238  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), 2*time.Hour)
   239  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   241  	// trusted and conflicting hashes are the same -> an error should be returned
   242  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, trustedSignedHeader, ev.ConflictingBlock.SignedHeader, conflictingVals,
   243  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), 2*time.Hour)
   244  	assert.Error(t, err)
   246  	// conflicting header has different next validators hash which should have been correctly derived from
   247  	// the previous round
   248  	ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.NextValidatorsHash = crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size)
   249  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, trustedSignedHeader, trustedSignedHeader, nil,
   250  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), 2*time.Hour)
   251  	assert.Error(t, err)
   252  	// revert next validators hash
   253  	ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.NextValidatorsHash = trustedHeader.NextValidatorsHash
   255  	state := sm.State{
   256  		LastBlockTime:   defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Minute),
   257  		LastBlockHeight: 11,
   258  		ConsensusParams: *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
   259  	}
   260  	stateStore := &smmocks.Store{}
   261  	stateStore.On("LoadValidators", int64(10)).Return(conflictingVals, nil)
   262  	stateStore.On("Load").Return(state, nil)
   263  	blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
   264  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(10)).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *trustedHeader})
   265  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", int64(10)).Return(trustedCommit)
   267  	pool, err := evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   268  	require.NoError(t, err)
   269  	pool.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
   271  	evList := types.EvidenceList{ev}
   272  	err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
   273  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   275  	pendingEvs, _ := pool.PendingEvidence(state.ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxBytes)
   276  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(pendingEvs))
   277  }
   279  func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Amnesia(t *testing.T) {
   280  	conflictingVals, conflictingPrivVals := types.RandValidatorSet(5, 10)
   282  	conflictingHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
   283  	conflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingVals.Hash()
   284  	trustedHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
   285  	trustedHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash
   286  	trustedHeader.NextValidatorsHash = conflictingHeader.NextValidatorsHash
   287  	trustedHeader.AppHash = conflictingHeader.AppHash
   288  	trustedHeader.ConsensusHash = conflictingHeader.ConsensusHash
   289  	trustedHeader.LastResultsHash = conflictingHeader.LastResultsHash
   291  	// we are simulating an amnesia attack where all the validators in the conflictingVals set
   292  	// except the last validator vote twice. However this time the commits are of different rounds.
   293  	blockID := makeBlockID(conflictingHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   294  	voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, 10, 0, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
   295  	commit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(blockID, voteSet, conflictingPrivVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
   296  	require.NoError(t, err)
   297  	ev := &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
   298  		ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
   299  			SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
   300  				Header: conflictingHeader,
   301  				Commit: commit,
   302  			},
   303  			ValidatorSet: conflictingVals,
   304  		},
   305  		CommonHeight:        10,
   306  		ByzantineValidators: nil, // with amnesia evidence no validators are submitted as abci evidence
   307  		TotalVotingPower:    50,
   308  		Timestamp:           defaultEvidenceTime,
   309  	}
   311  	trustedBlockID := makeBlockID(trustedHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   312  	trustedVoteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, 10, 1, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
   313  	trustedCommit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(trustedBlockID, trustedVoteSet, conflictingPrivVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
   314  	require.NoError(t, err)
   315  	trustedSignedHeader := &types.SignedHeader{
   316  		Header: trustedHeader,
   317  		Commit: trustedCommit,
   318  	}
   320  	// good pass -> no error
   321  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, trustedSignedHeader, trustedSignedHeader, conflictingVals,
   322  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), 2*time.Hour)
   323  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   325  	// trusted and conflicting hashes are the same -> an error should be returned
   326  	err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(ev, trustedSignedHeader, ev.ConflictingBlock.SignedHeader, conflictingVals,
   327  		defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), 2*time.Hour)
   328  	assert.Error(t, err)
   330  	state := sm.State{
   331  		LastBlockTime:   defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Minute),
   332  		LastBlockHeight: 11,
   333  		ConsensusParams: *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
   334  	}
   335  	stateStore := &smmocks.Store{}
   336  	stateStore.On("LoadValidators", int64(10)).Return(conflictingVals, nil)
   337  	stateStore.On("Load").Return(state, nil)
   338  	blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
   339  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(10)).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *trustedHeader})
   340  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", int64(10)).Return(trustedCommit)
   342  	pool, err := evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   343  	require.NoError(t, err)
   344  	pool.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
   346  	evList := types.EvidenceList{ev}
   347  	err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
   348  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   350  	pendingEvs, _ := pool.PendingEvidence(state.ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxBytes)
   351  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(pendingEvs))
   352  }
   354  type voteData struct {
   355  	vote1 *types.Vote
   356  	vote2 *types.Vote
   357  	valid bool
   358  }
   360  func TestVerifyDuplicateVoteEvidence(t *testing.T) {
   361  	val := types.NewMockPV()
   362  	val2 := types.NewMockPV()
   363  	valSet := types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{val.ExtractIntoValidator(1)})
   365  	blockID := makeBlockID([]byte("blockhash"), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   366  	blockID2 := makeBlockID([]byte("blockhash2"), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   367  	blockID3 := makeBlockID([]byte("blockhash"), 10000, []byte("partshash"))
   368  	blockID4 := makeBlockID([]byte("blockhash"), 10000, []byte("partshash2"))
   370  	const chainID = "mychain"
   372  	vote1 := types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID, defaultEvidenceTime)
   374  	v1 := vote1.ToProto()
   375  	err := val.SignVote(chainID, v1)
   376  	require.NoError(t, err)
   377  	badVote := types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID, defaultEvidenceTime)
   378  	bv := badVote.ToProto()
   379  	err = val2.SignVote(chainID, bv)
   380  	require.NoError(t, err)
   382  	vote1.Signature = v1.Signature
   383  	badVote.Signature = bv.Signature
   385  	cases := []voteData{
   386  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), true}, // different block ids
   387  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID3, defaultEvidenceTime), true},
   388  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID4, defaultEvidenceTime), true},
   389  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID, defaultEvidenceTime), false},     // wrong block id
   390  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, "mychain2", 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), false}, // wrong chain id
   391  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 11, 2, 1, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), false},    // wrong height
   392  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 3, 1, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), false},    // wrong round
   393  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 2, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), false},    // wrong step
   394  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val2, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID2, defaultEvidenceTime), false},   // wrong validator
   395  		// a different vote time doesn't matter
   396  		{vote1, types.MakeVoteNoError(t, val, chainID, 0, 10, 2, 1, blockID2, time.Date(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)), true},
   397  		{vote1, badVote, false}, // signed by wrong key
   398  	}
   400  	require.NoError(t, err)
   401  	for _, c := range cases {
   402  		ev := &types.DuplicateVoteEvidence{
   403  			VoteA:            c.vote1,
   404  			VoteB:            c.vote2,
   405  			ValidatorPower:   1,
   406  			TotalVotingPower: 1,
   407  			Timestamp:        defaultEvidenceTime,
   408  		}
   409  		if c.valid {
   410  			assert.Nil(t, evidence.VerifyDuplicateVote(ev, chainID, valSet), "evidence should be valid")
   411  		} else {
   412  			assert.NotNil(t, evidence.VerifyDuplicateVote(ev, chainID, valSet), "evidence should be invalid")
   413  		}
   414  	}
   416  	// create good evidence and correct validator power
   417  	goodEv, err := types.NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(10, defaultEvidenceTime, val, chainID)
   418  	require.NoError(t, err)
   419  	goodEv.ValidatorPower = 1
   420  	goodEv.TotalVotingPower = 1
   421  	badEv, err := types.NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(10, defaultEvidenceTime, val, chainID)
   422  	require.NoError(t, err)
   423  	badTimeEv, err := types.NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(10, defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1*time.Minute), val, chainID)
   424  	require.NoError(t, err)
   425  	badTimeEv.ValidatorPower = 1
   426  	badTimeEv.TotalVotingPower = 1
   427  	state := sm.State{
   428  		ChainID:         chainID,
   429  		LastBlockTime:   defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Minute),
   430  		LastBlockHeight: 11,
   431  		ConsensusParams: *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
   432  	}
   433  	stateStore := &smmocks.Store{}
   434  	stateStore.On("LoadValidators", int64(10)).Return(valSet, nil)
   435  	stateStore.On("Load").Return(state, nil)
   436  	blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
   437  	blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(10)).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: types.Header{Time: defaultEvidenceTime}})
   439  	pool, err := evidence.NewPool(dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
   440  	require.NoError(t, err)
   442  	evList := types.EvidenceList{goodEv}
   443  	err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
   444  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   446  	// evidence with a different validator power should fail
   447  	evList = types.EvidenceList{badEv}
   448  	err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
   449  	assert.Error(t, err)
   451  	// evidence with a different timestamp should fail
   452  	evList = types.EvidenceList{badTimeEv}
   453  	err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
   454  	assert.Error(t, err)
   455  }
   457  func makeLunaticEvidence(
   458  	t *testing.T,
   459  	height, commonHeight int64,
   460  	totalVals, byzVals, phantomVals int,
   461  	commonTime, attackTime time.Time,
   462  ) (ev *types.LightClientAttackEvidence, trusted *types.LightBlock, common *types.LightBlock) {
   463  	commonValSet, commonPrivVals := types.RandValidatorSet(totalVals, defaultVotingPower)
   465  	require.Greater(t, totalVals, byzVals)
   467  	// extract out the subset of byzantine validators in the common validator set
   468  	byzValSet, byzPrivVals := commonValSet.Validators[:byzVals], commonPrivVals[:byzVals]
   470  	phantomValSet, phantomPrivVals := types.RandValidatorSet(phantomVals, defaultVotingPower)
   472  	conflictingVals := phantomValSet.Copy()
   473  	require.NoError(t, conflictingVals.UpdateWithChangeSet(byzValSet))
   474  	conflictingPrivVals := append(phantomPrivVals, byzPrivVals...)
   476  	conflictingPrivVals = orderPrivValsByValSet(t, conflictingVals, conflictingPrivVals)
   478  	commonHeader := makeHeaderRandom(commonHeight)
   479  	commonHeader.Time = commonTime
   480  	trustedHeader := makeHeaderRandom(height)
   482  	conflictingHeader := makeHeaderRandom(height)
   483  	conflictingHeader.Time = attackTime
   484  	conflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingVals.Hash()
   486  	blockID := makeBlockID(conflictingHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   487  	voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, height, 1, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
   488  	commit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(blockID, voteSet, conflictingPrivVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
   489  	require.NoError(t, err)
   490  	ev = &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
   491  		ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
   492  			SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
   493  				Header: conflictingHeader,
   494  				Commit: commit,
   495  			},
   496  			ValidatorSet: conflictingVals,
   497  		},
   498  		CommonHeight:        commonHeight,
   499  		TotalVotingPower:    commonValSet.TotalVotingPower(),
   500  		ByzantineValidators: byzValSet,
   501  		Timestamp:           commonTime,
   502  	}
   504  	common = &types.LightBlock{
   505  		SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
   506  			Header: commonHeader,
   507  			// we can leave this empty because we shouldn't be checking this
   508  			Commit: &types.Commit{},
   509  		},
   510  		ValidatorSet: commonValSet,
   511  	}
   512  	trustedBlockID := makeBlockID(trustedHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
   513  	trustedVals, privVals := types.RandValidatorSet(totalVals, defaultVotingPower)
   514  	trustedVoteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, height, 1, cmtproto.SignedMsgType(2), trustedVals)
   515  	trustedCommit, err := test.MakeCommitFromVoteSet(trustedBlockID, trustedVoteSet, privVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
   516  	require.NoError(t, err)
   517  	trusted = &types.LightBlock{
   518  		SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
   519  			Header: trustedHeader,
   520  			Commit: trustedCommit,
   521  		},
   522  		ValidatorSet: trustedVals,
   523  	}
   524  	return ev, trusted, common
   525  }
   527  // func makeEquivocationEvidence() *types.LightClientAttackEvidence {
   529  // }
   531  // func makeAmnesiaEvidence() *types.LightClientAttackEvidence {
   533  // }
   535  func makeHeaderRandom(height int64) *types.Header {
   536  	return &types.Header{
   537  		Version:            cmtversion.Consensus{Block: version.BlockProtocol, App: 1},
   538  		ChainID:            evidenceChainID,
   539  		Height:             height,
   540  		Time:               defaultEvidenceTime,
   541  		LastBlockID:        makeBlockID([]byte("headerhash"), 1000, []byte("partshash")),
   542  		LastCommitHash:     crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   543  		DataHash:           crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   544  		ValidatorsHash:     crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   545  		NextValidatorsHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   546  		ConsensusHash:      crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   547  		AppHash:            crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   548  		LastResultsHash:    crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   549  		EvidenceHash:       crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
   550  		ProposerAddress:    crypto.CRandBytes(crypto.AddressSize),
   551  	}
   552  }
   554  func makeBlockID(hash []byte, partSetSize uint32, partSetHash []byte) types.BlockID {
   555  	var (
   556  		h   = make([]byte, tmhash.Size)
   557  		psH = make([]byte, tmhash.Size)
   558  	)
   559  	copy(h, hash)
   560  	copy(psH, partSetHash)
   561  	return types.BlockID{
   562  		Hash: h,
   563  		PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{
   564  			Total: partSetSize,
   565  			Hash:  psH,
   566  		},
   567  	}
   568  }
   570  func orderPrivValsByValSet(
   571  	t *testing.T, vals *types.ValidatorSet, privVals []types.PrivValidator,
   572  ) []types.PrivValidator {
   573  	output := make([]types.PrivValidator, len(privVals))
   574  	for idx, v := range vals.Validators {
   575  		for _, p := range privVals {
   576  			pubKey, err := p.GetPubKey()
   577  			require.NoError(t, err)
   578  			if bytes.Equal(v.Address, pubKey.Address()) {
   579  				output[idx] = p
   580  				break
   581  			}
   582  		}
   583  		require.NotEmpty(t, output[idx])
   584  	}
   585  	return output
   586  }