
     1  package mempool
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"encoding/binary"
     6  	mrand "math/rand"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"testing"
     9  	"time"
    11  	"fmt"
    13  	""
    14  	gogotypes ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    19  	abciclient ""
    20  	abciclimocks ""
    21  	""
    22  	abciserver ""
    23  	abci ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	cmtrand ""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  // A cleanupFunc cleans up any config / test files created for a particular
    34  // test.
    35  type cleanupFunc func()
    37  func newMempoolWithAppMock(client abciclient.Client) (*CListMempool, cleanupFunc, error) {
    38  	conf := test.ResetTestRoot("mempool_test")
    40  	mp, cu := newMempoolWithAppAndConfigMock(conf, client)
    41  	return mp, cu, nil
    42  }
    44  func newMempoolWithAppAndConfigMock(
    45  	cfg *config.Config,
    46  	client abciclient.Client,
    47  ) (*CListMempool, cleanupFunc) {
    48  	appConnMem := client
    49  	appConnMem.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "mempool"))
    50  	err := appConnMem.Start()
    51  	if err != nil {
    52  		panic(err)
    53  	}
    55  	mp := NewCListMempool(cfg.Mempool, appConnMem, 0)
    56  	mp.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
    58  	return mp, func() { os.RemoveAll(cfg.RootDir) }
    59  }
    61  func newMempoolWithApp(cc proxy.ClientCreator) (*CListMempool, cleanupFunc) {
    62  	conf := test.ResetTestRoot("mempool_test")
    64  	mp, cu := newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(cc, conf)
    65  	return mp, cu
    66  }
    68  func newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(cc proxy.ClientCreator, cfg *config.Config) (*CListMempool, cleanupFunc) {
    69  	appConnMem, _ := cc.NewABCIClient()
    70  	appConnMem.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "mempool"))
    71  	err := appConnMem.Start()
    72  	if err != nil {
    73  		panic(err)
    74  	}
    76  	mp := NewCListMempool(cfg.Mempool, appConnMem, 0)
    77  	mp.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
    79  	return mp, func() { os.RemoveAll(cfg.RootDir) }
    80  }
    82  func ensureNoFire(t *testing.T, ch <-chan struct{}, timeoutMS int) {
    83  	timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(timeoutMS) * time.Millisecond)
    84  	select {
    85  	case <-ch:
    86  		t.Fatal("Expected not to fire")
    87  	case <-timer.C:
    88  	}
    89  }
    91  func ensureFire(t *testing.T, ch <-chan struct{}, timeoutMS int) {
    92  	timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(timeoutMS) * time.Millisecond)
    93  	select {
    94  	case <-ch:
    95  	case <-timer.C:
    96  		t.Fatal("Expected to fire")
    97  	}
    98  }
   100  // Call CheckTx on a given mempool on each transaction in the list.
   101  func callCheckTx(t *testing.T, mp Mempool, txs types.Txs) {
   102  	for i, tx := range txs {
   103  		if _, err := mp.CheckTx(tx); err != nil {
   104  			// Skip invalid txs.
   105  			// TestMempoolFilters will fail otherwise. It asserts a number of txs
   106  			// returned.
   107  			if IsPreCheckError(err) {
   108  				continue
   109  			}
   110  			t.Fatalf("CheckTx failed: %v while checking #%d tx", err, i)
   111  		}
   112  	}
   113  }
   115  // Generate a list of random transactions
   116  func NewRandomTxs(numTxs int, txLen int) types.Txs {
   117  	txs := make(types.Txs, numTxs)
   118  	for i := 0; i < numTxs; i++ {
   119  		txBytes := kvstore.NewRandomTx(txLen)
   120  		txs[i] = txBytes
   121  	}
   122  	return txs
   123  }
   125  // Generate a list of random transactions of a given size and call CheckTx on
   126  // each of them.
   127  func checkTxs(t *testing.T, mp Mempool, count int) types.Txs {
   128  	txs := NewRandomTxs(count, 20)
   129  	callCheckTx(t, mp, txs)
   130  	return txs
   131  }
   133  func TestReapMaxBytesMaxGas(t *testing.T) {
   134  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   135  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   136  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   137  	defer cleanup()
   139  	// Ensure gas calculation behaves as expected
   140  	checkTxs(t, mp, 1)
   141  	tx0 := mp.TxsFront().Value.(*mempoolTx)
   142  	require.Equal(t, tx0.gasWanted, int64(1), "transactions gas was set incorrectly")
   143  	// ensure each tx is 20 bytes long
   144  	require.Equal(t, len(tx0.tx), 20, "Tx is longer than 20 bytes")
   145  	mp.Flush()
   147  	// each table driven test creates numTxsToCreate txs with checkTx, and at the end clears all remaining txs.
   148  	// each tx has 20 bytes
   149  	tests := []struct {
   150  		numTxsToCreate int
   151  		maxBytes       int64
   152  		maxGas         int64
   153  		expectedNumTxs int
   154  	}{
   155  		{20, -1, -1, 20},
   156  		{20, -1, 0, 0},
   157  		{20, -1, 10, 10},
   158  		{20, -1, 30, 20},
   159  		{20, 0, -1, 0},
   160  		{20, 0, 10, 0},
   161  		{20, 10, 10, 0},
   162  		{20, 24, 10, 1},
   163  		{20, 240, 5, 5},
   164  		{20, 240, -1, 10},
   165  		{20, 240, 10, 10},
   166  		{20, 240, 15, 10},
   167  		{20, 20000, -1, 20},
   168  		{20, 20000, 5, 5},
   169  		{20, 20000, 30, 20},
   170  	}
   171  	for tcIndex, tt := range tests {
   172  		checkTxs(t, mp, tt.numTxsToCreate)
   173  		got := mp.ReapMaxBytesMaxGas(tt.maxBytes, tt.maxGas)
   174  		assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedNumTxs, len(got), "Got %d txs, expected %d, tc #%d",
   175  			len(got), tt.expectedNumTxs, tcIndex)
   176  		mp.Flush()
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  func TestMempoolFilters(t *testing.T) {
   181  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   182  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   183  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   184  	defer cleanup()
   185  	emptyTxArr := []types.Tx{[]byte{}}
   187  	nopPreFilter := func(tx types.Tx) error { return nil }
   188  	nopPostFilter := func(tx types.Tx, res *abci.ResponseCheckTx) error { return nil }
   190  	// each table driven test creates numTxsToCreate txs with checkTx, and at the end clears all remaining txs.
   191  	// each tx has 20 bytes
   192  	tests := []struct {
   193  		numTxsToCreate int
   194  		preFilter      PreCheckFunc
   195  		postFilter     PostCheckFunc
   196  		expectedNumTxs int
   197  	}{
   198  		{10, nopPreFilter, nopPostFilter, 10},
   199  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(10), nopPostFilter, 0},
   200  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(22), nopPostFilter, 10},
   201  		{10, nopPreFilter, PostCheckMaxGas(-1), 10},
   202  		{10, nopPreFilter, PostCheckMaxGas(0), 0},
   203  		{10, nopPreFilter, PostCheckMaxGas(1), 10},
   204  		{10, nopPreFilter, PostCheckMaxGas(3000), 10},
   205  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(10), PostCheckMaxGas(20), 0},
   206  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(30), PostCheckMaxGas(20), 10},
   207  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(22), PostCheckMaxGas(1), 10},
   208  		{10, PreCheckMaxBytes(22), PostCheckMaxGas(0), 0},
   209  	}
   210  	for tcIndex, tt := range tests {
   211  		err := mp.Update(1, emptyTxArr, abciResponses(len(emptyTxArr), abci.CodeTypeOK), tt.preFilter, tt.postFilter)
   212  		require.NoError(t, err)
   213  		checkTxs(t, mp, tt.numTxsToCreate)
   214  		require.Equal(t, tt.expectedNumTxs, mp.Size(), "mempool had the incorrect size, on test case %d", tcIndex)
   215  		mp.Flush()
   216  	}
   217  }
   219  func TestMempoolUpdate(t *testing.T) {
   220  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   221  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   222  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   223  	defer cleanup()
   225  	// 1. Adds valid txs to the cache
   226  	{
   227  		tx1 := kvstore.NewTxFromID(1)
   228  		err := mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{tx1}, abciResponses(1, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   229  		require.NoError(t, err)
   230  		_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx1)
   231  		if assert.Error(t, err) {
   232  			assert.Equal(t, ErrTxInCache, err)
   233  		}
   234  	}
   236  	// 2. Removes valid txs from the mempool
   237  	{
   238  		tx2 := kvstore.NewTxFromID(2)
   239  		_, err := mp.CheckTx(tx2)
   240  		require.NoError(t, err)
   241  		err = mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{tx2}, abciResponses(1, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   242  		require.NoError(t, err)
   243  		assert.Zero(t, mp.Size())
   244  	}
   246  	// 3. Removes invalid transactions from the cache and the mempool (if present)
   247  	{
   248  		tx3 := kvstore.NewTxFromID(3)
   249  		_, err := mp.CheckTx(tx3)
   250  		require.NoError(t, err)
   251  		err = mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{tx3}, abciResponses(1, 1), nil, nil)
   252  		require.NoError(t, err)
   253  		assert.Zero(t, mp.Size())
   255  		_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx3)
   256  		require.NoError(t, err)
   257  	}
   258  }
   260  func TestMempoolUpdateDoesNotPanicWhenApplicationMissedTx(t *testing.T) {
   261  	var callback abciclient.Callback
   262  	mockClient := new(abciclimocks.Client)
   263  	mockClient.On("Start").Return(nil)
   264  	mockClient.On("SetLogger", mock.Anything)
   266  	mockClient.On("Error").Return(nil).Times(4)
   267  	mockClient.On("SetResponseCallback", mock.MatchedBy(func(cb abciclient.Callback) bool { callback = cb; return true }))
   269  	mp, cleanup, err := newMempoolWithAppMock(mockClient)
   270  	require.NoError(t, err)
   271  	defer cleanup()
   273  	// Add 4 transactions to the mempool by calling the mempool's `CheckTx` on each of them.
   274  	txs := []types.Tx{[]byte{0x01}, []byte{0x02}, []byte{0x03}, []byte{0x04}}
   275  	for _, tx := range txs {
   276  		reqRes := abciclient.NewReqRes(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(&abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: tx}))
   277  		reqRes.Response = abci.ToResponseCheckTx(&abci.ResponseCheckTx{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK})
   279  		mockClient.On("CheckTxAsync", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(reqRes, nil)
   280  		_, err := mp.CheckTx(tx)
   281  		require.NoError(t, err)
   283  		// ensure that the callback that the mempool sets on the ReqRes is run.
   284  		reqRes.InvokeCallback()
   285  	}
   287  	// Calling update to remove the first transaction from the mempool.
   288  	// This call also triggers the mempool to recheck its remaining transactions.
   289  	err = mp.Update(0, []types.Tx{txs[0]}, abciResponses(1, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   290  	require.Nil(t, err)
   292  	// The mempool has now sent its requests off to the client to be rechecked
   293  	// and is waiting for the corresponding callbacks to be called.
   294  	// We now call the mempool-supplied callback on the first and third transaction.
   295  	// This simulates the client dropping the second request.
   296  	// Previous versions of this code panicked when the ABCI application missed
   297  	// a recheck-tx request.
   298  	resp := &abci.ResponseCheckTx{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK}
   299  	req := &abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: txs[1]}
   300  	callback(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(req), abci.ToResponseCheckTx(resp))
   302  	req = &abci.RequestCheckTx{Tx: txs[3]}
   303  	callback(abci.ToRequestCheckTx(req), abci.ToResponseCheckTx(resp))
   304  	mockClient.AssertExpectations(t)
   305  }
   307  func TestMempool_KeepInvalidTxsInCache(t *testing.T) {
   308  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   309  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   310  	wcfg := config.DefaultConfig()
   311  	wcfg.Mempool.KeepInvalidTxsInCache = true
   312  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(cc, wcfg)
   313  	defer cleanup()
   315  	// 1. An invalid transaction must remain in the cache after Update
   316  	{
   317  		a := make([]byte, 8)
   318  		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(a, 0)
   320  		b := make([]byte, 8)
   321  		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, 1)
   323  		_, err := mp.CheckTx(b)
   324  		require.NoError(t, err)
   326  		// simulate new block
   327  		_, err = app.FinalizeBlock(context.Background(), &abci.RequestFinalizeBlock{
   328  			Txs: [][]byte{a, b},
   329  		})
   330  		require.NoError(t, err)
   331  		err = mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{a, b},
   332  			[]*abci.ExecTxResult{{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK}, {Code: 2}}, nil, nil)
   333  		require.NoError(t, err)
   335  		// a must be added to the cache
   336  		_, err = mp.CheckTx(a)
   337  		if assert.Error(t, err) {
   338  			assert.Equal(t, ErrTxInCache, err)
   339  		}
   341  		// b must remain in the cache
   342  		_, err = mp.CheckTx(b)
   343  		if assert.Error(t, err) {
   344  			assert.Equal(t, ErrTxInCache, err)
   345  		}
   346  	}
   348  	// 2. An invalid transaction must remain in the cache
   349  	{
   350  		a := make([]byte, 8)
   351  		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(a, 0)
   353  		// remove a from the cache to test (2)
   354  		mp.cache.Remove(a)
   356  		_, err := mp.CheckTx(a)
   357  		require.NoError(t, err)
   358  	}
   359  }
   361  func TestTxsAvailable(t *testing.T) {
   362  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   363  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   364  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   365  	defer cleanup()
   366  	mp.EnableTxsAvailable()
   368  	timeoutMS := 500
   370  	// with no txs, it shouldnt fire
   371  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   373  	// send a bunch of txs, it should only fire once
   374  	txs := checkTxs(t, mp, 100)
   375  	ensureFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   376  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   378  	// call update with half the txs.
   379  	// it should fire once now for the new height
   380  	// since there are still txs left
   381  	committedTxs, remainingTxs := txs[:50], txs[50:]
   382  	if err := mp.Update(1, committedTxs, abciResponses(len(committedTxs), abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil); err != nil {
   383  		t.Error(err)
   384  	}
   385  	ensureFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   386  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   388  	// send a bunch more txs. we already fired for this height so it shouldnt fire again
   389  	moreTxs := checkTxs(t, mp, 50)
   390  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   392  	// now call update with all the txs. it should not fire as there are no txs left
   393  	committedTxs = append(remainingTxs, moreTxs...)
   394  	if err := mp.Update(2, committedTxs, abciResponses(len(committedTxs), abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil); err != nil {
   395  		t.Error(err)
   396  	}
   397  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   399  	// send a bunch more txs, it should only fire once
   400  	checkTxs(t, mp, 100)
   401  	ensureFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   402  	ensureNoFire(t, mp.TxsAvailable(), timeoutMS)
   403  }
   405  func TestSerialReap(t *testing.T) {
   406  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   407  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   409  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   410  	defer cleanup()
   412  	appConnCon, _ := cc.NewABCIClient()
   413  	appConnCon.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "consensus"))
   414  	err := appConnCon.Start()
   415  	require.Nil(t, err)
   417  	cacheMap := make(map[string]struct{})
   418  	deliverTxsRange := func(start, end int) {
   419  		// Deliver some txs.
   420  		for i := start; i < end; i++ {
   421  			txBytes := kvstore.NewTx(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), "true")
   422  			_, err := mp.CheckTx(txBytes)
   423  			_, cached := cacheMap[string(txBytes)]
   424  			if cached {
   425  				require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error for cached tx")
   426  			} else {
   427  				require.Nil(t, err, "expected no err for uncached tx")
   428  			}
   429  			cacheMap[string(txBytes)] = struct{}{}
   431  			// Duplicates are cached and should return error
   432  			_, err = mp.CheckTx(txBytes)
   433  			require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error after CheckTx on duplicated tx")
   434  		}
   435  	}
   437  	reapCheck := func(exp int) {
   438  		txs := mp.ReapMaxBytesMaxGas(-1, -1)
   439  		require.Equal(t, len(txs), exp, fmt.Sprintf("Expected to reap %v txs but got %v", exp, len(txs)))
   440  	}
   442  	updateRange := func(start, end int) {
   443  		txs := make(types.Txs, end-start)
   444  		for i := start; i < end; i++ {
   445  			txs[i-start] = kvstore.NewTx(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), "true")
   446  		}
   447  		if err := mp.Update(0, txs, abciResponses(len(txs), abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil); err != nil {
   448  			t.Error(err)
   449  		}
   450  	}
   452  	commitRange := func(start, end int) {
   453  		// Deliver some txs in a block
   454  		txs := make([][]byte, end-start)
   455  		for i := start; i < end; i++ {
   456  			txs[i-start] = kvstore.NewTx(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), "true")
   457  		}
   459  		res, err := appConnCon.FinalizeBlock(context.Background(), &abci.RequestFinalizeBlock{Txs: txs})
   460  		if err != nil {
   461  			t.Errorf("client error committing tx: %v", err)
   462  		}
   463  		for _, txResult := range res.TxResults {
   464  			if txResult.IsErr() {
   465  				t.Errorf("error committing tx. Code:%v result:%X log:%v",
   466  					txResult.Code, txResult.Data, txResult.Log)
   467  			}
   468  		}
   469  		if len(res.AppHash) != 8 {
   470  			t.Errorf("error committing. Hash:%X", res.AppHash)
   471  		}
   473  		_, err = appConnCon.Commit(context.Background(), &abci.RequestCommit{})
   474  		if err != nil {
   475  			t.Errorf("client error committing: %v", err)
   476  		}
   477  	}
   479  	//----------------------------------------
   481  	// Deliver some txs.
   482  	deliverTxsRange(0, 100)
   484  	// Reap the txs.
   485  	reapCheck(100)
   487  	// Reap again.  We should get the same amount
   488  	reapCheck(100)
   490  	// Deliver 0 to 999, we should reap 900 new txs
   491  	// because 100 were already counted.
   492  	deliverTxsRange(0, 1000)
   494  	// Reap the txs.
   495  	reapCheck(1000)
   497  	// Reap again.  We should get the same amount
   498  	reapCheck(1000)
   500  	// Commit from the conensus AppConn
   501  	commitRange(0, 500)
   502  	updateRange(0, 500)
   504  	// We should have 500 left.
   505  	reapCheck(500)
   507  	// Deliver 100 invalid txs and 100 valid txs
   508  	deliverTxsRange(900, 1100)
   510  	// We should have 600 now.
   511  	reapCheck(600)
   512  }
   514  func TestMempool_CheckTxChecksTxSize(t *testing.T) {
   515  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   516  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   518  	mempl, cleanup := newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   519  	defer cleanup()
   521  	maxTxSize := mempl.config.MaxTxBytes
   523  	testCases := []struct {
   524  		len int
   525  		err bool
   526  	}{
   527  		// check small txs. no error
   528  		0: {10, false},
   529  		1: {1000, false},
   530  		2: {1000000, false},
   532  		// check around maxTxSize
   533  		3: {maxTxSize - 1, false},
   534  		4: {maxTxSize, false},
   535  		5: {maxTxSize + 1, true},
   536  	}
   538  	for i, testCase := range testCases {
   539  		caseString := fmt.Sprintf("case %d, len %d", i, testCase.len)
   541  		tx := cmtrand.Bytes(testCase.len)
   543  		_, err := mempl.CheckTx(tx)
   544  		bv := gogotypes.BytesValue{Value: tx}
   545  		bz, err2 := bv.Marshal()
   546  		require.NoError(t, err2)
   547  		require.Equal(t, len(bz), proto.Size(&bv), caseString)
   549  		if !testCase.err {
   550  			require.NoError(t, err, caseString)
   551  		} else {
   552  			require.Equal(t, err, ErrTxTooLarge{
   553  				Max:    maxTxSize,
   554  				Actual: testCase.len,
   555  			}, caseString)
   556  		}
   557  	}
   558  }
   560  func TestMempoolTxsBytes(t *testing.T) {
   561  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   562  	cc := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app)
   564  	cfg := test.ResetTestRoot("mempool_test")
   566  	cfg.Mempool.MaxTxsBytes = 100
   567  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(cc, cfg)
   568  	defer cleanup()
   570  	// 1. zero by default
   571  	assert.EqualValues(t, 0, mp.SizeBytes())
   573  	// 2. len(tx) after CheckTx
   574  	tx1 := kvstore.NewRandomTx(10)
   575  	_, err := mp.CheckTx(tx1)
   576  	require.NoError(t, err)
   577  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, mp.SizeBytes())
   579  	// 3. zero again after tx is removed by Update
   580  	err = mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{tx1}, abciResponses(1, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   581  	require.NoError(t, err)
   582  	assert.EqualValues(t, 0, mp.SizeBytes())
   584  	// 4. zero after Flush
   585  	tx2 := kvstore.NewRandomTx(20)
   586  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx2)
   587  	require.NoError(t, err)
   588  	assert.EqualValues(t, 20, mp.SizeBytes())
   590  	mp.Flush()
   591  	assert.EqualValues(t, 0, mp.SizeBytes())
   593  	// 5. ErrMempoolIsFull is returned when/if MaxTxsBytes limit is reached.
   594  	tx3 := kvstore.NewRandomTx(100)
   595  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx3)
   596  	require.NoError(t, err)
   598  	tx4 := kvstore.NewRandomTx(10)
   599  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx4)
   600  	if assert.Error(t, err) {
   601  		assert.IsType(t, ErrMempoolIsFull{}, err)
   602  	}
   604  	// 6. zero after tx is rechecked and removed due to not being valid anymore
   605  	app2 := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   606  	cc = proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(app2)
   608  	mp, cleanup = newMempoolWithApp(cc)
   609  	defer cleanup()
   611  	txBytes := kvstore.NewRandomTx(10)
   613  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(txBytes)
   614  	require.NoError(t, err)
   615  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, mp.SizeBytes())
   617  	appConnCon, _ := cc.NewABCIClient()
   618  	appConnCon.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "abci-client", "connection", "consensus"))
   619  	err = appConnCon.Start()
   620  	require.Nil(t, err)
   621  	t.Cleanup(func() {
   622  		if err := appConnCon.Stop(); err != nil {
   623  			t.Error(err)
   624  		}
   625  	})
   627  	res, err := appConnCon.FinalizeBlock(context.Background(), &abci.RequestFinalizeBlock{Txs: [][]byte{txBytes}})
   628  	require.NoError(t, err)
   629  	require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.TxResults[0].Code)
   630  	require.NotEmpty(t, res.AppHash)
   632  	_, err = appConnCon.Commit(context.Background(), &abci.RequestCommit{})
   633  	require.NoError(t, err)
   635  	// Pretend like we committed nothing so txBytes gets rechecked and removed.
   636  	err = mp.Update(1, []types.Tx{}, abciResponses(0, abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   637  	require.NoError(t, err)
   638  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, mp.SizeBytes())
   640  	// 7. Test RemoveTxByKey function
   641  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx1)
   642  	require.NoError(t, err)
   643  	assert.EqualValues(t, 20, mp.SizeBytes())
   644  	assert.Error(t, mp.RemoveTxByKey(types.Tx([]byte{0x07}).Key()))
   645  	assert.EqualValues(t, 20, mp.SizeBytes())
   646  	assert.NoError(t, mp.RemoveTxByKey(types.Tx(tx1).Key()))
   647  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, mp.SizeBytes())
   648  }
   650  func TestMempoolNoCacheOverflow(t *testing.T) {
   651  	sockPath := fmt.Sprintf("unix:///tmp/echo_%v.sock", cmtrand.Str(6))
   652  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   653  	_, server := newRemoteApp(t, sockPath, app)
   654  	t.Cleanup(func() {
   655  		if err := server.Stop(); err != nil {
   656  			t.Error(err)
   657  		}
   658  	})
   659  	cfg := test.ResetTestRoot("mempool_test")
   660  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(proxy.NewRemoteClientCreator(sockPath, "socket", true), cfg)
   661  	defer cleanup()
   663  	// add tx0
   664  	var tx0 = kvstore.NewTxFromID(0)
   665  	_, err := mp.CheckTx(tx0)
   666  	require.NoError(t, err)
   667  	err = mp.FlushAppConn()
   668  	require.NoError(t, err)
   670  	// saturate the cache to remove tx0
   671  	for i := 1; i <= mp.config.CacheSize; i++ {
   672  		_, err = mp.CheckTx(kvstore.NewTxFromID(i))
   673  		require.NoError(t, err)
   674  	}
   675  	err = mp.FlushAppConn()
   676  	require.NoError(t, err)
   677  	assert.False(t, mp.cache.Has(kvstore.NewTxFromID(0)))
   679  	// add again tx0
   680  	_, err = mp.CheckTx(tx0)
   681  	require.NoError(t, err)
   682  	err = mp.FlushAppConn()
   683  	require.NoError(t, err)
   685  	// tx0 should appear only once in mp.txs
   686  	found := 0
   687  	for e := mp.txs.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   688  		if types.Tx.Key(e.Value.(*mempoolTx).tx) == types.Tx.Key(tx0) {
   689  			found++
   690  		}
   691  	}
   692  	assert.True(t, found == 1)
   693  }
   695  // This will non-deterministically catch some concurrency failures like
   696  //
   697  // TODO: all of the tests should probably also run using the remote proxy app
   698  // since otherwise we're not actually testing the concurrency of the mempool here!
   699  func TestMempoolRemoteAppConcurrency(t *testing.T) {
   700  	sockPath := fmt.Sprintf("unix:///tmp/echo_%v.sock", cmtrand.Str(6))
   701  	app := kvstore.NewInMemoryApplication()
   702  	_, server := newRemoteApp(t, sockPath, app)
   703  	t.Cleanup(func() {
   704  		if err := server.Stop(); err != nil {
   705  			t.Error(err)
   706  		}
   707  	})
   709  	cfg := test.ResetTestRoot("mempool_test")
   711  	mp, cleanup := newMempoolWithAppAndConfig(proxy.NewRemoteClientCreator(sockPath, "socket", true), cfg)
   712  	defer cleanup()
   714  	// generate small number of txs
   715  	nTxs := 10
   716  	txLen := 200
   717  	txs := NewRandomTxs(nTxs, txLen)
   719  	// simulate a group of peers sending them over and over
   720  	N := cfg.Mempool.Size
   721  	for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
   722  		txNum := mrand.Intn(nTxs)
   723  		tx := txs[txNum]
   725  		// this will err with ErrTxInCache many times ...
   726  		mp.CheckTx(tx) //nolint: errcheck // will error
   727  	}
   729  	require.NoError(t, mp.FlushAppConn())
   730  }
   732  // caller must close server
   733  func newRemoteApp(t *testing.T, addr string, app abci.Application) (abciclient.Client, service.Service) {
   734  	clientCreator, err := abciclient.NewClient(addr, "socket", true)
   735  	require.NoError(t, err)
   737  	// Start server
   738  	server := abciserver.NewSocketServer(addr, app)
   739  	server.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("module", "abci-server"))
   740  	if err := server.Start(); err != nil {
   741  		t.Fatalf("Error starting socket server: %v", err.Error())
   742  	}
   744  	return clientCreator, server
   745  }
   747  func abciResponses(n int, code uint32) []*abci.ExecTxResult {
   748  	responses := make([]*abci.ExecTxResult, 0, n)
   749  	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
   750  		responses = append(responses, &abci.ExecTxResult{Code: code})
   751  	}
   752  	return responses
   753  }
   755  func doCommit(t require.TestingT, mp Mempool, app abci.Application, txs types.Txs, height int64) {
   756  	rfb := &abci.RequestFinalizeBlock{Txs: make([][]byte, len(txs))}
   757  	for i, tx := range txs {
   758  		rfb.Txs[i] = tx
   759  	}
   760  	_, e := app.FinalizeBlock(context.Background(), rfb)
   761  	require.True(t, e == nil)
   762  	mp.Lock()
   763  	e = mp.FlushAppConn()
   764  	require.True(t, e == nil)
   765  	_, e = app.Commit(context.Background(), &abci.RequestCommit{})
   766  	require.True(t, e == nil)
   767  	e = mp.Update(height, txs, abciResponses(txs.Len(), abci.CodeTypeOK), nil, nil)
   768  	require.True(t, e == nil)
   769  	mp.Unlock()
   770  }