
     1  ---
     2  modeline: |
     3    vim: set ft=pandoc:
     4  description: |
     5      This VMware Packer builder is able to create VMware virtual machines from an
     6      ISO file as a source. It currently supports building virtual machines on hosts
     7      running VMware Fusion for OS X, VMware Workstation for Linux and Windows, and
     8      VMware Player on Linux. It can also build machines directly on VMware vSphere
     9      Hypervisor using SSH as opposed to the vSphere API.
    10  layout: docs
    11  page_title: 'VMware ISO - Builders'
    12  sidebar_current: 'docs-builders-vmware-iso'
    13  ---
    15  # VMware Builder (from ISO)
    17  Type: `vmware-iso`
    19  This VMware Packer builder is able to create VMware virtual machines from an ISO
    20  file as a source. It currently supports building virtual machines on hosts
    21  running [VMware Fusion]( for
    22  OS X, [VMware
    23  Workstation]( for Linux
    24  and Windows, and [VMware Player]( on
    25  Linux. It can also build machines directly on [VMware vSphere
    26  Hypervisor]( using SSH as
    27  opposed to the vSphere API.
    29  The builder builds a virtual machine by creating a new virtual machine from
    30  scratch, booting it, installing an OS, provisioning software within the OS, then
    31  shutting it down. The result of the VMware builder is a directory containing all
    32  the files necessary to run the virtual machine.
    34  ## Basic Example
    36  Here is a basic example. This example is not functional. It will start the OS
    37  installer but then fail because we don't provide the preseed file for Ubuntu to
    38  self-install. Still, the example serves to show the basic configuration:
    40  ``` json
    41  {
    42    "type": "vmware-iso",
    43    "iso_url": "",
    44    "iso_checksum": "af5f788aee1b32c4b2634734309cc9e9",
    45    "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
    46    "ssh_username": "packer",
    47    "ssh_password": "packer",
    48    "shutdown_command": "shutdown -P now"
    49  }
    50  ```
    52  ## Configuration Reference
    54  There are many configuration options available for the VMware builder. They are
    55  organized below into two categories: required and optional. Within each
    56  category, the available options are alphabetized and described.
    58  In addition to the options listed here, a
    59  [communicator](/docs/templates/communicator.html) can be configured for this
    60  builder.
    62  ### Required:
    64  -   `iso_checksum` (string) - The checksum for the OS ISO file. Because ISO
    65      files are so large, this is required and Packer will verify it prior to
    66      booting a virtual machine with the ISO attached. The type of the checksum is
    67      specified with `iso_checksum_type`, documented below. At least one of
    68      `iso_checksum` and `iso_checksum_url` must be defined. This has precedence
    69      over `iso_checksum_url` type.
    71  -   `iso_checksum_type` (string) - The type of the checksum specified in
    72      `iso_checksum`. Valid values are `none`, `md5`, `sha1`, `sha256`, or
    73      `sha512` currently. While `none` will skip checksumming, this is not
    74      recommended since ISO files are generally large and corruption does happen
    75      from time to time.
    77  -   `iso_checksum_url` (string) - A URL to a GNU or BSD style checksum file
    78      containing a checksum for the OS ISO file. At least one of `iso_checksum`
    79      and `iso_checksum_url` must be defined. This will be ignored if
    80      `iso_checksum` is non empty.
    82  -   `iso_url` (string) - A URL to the ISO containing the installation image.
    83      This URL can be either an HTTP URL or a file URL (or path to a file). If
    84      this is an HTTP URL, Packer will download it and cache it between runs.
    86  ### Optional:
    88  -   `boot_command` (array of strings) - This is an array of commands to type
    89      when the virtual machine is first booted. The goal of these commands should
    90      be to type just enough to initialize the operating system installer. Special
    91      keys can be typed as well, and are covered in the section below on the
    92      boot command. If this is not specified, it is assumed the installer will
    93      start itself.
    95  -   `boot_wait` (string) - The time to wait after booting the initial virtual
    96      machine before typing the `boot_command`. The value of this should be
    97      a duration. Examples are `5s` and `1m30s` which will cause Packer to wait
    98      five seconds and one minute 30 seconds, respectively. If this isn't
    99      specified, the default is `10s` or 10 seconds.
   101  -   `cdrom_adapter_type` (string) - The adapter type (or bus) that will be used
   102      by the cdrom device. This is chosen by default based on the disk adapter
   103      type. VMware tends to lean towards `ide` for the cdrom device unless
   104      `sata` is chosen for the disk adapter and so Packer attempts to mirror
   105      this logic. This field can be specified as either `ide`, `sata`, or `scsi`.
   107  -   `disable_vnc` (boolean) - Whether to create a VNC connection or not.
   108      A `boot_command` cannot be used when this is `true`. Defaults to `false`.
   110  -   `disk_adapter_type` (string) - The adapter type of the VMware virtual disk
   111      to create. This option is for advanced usage, modify only if you know what
   112      you're doing. Some of the options you can specify are `ide`, `sata`, `nvme`
   113      or `scsi` (which uses the "lsilogic" scsi interface by default). If you
   114      specify another option, Packer will assume that you're specifying a `scsi`
   115      interface of that specified type. For more information, please consult the
   116      <a href="" target="_blank"
   117      rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
   118      Virtual Disk Manager User's Guide</a> for desktop VMware clients.
   119      For ESXi, refer to the proper ESXi documentation.
   121  -   `disk_additional_size` (array of integers) - The size(s) of any additional
   122      hard disks for the VM in megabytes. If this is not specified then the VM
   123      will only contain a primary hard disk. The builder uses expandable, not
   124      fixed-size virtual hard disks, so the actual file representing the disk will
   125      not use the full size unless it is full.
   127  -   `disk_size` (number) - The size of the hard disk for the VM in megabytes.
   128      The builder uses expandable, not fixed-size virtual hard disks, so the
   129      actual file representing the disk will not use the full size unless it
   130      is full. By default this is set to `40000` (about 40 GB).
   132  -   `disk_type_id` (string) - The type of VMware virtual disk to create. This
   133      option is for advanced usage.
   135      For desktop VMware clients:
   137      Type ID | Description
   138      --- | ---
   139      `0` | Growable virtual disk contained in a single file (monolithic sparse).
   140      `1` | Growable virtual disk split into 2GB files (split sparse).
   141      `2` | Preallocated virtual disk contained in a single file (monolithic flat).
   142      `3` | Preallocated virtual disk split into 2GB files (split flat).
   143      `4` | Preallocated virtual disk compatible with ESX server (VMFS flat).
   144      `5` | Compressed disk optimized for streaming.
   146      The default is `1`.
   148      For ESXi, this defaults to `zeroedthick`. The available options for ESXi
   149      are: `zeroedthick`, `eagerzeroedthick`, `thin`. `rdm:dev`, `rdmp:dev`,
   150      `2gbsparse` are not supported. Due to default disk compaction, when using
   151      `zeroedthick` or `eagerzeroedthick` set `skip_compaction` to `true`.
   153      For more information, please consult the [Virtual Disk Manager User's
   154      Guide]( for desktop
   155      VMware clients. For ESXi, refer to the proper ESXi documentation.
   157  -   `floppy_dirs` (array of strings) - A list of directories to place onto
   158      the floppy disk recursively. This is similar to the `floppy_files` option
   159      except that the directory structure is preserved. This is useful for when
   160      your floppy disk includes drivers or if you just want to organize it's
   161      contents as a hierarchy. Wildcard characters (\*, ?, and \[\]) are allowed.
   163  -   `floppy_files` (array of strings) - A list of files to place onto a floppy
   164      disk that is attached when the VM is booted. This is most useful for
   165      unattended Windows installs, which look for an `Autounattend.xml` file on
   166      removable media. By default, no floppy will be attached. All files listed in
   167      this setting get placed into the root directory of the floppy and the floppy
   168      is attached as the first floppy device. Currently, no support exists for
   169      creating sub-directories on the floppy. Wildcard characters (\*, ?,
   170      and \[\]) are allowed. Directory names are also allowed, which will add all
   171      the files found in the directory to the floppy.
   173  -   `fusion_app_path` (string) - Path to "VMware". By default this is
   174      `/Applications/VMware` but this setting allows you to
   175      customize this.
   177  -   `guest_os_type` (string) - The guest OS type being installed. This will be
   178      set in the VMware VMX. By default this is `other`. By specifying a more
   179      specific OS type, VMware may perform some optimizations or virtual hardware
   180      changes to better support the operating system running in the
   181      virtual machine.
   183  -   `headless` (boolean) - Packer defaults to building VMware virtual machines
   184      by launching a GUI that shows the console of the machine being built. When
   185      this value is set to `true`, the machine will start without a console. For
   186      VMware machines, Packer will output VNC connection information in case you
   187      need to connect to the console to debug the build process.
   189  -   `http_directory` (string) - Path to a directory to serve using an
   190      HTTP server. The files in this directory will be available over HTTP that
   191      will be requestable from the virtual machine. This is useful for hosting
   192      kickstart files and so on. By default this is an empty string, which means
   193      no HTTP server will be started. The address and port of the HTTP server will
   194      be available as variables in `boot_command`. This is covered in more detail
   195      below.
   197  -   `http_port_min` and `http_port_max` (number) - These are the minimum and
   198      maximum port to use for the HTTP server started to serve the
   199      `http_directory`. Because Packer often runs in parallel, Packer will choose
   200      a randomly available port in this range to run the HTTP server. If you want
   201      to force the HTTP server to be on one port, make this minimum and maximum
   202      port the same. By default the values are `8000` and `9000`, respectively.
   204  -   `iso_target_extension` (string) - The extension of the iso file after
   205      download. This defaults to `iso`.
   207  -   `iso_target_path` (string) - The path where the iso should be saved after
   208      download. By default will go in the packer cache, with a hash of the
   209      original filename as its name.
   211  -   `iso_urls` (array of strings) - Multiple URLs for the ISO to download.
   212      Packer will try these in order. If anything goes wrong attempting to
   213      download or while downloading a single URL, it will move on to the next. All
   214      URLs must point to the same file (same checksum). By default this is empty
   215      and `iso_url` is used. Only one of `iso_url` or `iso_urls` can be specified.
   217  -   `network` (string) - This is the network type that the virtual machine will
   218      be created with. This can be one of the generic values that map to a device
   219      such as `hostonly`, `nat`, or `bridged`. If the network is not one of these
   220      values, then it is assumed to be a VMware network device. (VMnet0..x)
   222  -   `network_adapter_type` (string) - This is the ethernet adapter type the the
   223      virtual machine will be created with. By default the `e1000` network adapter
   224      type will be used by Packer. For more information, please consult the
   225      <a href="" target="_blank"
   226      rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
   227      Choosing a network adapter for your virtual machine</a> for desktop VMware
   228      clients. For ESXi, refer to the proper ESXi documentation.
   230  -   `output_directory` (string) - This is the path to the directory where the
   231      resulting virtual machine will be created. This may be relative or absolute.
   232      If relative, the path is relative to the working directory when `packer`
   233      is executed. This directory must not exist or be empty prior to running
   234      the builder. By default this is `output-BUILDNAME` where "BUILDNAME" is the
   235      name of the build.
   237  -   `parallel` (string) - This specifies a parallel port to add to the VM. It
   238      has the format of `Type:option1,option2,...`. Type can be one of the
   239      following values: `FILE`, `DEVICE`, `AUTO`, or `NONE`.
   241      * `FILE:path` - Specifies the path to the local file to be used for the
   242                      parallel port.
   243      * `DEVICE:path` - Specifies the path to the local device to be used for the
   244                        parallel port.
   245      * `AUTO:direction` - Specifies to use auto-detection to determine the
   246                           parallel port. Direction can be `BI` to specify
   247                           bidirectional communication or `UNI` to specify
   248                           unidirectional communication.
   249      * `NONE` - Specifies to not use a parallel port. (default)
   251  -   `remote_cache_datastore` (string) - The path to the datastore where
   252      supporting files will be stored during the build on the remote machine. By
   253      default this is the same as the `remote_datastore` option. This only has an
   254      effect if `remote_type` is enabled.
   256  -   `remote_cache_directory` (string) - The path where the ISO and/or floppy
   257      files will be stored during the build on the remote machine. The path is
   258      relative to the `remote_cache_datastore` on the remote machine. By default
   259      this is `packer_cache`. This only has an effect if `remote_type`
   260      is enabled.
   262  -   `remote_datastore` (string) - The path to the datastore where the resulting
   263      VM will be stored when it is built on the remote machine. By default this
   264      is `datastore1`. This only has an effect if `remote_type` is enabled.
   266  -   `remote_host` (string) - The host of the remote machine used for access.
   267      This is only required if `remote_type` is enabled.
   269  -   `remote_password` (string) - The SSH password for the user used to access
   270      the remote machine. By default this is empty. This only has an effect if
   271      `remote_type` is enabled.
   273  -   `remote_private_key_file` (string) - The path to the PEM encoded private key
   274      file for the user used to access the remote machine. By default this is empty.
   275      This only has an effect if `remote_type` is enabled.
   277  -   `remote_type` (string) - The type of remote machine that will be used to
   278      build this VM rather than a local desktop product. The only value accepted
   279      for this currently is `esx5`. If this is not set, a desktop product will
   280      be used. By default, this is not set.
   282  -   `remote_username` (string) - The username for the SSH user that will access
   283      the remote machine. This is required if `remote_type` is enabled.
   285  -   `serial` (string) - This specifies a serial port to add to the VM.
   286      It has a format of `Type:option1,option2,...`. The field `Type` can be one
   287      of the following values: `FILE`, `DEVICE`, `PIPE`, `AUTO`, or `NONE`.
   289      * `FILE:path(,yield)` - Specifies the path to the local file to be used as the
   290                              serial port.
   291          * `yield` (bool) - This is an optional boolean that specifies whether
   292                             the vm should yield the cpu when polling the port.
   293                             By default, the builder will assume this as `FALSE`.
   294      * `DEVICE:path(,yield)` - Specifies the path to the local device to be used
   295                                as the serial port. If `path` is empty, then
   296                                default to the first serial port.
   297          * `yield` (bool) - This is an optional boolean that specifies whether
   298                             the vm should yield the cpu when polling the port.
   299                             By default, the builder will assume this as `FALSE`.
   300      * `PIPE:path,endpoint,host(,yield)` - Specifies to use the named-pipe "path"
   301                                            as a serial port. This has a few
   302                                            options that determine how the VM
   303                                            should use the named-pipe.
   304          * `endpoint` (string) - Chooses the type of the VM-end, which can be
   305                                  either a `client` or `server`.
   306          * `host` (string) - Chooses the type of the host-end, which can be either
   307                              an `app` (application) or `vm` (another virtual-machine).
   308          * `yield` (bool) - This is an optional boolean that specifies whether
   309                             the vm should yield the cpu when polling the port.
   310                             By default, the builder will assume this as `FALSE`.
   312      * `AUTO:(yield)` - Specifies to use auto-detection to determine the serial
   313                         port to use. This has one option to determine how the VM
   314                         should support the serial port.
   315          * `yield` (bool) - This is an optional boolean that specifies whether
   316                             the vm should yield the cpu when polling the port.
   317                             By default, the builder will assume this as `FALSE`.
   318      * `NONE` - Specifies to not use a serial port. (default)
   320  -   `shutdown_command` (string) - The command to use to gracefully shut down the
   321      machine once all the provisioning is done. By default this is an empty
   322      string, which tells Packer to just forcefully shut down the machine.
   324  -   `shutdown_timeout` (string) - The amount of time to wait after executing the
   325      `shutdown_command` for the virtual machine to actually shut down. If it
   326      doesn't shut down in this time, it is an error. By default, the timeout is
   327      `5m` or five minutes.
   329  -   `skip_compaction` (boolean) - VMware-created disks are defragmented and
   330      compacted at the end of the build process using `vmware-vdiskmanager` or
   331      `vmkfstools` in ESXi. In certain rare cases, this might actually end up
   332      making the resulting disks slightly larger. If you find this to be the case,
   333      you can disable compaction using this configuration value. Defaults to
   334      `false`. Default to `true` for ESXi when `disk_type_id` is not explicitly
   335      defined and `false` otherwise.
   337  -   `skip_export` (boolean) - Defaults to `false`. When enabled, Packer will
   338      not export the VM. Useful if the build output is not the resultant
   339      image, but created inside the VM.
   340      Currently, exporting the build VM is only supported when building on
   341      ESXi e.g. when `remote_type` is set to `esx5`. See the [Building on a
   342      Remote vSphere
   343      Hypervisor](/docs/builders/vmware-iso.html#building-on-a-remote-vsphere-hypervisor)
   344      section below for more info.
   346  -   `keep_registered` (boolean) - Set this to `true` if you would like to keep
   347      the VM registered with the remote ESXi server. If you do not need to export
   348      the vm, then also set `skip_export: true` in order to avoid an unnecessary
   349      step of using ovftool to export the vm. Defaults to `false`.
   351  -   `ovftool_options` (array of strings) - Extra options to pass to ovftool
   352      during export. Each item in the array is a new argument. The options
   353      `--noSSLVerify`, `--skipManifestCheck`, and `--targetType` are reserved,
   354      and should not be passed to this argument.
   355      Currently, exporting the build VM (with ovftool) is only supported when
   356      building on ESXi e.g. when `remote_type` is set to `esx5`. See the
   357      [Building on a Remote vSphere
   358      Hypervisor](/docs/builders/vmware-iso.html#building-on-a-remote-vsphere-hypervisor)
   359      section below for more info.
   361  -   `sound` (boolean) - Enable VMware's virtual soundcard device for the VM.
   363  -   `tools_upload_flavor` (string) - The flavor of the VMware Tools ISO to
   364      upload into the VM. Valid values are `darwin`, `linux`, and `windows`. By
   365      default, this is empty, which means VMware tools won't be uploaded.
   367  -   `tools_upload_path` (string) - The path in the VM to upload the
   368      VMware tools. This only takes effect if `tools_upload_flavor` is non-empty.
   369      This is a [configuration
   370      template](/docs/templates/engine.html) that has a single
   371      valid variable: `Flavor`, which will be the value of `tools_upload_flavor`.
   372      By default the upload path is set to `{{.Flavor}}.iso`. This setting is not
   373      used when `remote_type` is `esx5`.
   375  -   `usb` (boolean) - Enable VMware's USB bus for the guest VM. To enable usage
   376      of the XHCI bus for USB 3 (5 Gbit/s), one can use the `vmx_data` option to
   377      enable it by specifying `true` for the `usb_xhci.present` property.
   379  -   `version` (string) - The [vmx hardware
   380      version](
   381      for the new virtual machine. Only the default value has been tested, any
   382      other value is experimental. Default value is `9`.
   384  -   `vm_name` (string) - This is the name of the VMX file for the new virtual
   385      machine, without the file extension. By default this is `packer-BUILDNAME`,
   386      where "BUILDNAME" is the name of the build.
   388  -   `vmdk_name` (string) - The filename of the virtual disk that'll be created,
   389      without the extension. This defaults to `packer`.
   391  -   `vmx_data` (object of key/value strings) - Arbitrary key/values to enter
   392      into the virtual machine VMX file. This is for advanced users who want to
   393      set properties such as memory, CPU, etc.
   395  -   `vmx_data_post` (object of key/value strings) - Identical to `vmx_data`,
   396      except that it is run after the virtual machine is shutdown, and before the
   397      virtual machine is exported.
   399  -   `vmx_remove_ethernet_interfaces` (boolean) - Remove all ethernet interfaces
   400      from the VMX file after building. This is for advanced users who understand
   401      the ramifications, but is useful for building Vagrant boxes since Vagrant
   402      will create ethernet interfaces when provisioning a box. Defaults to
   403      `false`.
   405  -   `vmx_template_path` (string) - Path to a [configuration
   406      template](/docs/templates/engine.html) that defines the
   407      contents of the virtual machine VMX file for VMware. This is for **advanced
   408      users only** as this can render the virtual machine non-functional. See
   409      below for more information. For basic VMX modifications, try
   410      `vmx_data` first.
   412  -   `vnc_bind_address` (string / IP address) - The IP address that should be
   413      binded to for VNC. By default packer will use `` for this. If you
   414      wish to bind to all interfaces use ``.
   416  -   `vnc_disable_password` (boolean) - Don't auto-generate a VNC password that
   417      is used to secure the VNC communication with the VM. This must be set to
   418      `true` if building on ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 with VNC enabled. Defaults to
   419      `false`.
   421  -   `vnc_port_min` and `vnc_port_max` (number) - The minimum and maximum port
   422      to use for VNC access to the virtual machine. The builder uses VNC to type
   423      the initial `boot_command`. Because Packer generally runs in parallel,
   424      Packer uses a randomly chosen port in this range that appears available. By
   425      default this is `5900` to `6000`. The minimum and maximum ports are
   426      inclusive.
   428  ## Boot Command
   430  The `boot_command` configuration is very important: it specifies the keys to
   431  type when the virtual machine is first booted in order to start the OS
   432  installer. This command is typed after `boot_wait`, which gives the virtual
   433  machine some time to actually load the ISO.
   435  As documented above, the `boot_command` is an array of strings. The strings are
   436  all typed in sequence. It is an array only to improve readability within the
   437  template.
   439  The boot command is "typed" character for character over a VNC connection to the
   440  machine, simulating a human actually typing the keyboard.
   442  -&gt; Keystrokes are typed as separate key up/down events over VNC with a
   443  default 100ms delay. The delay alleviates issues with latency and CPU
   444  contention. You can tune this delay on a per-builder basis by specifying
   445  "boot_key_interval" in your Packer template, for example:
   447  ```
   448  {
   449    "builders": [
   450      {
   451        "type": "vmware-iso",
   452        "boot_key_interval": "10ms"
   453        ...
   454      }
   455    ]
   456  }
   457  ```
   459  <%= partial "partials/builders/boot-command" %>
   461  -&gt; **Note**: for the `HTTPIP` to be resolved correctly, your VM's network
   462  configuration has to include a `hostonly` or `nat` type network interface.
   463  If you are using this feature, it is recommended to leave the default network
   464  configuration while you are building the VM, and use the `vmx_data_post` hook
   465  to modify the network configuration after the VM is done building.
   467  Example boot command. This is actually a working boot command used to start an
   468  Ubuntu 12.04 installer:
   470  ``` text
   471  [
   472    "<esc><esc><enter><wait>",
   473    "/install/vmlinuz noapic ",
   474    "preseed/url=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg ",
   475    "debian-installer=en_US auto locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us ",
   476    "hostname={{ .Name }} ",
   477    "fb=false debconf/frontend=noninteractive ",
   478    "keyboard-configuration/modelcode=SKIP keyboard-configuration/layout=USA ",
   479    "keyboard-configuration/variant=USA console-setup/ask_detect=false ",
   480    "initrd=/install/initrd.gz -- <enter>"
   481  ]
   482  ```
   484  For more examples of various boot commands, see the sample projects from our
   485  [community templates page](/community-tools.html#templates).
   487  ## VMX Template
   489  The heart of a VMware machine is the "vmx" file. This contains all the virtual
   490  hardware metadata necessary for the VM to function. Packer by default uses a
   491  [safe, flexible VMX
   492  file](
   493  But for advanced users, this template can be customized. This allows Packer to
   494  build virtual machines of effectively any guest operating system type.
   496  ~&gt; **This is an advanced feature.** Modifying the VMX template can easily
   497  cause your virtual machine to not boot properly. Please only modify the template
   498  if you know what you're doing.
   500  Within the template, a handful of variables are available so that your template
   501  can continue working with the rest of the Packer machinery. Using these
   502  variables isn't required, however.
   504  -   `Name` - The name of the virtual machine.
   505  -   `GuestOS` - The VMware-valid guest OS type.
   506  -   `DiskName` - The filename (without the suffix) of the main virtual disk.
   507  -   `ISOPath` - The path to the ISO to use for the OS installation.
   508  -   `Version` - The Hardware version VMWare will execute this vm under. Also
   509      known as the `virtualhw.version`.
   511  ## Building on a Remote vSphere Hypervisor
   513  In addition to using the desktop products of VMware locally to build virtual
   514  machines, Packer can use a remote VMware Hypervisor to build the virtual
   515  machine.
   517  -&gt; **Note:** Packer supports ESXi 5.1 and above.
   519  Before using a remote vSphere Hypervisor, you need to enable GuestIPHack by
   520  running the following command:
   522  ``` text
   523  esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1
   524  ```
   526  When using a remote VMware Hypervisor, the builder still downloads the ISO and
   527  various files locally, and uploads these to the remote machine. Packer currently
   528  uses SSH to communicate to the ESXi machine rather than the vSphere API. At some
   529  point, the vSphere API may be used.
   531  Packer also requires VNC to issue boot commands during a build, which may be
   532  disabled on some remote VMware Hypervisors. Please consult the appropriate
   533  documentation on how to update VMware Hypervisor's firewall to allow these
   534  connections. VNC can be disabled by not setting a `boot_command` and setting
   535  `disable_vnc` to `true`.
   537  To use a remote VMware vSphere Hypervisor to build your virtual machine, fill in
   538  the required `remote_*` configurations:
   540  -   `remote_type` - This must be set to "esx5".
   542  -   `remote_host` - The host of the remote machine.
   544  Additionally, there are some optional configurations that you'll likely have to
   545  modify as well:
   547  -   `remote_port` - The SSH port of the remote machine
   549  -   `remote_datastore` - The path to the datastore where the VM will be stored
   550      on the ESXi machine.
   552  -   `remote_cache_datastore` - The path to the datastore where supporting files
   553      will be stored during the build on the remote machine.
   555  -   `remote_cache_directory` - The path where the ISO and/or floppy files will
   556      be stored during the build on the remote machine. The path is relative to
   557      the `remote_cache_datastore` on the remote machine.
   559  -   `remote_username` - The SSH username used to access the remote machine.
   561  -   `remote_password` - The SSH password for access to the remote machine.
   563  -   `remote_private_key_file` - The SSH key for access to the remote machine.
   565  -   `format` (string) - Either "ovf", "ova" or "vmx", this specifies the output
   566      format of the exported virtual machine. This defaults to "ovf".
   567      Before using this option, you need to install `ovftool`. This option
   568      currently only works when option remote_type is set to "esx5".
   569      Since ovftool is only capable of password based authentication
   570      `remote_password` must be set when exporting the VM.
   572  -   `vnc_disable_password` - This must be set to "true" when using VNC with
   573      ESXi 6.5 or 6.7.
   575  ### VNC port discovery
   577  Packer needs to decide on a port to use for VNC when building remotely. To find
   578  an open port, we try to connect to ports in the range of `vnc_port_min` to
   579  `vnc_port_max`. If we notice something is listening on a port in the range, we
   580  try to connect to the next one, and so on until we find a port that has nothing
   581  listening on it. If you have many clients building on the ESXi host, there
   582  might be competition for the VNC ports. You can adjust how long packer waits
   583  for a connection timeout by setting `PACKER_ESXI_VNC_PROBE_TIMEOUT`. This
   584  defaults to 15 seconds. Set this shorter if vnc connections are refused, and
   585  set it longer if Packer can't find an open port. This is intended as an
   586  advanced configuration option. Please make sure your firewall settings are
   587  correct before adjusting.
   589  ### Using a Floppy for Linux kickstart file or preseed
   591  Depending on your network configuration, it may be difficult to use packer's
   592  built-in HTTP server with ESXi. Instead, you can provide a kickstart or preseed
   593  file by attaching a floppy disk. An example below, based on RHEL:
   595  ``` json
   596  {
   597    "builders": [
   598      {
   599        "type":"vmware-iso",
   600        "floppy_files": [
   601          "folder/ks.cfg"
   602        ],
   603        "boot_command": "<tab> text ks=floppy <enter><wait>"
   604      }
   605    ]
   606  }
   607  ```
   609  It's also worth noting that `ks=floppy` has been deprecated. Later versions of
   610  the Anaconda installer (used in RHEL/CentOS 7 and Fedora) may require
   611  a different syntax to source a kickstart file from a mounted floppy image.
   613  ``` json
   614  {
   615    "builders": [
   616      {
   617        "type":"vmware-iso",
   618        "floppy_files": [
   619          "folder/ks.cfg"
   620        ],
   621        "boot_command": "<tab> inst.text inst.ks=hd:fd0:/ks.cfg <enter><wait>"
   622      }
   623    ]
   624  }
   625  ```