
     1  ---
     2  description: |
     3      The PowerShell Packer provisioner runs PowerShell scripts on Windows
     4      machines.
     5      It assumes that the communicator in use is WinRM.
     6  layout: docs
     7  page_title: 'PowerShell - Provisioners'
     8  sidebar_current: 'docs-provisioners-powershell'
     9  ---
    11  # PowerShell Provisioner
    13  Type: `powershell`
    15  The PowerShell Packer provisioner runs PowerShell scripts on Windows machines.
    16  It assumes that the communicator in use is WinRM. However, the provisioner
    17  can work equally well (with a few caveats) when combined with the SSH
    18  communicator. See the [section
    19  below](/docs/provisioners/powershell.html#combining-the-powershell-provisioner-with-the-ssh-communicator)
    20  for details.
    22  ## Basic Example
    24  The example below is fully functional.
    26  ``` json
    27  {
    28    "type": "powershell",
    29    "inline": ["dir c:\\"]
    30  }
    31  ```
    33  ## Configuration Reference
    35  The reference of available configuration options is listed below. The only
    36  required element is either "inline" or "script". Every other option is
    37  optional.
    39  Exactly *one* of the following is required:
    41  -   `inline` (array of strings) - This is an array of commands to execute. The
    42      commands are concatenated by newlines and turned into a single file, so
    43      they are all executed within the same context. This allows you to change
    44      directories in one command and use something in the directory in the next
    45      and so on. Inline scripts are the easiest way to pull off simple tasks
    46      within the machine.
    48  -   `script` (string) - The path to a script to upload and execute in
    49      the machine. This path can be absolute or relative. If it is relative, it
    50      is relative to the working directory when Packer is executed.
    52  -   `scripts` (array of strings) - An array of scripts to execute. The scripts
    53      will be uploaded and executed in the order specified. Each script is
    54      executed in isolation, so state such as variables from one script won't
    55      carry on to the next.
    57  Optional parameters:
    59  -   `binary` (boolean) - If true, specifies that the script(s) are binary
    60      files, and Packer should therefore not convert Windows line endings to Unix
    61      line endings (if there are any). By default this is false.
    63  -   `elevated_execute_command` (string) - The command to use to execute the
    64      elevated script. By default this is as follows:
    66      ``` powershell
    67      powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue'};. {{.Vars}}; &'{{.Path}}'; exit $LastExitCode }"
    68      ```
    70      The value of this is treated as [configuration
    71      template](/docs/templates/engine.html). There are two
    72      available variables: `Path`, which is the path to the script to run, and
    73      `Vars`, which is the location of a temp file containing the list of
    74      `environment_vars`, if configured.
    76  -   `environment_vars` (array of strings) - An array of key/value pairs to
    77      inject prior to the execute\_command. The format should be `key=value`.
    78      Packer injects some environmental variables by default into the
    79      environment, as well, which are covered in the section below.
    80      If you are running on AWS, Azure or Google Compute and would like to access the generated
    81      password that Packer uses to connect to the instance via
    82      WinRM, you can use the template variable `{{.WinRMPassword}}` to set this
    83      as an environment variable. For example:
    85      ```json
    86        {
    87          "type": "powershell",
    88          "environment_vars": "WINRMPASS={{.WinRMPassword}}",
    89          "inline": ["Write-Host \"Automatically generated aws password is: $Env:WINRMPASS\""]
    90        },
    91      ```
    93  -   `execute_command` (string) - The command to use to execute the script. By
    94      default this is as follows:
    96      ``` powershell
    97      powershell -executionpolicy bypass "& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue'};. {{.Vars}}; &'{{.Path}}'; exit $LastExitCode }"
    98      ```
   100      The value of this is treated as [configuration
   101      template](/docs/templates/engine.html). There are two
   102      available variables: `Path`, which is the path to the script to run, and
   103      `Vars`, which is the location of a temp file containing the list of
   104      `environment_vars`. The value of both `Path` and `Vars` can be
   105      manually configured by setting the values for `remote_path` and
   106      `remote_env_var_path` respectively.
   108      If you use the SSH communicator and have changed your default shell, you
   109      may need to modify your `execute_command` to make sure that the command is
   110      valid and properly escaped; the default assumes that you have not changed
   111      the default shell away from cmd.
   113  -   `elevated_user` and `elevated_password` (string) - If specified, the
   114      PowerShell script will be run with elevated privileges using the given
   115      Windows user. If you are running a build on AWS, Azure or Google Compute and would like to run using
   116      the generated password that Packer uses to connect to the instance via
   117      WinRM, you may do so by using the template variable {{.WinRMPassword}}.
   118      For example:
   120      ``` json
   121      "elevated_user": "Administrator",
   122      "elevated_password": "{{.WinRMPassword}}",
   123      ```
   125  -   `remote_path` (string) - The path where the PowerShell script will be
   126      uploaded to within the target build machine. This defaults to
   127      `C:/Windows/Temp/script-UUID.ps1` where UUID is replaced with a
   128      dynamically generated string that uniquely identifies the script.
   130      This setting allows users to override the default upload location. The
   131      value must be a writable location and any parent directories must
   132      already exist.
   134  -   `remote_env_var_path` (string) - Environment variables required within
   135      the remote environment are uploaded within a PowerShell script and then
   136      enabled by 'dot sourcing' the script immediately prior to execution of
   137      the main command or script.
   139      The path the environment variables script will be uploaded to defaults to
   140      `C:/Windows/Temp/packer-ps-env-vars-UUID.ps1` where UUID is replaced
   141      with a dynamically generated string that uniquely identifies the
   142      script.
   144      This setting allows users to override the location the environment
   145      variable script is uploaded to. The value must be a writable location
   146      and any parent directories must already exist.
   148  -   `start_retry_timeout` (string) - The amount of time to attempt to *start*
   149      the remote process. By default this is "5m" or 5 minutes. This setting
   150      exists in order to deal with times when SSH may restart, such as a
   151      system reboot. Set this to a higher value if reboots take a longer amount
   152      of time.
   154  -   `valid_exit_codes` (list of ints) - Valid exit codes for the script. By
   155      default this is just 0.
   157  ## Default Environmental Variables
   159  In addition to being able to specify custom environmental variables using the
   160  `environment_vars` configuration, the provisioner automatically defines certain
   161  commonly useful environmental variables:
   163  -   `PACKER_BUILD_NAME` is set to the
   164      [name of the build](/docs/templates/builders.html#named-builds) that Packer is running.
   165      This is most useful when Packer is making multiple builds and you want to
   166      distinguish them slightly from a common provisioning script.
   168  -   `PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE` is the type of the builder that was used to create
   169      the machine that the script is running on. This is useful if you want to
   170      run only certain parts of the script on systems built with certain
   171      builders.
   173  -   `PACKER_HTTP_ADDR` If using a builder that provides an http server for file
   174      transfer (such as hyperv, parallels, qemu, virtualbox, and vmware), this
   175      will be set to the address. You can use this address in your provisioner to
   176      download large files over http. This may be useful if you're experiencing
   177      slower speeds using the default file provisioner. A file provisioner using
   178      the `winrm` communicator may experience these types of difficulties.
   180  ## Combining the PowerShell Provisioner with the SSH Communicator
   182  The good news first. If you are using the
   183  [Microsoft port of OpenSSH](
   184  then the provisioner should just work as expected - no extra configuration
   185  effort is required.
   187  Now the caveats. If you are using an alternative configuration, and your SSH
   188  connection lands you in a *nix shell on the remote host, then you will most
   189  likely need to manually set the `execute_command`; The default
   190  `execute_command` used by Packer will not work for you.
   191  When configuring the command you will need to ensure that any dollar signs
   192  or other characters that may be incorrectly interpreted by the remote shell
   193  are escaped accordingly.
   195  The following example shows how the standard `execute_command` can be
   196  reconfigured to work on a remote system with
   197  [Cygwin/OpenSSH]( installed.
   198  The `execute_command` has each dollar sign backslash escaped so that it is
   199  not interpreted by the remote Bash shell - Bash being the default shell for
   200  Cygwin environments.
   202  ```json
   203    "provisioners": [
   204      {
   205        "type": "powershell",
   206        "execute_command": "powershell -executionpolicy bypass \"& { if (Test-Path variable:global:ProgressPreference){\\$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue'};. {{.Vars}}; &'{{.Path}}'; exit \\$LastExitCode }\"",
   207        "inline": [
   208          "Write-Host \"Hello from PowerShell\"",
   209        ]
   210      }
   211    ]
   212  ```
   215  ## Packer's Handling of Characters Special to PowerShell
   217  The escape character in PowerShell is the `backtick`, also sometimes
   218  referred to as the `grave accent`. When, and when not, to escape characters
   219  special to PowerShell is probably best demonstrated with a series of examples.
   221  ### When To Escape...
   223  Users need to deal with escaping characters special to PowerShell when they
   224  appear *directly* in commands used in the `inline` PowerShell provisioner and
   225  when they appear *directly* in the users own scripts.
   226  Note that where double quotes appear within double quotes, the addition of
   227  a backslash escape is required for the JSON template to be parsed correctly.
   229  ``` json
   230    "provisioners": [
   231      {
   232        "type": "powershell",
   233        "inline": [
   234            "Write-Host \"A literal dollar `$ must be escaped\"",
   235            "Write-Host \"A literal backtick `` must be escaped\"",
   236            "Write-Host \"Here `\"double quotes`\" must be escaped\"",
   237            "Write-Host \"Here `'single quotes`' don`'t really need to be\"",
   238            "Write-Host \"escaped... but it doesn`'t hurt to do so.\"",
   239        ]
   240      },
   241  ```
   243  The above snippet should result in the following output on the Packer console:
   245  ```
   246  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with Powershell...
   247  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/15/d0f7gdg13rnd1cxp7tgmr55c0000gn/T/packer-powershell-provisioner508190439
   248      amazon-ebs: A literal dollar $ must be escaped
   249      amazon-ebs: A literal backtick ` must be escaped
   250      amazon-ebs: Here "double quotes" must be escaped
   251      amazon-ebs: Here 'single quotes' don't really need to be
   252      amazon-ebs: escaped... but it doesn't hurt to do so.
   253  ```
   255  ### When Not To Escape...
   257  Special characters appearing in user environment variable values and in the
   258  `elevated_user` and `elevated_password` fields will be automatically
   259  dealt with for the user. There is no need to use escapes in these instances.
   261  ``` json
   262  {
   263    "variables": {
   264      "psvar": "My$tring"
   265    },
   266    ...
   267    "provisioners": [
   268      {
   269        "type": "powershell",
   270        "elevated_user": "Administrator",
   271        "elevated_password": "Super$3cr3t!",
   272        "inline": "Write-Output \"The dollar in the elevated_password is interpreted correctly\""
   273      },
   274      {
   275        "type": "powershell",
   276        "environment_vars": [
   277          "VAR1=A$Dollar",
   278          "VAR2=A`Backtick",
   279          "VAR3=A'SingleQuote",
   280          "VAR4=A\"DoubleQuote",
   281          "VAR5={{user `psvar`}}"
   282        ],
   283        "inline": [
   284          "Write-Output \"In the following examples the special character is interpreted correctly:\"",
   285          "Write-Output \"The dollar in VAR1:                            $Env:VAR1\"",
   286          "Write-Output \"The backtick in VAR2:                          $Env:VAR2\"",
   287          "Write-Output \"The single quote in VAR3:                      $Env:VAR3\"",
   288          "Write-Output \"The double quote in VAR4:                      $Env:VAR4\"",
   289          "Write-Output \"The dollar in VAR5 (expanded from a user var): $Env:VAR5\""
   290        ]
   291      }
   292    ]
   293    ...
   294  }
   295  ```
   297  The above snippet should result in the following output on the Packer console:
   299  ```
   300  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with Powershell...
   301  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/15/d0f7gdg13rnd1cxp7tgmr55c0000gn/T/packer-powershell-provisioner961728919
   302      amazon-ebs: The dollar in the elevated_password is interpreted correctly
   303  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with Powershell...
   304  ==> amazon-ebs: Provisioning with powershell script: /var/folders/15/d0f7gdg13rnd1cxp7tgmr55c0000gn/T/packer-powershell-provisioner142826554
   305      amazon-ebs: In the following examples the special character is interpreted correctly:
   306      amazon-ebs: The dollar in VAR1:                            A$Dollar
   307      amazon-ebs: The backtick in VAR2:                          A`Backtick
   308      amazon-ebs: The single quote in VAR3:                      A'SingleQuote
   309      amazon-ebs: The double quote in VAR4:                      A"DoubleQuote
   310      amazon-ebs: The dollar in VAR5 (expanded from a user var): My$tring
   311  ```