
     1  // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package main
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"os/exec"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"strings"
    13  )
    15  var cmdInstall = &command{
    16  	run:   runInstall,
    17  	Name:  "install",
    18  	Usage: "[-target android] [build flags] [package]",
    19  	Short: "compile android APK and install on device",
    20  	Long: `
    21  Install compiles and installs the app named by the import path on the
    22  attached mobile device.
    24  Only -target android is supported. The 'adb' tool must be on the PATH.
    26  The build flags -a, -i, -n, -x, -gcflags, -ldflags, -tags, and -work are
    27  shared with the build command.
    28  For documentation, see 'go help build'.
    29  `,
    30  }
    32  func runInstall(cmd *command) error {
    33  	if !strings.HasPrefix(buildTarget, "android") {
    34  		return fmt.Errorf("install is not supported for -target=%s", buildTarget)
    35  	}
    36  	if err := runBuild(cmd); err != nil {
    37  		return err
    38  	}
    40  	// Don't use runCmd as adb does not return a useful exit code.
    41  	c := exec.Command(
    42  		`adb`,
    43  		`install`,
    44  		`-r`,
    45  		androidPkgName(filepath.Base(pkg.Dir))+`.apk`,
    46  	)
    47  	c.Stdout = os.Stdout
    48  	c.Stderr = os.Stderr
    49  	if buildX || buildN {
    50  		printcmd("%s", strings.Join(c.Args, " "))
    51  	}
    52  	if buildN {
    53  		return nil
    54  	}
    55  	return c.Run()
    56  }