
     1  // Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  // See LICENSE.txt for license information.
     4  package app
     6  import (
     7  	"io/ioutil"
     8  	"net/http"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"path/filepath"
    11  	"runtime"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"testing"
    15  	""
    16  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  func ptrStr(s string) *string {
    24  	return &s
    25  }
    27  func ptrInt64(i int64) *int64 {
    28  	return &i
    29  }
    31  func ptrInt(i int) *int {
    32  	return &i
    33  }
    35  func ptrBool(b bool) *bool {
    36  	return &b
    37  }
    39  func checkPreference(t *testing.T, a *App, userId string, category string, name string, value string) {
    40  	preferences, err := a.Srv().Store.Preference().GetCategory(userId, category)
    41  	require.Nilf(t, err, "Failed to get preferences for user %v with category %v", userId, category)
    42  	found := false
    43  	for _, preference := range preferences {
    44  		if preference.Name == name {
    45  			found = true
    46  			require.Equal(t, preference.Value, value, "Preference for user %v in category %v with name %v has value %v, expected %v", userId, category, name, preference.Value, value)
    47  			break
    48  		}
    49  	}
    50  	require.Truef(t, found, "Did not find preference for user %v in category %v with name %v", userId, category, name)
    51  }
    53  func checkNotifyProp(t *testing.T, user *model.User, key string, value string) {
    54  	actual, ok := user.NotifyProps[key]
    55  	require.True(t, ok, "Notify prop %v not found. User: %v", key, user.Id)
    56  	require.Equalf(t, actual, value, "Notify Prop %v was %v but expected %v. User: %v", key, actual, value, user.Id)
    57  }
    59  func checkError(t *testing.T, err *model.AppError) {
    60  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Should have returned an error.")
    61  }
    63  func checkNoError(t *testing.T, err *model.AppError) {
    64  	require.Nil(t, err, "Unexpected Error: %v", err)
    65  }
    67  func AssertAllPostsCount(t *testing.T, a *App, initialCount int64, change int64, teamName string) {
    68  	result, err := a.Srv().Store.Post().AnalyticsPostCount(teamName, false, false)
    69  	require.Nil(t, err)
    70  	require.Equal(t, initialCount+change, result, "Did not find the expected number of posts.")
    71  }
    73  func AssertChannelCount(t *testing.T, a *App, channelType string, expectedCount int64) {
    74  	count, err := a.Srv().Store.Channel().AnalyticsTypeCount("", channelType)
    75  	require.Equalf(t, expectedCount, count, "Channel count of type: %v. Expected: %v, Got: %v", channelType, expectedCount, count)
    76  	require.Nil(t, err, "Failed to get channel count.")
    77  }
    79  func TestImportImportLine(t *testing.T) {
    80  	th := Setup(t)
    81  	defer th.TearDown()
    83  	// Try import line with an invalid type.
    84  	line := LineImportData{
    85  		Type: "gibberish",
    86  	}
    88  	err := th.App.importLine(line, false)
    89  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with invalid type.")
    91  	// Try import line with team type but nil team.
    92  	line.Type = "team"
    93  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
    94  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line of type team with a nil team.")
    96  	// Try import line with channel type but nil channel.
    97  	line.Type = "channel"
    98  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
    99  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type channel with a nil channel.")
   101  	// Try import line with user type but nil user.
   102  	line.Type = "user"
   103  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
   104  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type user with a nil user.")
   106  	// Try import line with post type but nil post.
   107  	line.Type = "post"
   108  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
   109  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type post with a nil post.")
   111  	// Try import line with direct_channel type but nil direct_channel.
   112  	line.Type = "direct_channel"
   113  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
   114  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type direct_channel with a nil direct_channel.")
   116  	// Try import line with direct_post type but nil direct_post.
   117  	line.Type = "direct_post"
   118  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
   119  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type direct_post with a nil direct_post.")
   121  	// Try import line with scheme type but nil scheme.
   122  	line.Type = "scheme"
   123  	err = th.App.importLine(line, false)
   124  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected an error when importing a line with type scheme with a nil scheme.")
   125  }
   127  func TestStopOnError(t *testing.T) {
   128  	assert.True(t, stopOnError(LineImportWorkerError{
   129  		model.NewAppError("test", "app.import.attachment.bad_file.error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest),
   130  		1,
   131  	}))
   133  	assert.True(t, stopOnError(LineImportWorkerError{
   134  		model.NewAppError("test", "app.import.attachment.file_upload.error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest),
   135  		1,
   136  	}))
   138  	assert.False(t, stopOnError(LineImportWorkerError{
   139  		model.NewAppError("test", "api.file.upload_file.large_image.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest),
   140  		1,
   141  	}))
   142  }
   144  func TestImportBulkImport(t *testing.T) {
   145  	th := Setup(t)
   146  	defer th.TearDown()
   148  	th.App.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { *cfg.ServiceSettings.EnableCustomEmoji = true })
   150  	teamName := model.NewRandomTeamName()
   151  	channelName := model.NewId()
   152  	username := model.NewId()
   153  	username2 := model.NewId()
   154  	username3 := model.NewId()
   155  	emojiName := model.NewId()
   156  	testsDir, _ := fileutils.FindDir("tests")
   157  	testImage := filepath.Join(testsDir, "test.png")
   158  	teamTheme1 := `{\"awayIndicator\":\"#DBBD4E\",\"buttonBg\":\"#23A1FF\",\"buttonColor\":\"#FFFFFF\",\"centerChannelBg\":\"#ffffff\",\"centerChannelColor\":\"#333333\",\"codeTheme\":\"github\",\"image\":\"/static/files/a4a388b38b32678e83823ef1b3e17766.png\",\"linkColor\":\"#2389d7\",\"mentionBg\":\"#2389d7\",\"mentionColor\":\"#ffffff\",\"mentionHighlightBg\":\"#fff2bb\",\"mentionHighlightLink\":\"#2f81b7\",\"newMessageSeparator\":\"#FF8800\",\"onlineIndicator\":\"#7DBE00\",\"sidebarBg\":\"#fafafa\",\"sidebarHeaderBg\":\"#3481B9\",\"sidebarHeaderTextColor\":\"#ffffff\",\"sidebarText\":\"#333333\",\"sidebarTextActiveBorder\":\"#378FD2\",\"sidebarTextActiveColor\":\"#111111\",\"sidebarTextHoverBg\":\"#e6f2fa\",\"sidebarUnreadText\":\"#333333\",\"type\":\"Mattermost\"}`
   159  	teamTheme2 := `{\"awayIndicator\":\"#DBBD4E\",\"buttonBg\":\"#23A100\",\"buttonColor\":\"#EEEEEE\",\"centerChannelBg\":\"#ffffff\",\"centerChannelColor\":\"#333333\",\"codeTheme\":\"github\",\"image\":\"/static/files/a4a388b38b32678e83823ef1b3e17766.png\",\"linkColor\":\"#2389d7\",\"mentionBg\":\"#2389d7\",\"mentionColor\":\"#ffffff\",\"mentionHighlightBg\":\"#fff2bb\",\"mentionHighlightLink\":\"#2f81b7\",\"newMessageSeparator\":\"#FF8800\",\"onlineIndicator\":\"#7DBE00\",\"sidebarBg\":\"#fafafa\",\"sidebarHeaderBg\":\"#3481B9\",\"sidebarHeaderTextColor\":\"#ffffff\",\"sidebarText\":\"#333333\",\"sidebarTextActiveBorder\":\"#378FD2\",\"sidebarTextActiveColor\":\"#222222\",\"sidebarTextHoverBg\":\"#e6f2fa\",\"sidebarUnreadText\":\"#444444\",\"type\":\"Mattermost\"}`
   161  	// Run bulk import with a valid 1 of everything.
   162  	data1 := `{"type": "version", "version": 1}
   163  {"type": "team", "team": {"type": "O", "display_name": "lskmw2d7a5ao7ppwqh5ljchvr4", "name": "` + teamName + `"}}
   164  {"type": "channel", "channel": {"type": "O", "display_name": "xr6m6udffngark2uekvr3hoeny", "team": "` + teamName + `", "name": "` + channelName + `"}}
   165  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "` + username + `", "email": "` + username + `", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `","theme": "` + teamTheme1 + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}]}]}}
   166  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "` + username2 + `", "email": "` + username2 + `", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `","theme": "` + teamTheme2 + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}]}]}}
   167  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "` + username3 + `", "email": "` + username3 + `", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}], "delete_at": 123456789016}]}}
   168  {"type": "post", "post": {"team": "` + teamName + `", "channel": "` + channelName + `", "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello World", "create_at": 123456789012, "attachments":[{"path": "` + testImage + `"}]}}
   169  {"type": "post", "post": {"team": "` + teamName + `", "channel": "` + channelName + `", "user": "` + username3 + `", "message": "Hey Everyone!", "create_at": 123456789013, "attachments":[{"path": "` + testImage + `"}]}}
   170  {"type": "direct_channel", "direct_channel": {"members": ["` + username + `", "` + username + `"]}}
   171  {"type": "direct_channel", "direct_channel": {"members": ["` + username + `", "` + username2 + `"]}}
   172  {"type": "direct_channel", "direct_channel": {"members": ["` + username + `", "` + username2 + `", "` + username3 + `"]}}
   173  {"type": "direct_post", "direct_post": {"channel_members": ["` + username + `", "` + username + `"], "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello Direct Channel to myself", "create_at": 123456789014}}
   174  {"type": "direct_post", "direct_post": {"channel_members": ["` + username + `", "` + username2 + `"], "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello Direct Channel", "create_at": 123456789014}}
   175  {"type": "direct_post", "direct_post": {"channel_members": ["` + username + `", "` + username2 + `", "` + username3 + `"], "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello Group Channel", "create_at": 123456789015}}
   176  {"type": "emoji", "emoji": {"name": "` + emojiName + `", "image": "` + testImage + `"}}`
   178  	err, line := th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data1), false, 2)
   179  	require.Nil(t, err, "BulkImport should have succeeded")
   180  	require.Equal(t, 0, line, "BulkImport line should be 0")
   182  	// Run bulk import using a string that contains a line with invalid json.
   183  	data2 := `{"type": "version", "version": 1`
   184  	err, line = th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data2), false, 2)
   185  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Should have failed due to invalid JSON on line 1.")
   186  	require.Equal(t, 1, line, "Should have failed due to invalid JSON on line 1.")
   188  	// Run bulk import using valid JSON but missing version line at the start.
   189  	data3 := `{"type": "team", "team": {"type": "O", "display_name": "lskmw2d7a5ao7ppwqh5ljchvr4", "name": "` + teamName + `"}}
   190  {"type": "channel", "channel": {"type": "O", "display_name": "xr6m6udffngark2uekvr3hoeny", "team": "` + teamName + `", "name": "` + channelName + `"}}
   191  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "kufjgnkxkrhhfgbrip6qxkfsaa", "email": ""}}
   192  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "bwshaim6qnc2ne7oqkd5b2s2rq", "email": "", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}]}]}}`
   193  	err, line = th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data3), false, 2)
   194  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Should have failed due to missing version line on line 1.")
   195  	require.Equal(t, 1, line, "Should have failed due to missing version line on line 1.")
   197  	// Run bulk import using a valid and large input and a \r\n line break.
   198  	t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
   199  		posts := `{"type": "post"` + strings.Repeat(`, "post": {"team": "`+teamName+`", "channel": "`+channelName+`", "user": "`+username+`", "message": "Repeat after me", "create_at": 193456789012}`, 1e4) + "}"
   200  		data4 := `{"type": "version", "version": 1}
   201  {"type": "team", "team": {"type": "O", "display_name": "lskmw2d7a5ao7ppwqh5ljchvr4", "name": "` + teamName + `"}}
   202  {"type": "channel", "channel": {"type": "O", "display_name": "xr6m6udffngark2uekvr3hoeny", "team": "` + teamName + `", "name": "` + channelName + `"}}
   203  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "` + username + `", "email": "` + username + `", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `","theme": "` + teamTheme1 + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}]}]}}
   204  {"type": "post", "post": {"team": "` + teamName + `", "channel": "` + channelName + `", "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello World", "create_at": 123456789012}}`
   205  		err, line = th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data4+"\r\n"+posts), false, 2)
   206  		require.Nil(t, err, "BulkImport should have succeeded")
   207  		require.Equal(t, 0, line, "BulkImport line should be 0")
   208  	})
   210  	t.Run("First item after version without type", func(t *testing.T) {
   211  		data := `{"type": "version", "version": 1}
   212  {"name": "custom-emoji-troll", "image": "bulkdata/emoji/trollolol.png"}`
   213  		err, line := th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data), false, 2)
   214  		require.NotNil(t, err, "Should have failed due to invalid type on line 2.")
   215  		require.Equal(t, 2, line, "Should have failed due to invalid type on line 2.")
   216  	})
   218  	t.Run("Posts with prop information", func(t *testing.T) {
   219  		data6 := `{"type": "version", "version": 1}
   220  {"type": "team", "team": {"type": "O", "display_name": "lskmw2d7a5ao7ppwqh5ljchvr4", "name": "` + teamName + `"}}
   221  {"type": "channel", "channel": {"type": "O", "display_name": "xr6m6udffngark2uekvr3hoeny", "team": "` + teamName + `", "name": "` + channelName + `"}}
   222  {"type": "user", "user": {"username": "` + username + `", "email": "` + username + `", "teams": [{"name": "` + teamName + `","theme": "` + teamTheme1 + `", "channels": [{"name": "` + channelName + `"}]}]}}
   223  {"type": "post", "post": {"team": "` + teamName + `", "channel": "` + channelName + `", "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello World", "create_at": 123456789012, "attachments":[{"path": "` + testImage + `"}], "props":{"attachments":[{"id":0,"fallback":"[February 4th, 2020 2:46 PM] author: fallback","color":"D0D0D0","pretext":"","author_name":"author","author_link":"","title":"","title_link":"","text":"this post has props","fields":null,"image_url":"","thumb_url":"","footer":"Posted in #general","footer_icon":"","ts":"1580823992.000100"}]}}}
   224  {"type": "direct_channel", "direct_channel": {"members": ["` + username + `", "` + username + `"]}}
   225  {"type": "direct_post", "direct_post": {"channel_members": ["` + username + `", "` + username + `"], "user": "` + username + `", "message": "Hello Direct Channel to myself", "create_at": 123456789014, "props":{"attachments":[{"id":0,"fallback":"[February 4th, 2020 2:46 PM] author: fallback","color":"D0D0D0","pretext":"","author_name":"author","author_link":"","title":"","title_link":"","text":"this post has props","fields":null,"image_url":"","thumb_url":"","footer":"Posted in #general","footer_icon":"","ts":"1580823992.000100"}]}}}}`
   227  		err, line := th.App.BulkImport(strings.NewReader(data6), false, 2)
   228  		require.Nil(t, err, "BulkImport should have succeeded")
   229  		require.Equal(t, 0, line, "BulkImport line should be 0")
   230  	})
   231  }
   233  func TestImportProcessImportDataFileVersionLine(t *testing.T) {
   234  	data := LineImportData{
   235  		Type:    "version",
   236  		Version: ptrInt(1),
   237  	}
   238  	version, err := processImportDataFileVersionLine(data)
   239  	require.Nil(t, err, "Expected no error")
   240  	require.Equal(t, 1, version, "Expected version 1")
   242  	data.Type = "NotVersion"
   243  	_, err = processImportDataFileVersionLine(data)
   244  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error on invalid version line.")
   246  	data.Type = "version"
   247  	data.Version = nil
   248  	_, err = processImportDataFileVersionLine(data)
   249  	require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error on invalid version line.")
   250  }
   252  func GetAttachments(userId string, th *TestHelper, t *testing.T) []*model.FileInfo {
   253  	fileInfos, err := th.App.Srv().Store.FileInfo().GetForUser(userId)
   254  	require.Nil(t, err)
   255  	return fileInfos
   256  }
   258  func AssertFileIdsInPost(files []*model.FileInfo, th *TestHelper, t *testing.T) {
   259  	postId := files[0].PostId
   260  	require.NotNil(t, postId)
   262  	posts, err := th.App.Srv().Store.Post().GetPostsByIds([]string{postId})
   263  	require.Nil(t, err)
   265  	require.Len(t, posts, 1)
   266  	for _, file := range files {
   267  		assert.Contains(t, posts[0].FileIds, file.Id)
   268  	}
   269  }
   271  func TestRewriteFilePaths(t *testing.T) {
   272  	genAttachments := func() *[]AttachmentImportData {
   273  		return &[]AttachmentImportData{
   274  			{
   275  				Path: model.NewString("file.jpg"),
   276  			},
   277  			{
   278  				Path: model.NewString("somedir/file.jpg"),
   279  			},
   280  		}
   281  	}
   283  	line := LineImportData{
   284  		Type: "post",
   285  		Post: &PostImportData{
   286  			Attachments: genAttachments(),
   287  		},
   288  	}
   290  	line2 := LineImportData{
   291  		Type: "direct_post",
   292  		DirectPost: &DirectPostImportData{
   293  			Attachments: genAttachments(),
   294  		},
   295  	}
   297  	userLine := LineImportData{
   298  		Type: "user",
   299  		User: &UserImportData{
   300  			ProfileImage: model.NewString("profile.jpg"),
   301  		},
   302  	}
   304  	emojiLine := LineImportData{
   305  		Type: "emoji",
   306  		Emoji: &EmojiImportData{
   307  			Image: model.NewString("emoji.png"),
   308  		},
   309  	}
   311  	t.Run("empty path", func(t *testing.T) {
   312  		expected := &[]AttachmentImportData{
   313  			{
   314  				Path: model.NewString("file.jpg"),
   315  			},
   316  			{
   317  				Path: model.NewString("somedir/file.jpg"),
   318  			},
   319  		}
   320  		rewriteFilePaths(&line, "")
   321  		require.Equal(t, expected, line.Post.Attachments)
   322  		rewriteFilePaths(&line2, "")
   323  		require.Equal(t, expected, line2.DirectPost.Attachments)
   324  	})
   326  	t.Run("valid path", func(t *testing.T) {
   327  		expected := &[]AttachmentImportData{
   328  			{
   329  				Path: model.NewString("/tmp/file.jpg"),
   330  			},
   331  			{
   332  				Path: model.NewString("/tmp/somedir/file.jpg"),
   333  			},
   334  		}
   336  		t.Run("post attachments", func(t *testing.T) {
   337  			rewriteFilePaths(&line, "/tmp")
   338  			require.Equal(t, expected, line.Post.Attachments)
   339  		})
   341  		t.Run("direct post attachments", func(t *testing.T) {
   342  			rewriteFilePaths(&line2, "/tmp")
   343  			require.Equal(t, expected, line2.DirectPost.Attachments)
   344  		})
   346  		t.Run("profile image", func(t *testing.T) {
   347  			expected := "/tmp/profile.jpg"
   348  			rewriteFilePaths(&userLine, "/tmp")
   349  			require.Equal(t, expected, *userLine.User.ProfileImage)
   350  		})
   352  		t.Run("emoji", func(t *testing.T) {
   353  			expected := "/tmp/emoji.png"
   354  			rewriteFilePaths(&emojiLine, "/tmp")
   355  			require.Equal(t, expected, *emojiLine.Emoji.Image)
   356  		})
   357  	})
   358  }
   360  func BenchmarkBulkImport(b *testing.B) {
   361  	th := Setup(b)
   362  	defer th.TearDown()
   364  	testsDir, _ := fileutils.FindDir("tests")
   366  	importFile, err := os.Open(testsDir + "/")
   367  	require.Nil(b, err)
   368  	defer importFile.Close()
   370  	info, err := importFile.Stat()
   371  	require.Nil(b, err)
   373  	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "testimport")
   374  	require.Nil(b, err)
   375  	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
   377  	_, err = utils.UnzipToPath(importFile, info.Size(), dir)
   378  	require.Nil(b, err)
   380  	jsonFile, err := os.Open(dir + "/import.jsonl")
   381  	require.Nil(b, err)
   382  	defer jsonFile.Close()
   384  	b.ResetTimer()
   385  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
   386  		err, _ := th.App.BulkImportWithPath(jsonFile, false, runtime.NumCPU(), dir)
   387  		require.Nil(b, err)
   388  	}
   389  	b.StopTimer()
   390  }