
     1  #!groovy
     3  // Copyright IBM Corp All Rights Reserved
     4  //
     5  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  //
     8  // Jenkinfile will get triggered on verify and merge jobs and run basicChecks, docsBuild as a pre-tests
     9  // and call unitTests, fvtTests to run on parallel build nodes.
    10  // along with above mentioned tests, merge job also triggers e2e tests (fabcar, e2e_sdk_node & e2e_sdk_java)
    12  @Library("fabric-ci-lib") _
    13  // global shared library from ci-management repository
    14  // (Global Shared scripts)
    15  timestamps { // set the timestamps on the jenkins console
    16    timeout(120) { // Build timeout set to 120 mins
    17      node ('hyp-x') { // trigger jobs on x86_64 builds nodes
    18        def DOC_CHANGE
    19        def CODE_CHANGE
    20        def failure_stage = "none"
    21        env.MARCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g'").trim()
    22        buildStages() // call buildStages
    23      } // end node block
    24    } // end timeout block
    25  } // end timestamps block
    27  def buildStages() {
    28    try {
    29      // LF team has to install the newer version in Jenkins global config
    30      // Send an email to to add newer version
    31      def nodeHome = tool 'nodejs-8.14.0'
    32      def ROOTDIR = pwd()
    33      stage('Clean Environment') {
    34        // delete working directory
    35        deleteDir()
    36        // Clean build environment before start the build
    37        fabBuildLibrary.cleanupEnv()
    38        // Display jenkins environment details
    39        fabBuildLibrary.envOutput()
    40      }
    42      stage('Checkout SCM') {
    43        // Clone changes from gerrit
    44        fabBuildLibrary.cloneRefSpec('fabric-ca')
    45        dir("$ROOTDIR/$BASE_DIR") {
    46          DOC_CHANGE = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | egrep '.md\$|.rst\$|.txt\$|\$|.png\$|.pptx\$|.css\$|.html\$|.ini\$' | wc -l").trim()
    47          println DOC_CHANGE
    48          CODE_CHANGE = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | egrep -v '.md\$|.rst\$|.txt\$|\$|.png\$|.pptx\$|.css\$|.html\$|.ini\$' | wc -l").trim()
    49          println CODE_CHANGE 
    50        }
    51        // Load properties from file
    52        props = fabBuildLibrary.loadProperties()
    53        // Set PATH
    54        env.GOROOT = "/opt/go/go" + props["GO_VER"] + ".linux." + "$MARCH"
    55        env.GOPATH = "$WORKSPACE/gopath"
    56        env.PATH = "$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:${nodeHome}/bin:$PATH"
    57      }
    59        if (DOC_CHANGE > '0' && CODE_CHANGE == '0') {
    60          sh "echo -e \033[1m ONLY DOC BUILD\033[0m"
    61          docsBuild()
    62        } else if (DOC_CHANGE > '0' && CODE_CHANGE > '0') {
    63            sh "echo -e \033[1m CODE AND DOC BUILD\033[0m"
    64            basicChecks()
    65            docsBuild()
    66            runTests()
    67        } else {
    68            sh "echo -e \033[1m CODE BUILD\033[0m"
    69            basicChecks() // basic checks
    70            sh "echo -e \033[1m CODE TESTS\033[0m"
    71            runTests() // e2e on merge and unit, fvt tests on parallel
    72        }
    73      } finally { // post build actions
    74          // Don't fail the build if coverage report is not generated
    75          step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false,
    76            coberturaReportFile: '**/coverage.xml', failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false,
    77            failNoReports: false, maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, sourceEncoding: 'ASCII', zoomCoverageChart: false])
    78          // Don't fail the build if doc output is missing
    79          publishHTML([allowMissing: true,
    80            alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
    81            keepAll: true,
    82            reportDir: 'html',
    83            reportFiles: 'index.html',
    84            reportName: 'Docs Output'
    85          ])
    86          // Don't fail the build if there is no log file
    87          archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: '**/*.log'
    88          // Send notifications only for merge failures
    89          if (env.JOB_TYPE == "merge") {
    90            if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE') {
    91              // Send notification to rocketChat channel
    92              // Send merge build failure email notifications to the submitter
    93              sendNotifications(currentBuild.result, props["CHANNEL_NAME"])
    94            }
    95          }
    96          // Delete containers
    97          fabBuildLibrary.deleteContainers()
    98          // Delete unused docker images (none,dev,test-vp etc..)
    99          fabBuildLibrary.deleteUnusedImages()
   100          // Delete workspace when build is done
   101          cleanWs notFailBuild: true
   102        } // end finally block
   103  } // end build stages
   105  def docsBuild () {
   106    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   107    stage("Docs Build") {
   108        try {
   109          dir("$ROOTDIR/$BASE_DIR") {
   110            sh ''' set +x -ue
   111              echo "-------> tox VERSION"
   112              tox --version
   113              pip freeze
   114              tox -edocs
   115              cp -r docs/_build/html/ $WORKSPACE
   116            '''
   117          }
   118        } catch (err) {
   119            failure_stage = "Docs Build"
   120            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   121            throw err
   122        }
   123    }
   124  }
   126  def basicChecks() {
   127    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   128    stage("Basic Checks") {
   129      wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   130        try {
   131          dir("$ROOTDIR/$BASE_DIR") {
   132            // runs all check conditions (license, format, imports, lint and vet)
   133            sh 'make checks'
   134          }
   135        } catch (err) {
   136            failure_stage = "basicChecks"
   137            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   138            throw err
   139        }
   140      }
   141    }
   142  }
   144  def fabCar() {
   145    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   146    stage("Fab Car Tests") {
   147      withEnv(["BASE_FOLDER=${WORKSPACE}/gopath/src/"]) {
   148        wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   149          try {
   150            // Clone fabric-samples repository
   151            fabBuildLibrary.cloneScm('fabric-samples', '$GERRIT_BRANCH')
   152            sh 'echo npm version \$(npm -v)'
   153            sh 'echo node version \$(node -v)'
   154            // Delete all containers
   155            fabBuildLibrary.deleteContainers()
   156            // Delete unused docker images (none,dev,test-vp etc..)
   157            fabBuildLibrary.deleteUnusedImages()
   158            dir("$ROOTDIR/gopath/src/") {
   159              sh './'
   160            }
   161          } catch (err) {
   162              failure_stage = "fabCar"
   163              currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   164              throw err
   165          }
   166        }
   167      }
   168    }
   169  }
   171  def e2e_sdk_node() {
   172    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   173    stage("e2e_sdk_node") {
   174      wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   175        try {
   176          // Clone fabric-sdk-node repository
   177          fabBuildLibrary.cloneScm('fabric-sdk-node', '$GERRIT_BRANCH')
   178          sh 'echo npm version \$(npm -v)'
   179          sh 'echo node version \$(node -v)'
   180          // Delete all containers
   181          fabBuildLibrary.deleteContainers()
   182          // Delete unused docker images (none,dev,test-vp etc..)
   183          fabBuildLibrary.deleteUnusedImages()
   184          dir("$ROOTDIR/gopath/src/") {
   185            sh '''set +x -ue
   186              npm install
   187              npm install -g gulp
   188              echo " ==== generate certificates using cryptogen ==== "
   189              gulp install-and-generate-certs
   190              echo " ==== Run run-end-to-end ==== "
   191              gulp run-end-to-end
   192            '''
   193          }
   194        } catch (err) {
   195            failure_stage = "e2e_sdk_node"
   196            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   197            throw err
   198  			}
   199      }
   200    }
   201  }
   203  def e2e_sdk_java() {
   204    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   205    stage("e2e_sdk_java") {
   206      wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   207        try {
   208          // Clone fabric-sdk-java repository
   209          fabBuildLibrary.cloneScm('fabric-sdk-java', '$GERRIT_BRANCH')
   210          // Delete all containers
   211          fabBuildLibrary.deleteContainers()
   212          // Delete unused docker images (none,dev,test-vp etc..)
   213          fabBuildLibrary.deleteUnusedImages()
   214          sh 'docker ps -a && docker images'
   215          dir("$ROOTDIR/gopath/src/") {
   216            sh '''set +x -ue
   217              export WD=$WORKSPACE/gopath/src/
   218              export GOPATH=$WD/src/test/fixture
   219              cd $WD/src/test
   220              chmod +x
   221              ./
   222            '''
   223          }
   224        } catch (err) {
   225            failure_stage = "e2e_sdk_java"
   226            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   227            throw err
   228        }
   229      }
   230    }
   231  }
   233  def runTests() {
   234    def ROOTDIR = pwd()
   235    stage ("Tests") {
   236      parallel (
   237        "e2e-Tests" : {
   238           // Run e2e tests only on Merge job
   239            if (env.JOB_TYPE == "merge") {
   240              stage("e2e-Tests") {
   241                wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   242                  try {
   243                    // Build fabri-ca docker images and binaries
   244                    fabBuildLibrary.fabBuildImages('fabric-ca', 'dist docker')
   245                    // Clone fabric repository
   246                    fabBuildLibrary.cloneScm('fabric', '$GERRIT_BRANCH')
   247                    // Build fabric images and binaries
   248                    fabBuildLibrary.fabBuildImages('fabric', 'dist docker')
   249                    // Pull thirdparty images from DockerHub
   250                    fabBuildLibrary.pullThirdPartyImages(props["FAB_BASEIMAGE_VERSION"], props["FAB_THIRDPARTY_IMAGES_LIST"])
   251                    // Pull latest stable images from nexus3
   252                    fabBuildLibrary.pullDockerImages(props["FAB_BASE_VERSION"], props["FAB_IMAGES_LIST"])
   253                    // Test fabcar on fabric-samples
   254                    fabCar()
   255                    // Test e2e tests on sdk-node
   256                    e2e_sdk_node()
   257                    // Test e2e tests on sdk-java
   258                    e2e_sdk_java()
   260                  } catch (err) {
   261                      failure_stage = "e2e-Tests"
   262                      currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   263                      throw err
   264                  }
   265                }
   266              }
   267            }
   268        },
   270        "Unit Tests" : {
   271          node('hyp-x') {
   272            stage("UnitTests") {
   273              wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   274                try {
   275                  // delete working directory
   276                  deleteDir()
   277                  // Clean build environment before start the build
   278                  fabBuildLibrary.cleanupEnv()
   279                  // Clone repository
   280                  fabBuildLibrary.cloneRefSpec('fabric-ca')
   281                  dir("$ROOTDIR/$BASE_DIR") {
   282                    // Performs checks first and runs the go-test based unit tests
   283                    sh 'make unit-test int-tests docs'
   284                    // Stash the coverage report
   285                    stash name: "coverageReport", includes: "**/coverage.xml"
   286                  }
   287                }
   288                catch (err) {
   289                  failure_stage = "UnitTests"
   290                  currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   291                  throw err
   292                }
   293              }
   294            }
   295          }
   296        },
   297        "FVT Tests" : {
   298          node('hyp-x') {
   299            stage("FVT Tests") {
   300              wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', 'colorMapName': 'xterm']) {
   301                try {
   302                  // delete working directory
   303                  deleteDir()
   304                  // Clean build environment before start the build
   305                  fabBuildLibrary.cleanupEnv()
   306                  // Clone repository
   307                  fabBuildLibrary.cloneRefSpec('fabric-ca')
   308                  dir("$ROOTDIR/$BASE_DIR") {
   309                    // Run FVT Tests
   310                    sh 'make fvt-tests'
   311                  }
   312                } catch (err) {
   313                  failure_stage = "FVT Tests"
   314                  currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   315                  throw err
   316                }
   317              }
   318            }
   319          }
   320        },
   321        failFast: true ) // Stop the build flow if one job fails
   322      stage("Unstash") {
   323        if (DOC_CHANGE > '0' && CODE_CHANGE == '0') {
   324          // unstash not required for doc only builds
   325          println "Unstash not required"
   326        } else {
   327            try {
   328              dir("$ROOTDIR") {
   329                println "Unstash stashed files"
   330                // unstash coverageReport on main job
   331                unstash 'coverageReport'
   332              }
   333            }
   334            catch (err) {
   335              failure_stage = "unstash"
   336              currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
   337              throw err
   338            }
   339          }
   340        }
   341      } // stage parallel
   342  } // runTests