
     1  Fabric-CA Server's Configuration File
     2  ======================================
     4  ::
     6      #############################################################################
     7      #   This is a configuration file for the fabric-ca-server command.
     8      #
    10      #   ------------------------------------------------
    11      #   Each configuration element can be overridden via command line
    12      #   arguments or environment variables.  The precedence for determining
    13      #   the value of each element is as follows:
    14      #   1) command line argument
    15      #      Examples:
    16      #      a) --port 443
    17      #         To set the listening port
    18      #      b) --ca.keyfile ../mykey.pem
    19      #         To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below;
    20      #         note the '.' separator character.
    21      #   2) environment variable
    22      #      Examples:
    23      #      a) FABRIC_CA_SERVER_PORT=443
    24      #         To set the listening port
    25      #      b) FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_KEYFILE="../mykey.pem"
    26      #         To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below;
    27      #         note the '_' separator character.
    28      #   3) configuration file
    29      #   4) default value (if there is one)
    30      #      All default values are shown beside each element below.
    31      #
    32      #   FILE NAME ELEMENTS
    33      #   ------------------
    34      #   The value of all fields whose name ends with "file" or "files" are
    35      #   name or names of other files.
    36      #   For example, see "tls.certfile" and "tls.clientauth.certfiles".
    37      #   The value of each of these fields can be a simple filename, a
    38      #   relative path, or an absolute path.  If the value is not an
    39      #   absolute path, it is interpretted as being relative to the location
    40      #   of this configuration file.
    41      #
    42      #############################################################################
    44      # Version of config file
    45      version: <<<VERSION>>>
    47      # Server's listening port (default: 7054)
    48      port: 7054
    50      # Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
    51      cors:
    52          enabled: false
    53          origins:
    54            - "*"
    56      # Enables debug logging (default: false)
    57      debug: false
    59      # Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default: 512000)
    60      crlsizelimit: 512000
    62      #############################################################################
    63      #  TLS section for the server's listening port
    64      #
    65      #  The following types are supported for client authentication: NoClientCert,
    66      #  RequestClientCert, RequireAnyClientCert, VerifyClientCertIfGiven,
    67      #  and RequireAndVerifyClientCert.
    68      #
    69      #  Certfiles is a list of root certificate authorities that the server uses
    70      #  when verifying client certificates.
    71      #############################################################################
    72      tls:
    73        # Enable TLS (default: false)
    74        enabled: false
    75        # TLS for the server's listening port
    76        certfile:
    77        keyfile:
    78        clientauth:
    79          type: noclientcert
    80          certfiles:
    82      #############################################################################
    83      #  The CA section contains information related to the Certificate Authority
    84      #  including the name of the CA, which should be unique for all members
    85      #  of a blockchain network.  It also includes the key and certificate files
    86      #  used when issuing enrollment certificates (ECerts) and transaction
    87      #  certificates (TCerts).
    88      #  The chainfile (if it exists) contains the certificate chain which
    89      #  should be trusted for this CA, where the 1st in the chain is always the
    90      #  root CA certificate.
    91      #############################################################################
    92      ca:
    93        # Name of this CA
    94        name:
    95        # Key file (is only used to import a private key into BCCSP)
    96        keyfile:
    97        # Certificate file (default: ca-cert.pem)
    98        certfile:
    99        # Chain file
   100        chainfile:
   102      #############################################################################
   103      #  The gencrl REST endpoint is used to generate a CRL that contains revoked
   104      #  certificates. This section contains configuration options that are used
   105      #  during gencrl request processing.
   106      #############################################################################
   107      crl:
   108        # Specifies expiration for the generated CRL. The number of hours
   109        # specified by this property is added to the UTC time, the resulting time
   110        # is used to set the 'Next Update' date of the CRL.
   111        expiry: 24h
   113      #############################################################################
   114      #  The registry section controls how the fabric-ca-server does two things:
   115      #  1) authenticates enrollment requests which contain a username and password
   116      #     (also known as an enrollment ID and secret).
   117      #  2) once authenticated, retrieves the identity's attribute names and
   118      #     values which the fabric-ca-server optionally puts into TCerts
   119      #     which it issues for transacting on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
   120      #     These attributes are useful for making access control decisions in
   121      #     chaincode.
   122      #  There are two main configuration options:
   123      #  1) The fabric-ca-server is the registry.
   124      #     This is true if "ldap.enabled" in the ldap section below is false.
   125      #  2) An LDAP server is the registry, in which case the fabric-ca-server
   126      #     calls the LDAP server to perform these tasks.
   127      #     This is true if "ldap.enabled" in the ldap section below is true,
   128      #     which means this "registry" section is ignored.
   129      #############################################################################
   130      registry:
   131        # Maximum number of times a password/secret can be reused for enrollment
   132        # (default: -1, which means there is no limit)
   133        maxenrollments: -1
   135        # Contains identity information which is used when LDAP is disabled
   136        identities:
   137           - name: <<<adminUserName>>>
   138             pass: <<<adminPassword>>>
   139             type: client
   140             affiliation: ""
   141             attrs:
   142                hf.Registrar.Roles: "*"
   143                hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "*"
   144                hf.Revoker: true
   145                hf.IntermediateCA: true
   146                hf.GenCRL: true
   147                hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*"
   148                hf.AffiliationMgr: true
   150      #############################################################################
   151      #  Database section
   152      #  Supported types are: "sqlite3", "postgres", and "mysql".
   153      #  The datasource value depends on the type.
   154      #  If the type is "sqlite3", the datasource value is a file name to use
   155      #  as the database store.  Since "sqlite3" is an embedded database, it
   156      #  may not be used if you want to run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster.
   157      #  To run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster, you must choose "postgres"
   158      #  or "mysql".
   159      #############################################################################
   160      db:
   161        type: sqlite3
   162        datasource: fabric-ca-server.db
   163        tls:
   164            enabled: false
   165            certfiles:
   166            client:
   167              certfile:
   168              keyfile:
   170      #############################################################################
   171      #  LDAP section
   172      #  If LDAP is enabled, the fabric-ca-server calls LDAP to:
   173      #  1) authenticate enrollment ID and secret (i.e. username and password)
   174      #     for enrollment requests;
   175      #  2) To retrieve identity attributes
   176      #############################################################################
   177      ldap:
   178         # Enables or disables the LDAP client (default: false)
   179         # If this is set to true, the "registry" section is ignored.
   180         enabled: false
   181         # The URL of the LDAP server
   182         url: ldap://<adminDN>:<adminPassword>@<host>:<port>/<base>
   183         # TLS configuration for the client connection to the LDAP server
   184         tls:
   185            certfiles:
   186            client:
   187               certfile:
   188               keyfile:
   189         # Attribute related configuration for mapping from LDAP entries to Fabric CA attributes
   190         attribute:
   191            # 'names' is an array of strings containing the LDAP attribute names which are
   192            # requested from the LDAP server for an LDAP identity's entry
   193            names: ['uid','member']
   194            # The 'converters' section is used to convert an LDAP entry to the value of
   195            # a fabric CA attribute.
   196            # For example, the following converts an LDAP 'uid' attribute
   197            # whose value begins with 'revoker' to a fabric CA attribute
   198            # named "hf.Revoker" with a value of "true" (because the boolean expression
   199            # evaluates to true).
   200            #    converters:
   201            #       - name: hf.Revoker
   202            #         value: attr("uid") =~ "revoker*"
   203            converters:
   204               - name:
   205                 value:
   206            # The 'maps' section contains named maps which may be referenced by the 'map'
   207            # function in the 'converters' section to map LDAP responses to arbitrary values.
   208            # For example, assume a user has an LDAP attribute named 'member' which has multiple
   209            # values which are each a distinguished name (i.e. a DN). For simplicity, assume the
   210            # values of the 'member' attribute are 'dn1', 'dn2', and 'dn3'.
   211            # Further assume the following configuration.
   212            #    converters:
   213            #       - name: hf.Registrar.Roles
   214            #         value: map(attr("member"),"groups")
   215            #    maps:
   216            #       groups:
   217            #          - name: dn1
   218            #            value: peer
   219            #          - name: dn2
   220            #            value: client
   221            # The value of the user's 'hf.Registrar.Roles' attribute is then computed to be
   222            # "peer,client,dn3".  This is because the value of 'attr("member")' is
   223            # "dn1,dn2,dn3", and the call to 'map' with a 2nd argument of
   224            # "group" replaces "dn1" with "peer" and "dn2" with "client".
   225            maps:
   226               groups:
   227                  - name:
   228                    value:
   230      #############################################################################
   231      # Affiliations section. Fabric CA server can be bootstrapped with the
   232      # affiliations specified in this section. Affiliations are specified as maps.
   233      # For example:
   234      #   businessunit1:
   235      #     department1:
   236      #       - team1
   237      #   businessunit2:
   238      #     - department2
   239      #     - department3
   240      #
   241      # Affiliations are hierarchical in nature. In the above example,
   242      # department1 (used as businessunit1.department1) is the child of businessunit1.
   243      # team1 (used as businessunit1.department1.team1) is the child of department1.
   244      # department2 (used as businessunit2.department2) and department3 (businessunit2.department3)
   245      # are children of businessunit2.
   246      # Note: Affiliations are case sensitive except for the non-leaf affiliations
   247      # (like businessunit1, department1, businessunit2) that are specified in the configuration file,
   248      # which are always stored in lower case.
   249      #############################################################################
   250      affiliations:
   251         org1:
   252            - department1
   253            - department2
   254         org2:
   255            - department1
   257      #############################################################################
   258      #  Signing section
   259      #
   260      #  The "default" subsection is used to sign enrollment certificates;
   261      #  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "8760h", which is 1 year in hours.
   262      #
   263      #  The "ca" profile subsection is used to sign intermediate CA certificates;
   264      #  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "43800h" which is 5 years in hours.
   265      #  Note that "isca" is true, meaning that it issues a CA certificate.
   266      #  A maxpathlen of 0 means that the intermediate CA cannot issue other
   267      #  intermediate CA certificates, though it can still issue end entity certificates.
   268      #  (See RFC 5280, section
   269      #
   270      #  The "tls" profile subsection is used to sign TLS certificate requests;
   271      #  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "8760h", which is 1 year in hours.
   272      #############################################################################
   273      signing:
   274          default:
   275            usage:
   276              - digital signature
   277            expiry: 8760h
   278          profiles:
   279            ca:
   280               usage:
   281                 - cert sign
   282                 - crl sign
   283               expiry: 43800h
   284               caconstraint:
   285                 isca: true
   286                 maxpathlen: 0
   287            tls:
   288               usage:
   289                  - signing
   290                  - key encipherment
   291                  - server auth
   292                  - client auth
   293                  - key agreement
   294               expiry: 8760h
   296      ###########################################################################
   297      #  Certificate Signing Request (CSR) section.
   298      #  This controls the creation of the root CA certificate.
   299      #  The expiration for the root CA certificate is configured with the
   300      #  "ca.expiry" field below, whose default value is "131400h" which is
   301      #  15 years in hours.
   302      #  The pathlength field is used to limit CA certificate hierarchy as described
   303      #  in section of RFC 5280.
   304      #  Examples:
   305      #  1) No pathlength value means no limit is requested.
   306      #  2) pathlength == 1 means a limit of 1 is requested which is the default for
   307      #     a root CA.  This means the root CA can issue intermediate CA certificates,
   308      #     but these intermediate CAs may not in turn issue other CA certificates
   309      #     though they can still issue end entity certificates.
   310      #  3) pathlength == 0 means a limit of 0 is requested;
   311      #     this is the default for an intermediate CA, which means it can not issue
   312      #     CA certificates though it can still issue end entity certificates.
   313      ###########################################################################
   314      csr:
   315         cn: <<<COMMONNAME>>>
   316         keyrequest:
   317           algo: ecdsa
   318           size: 256
   319         names:
   320            - C: US
   321              ST: "North Carolina"
   322              L:
   323              O: Hyperledger
   324              OU: Fabric
   325         hosts:
   326           - <<<MYHOST>>>
   327           - localhost
   328         ca:
   329            expiry: 131400h
   330            pathlength: <<<PATHLENGTH>>>
   332      ###########################################################################
   333      # Each CA can issue both X509 enrollment certificate as well as Idemix
   334      # Credential. This section specifies configuration for the issuer component
   335      # that is responsible for issuing Idemix credentials.
   336      ###########################################################################
   337      idemix:
   338        # Specifies pool size for revocation handles. A revocation handle is an unique identifier of an
   339        # Idemix credential. The issuer will create a pool revocation handles of this specified size. When
   340        # a credential is requested, issuer will get handle from the pool and assign it to the credential.
   341        # Issuer will repopulate the pool with new handles when the last handle in the pool is used.
   342        # A revocation handle and credential revocation information (CRI) are used to create non revocation proof
   343        # by the prover to prove to the verifier that her credential is not revoked.
   344        rhpoolsize: 1000
   346        # The Idemix credential issuance is a two step process. First step is to  get a nonce from the issuer
   347        # and second step is send credential request that is constructed using the nonce to the isuser to
   348        # request a credential. This configuration property specifies expiration for the nonces. By default is
   349        # nonces expire after 15 seconds. The value is expressed in the time.Duration format (see
   350        nonceexpiration: 15s
   352        # Specifies interval at which expired nonces are removed from datastore. Default value is 15 minutes.
   353        #  The value is expressed in the time.Duration format (see
   354        noncesweepinterval: 15m
   356      #############################################################################
   357      # BCCSP (BlockChain Crypto Service Provider) section is used to select which
   358      # crypto library implementation to use
   359      #############################################################################
   360      bccsp:
   361          default: SW
   362          sw:
   363              hash: SHA2
   364              security: 256
   365              filekeystore:
   366                  # The directory used for the software file-based keystore
   367                  keystore: msp/keystore
   369      #############################################################################
   370      # Multi CA section
   371      #
   372      # Each Fabric CA server contains one CA by default.  This section is used
   373      # to configure multiple CAs in a single server.
   374      #
   375      # 1) --cacount <number-of-CAs>
   376      # Automatically generate <number-of-CAs> non-default CAs.  The names of these
   377      # additional CAs are "ca1", "ca2", ... "caN", where "N" is <number-of-CAs>
   378      # This is particularly useful in a development environment to quickly set up
   379      # multiple CAs. Note that, this config option is not applicable to intermediate CA server
   380      # i.e., Fabric CA server that is started with intermediate.parentserver.url config
   381      # option (-u command line option)
   382      #
   383      # 2) --cafiles <CA-config-files>
   384      # For each CA config file in the list, generate a separate signing CA.  Each CA
   385      # config file in this list MAY contain all of the same elements as are found in
   386      # the server config file except port, debug, and tls sections.
   387      #
   388      # Examples:
   389      # fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cacount 2
   390      #
   391      # fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cafiles ca/ca1/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
   392      # --cafiles ca/ca2/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
   393      #
   394      #############################################################################
   396      cacount:
   398      cafiles:
   400      #############################################################################
   401      # Intermediate CA section
   402      #
   403      # The relationship between servers and CAs is as follows:
   404      #   1) A single server process may contain or function as one or more CAs.
   405      #      This is configured by the "Multi CA section" above.
   406      #   2) Each CA is either a root CA or an intermediate CA.
   407      #   3) Each intermediate CA has a parent CA which is either a root CA or another intermediate CA.
   408      #
   409      # This section pertains to configuration of #2 and #3.
   410      # If the "intermediate.parentserver.url" property is set,
   411      # then this is an intermediate CA with the specified parent
   412      # CA.
   413      #
   414      # parentserver section
   415      #    url - The URL of the parent server
   416      #    caname - Name of the CA to enroll within the server
   417      #
   418      # enrollment section used to enroll intermediate CA with parent CA
   419      #    profile - Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate
   420      #    label - Label to use in HSM operations
   421      #
   422      # tls section for secure socket connection
   423      #   certfiles - PEM-encoded list of trusted root certificate files
   424      #   client:
   425      #     certfile - PEM-encoded certificate file for when client authentication
   426      #     is enabled on server
   427      #     keyfile - PEM-encoded key file for when client authentication
   428      #     is enabled on server
   429      #############################################################################
   430      intermediate:
   431        parentserver:
   432          url:
   433          caname:
   435        enrollment:
   436          hosts:
   437          profile:
   438          label:
   440        tls:
   441          certfiles:
   442          client:
   443            certfile:
   444            keyfile:
   446      #############################################################################
   447      # CA configuration section
   448      #
   449      # Configure the number of incorrect password attempts are allowed for
   450      # identities. By default, the value of 'passwordattempts' is 10, which
   451      # means that 10 incorrect password attempts can be made before an identity get
   452      # locked out.
   453      #############################################################################
   454      cfg:
   455        identities:
   456          passwordattempts: 10
   458      ###############################################################################
   459      #
   460      #    Operations section
   461      #
   462      ###############################################################################
   463      operations:
   464          # host and port for the operations server
   465          listenAddress:
   467          # TLS configuration for the operations endpoint
   468          tls:
   469              # TLS enabled
   470              enabled: false
   472              # path to PEM encoded server certificate for the operations server
   473              cert:
   474                  file:
   476              # path to PEM encoded server key for the operations server
   477              key:
   478                  file:
   480              # require client certificate authentication to access all resources
   481              clientAuthRequired: false
   483              # paths to PEM encoded ca certificates to trust for client authentication
   484              clientRootCAs:
   485                  files: []
   487      ###############################################################################
   488      #
   489      #    Metrics section
   490      #
   491      ###############################################################################
   492      metrics:
   493          # statsd, prometheus, or disabled
   494          provider: disabled
   496          # statsd configuration
   497          statsd:
   498              # network type: tcp or udp
   499              network: udp
   501              # statsd server address
   502              address:
   504              # the interval at which locally cached counters and gauges are pushsed
   505              # to statsd; timings are pushed immediately
   506              writeInterval: 10s
   508              # prefix is prepended to all emitted statsd merics
   509              prefix: server