
     1  Fabric CA User's Guide
     2  ======================
     4  The Hyperledger Fabric CA is a Certificate Authority (CA)
     5  for Hyperledger Fabric.
     7  It provides features such as:
     9    * registration of identities, or connects to LDAP as the user
    10      registry
    11    * issuance of Enrollment Certificates (ECerts)
    12    * certificate renewal and revocation
    14  Hyperledger Fabric CA consists of both a server and a client component as
    15  described later in this document.
    17  For developers interested in contributing to Hyperledger Fabric CA, see the
    18  `Fabric CA repository <>`__ for more
    19  information.
    22  .. _Back to Top:
    24  Table of Contents
    25  -----------------
    27  1. `Overview`_
    29  2. `Getting Started`_
    31     1. `Prerequisites`_
    32     2. `Install`_
    33     3. `Explore the Fabric CA CLI`_
    35  3. `Configuration Settings`_
    37     1. `A word on file paths`_
    39  4. `Fabric CA Server`_
    41     1. `Initializing the server`_
    42     2. `Starting the server`_
    43     3. `Configuring the database`_
    44     4. `Configuring LDAP`_
    45     5. `Setting up a cluster`_
    46     6. `Setting up multiple CAs`_
    47     7. `Enrolling an intermediate CA`_
    48     8. `Upgrading the server`_
    49     9. `Operations Service`_
    51  5. `Fabric CA Client`_
    53     1. `Enrolling the bootstrap identity`_
    54     2. `Registering a new identity`_
    55     3. `Enrolling a peer identity`_
    56     4. `Getting Identity Mixer credential for a user`_
    57     5. `Getting Idemix CRI`_
    58     6. `Reenrolling an identity`_
    59     7. `Revoking a certificate or identity`_
    60     8. `Generating a CRL (Certificate Revocation List)`_
    61     9. `Attribute-Based Access Control`_
    62     10. `Dynamic Server Configuration Update`_
    63     11. `Enabling TLS`_
    64     12. `Contact specific CA instance`_
    66  6. `HSM`_
    68     1. `Configuring Fabric CA server to use softhsm2`_
    70  7. `File Formats`_
    72     1. `Fabric CA server's configuration file format`_
    73     2. `Fabric CA client's configuration file format`_
    75  8. `Troubleshooting`_
    78  Overview
    79  --------
    81  The diagram below illustrates how the Hyperledger Fabric CA server fits into the
    82  overall Hyperledger Fabric architecture.
    84  .. image:: ./images/fabric-ca.png
    86  There are two ways of interacting with a Hyperledger Fabric CA server:
    87  via the Hyperledger Fabric CA client or through one of the Fabric SDKs.
    88  All communication to the Hyperledger Fabric CA server is via REST APIs.
    89  See `fabric-ca/swagger/swagger-fabric-ca.json` for the swagger documentation
    90  for these REST APIs.
    91  You may view this documentation via the online editor.
    93  The Hyperledger Fabric CA client or SDK may connect to a server in a cluster
    94  of Hyperledger Fabric CA servers.   This is illustrated in the top right section
    95  of the diagram. The client routes to an HA Proxy endpoint which load balances
    96  traffic to one of the fabric-ca-server cluster members.
    98  All Hyperledger Fabric CA servers in a cluster share the same database for
    99  keeping track of identities and certificates.  If LDAP is configured, the identity
   100  information is kept in LDAP rather than the database.
   102  A server may contain multiple CAs.  Each CA is either a root CA or an
   103  intermediate CA.  Each intermediate CA has a parent CA which is either a
   104  root CA or another intermediate CA.
   106  Getting Started
   107  ---------------
   109  Prerequisites
   110  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   112  -  Go 1.10+ installation
   113  -  ``GOPATH`` environment variable is set correctly
   114  - libtool and libtdhl-dev packages are installed
   116  The following installs the libtool dependencies on Ubuntu:
   118  .. code:: bash
   120     sudo apt install libtool libltdl-dev
   122  The following installs the libtool dependencies on MacOSX:
   124  .. code:: bash
   126     brew install libtool
   128  .. note:: libtldl-dev is not necessary on MacOSX if you instal
   129            libtool via Homebrew
   131  For more information on libtool, see
   133  For more information on libltdl-dev, see
   135  Install
   136  ~~~~~~~
   138  The following installs both the `fabric-ca-server` and `fabric-ca-client` binaries
   139  in $GOPATH/bin.
   141  .. code:: bash
   143      go get -u
   145  Note: If you have already cloned the fabric-ca repository, make sure you are on the
   146  master branch before running the 'go get' command above. Otherwise, you might see the
   147  following error:
   149  ::
   151      <gopath>/src/; git pull --ff-only
   152      There is no tracking information for the current branch.
   153      Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
   154      See git-pull(1) for details.
   156          git pull <remote> <branch>
   158      If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:
   160          git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch> tlsdoc
   162      package exit status 1
   164  Start Server Natively
   165  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   167  The following starts the `fabric-ca-server` with default settings.
   169  .. code:: bash
   171      fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw
   173  The `-b` option provides the enrollment ID and secret for a bootstrap
   174  administrator; this is required if LDAP is not enabled with the "ldap.enabled"
   175  setting.
   177  A default configuration file named `fabric-ca-server-config.yaml`
   178  is created in the local directory which can be customized.
   180  Start Server via Docker
   181  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   183  Docker Hub
   184  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
   186  Go to:
   188  Find the tag that matches the architecture and version of fabric-ca
   189  that you want to pull.
   191  Navigate to `$GOPATH/src/`
   192  and open up docker-compose.yml in an editor.
   194  Change the `image` line to reflect the tag you found previously. The file
   195  may look like this for an x86 architecture for version beta.
   197  .. code:: yaml
   199      fabric-ca-server:
   200        image: hyperledger/fabric-ca:x86_64-1.0.0-beta
   201        container_name: fabric-ca-server
   202        ports:
   203          - "7054:7054"
   204        environment:
   205          - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
   206        volumes:
   207          - "./fabric-ca-server:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server"
   208        command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw'
   210  Open up a terminal in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file
   211  and execute the following:
   213  .. code:: bash
   215      # docker-compose up -d
   217  This will pull down the specified fabric-ca image in the compose file
   218  if it does not already exist, and start an instance of the fabric-ca
   219  server.
   221  Building Your Own Docker image
   222  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   224  You can build and start the server via docker-compose as shown below.
   226  .. code:: bash
   228      cd $GOPATH/src/
   229      make docker
   230      cd docker/server
   231      docker-compose up -d
   233  The hyperledger/fabric-ca docker image contains both the fabric-ca-server and
   234  the fabric-ca-client.
   236  .. code:: bash
   238      # cd $GOPATH/src/
   239      # FABRIC_CA_DYNAMIC_LINK=true make docker
   240      # cd docker/server
   241      # docker-compose up -d
   243  Explore the Fabric CA CLI
   244  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   246  This section simply provides the usage messages for the Fabric CA server and client
   247  for convenience.  Additional usage information is provided in following sections.
   249  The following links shows the :doc:`Server Command Line <servercli>` and
   250  :doc:`Client Command Line <clientcli>`.
   252  .. note:: Note that command line options that are string slices (lists) can be
   253            specified either by specifying the option with comma-separated list
   254            elements or by specifying the option multiple times, each with a
   255            string value that make up the list. For example, to specify
   256            ``host1`` and ``host2`` for the ``csr.hosts`` option, you can either
   257            pass ``--csr.hosts 'host1,host2'`` or
   258            ``--csr.hosts host1 --csr.hosts host2``. When using the former format,
   259            please make sure there are no space before or after any commas.
   261  `Back to Top`_
   263  Configuration Settings
   264  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   266  The Fabric CA provides 3 ways to configure settings on the Fabric CA server
   267  and client. The precedence order is:
   269    1. CLI flags
   270    2. Environment variables
   271    3. Configuration file
   273  In the remainder of this document, we refer to making changes to
   274  configuration files. However, configuration file changes can be
   275  overridden through environment variables or CLI flags.
   277  For example, if we have the following in the client configuration file:
   279  .. code:: yaml
   281      tls:
   282        # Enable TLS (default: false)
   283        enabled: false
   285        # TLS for the client's listenting port (default: false)
   286        certfiles:
   287        client:
   288          certfile: cert.pem
   289          keyfile:
   291  The following environment variable may be used to override the ``cert.pem``
   292  setting in the configuration file:
   294  .. code:: bash
   296    export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_TLS_CLIENT_CERTFILE=cert2.pem
   298  If we wanted to override both the environment variable and configuration
   299  file, we can use a command line flag.
   301  .. code:: bash
   303    fabric-ca-client enroll --tls.client.certfile cert3.pem
   305  The same approach applies to fabric-ca-server, except instead of using
   306  ``FABIRC_CA_CLIENT`` as the prefix to environment variables,
   307  ``FABRIC_CA_SERVER`` is used.
   309  .. _server:
   311  A word on file paths
   312  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   313  All the properties in the Fabric CA server and client configuration file
   314  that specify file names support both relative and absolute paths.
   315  Relative paths are relative to the config directory, where the
   316  configuration file is located. For example, if the config directory is
   317  ``~/config`` and the tls section is as shown below, the Fabric CA server
   318  or client will look for the ``root.pem`` file in the ``~/config``
   319  directory, ``cert.pem`` file in the ``~/config/certs`` directory and the
   320  ``key.pem`` file in the ``/abs/path`` directory
   322  .. code:: yaml
   324      tls:
   325        enabled: true
   326        certfiles:
   327          - root.pem
   328        client:
   329          certfile: certs/cert.pem
   330          keyfile: /abs/path/key.pem
   332  `Back to Top`_
   336  Fabric CA Server
   337  ----------------
   339  This section describes the Fabric CA server.
   341  You may initialize the Fabric CA server before starting it. This provides an
   342  opportunity for you to generate a default configuration file that can be
   343  reviewed and customized before starting the server.
   345  The Fabric CA server's home directory is determined as follows:
   346    - if the --home command line option is set, use its value
   347    - otherwise, if the ``FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME`` environment variable is set, use
   348      its value
   349    - otherwise, if ``FABRIC_CA_HOME`` environment variable is set, use
   350      its value
   351    - otherwise, if the ``CA_CFG_PATH`` environment variable is set, use
   352      its value
   353    - otherwise, use current working directory
   355  For the remainder of this server section, we assume that you have set
   356  the ``FABRIC_CA_HOME`` environment variable to
   357  ``$HOME/fabric-ca/server``.
   359  The instructions below assume that the server configuration file exists
   360  in the server's home directory.
   362  .. _initialize:
   364  Initializing the server
   365  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   367  Initialize the Fabric CA server as follows:
   369  .. code:: bash
   371      fabric-ca-server init -b admin:adminpw
   373  The ``-b`` (bootstrap identity) option is required for initialization when
   374  LDAP is disabled. At least one bootstrap identity is required to start the
   375  Fabric CA server; this identity is the server administrator.
   377  The server configuration file contains a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
   378  section that can be configured. The following is a sample CSR.
   380  .. _csr-fields:
   382  .. code:: yaml
   384     cn: fabric-ca-server
   385     names:
   386        - C: US
   387          ST: "North Carolina"
   388          L:
   389          O: Hyperledger
   390          OU: Fabric
   391     hosts:
   392       -
   393       - localhost
   394     ca:
   395        expiry: 131400h
   396        pathlength: 1
   398  All of the fields above pertain to the X.509 signing key and certificate which
   399  is generated by the ``fabric-ca-server init``.  This corresponds to the
   400  ``ca.certfile`` and ``ca.keyfile`` files in the server's configuration file.
   401  The fields are as follows:
   403    -  **cn** is the Common Name
   404    -  **O** is the organization name
   405    -  **OU** is the organizational unit
   406    -  **L** is the location or city
   407    -  **ST** is the state
   408    -  **C** is the country
   410  If custom values for the CSR are required, you may customize the configuration
   411  file, delete the files specified by the ``ca.certfile`` and ``ca.keyfile``
   412  configuration items, and then run the ``fabric-ca-server init -b admin:adminpw``
   413  command again.
   415  The ``fabric-ca-server init`` command generates a self-signed CA certificate
   416  unless the ``-u <parent-fabric-ca-server-URL>`` option is specified.
   417  If the ``-u`` is specified, the server's CA certificate is signed by the
   418  parent Fabric CA server.
   419  In order to authenticate to the parent Fabric CA server, the URL must
   420  be of the form ``<scheme>://<enrollmentID>:<secret>@<host>:<port>``, where
   421  <enrollmentID> and <secret> correspond to an identity with an 'hf.IntermediateCA'
   422  attribute whose value equals 'true'.
   423  The ``fabric-ca-server init`` command also generates a default configuration
   424  file named **fabric-ca-server-config.yaml** in the server's home directory.
   426  If you want the Fabric CA server to use a CA signing certificate and key file which you provide,
   427  you must place your files in the location referenced by ``ca.certfile`` and ``ca.keyfile`` respectively.
   428  Both files must be PEM-encoded and must not be encrypted.
   429  More specifically, the contents of the CA certificate file must begin with ``-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----``
   430  and the contents of the key file must begin with ``-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----`` and not
   431  ``-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----``.
   433  Algorithms and key sizes
   435  The CSR can be customized to generate X.509 certificates and keys that
   436  support Elliptic Curve (ECDSA). The following setting is an
   437  example of the implementation of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
   438  Algorithm (ECDSA) with curve ``prime256v1`` and signature algorithm
   439  ``ecdsa-with-SHA256``:
   441  .. code:: yaml
   443      key:
   444         algo: ecdsa
   445         size: 256
   447  The choice of algorithm and key size are based on security needs.
   449  Elliptic Curve (ECDSA) offers the following key size options:
   451  +--------+--------------+-----------------------+
   452  | size   | ASN1 OID     | Signature Algorithm   |
   453  +========+==============+=======================+
   454  | 256    | prime256v1   | ecdsa-with-SHA256     |
   455  +--------+--------------+-----------------------+
   456  | 384    | secp384r1    | ecdsa-with-SHA384     |
   457  +--------+--------------+-----------------------+
   458  | 521    | secp521r1    | ecdsa-with-SHA512     |
   459  +--------+--------------+-----------------------+
   461  Starting the server
   462  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   464  Start the Fabric CA server as follows:
   466  .. code:: bash
   468      fabric-ca-server start -b <admin>:<adminpw>
   470  If the server has not been previously initialized, it will initialize
   471  itself as it starts for the first time.  During this initialization, the
   472  server will generate the ca-cert.pem and ca-key.pem files if they don't
   473  yet exist and will also create a default configuration file if it does
   474  not exist.  See the `Initialize the Fabric CA server <#initialize>`__ section.
   476  Unless the Fabric CA server is configured to use LDAP, it must be
   477  configured with at least one pre-registered bootstrap identity to enable you
   478  to register and enroll other identities. The ``-b`` option specifies the
   479  name and password for a bootstrap identity.
   481  To cause the Fabric CA server to listen on ``https`` rather than
   482  ``http``, set ``tls.enabled`` to ``true``.
   484  SECURITY WARNING: The Fabric CA server should always be started with TLS
   485  enabled (``tls.enabled`` set to true). Failure to do so leaves the
   486  server vulnerable to an attacker with access to network traffic.
   488  To limit the number of times that the same secret (or password) can be
   489  used for enrollment, set the ``registry.maxenrollments`` in the configuration
   490  file to the appropriate value. If you set the value to 1, the Fabric CA
   491  server allows passwords to only be used once for a particular enrollment
   492  ID. If you set the value to -1, the Fabric CA server places no limit on
   493  the number of times that a secret can be reused for enrollment. The
   494  default value is -1. Setting the value to 0, the Fabric CA server will
   495  disable enrollment for all identities and registration of identities will
   496  not be allowed.
   498  The Fabric CA server should now be listening on port 7054.
   500  You may skip to the `Fabric CA Client <#fabric-ca-client>`__ section if
   501  you do not want to configure the Fabric CA server to run in a cluster or
   502  to use LDAP.
   504  Configuring the database
   505  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   507  This section describes how to configure the Fabric CA server to connect
   508  to PostgreSQL or MySQL databases. The default database is SQLite and the
   509  default database file is ``fabric-ca-server.db`` in the Fabric CA
   510  server's home directory.
   512  If you don't care about running the Fabric CA server in a cluster, you
   513  may skip this section; otherwise, you must configure either PostgreSQL or
   514  MySQL as described below. Fabric CA supports the following database
   515  versions in a cluster setup:
   517  - PostgreSQL: 9.5.5 or later
   518  - MySQL: 5.7 or later
   520  PostgreSQL
   521  ^^^^^^^^^^
   523  The following sample may be added to the server's configuration file in
   524  order to connect to a PostgreSQL database. Be sure to customize the
   525  various values appropriately. There are limitations on what characters are allowed
   526  in the database name. Please refer to the following Postgres documentation
   527  for more information:
   529  .. code:: yaml
   531      db:
   532        type: postgres
   533        datasource: host=localhost port=5432 user=Username password=Password dbname=fabric_ca sslmode=verify-full
   535  Specifying *sslmode* configures the type of SSL authentication. Valid
   536  values for sslmode are:
   538  |
   540  +----------------+----------------+
   541  | Mode           | Description    |
   542  +================+================+
   543  | disable        | No SSL         |
   544  +----------------+----------------+
   545  | require        | Always SSL     |
   546  |                | (skip          |
   547  |                | verification)  |
   548  +----------------+----------------+
   549  | verify-ca      | Always SSL     |
   550  |                | (verify that   |
   551  |                | the            |
   552  |                | certificate    |
   553  |                | presented by   |
   554  |                | the server was |
   555  |                | signed by a    |
   556  |                | trusted CA)    |
   557  +----------------+----------------+
   558  | verify-full    | Same as        |
   559  |                | verify-ca AND  |
   560  |                | verify that    |
   561  |                | the            |
   562  |                | certificate    |
   563  |                | presented by   |
   564  |                | the server was |
   565  |                | signed by a    |
   566  |                | trusted CA and |
   567  |                | the server     |
   568  |                | hostname       |
   569  |                | matches the    |
   570  |                | one in the     |
   571  |                | certificate    |
   572  +----------------+----------------+
   574  |
   576  If you would like to use TLS, then the ``db.tls`` section in the Fabric CA server
   577  configuration file must be specified. If SSL client authentication is enabled
   578  on the PostgreSQL server, then the client certificate and key file must also be
   579  specified in the ``db.tls.client`` section. The following is an example
   580  of the ``db.tls`` section:
   582  .. code:: yaml
   584      db:
   585        ...
   586        tls:
   587            enabled: true
   588            certfiles:
   589              - db-server-cert.pem
   590            client:
   591                  certfile: db-client-cert.pem
   592                  keyfile: db-client-key.pem
   594  | **certfiles** - A list of PEM-encoded trusted root certificate files.
   595  | **certfile** and **keyfile** - PEM-encoded certificate and key files that are used by the Fabric CA server to communicate securely with the PostgreSQL server
   597  PostgreSQL SSL Configuration
   598  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""
   600  **Basic instructions for configuring SSL on the PostgreSQL server:**
   602  1. In postgresql.conf, uncomment SSL and set to "on" (SSL=on)
   604  2. Place certificate and key files in the PostgreSQL data directory.
   606  Instructions for generating self-signed certificates for:
   609  Note: Self-signed certificates are for testing purposes and should not
   610  be used in a production environment
   612  **PostgreSQL Server - Require Client Certificates**
   614  1. Place certificates of the certificate authorities (CAs) you trust in the file root.crt in the PostgreSQL data directory
   616  2. In postgresql.conf, set "ssl\_ca\_file" to point to the root cert of the client (CA cert)
   618  3. Set the clientcert parameter to 1 on the appropriate hostssl line(s) in pg\_hba.conf.
   620  For more details on configuring SSL on the PostgreSQL server, please refer
   621  to the following PostgreSQL documentation:
   624  MySQL
   625  ^^^^^^^
   627  The following sample may be added to the Fabric CA server configuration file in
   628  order to connect to a MySQL database. Be sure to customize the various
   629  values appropriately. There are limitations on what characters are allowed
   630  in the database name. Please refer to the following MySQL documentation
   631  for more information:
   633  On MySQL 5.7.X, certain modes affect whether the server permits '0000-00-00' as a valid date.
   634  It might be necessary to relax the modes that MySQL server uses. We want to allow
   635  the server to be able to accept zero date values.
   637  In my.cnf, find the configuration option *sql_mode* and remove *NO_ZERO_DATE* if present.
   638  Restart MySQL server after making this change.
   640  Please refer to the following MySQL documentation on different modes available
   641  and select the appropriate settings for the specific version of MySQL that is
   642  being used.
   646  .. code:: yaml
   648      db:
   649        type: mysql
   650        datasource: root:rootpw@tcp(localhost:3306)/fabric_ca?parseTime=true&tls=custom
   652  If connecting over TLS to the MySQL server, the ``db.tls.client``
   653  section is also required as described in the **PostgreSQL** section above.
   655  MySQL SSL Configuration
   656  """"""""""""""""""""""""
   658  **Basic instructions for configuring SSL on MySQL server:**
   660  1. Open or create my.cnf file for the server. Add or uncomment the
   661     lines below in the [mysqld] section. These should point to the key and
   662     certificates for the server, and the root CA cert.
   664     Instructions on creating server and client-side certficates:
   667     [mysqld] ssl-ca=ca-cert.pem ssl-cert=server-cert.pem ssl-key=server-key.pem
   669     Can run the following query to confirm SSL has been enabled.
   671     mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'have\_%ssl';
   673     Should see:
   675     +----------------+----------------+
   676     | Variable_name  | Value          |
   677     +================+================+
   678     | have_openssl   | YES            |
   679     +----------------+----------------+
   680     | have_ssl       | YES            |
   681     +----------------+----------------+
   683  2. After the server-side SSL configuration is finished, the next step is
   684     to create a user who has a privilege to access the MySQL server over
   685     SSL. For that, log in to the MySQL server, and type:
   687     mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ssluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY
   688     'password' REQUIRE SSL; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
   690     If you want to give a specific IP address from which the user will
   691     access the server change the '%' to the specific IP address.
   693  **MySQL Server - Require Client Certificates**
   695  Options for secure connections are similar to those used on the server side.
   697  -  ssl-ca identifies the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. This
   698     option, if used, must specify the same certificate used by the server.
   699  -  ssl-cert identifies MySQL server's certificate.
   700  -  ssl-key identifies MySQL server's private key.
   702  Suppose that you want to connect using an account that has no special
   703  encryption requirements or was created using a GRANT statement that
   704  includes the REQUIRE SSL option. As a recommended set of
   705  secure-connection options, start the MySQL server with at least
   706  --ssl-cert and --ssl-key options. Then set the ``db.tls.certfiles`` property
   707  in the server configuration file and start the Fabric CA server.
   709  To require that a client certificate also be specified, create the
   710  account using the REQUIRE X509 option. Then the client must also specify
   711  proper client key and certificate files; otherwise, the MySQL server
   712  will reject the connection. To specify client key and certificate files
   713  for the Fabric CA server, set the ``db.tls.client.certfile``,
   714  and ``db.tls.client.keyfile`` configuration properties.
   716  Configuring LDAP
   717  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   719  The Fabric CA server can be configured to read from an LDAP server.
   721  In particular, the Fabric CA server may connect to an LDAP server to do
   722  the following:
   724  -  authenticate an identity prior to enrollment
   725  -  retrieve an identity's attribute values which are used for authorization.
   727  Modify the LDAP section of the Fabric CA server's configuration file to configure the
   728  server to connect to an LDAP server.
   730  .. code:: yaml
   732      ldap:
   733         # Enables or disables the LDAP client (default: false)
   734         enabled: false
   735         # The URL of the LDAP server
   736         url: <scheme>://<adminDN>:<adminPassword>@<host>:<port>/<base>
   737         userfilter: <filter>
   738         attribute:
   739            # 'names' is an array of strings that identify the specific attributes
   740            # which are requested from the LDAP server.
   741            names: <LDAPAttrs>
   742            # The 'converters' section is used to convert LDAP attribute values
   743            # to fabric CA attribute values.
   744            #
   745            # For example, the following converts an LDAP 'uid' attribute
   746            # whose value begins with 'revoker' to a fabric CA attribute
   747            # named "hf.Revoker" with a value of "true" (because the expression
   748            # evaluates to true).
   749            #    converters:
   750            #       - name: hf.Revoker
   751            #         value: attr("uid") =~ "revoker*"
   752            #
   753            # As another example, assume a user has an LDAP attribute named
   754            # 'member' which has multiple values of "dn1", "dn2", and "dn3".
   755            # Further assume the following configuration.
   756            #    converters:
   757            #       - name: myAttr
   758            #         value: map(attr("member"),"groups")
   759            #    maps:
   760            #       groups:
   761            #          - name: dn1
   762            #            value: orderer
   763            #          - name: dn2
   764            #            value: peer
   765            # The value of the user's 'myAttr' attribute is then computed to be
   766            # "orderer,peer,dn3".  This is because the value of 'attr("member")' is
   767            # "dn1,dn2,dn3", and the call to 'map' with a 2nd argument of
   768            # "group" replaces "dn1" with "orderer" and "dn2" with "peer".
   769            converters:
   770              - name: <fcaAttrName>
   771                value: <fcaExpr>
   772            maps:
   773              <mapName>:
   774                  - name: <from>
   775                    value: <to>
   777  Where:
   779    * ``scheme`` is one of *ldap* or *ldaps*;
   780    * ``adminDN`` is the distinquished name of the admin user;
   781    * ``pass`` is the password of the admin user;
   782    * ``host`` is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server;
   783    * ``port`` is the optional port number, where default 389 for *ldap*
   784      and 636 for *ldaps*;
   785    * ``base`` is the optional root of the LDAP tree to use for searches;
   786    * ``filter`` is a filter to use when searching to convert a login
   787      user name to a distinguished name. For example, a value of
   788      ``(uid=%s)`` searches for LDAP entries with the value of a ``uid``
   789      attribute whose value is the login user name. Similarly,
   790      ``(email=%s)`` may be used to login with an email address.
   791    * ``LDAPAttrs`` is an array of LDAP attribute names to request from the
   792      LDAP server on a user's behalf;
   793    * the attribute.converters section is used to convert LDAP attributes to fabric
   794      CA attributes, where
   795      * ``fcaAttrName`` is the name of a fabric CA attribute;
   796      * ``fcaExpr`` is an expression whose evaluated value is assigned to the fabric CA attribute.
   797      For example, suppose that <LDAPAttrs> is ["uid"], <fcaAttrName> is 'hf.Revoker',
   798      and <fcaExpr> is 'attr("uid") =~ "revoker*"'.  This means that an attribute
   799      named "uid" is requested from the LDAP server on a user's behalf.  The user is
   800      then given a value of 'true' for the 'hf.Revoker' attribute if the value of
   801      the user's 'uid' LDAP attribute begins with 'revoker'; otherwise, the user
   802      is given a value of 'false' for the 'hf.Revoker' attribute.
   803    * the attribute.maps section is used to map LDAP response values.  The typical
   804      use case is to map a distinguished name associated with an LDAP group to an
   805      identity type.
   807  The LDAP expression language uses the govaluate package as described at
   808  This defines
   809  operators such as "=~" and literals such as "revoker*", which is a regular
   810  expression.  The LDAP-specific variables and functions which extend the
   811  base govaluate language are as follows:
   813    * ``DN`` is a variable equal to the user's distinguished name.
   814    * ``affiliation`` is a variable equal to the user's affiliation.
   815    * ``attr`` is a function which takes 1 or 2 arguments.  The 1st argument
   816      is an LDAP attribute name.  The 2nd argument is a separator string which is
   817      used to join multiple values into a single string; the default separator
   818      string is ",". The ``attr`` function always returns a value of type
   819      'string'.
   820    * ``map`` is a function which takes 2 arguments.  The 1st argument
   821      is any string.  The second argument is the name of a map which is used to
   822      perform string substitution on the string from the 1st argument.
   823    * ``if`` is a function which takes a 3 arguments where the first argument
   824      must resolve to a boolean value.  If it evaluates to true, the second
   825      argument is returned; otherwise, the third argument is returned.
   827  For example, the following expression evaluates to true if the user has
   828  a distinguished name ending in "O=org1,C=US", or if the user has an affiliation
   829  beginning with "org1.dept2." and also has the "admin" attribute of "true".
   831    **DN =~ "*O=org1,C=US" || (affiliation =~ "org1.dept2.*" && attr('admin') = 'true')**
   833  NOTE: Since the ``attr`` function always returns a value of type 'string',
   834  numeric operators may not be used to construct expressions.
   835  For example, the following is NOT a valid expression:
   837  .. code:: yaml
   839       value: attr("gidNumber) >= 10000 && attr("gidNumber) < 10006
   841  Alternatively, a regular expression enclosed in quotes as shown below may be used
   842  to return an equivalent result:
   844  .. code:: yaml
   846       value: attr("gidNumber") =~ "1000[0-5]$" || attr("mail") == ""
   848  The following is a sample configuration section for the default setting
   849  for the OpenLDAP server whose docker image is at
   850  ````.
   852  .. code:: yaml
   854      ldap:
   855         enabled: true
   856         url: ldap://cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org:admin@localhost:10389/dc=example,dc=org
   857         userfilter: (uid=%s)
   859  See ``FABRIC_CA/scripts/run-ldap-tests`` for a script which starts an
   860  OpenLDAP docker image, configures it, runs the LDAP tests in
   861  ``FABRIC_CA/cli/server/ldap/ldap_test.go``, and stops the OpenLDAP
   862  server.
   864  When LDAP is configured, enrollment works as follows:
   867  -  The Fabric CA client or client SDK sends an enrollment request with a
   868     basic authorization header.
   869  -  The Fabric CA server receives the enrollment request, decodes the
   870     identity name and password in the authorization header, looks up the DN (Distinguished
   871     Name) associated with the identity name using the "userfilter" from the
   872     configuration file, and then attempts an LDAP bind with the identity's
   873     password. If the LDAP bind is successful, the enrollment processing is
   874     authorized and can proceed.
   876  Setting up a cluster
   877  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   879  You may use any IP sprayer to load balance to a cluster of Fabric CA
   880  servers. This section provides an example of how to set up Haproxy to
   881  route to a Fabric CA server cluster. Be sure to change hostname and port
   882  to reflect the settings of your Fabric CA servers.
   884  haproxy.conf
   886  .. code::
   888      global
   889            maxconn 4096
   890            daemon
   892      defaults
   893            mode http
   894            maxconn 2000
   895            timeout connect 5000
   896            timeout client 50000
   897            timeout server 50000
   899      listen http-in
   900            bind *:7054
   901            balance roundrobin
   902            server server1 hostname1:port
   903            server server2 hostname2:port
   904            server server3 hostname3:port
   907  Note: If using TLS, need to use ``mode tcp``.
   909  Setting up multiple CAs
   910  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   912  The fabric-ca server by default consists of a single default CA. However, additional CAs
   913  can be added to a single server by using `cafiles` or `cacount` configuration options.
   914  Each additional CA will have its own home directory.
   916  cacount:
   917  ^^^^^^^^
   919  The `cacount` provides a quick way to start X number of default additional
   920  CAs. The home directory will be relative to the server directory. With this option,
   921  the directory structure will be as follows:
   923  .. code:: yaml
   925      --<Server Home>
   926        |--ca
   927          |--ca1
   928          |--ca2
   930  Each additional CA will get a default configuration file generated in it's home
   931  directory, within the configuration file it will contain a unique CA name.
   933  For example, the following command will start 2 default CA instances:
   935  .. code:: bash
   937     fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cacount 2
   939  cafiles:
   940  ^^^^^^^^
   942  If absolute paths are not provided when using the cafiles configuration option,
   943  the CA home directory will be relative to the server directory.
   945  To use this option, CA configuration files must have already been generated and
   946  configured for each CA that is to be started. Each configuration file must have
   947  a unique CA name and Common Name (CN), otherwise the server will fail to start as these
   948  names must be unique. The CA configuration files will override any default
   949  CA configuration, and any missing options in the CA configuration files will be
   950  replaced by the values from the default CA.
   952  The precedence order will be as follows:
   954    1. CA Configuration file
   955    2. Default CA CLI flags
   956    3. Default CA Environment variables
   957    4. Default CA Configuration file
   959  A CA configuration file must contain at least the following:
   961  .. code:: yaml
   963      ca:
   964      # Name of this CA
   965      name: <CANAME>
   967      csr:
   968        cn: <COMMONNAME>
   970  You may configure your directory structure as follows:
   972  .. code:: yaml
   974      --<Server Home>
   975        |--ca
   976          |--ca1
   977            |-- fabric-ca-config.yaml
   978          |--ca2
   979            |-- fabric-ca-config.yaml
   981  For example, the following command will start two customized CA instances:
   983  .. code:: bash
   985      fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cafiles ca/ca1/fabric-ca-config.yaml
   986      --cafiles ca/ca2/fabric-ca-config.yaml
   989  Enrolling an intermediate CA
   990  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   992  In order to create a CA signing certificate for an intermediate CA, the intermediate
   993  CA must enroll with a parent CA in the same way that a fabric-ca-client enrolls with a CA.
   994  This is done by using the -u option to specify the URL of the parent CA and the enrollment ID
   995  and secret as shown below.  The identity associated with this enrollment ID must have an
   996  attribute with a name of "hf.IntermediateCA" and a value of "true".  The CN (or Common Name)
   997  of the issued certificate will be set to the enrollment ID. An error will occur if an intermediate
   998  CA tries to explicitly specify a CN value.
  1000  .. code:: bash
  1002      fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -u http://<enrollmentID>:<secret>@<parentserver>:<parentport>
  1004  For other intermediate CA flags see `Fabric CA server's configuration file format`_ section.
  1007  Upgrading the server
  1008  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1010  The Fabric CA server must be upgraded before upgrading the Fabric CA client.
  1011  Prior to upgrade, it is suggested that the current database be backed up:
  1013  - If using sqlite3, backup the current database file (which is named fabric-ca-server.db by default).
  1014  - For other database types, use the appropriate backup/replication mechanism.
  1016  To upgrade a single instance of Fabric CA server:
  1018  1. Stop the fabric-ca-server process.
  1019  2. Ensure the current database is backed up.
  1020  3. Replace previous fabric-ca-server binary with the upgraded version.
  1021  4. Launch the fabric-ca-server process.
  1022  5. Verify the fabric-ca-server process is available with the following
  1023     command where <host> is the hostname on which the server was started::
  1025        fabric-ca-client getcainfo -u http://<host>:7054
  1027  Upgrading a cluster:
  1028  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1029  To upgrade a cluster of fabric-ca-server instances using either a MySQL or Postgres database, perform the following procedure. We assume that you are using haproxy to load balance to two fabric-ca-server cluster members on host1 and host2, respectively, both listening on port 7054. After this procedure, you will be load balancing to upgraded fabric-ca-server cluster members on host3 and host4 respectively, both listening on port 7054.
  1031  In order to monitor the changes using haproxy stats, enable statistics collection. Add the following lines to the global section of the haproxy configuration file:
  1033  ::
  1035      stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 666 level operator
  1036      stats timeout 2m
  1038  Restart haproxy to pick up the changes::
  1040      # haproxy -f <configfile> -st $(pgrep haproxy)
  1042  To display summary information from the haproxy "show stat" command, the following function may prove useful for parsing the copious amount of CSV data returned:
  1044  .. code:: bash
  1046      haProxyShowStats() {
  1047         echo "show stat" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.sock |sed '1s/^# *//'|
  1048            awk -F',' -v fmt="%4s %12s %10s %6s %6s %4s %4s\n" '
  1049               { if (NR==1) for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) f[tolower($i)]=i }
  1050               { printf fmt, $f["sid"],$f["pxname"],$f["svname"],$f["status"],
  1051                             $f["weight"],$f["act"],$f["bck"] }'
  1052      }
  1055  1) Initially your haproxy configuration file is similar to the following::
  1057        server server1 host1:7054 check
  1058        server server2 host2:7054 check
  1060     Change this configuration to the following::
  1062        server server1 host1:7054 check backup
  1063        server server2 host2:7054 check backup
  1064        server server3 host3:7054 check
  1065        server server4 host4:7054 check
  1067  2) Restart the HA proxy with the new configuration as follows::
  1069        haproxy -f <configfile> -st $(pgrep haproxy)
  1071     ``"haProxyShowStats"`` will now reflect the modified configuration,
  1072     with two active, older-version backup servers and two (yet to be started) upgraded servers::
  1074        sid   pxname      svname  status  weig  act  bck
  1075          1   fabric-cas  server3   DOWN     1    1    0
  1076          2   fabric-cas  server4   DOWN     1    1    0
  1077          3   fabric-cas  server1     UP     1    0    1
  1078          4   fabric-cas  server2     UP     1    0    1
  1080  3) Install upgraded binaries of fabric-ca-server on host3 and host4. The new
  1081     upgraded servers on host3 and host4 should be configured to use the same
  1082     database as their older counterparts on host1 and host2. After starting
  1083     the upgraded servers, the database will be automatically migrated. The
  1084     haproxy will forward all new traffic to the upgraded servers, since they
  1085     are not configured as backup servers. Verify using the ``"fabric-ca-client getcainfo"``
  1086     command that your cluster is still functioning appropriately before proceeding.
  1087     Also, ``"haProxyShowStats"`` should now reflect that all servers are active,
  1088     similar to the following::
  1090        sid   pxname      svname  status  weig  act  bck
  1091          1   fabric-cas  server3    UP     1    1    0
  1092          2   fabric-cas  server4    UP     1    1    0
  1093          3   fabric-cas  server1    UP     1    0    1
  1094          4   fabric-cas  server2    UP     1    0    1
  1096  4) Stop the old servers on host1 and host2. Verify using the
  1097     ``"fabric-ca-client getcainfo"`` command that your new cluster is still
  1098     functioning appropriately before proceeding. Then remove the older
  1099     server backup configuration from the haproxy configuration file,
  1100     so that it looks similar to the following::
  1102        server server3 host3:7054 check
  1103        server server4 host4:7054 check
  1105  5) Restart the HA proxy with the new configuration as follows::
  1107        haproxy -f <configfile> -st $(pgrep haproxy)
  1109     ``"haProxyShowStats"`` will now reflect the modified configuration,
  1110     with two active servers which have been upgraded to the new version::
  1112        sid   pxname      svname  status  weig  act  bck
  1113          1   fabric-cas  server3   UP       1    1    0
  1114          2   fabric-cas  server4   UP       1    1    0
  1117  `Back to Top`_
  1120  Operations Service
  1121  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1123  The CA Server hosts an HTTP server that offers a RESTful “operations” API. This API
  1124  is intended to be used by operators, not administrators or “users” of the network.
  1126  The API exposes the following capabilities:
  1128      Prometheus target for operational metrics (when configured)
  1130  Configuring the Operations Service
  1131  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1133  The operations service requires two basic pieces of configuration:
  1135      The **address** and **port** to listen on.
  1136      The **TLS certificates** and **keys** to use for authentication and encryption. Note, **these
  1137      certificates should be generated by a separate and dedicated CA**. Do not use a CA that
  1138      has generated certificates for any organizations in any channels.
  1140  The CA server can be configurated in the ``operations`` section of server's configuration file:
  1142  .. code:: yaml
  1144    operations:
  1145      # host and port for the operations server
  1146      listenAddress:
  1148      # TLS configuration for the operations endpoint
  1149      tls:
  1150        # TLS enabled
  1151        enabled: true
  1153        # path to PEM encoded server certificate for the operations server
  1154        cert:
  1155          file: tls/server.crt
  1157        # path to PEM encoded server key for the operations server
  1158        key:
  1159          file: tls/server.key
  1161        # require client certificate authentication to access all resources
  1162        clientAuthRequired: false
  1164        # paths to PEM encoded ca certificates to trust for client authentication
  1165        clientRootCAs:
  1166          files: []
  1168  The ``listenAddress`` key defines the host and port that the operation server
  1169  will listen on. If the server should listen on all addresses, the host portion
  1170  can be omitted.
  1172  The ``tls`` section is used to indicate whether or not TLS is enabled for the
  1173  operations service, the location of the service's certificate and private key,
  1174  and the locations of certificate authority root certificates that should be
  1175  trusted for client authentication. When ``clientAuthRequired`` is ``true``,
  1176  clients will be required to provide a certificate for authentication.
  1178  Operations Security
  1179  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1181  As the operations service is focused on operations and intentionally unrelated
  1182  to the Fabric network, it does not use the Membership Services Provider for
  1183  access control. Instead, the operations service relies entirely on mutual TLS with
  1184  client certificate authentication.
  1186  It is highly recommended to enable mutual TLS by setting the value of ``clientAuthRequired``
  1187  to ``true`` in production environments. With this configuration, clients are
  1188  required to provide a valid certificate for authentication. If the client does
  1189  not provide a certificate or the service cannot verify the client’s certificate,
  1190  the request is rejected. Note that if ``clientAuthRequired`` is set to ``false``,
  1191  clients do not need to provide a certificate; if they do, however, and the service
  1192  cannot verify the certificate, then the request will be rejected.
  1194  When TLS is disabled, authorization is bypassed and any client that can
  1195  connect to the operations endpoint will be able to use the API.
  1197  Metrics
  1198  ^^^^^^^^^
  1200  The Fabric CA exposes metrics that can provide insight into the behavior of the system.
  1201  Operators and administrators can use this information to better understand how the system
  1202  is performing over time.
  1204  Configuring Metrics
  1205  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1207  Fabric CA provides two ways to expose metrics: a **pull** model based on Prometheus
  1208  and a **push** model based on StatsD.
  1210  Prometheus
  1211  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  1213  A typical Prometheus deployment scrapes metrics by requesting them from an HTTP
  1214  endpoint exposed by instrumented targets. As Prometheus is responsible for
  1215  requesting the metrics, it is considered a pull system.
  1217  When configured, a Fabric CA Server will present a ``/metrics`` resource
  1218  on the operations service. To enable Prometheus, set the provider value in the
  1219  server's configuration file to ``prometheus``.
  1221  .. code:: yaml
  1223    metrics:
  1224      provider: prometheus
  1226  StatsD
  1227  ^^^^^^^
  1229  StatsD is a simple statistics aggregation daemon. Metrics are sent to a
  1230  ``statsd`` daemon where they are collected, aggregated, and pushed to a backend
  1231  for visualization and alerting. As this model requires instrumented processes
  1232  to send metrics data to StatsD, this is considered a push system.
  1234  The CA Server can be configured to send metrics to StatsD by setting the metrics
  1235  provider to ``statsd`` in the ``metrics`` section in servers' configuration filel. The ``statsd``
  1236  subsection must also be configured with the address of the StatsD daemon, the
  1237  network type to use (``tcp`` or ``udp``), and how often to send the metrics. An
  1238  optional ``prefix`` may be specified to help differentiate the source of the
  1239  metrics --- for example, differentiating metrics coming from separate servers ---
  1240  that would be prepended to all generated metrics.
  1242  .. code:: yaml
  1244    metrics:
  1245      provider: statsd
  1246      statsd:
  1247        network: udp
  1248        address:
  1249        writeInterval: 10s
  1250        prefix: server-0
  1252  For a look at the different metrics that are generated, check out
  1253  :doc:`metrics_reference`.
  1255  `Back to Top`_
  1257  .. _client:
  1259  Fabric CA Client
  1260  ----------------
  1262  This section describes how to use the fabric-ca-client command.
  1264  The Fabric CA client's home directory is determined as follows:
  1265    - if the --home command line option is set, use its value
  1266    - otherwise, if the ``FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME`` environment variable is set, use
  1267      its value
  1268    - otherwise, if the ``FABRIC_CA_HOME`` environment variable is set,
  1269      use its value
  1270    - otherwise, if the ``CA_CFG_PATH`` environment variable is set, use
  1271      its value
  1272    - otherwise, use ``$HOME/.fabric-ca-client``
  1274  The instructions below assume that the client configuration file exists
  1275  in the client's home directory.
  1277  Enrolling the bootstrap identity
  1278  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1280  First, if needed, customize the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) section
  1281  in the client configuration file. Note that ```` field must be set
  1282  to the ID of the bootstrap identity. Default CSR values are shown below:
  1284  .. code:: yaml
  1286      csr:
  1287        cn: <<enrollment ID>>
  1288        key:
  1289          algo: ecdsa
  1290          size: 256
  1291        names:
  1292          - C: US
  1293            ST: North Carolina
  1294            L:
  1295            O: Hyperledger Fabric
  1296            OU: Fabric CA
  1297        hosts:
  1298         - <<hostname of the fabric-ca-client>>
  1299        ca:
  1300          pathlen:
  1301          pathlenzero:
  1302          expiry:
  1304  See `CSR fields <#csr-fields>`__ for description of the fields.
  1306  Then run ``fabric-ca-client enroll`` command to enroll the identity. For example,
  1307  following command enrolls an identity whose ID is **admin** and password is **adminpw**
  1308  by calling Fabric CA server that is running locally at 7054 port.
  1310  .. code:: bash
  1312      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1313      fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin:adminpw@localhost:7054
  1315  The enroll command stores an enrollment certificate (ECert), corresponding private key and CA
  1316  certificate chain PEM files in the subdirectories of the Fabric CA client's ``msp`` directory.
  1317  You will see messages indicating where the PEM files are stored.
  1319  Registering a new identity
  1320  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1322  The identity performing the register request must be currently enrolled, and
  1323  must also have the proper authority to register the type of the identity that is being
  1324  registered.
  1326  In particular, three authorization checks are made by the Fabric CA server
  1327  during registration as follows:
  1329  1. The registrar (i.e. the invoker) must have the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute with a
  1330     comma-separated list of values where one of the values equals the type of
  1331     identity being registered; for example, if the registrar has the
  1332     "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute with a value of "peer,app,user", the registrar
  1333     can register identities of type peer, app, and user, but not orderer.
  1335  2. The affiliation of the registrar must be equal to or a prefix of
  1336     the affiliation of the identity being registered.  For example, an registrar
  1337     with an affiliation of "a.b" may register an identity with an affiliation
  1338     of "a.b.c" but may not register an identity with an affiliation of "a.c".
  1339     If root affiliation is required for an identity, then the affiliation request
  1340     should be a dot (".") and the registrar must also have root affiliation.
  1341     If no affiliation is specified in the registration request, the identity being
  1342     registered will be given the affiliation of the registrar.
  1344  3. The registrar can register a user with attributes if all of the following conditions
  1345     are satisfied:
  1347     - Registrar can register Fabric CA reserved attributes that have the prefix 'hf.'
  1348       only if the registrar possesses the attribute and it is part of the value of the
  1349       hf.Registrar.Attributes' attribute. Furthermore, if the attribute is of type list
  1350       then the value of attribute being registered must be equal to or a subset of the
  1351       value that the registrar has. If the attribute is of type boolean, the registrar
  1352       can register the attribute only if the registrar's value for the attribute is 'true'.
  1353     - Registering custom attributes (i.e. any attribute whose name does not begin with 'hf.')
  1354       requires that the registrar has the 'hf.Registar.Attributes' attribute with the value of
  1355       the attribute or pattern being registered. The only supported pattern is a string with
  1356       a "*" at the end. For example, "a.b.*" is a pattern which matches all attribute names
  1357       beginning with "a.b.". For example, if the registrar has hf.Registrar.Attributes=orgAdmin,
  1358       then the only attribute which the registrar can add or remove from an identity is the
  1359       'orgAdmin' attribute.
  1360     - If the requested attribute name is 'hf.Registrar.Attributes', an additional
  1361       check is performed to see if the requested values for this attribute are equal
  1362       to or a subset of the registrar's values for 'hf.Registrar.Attributes'. For this
  1363       to be true, each requested value must match a value in the registrar's value for
  1364       'hf.Registrar.Attributes' attribute. For example, if the registrar's value for
  1365       'hf.Registrar.Attributes' is 'a.b.*, x.y.z' and the requested attribute
  1366       value is 'a.b.c, x.y.z', it is valid because 'a.b.c' matches 'a.b.*' and 'x.y.z'
  1367       matches the registrar's 'x.y.z' value.
  1369  Examples:
  1370     Valid Scenarios:
  1371        1. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1372           is registering attribute 'a.b.c', it is valid 'a.b.c' matches 'a.b.*'.
  1373        2. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1374           is registering attribute 'x.y.z', it is valid because 'x.y.z' matches the registrar's
  1375           'x.y.z' value.
  1376        3. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1377           the requested attribute value is 'a.b.c, x.y.z', it is valid because 'a.b.c' matches
  1378           'a.b.*' and 'x.y.z' matches the registrar's 'x.y.z' value.
  1379        4. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Roles = peer,client' and
  1380           the requested attribute value is 'peer' or 'peer,client', it is valid because
  1381           the requested value is equal to or a subset of the registrar's value.
  1383     Invalid Scenarios:
  1384        1. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1385           is registering attribute 'hf.Registar.Attributes = a.b.c, x.y.*', it is invalid
  1386           because requested attribute 'x.y.*' is not a pattern owned by the registrar. The value
  1387           'x.y.*' is a superset of 'x.y.z'.
  1388        2. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1389           is registering attribute 'hf.Registar.Attributes = a.b.c, x.y.z, attr1', it is invalid
  1390           because the registrar's 'hf.Registrar.Attributes' attribute values do not contain 'attr1'.
  1391        3. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1392           is registering attribute 'a.b', it is invalid because the value 'a.b' is not contained in
  1393           'a.b.*'.
  1394        4. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Attributes = a.b.*, x.y.z' and
  1395           is registering attribute 'x.y', it is invalid because 'x.y' is not contained by 'x.y.z'.
  1396        5. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Registrar.Roles = peer,client' and
  1397           the requested attribute value is 'peer,client,orderer', it is invalid because
  1398           the registrar does not have the orderer role in its value of hf.Registrar.Roles
  1399           attribute.
  1400        6. If the registrar has the attribute 'hf.Revoker = false' and the requested attribute
  1401           value is 'true', it is invalid because the hf.Revoker attribute is a boolean attribute
  1402           and the registrar's value for the attribute is not 'true'.
  1404  The table below lists all the attributes that can be registered for an identity.
  1405  The names of attributes are case sensitive.
  1407  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1408  | Name                        | Type       | Description                                                                                                |
  1409  +=============================+============+============================================================================================================+
  1410  | hf.Registrar.Roles          | List       | List of roles that the registrar is allowed to manage                                                      |
  1411  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1412  | hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles  | List       | List of roles that the registrar is allowed to give to a registree for its 'hf.Registrar.Roles' attribute  |
  1413  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1414  | hf.Registrar.Attributes     | List       | List of attributes that registrar is allowed to register                                                   |
  1415  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1416  | hf.GenCRL                   | Boolean    | Identity is able to generate CRL if attribute value is true                                                |
  1417  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1418  | hf.Revoker                  | Boolean    | Identity is able to revoke a user and/or certificates if attribute value is true                           |
  1419  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1420  | hf.AffiliationMgr           | Boolean    | Identity is able to manage affiliations if attribute value is true                                         |
  1421  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1422  | hf.IntermediateCA           | Boolean    | Identity is able to enroll as an intermediate CA if attribute value is true                                |
  1423  +-----------------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  1425  Note: When registering an identity, you specify an array of attribute names and values. If the array
  1426  specifies multiple array elements with the same name, only the last element is currently used. In other words,
  1427  multi-valued attributes are not currently supported.
  1429  The following command uses the **admin** identity's credentials to register a new
  1430  user with an enrollment id of "admin2", an affiliation of
  1431  "org1.department1", an attribute named "hf.Revoker" with a value of "true", and
  1432  an attribute named "admin" with a value of "true".  The ":ecert" suffix means that
  1433  by default the "admin" attribute and its value will be inserted into the user's
  1434  enrollment certificate, which can then be used to make access control decisions.
  1436  .. code:: bash
  1438      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1439      fabric-ca-client register admin2 --id.affiliation org1.department1 --id.attrs 'hf.Revoker=true,admin=true:ecert'
  1441  The password, also known as the enrollment secret, is printed.
  1442  This password is required to enroll the identity.
  1443  This allows an administrator to register an identity and give the
  1444  enrollment ID and the secret to someone else to enroll the identity.
  1446  Multiple attributes can be specified as part of the --id.attrs flag, each
  1447  attribute must be comma separated. For an attribute value that contains a comma,
  1448  the attribute must be encapsulated in double quotes. See example below.
  1450  .. code:: bash
  1452      fabric-ca-client register -d admin2 --id.affiliation org1.department1 --id.attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=peer,user",hf.Revoker=true'
  1454  or
  1456  .. code:: bash
  1458      fabric-ca-client register -d admin2 --id.affiliation org1.department1 --id.attrs '"hf.Registrar.Roles=peer,user"' --id.attrs hf.Revoker=true
  1460  You may set default values for any of the fields used in the register command
  1461  by editing the client's configuration file.  For example, suppose the configuration
  1462  file contains the following:
  1464  .. code:: yaml
  1466      id:
  1467        name:
  1468        type: user
  1469        affiliation: org1.department1
  1470        maxenrollments: -1
  1471        attributes:
  1472          - name: hf.Revoker
  1473            value: true
  1474          - name: anotherAttrName
  1475            value: anotherAttrValue
  1477  The following command would then register a new identity with an enrollment id of
  1478  "admin3" which it takes from the command line, and the remainder is taken from the
  1479  configuration file including the identity type: "user", affiliation: "org1.department1",
  1480  and two attributes: "hf.Revoker" and "anotherAttrName".
  1482  .. code:: bash
  1484      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1485      fabric-ca-client register admin3
  1487  To register an identity with multiple attributes requires specifying all attribute names and values
  1488  in the configuration file as shown above.
  1490  Setting `maxenrollments` to 0 or leaving it out from the configuration will result in the identity
  1491  being registered to use the CA's max enrollment value. Furthermore, the max enrollment value for
  1492  an identity being registered cannot exceed the CA's max enrollment value. For example, if the CA's
  1493  max enrollment value is 5. Any new identity must have a value less than or equal to 5, and also
  1494  can't set it to -1 (infinite enrollments).
  1496  Next, let's register a peer identity which will be used to enroll the peer in the following section.
  1497  The following command registers the **peer1** identity.  Note that we choose to specify our own
  1498  password (or secret) rather than letting the server generate one for us.
  1500  .. code:: bash
  1502      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1503      fabric-ca-client register peer1 --id.type peer --id.affiliation org1.department1 --id.secret peer1pw
  1505  Note that affiliations are case sensitive except for the non-leaf affiliations that are specified in
  1506  the server configuration file, which are always stored in lower case. For example, if the affiliations
  1507  section of the server configuration file looks like this:
  1509  .. code:: bash
  1511      affiliations:
  1512        BU1:
  1513          Department1:
  1514            - Team1
  1515        BU2:
  1516          - Department2
  1517          - Department3
  1519  `BU1`, `Department1`, `BU2` are stored in lower case. This is because Fabric CA uses Viper to read configuration.
  1520  Viper treats map keys as case insensitive and always returns lowercase value. To register an identity with
  1521  `Team1` affiliation, `bu1.department1.Team1` would need to be specified to the
  1522  `--id.affiliation` flag as shown below:
  1524  .. code:: bash
  1526      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1527      fabric-ca-client register client1 --id.type client --id.affiliation bu1.department1.Team1
  1529  Enrolling a peer identity
  1530  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1532  Now that you have successfully registered a peer identity, you may now
  1533  enroll the peer given the enrollment ID and secret (i.e. the *password*
  1534  from the previous section).  This is similar to enrolling the bootstrap identity
  1535  except that we also demonstrate how to use the "-M" option to populate the
  1536  Hyperledger Fabric MSP (Membership Service Provider) directory structure.
  1538  The following command enrolls peer1.
  1539  Be sure to replace the value of the "-M" option with the path to your
  1540  peer's MSP directory which is the
  1541  'mspConfigPath' setting in the peer's core.yaml file.
  1542  You may also set the FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME to the home directory of your peer.
  1544  .. code:: bash
  1546      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/peer1
  1547      fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://peer1:peer1pw@localhost:7054 -M $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/msp
  1549  Enrolling an orderer is the same, except the path to the MSP directory is
  1550  the 'LocalMSPDir' setting in your orderer's orderer.yaml file.
  1552  All enrollment certificates issued by the fabric-ca-server have organizational
  1553  units (or "OUs" for short) as follows:
  1555  1. The root of the OU hierarchy equals the identity type
  1556  2. An OU is added for each component of the identity's affiliation
  1558  For example, if an identity is of type `peer` and its affiliation is
  1559  `department1.team1`, the identity's OU hierarchy (from leaf to root) is
  1560  `OU=team1, OU=department1, OU=peer`.
  1562  Getting a CA certificate chain from another Fabric CA server
  1563  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1565  In general, the cacerts directory of the MSP directory must contain the certificate authority chains
  1566  of other certificate authorities, representing all of the roots of trust for the peer.
  1568  The ``fabric-ca-client getcainfo`` command is used to retrieve these certificate chains from other
  1569  Fabric CA server instances.
  1571  For example, the following will start a second Fabric CA server on localhost
  1572  listening on port 7055 with a name of "CA2".  This represents a completely separate
  1573  root of trust and would be managed by a different member on the blockchain.
  1575  .. code:: bash
  1577      export FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME=$HOME/ca2
  1578      fabric-ca-server start -b admin:ca2pw -p 7055 -n CA2
  1580  The following command will install CA2's certificate chain into peer1's MSP directory.
  1582  .. code:: bash
  1584      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/peer1
  1585      fabric-ca-client getcainfo -u http://localhost:7055 -M $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/msp
  1587  By default, the Fabric CA server returns the CA chain in child-first order. This means that each CA
  1588  certificate in the chain is followed by its issuer's CA certificate. If you need the Fabric CA server
  1589  to return the CA chain in the opposite order, then set the environment variable ``CA_CHAIN_PARENT_FIRST``
  1590  to ``true`` and restart the Fabric CA server. The Fabric CA client will handle either order appropriately.
  1592  Getting Identity Mixer credential for a user
  1593  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1594  Identity Mixer (Idemix) is a cryptographic protocol suite for privacy-preserving authentication and transfer of certified attributes.
  1595  Idemix allows users to authenticate with verifiers without the involvement of the issuer (CA) and selectively disclose only those attributes
  1596  that are required by the verifier and can do so without being linkable across their transactions.
  1598  Fabric CA server can issue Idemix credentials in addition to X509 certificates. An Idemix credential can be requested by sending the request to
  1599  the ``/api/v1/idemix/credential`` API endpoint. For more information on this and other Fabric CA server API endpoints, please refer to
  1600  `swagger-fabric-ca.json <>`_.
  1602  The Idemix credential issuance is a two step process. First, send a request with an empty body to the ``/api/v1/idemix/credential``
  1603  API endpoint to get a nonce and CA's Idemix public key. Second, create a credential request using the nonce and CA's Idemix public key and
  1604  send another request with the credential request in the body to  the ``/api/v1/idemix/credential`` API endpoint to get an Idemix credential,
  1605  Credential Revocation Information (CRI), and attribute names and values. Currently, only three attributes are supported:
  1607  - **OU** - organization unit of the user. The value of this attribute is set to user's affiliation. For example, if user's affiliation is `dept1.unit1`, then OU attribute is set to `dept1.unit1`
  1608  - **IsAdmin** - if the user is an admin or not. The value of this attribute is set to the value of `isAdmin` registration attribute.
  1609  - **EnrollmentID** - enrollment ID of the user
  1611  You can refer to the `handleIdemixEnroll` function in for reference implementation
  1612  of the two step process for getting Idemix credential.
  1614  The ``/api/v1/idemix/credential`` API endpoint accepts both basic and token authorization headers. The basic authorization header should
  1615  contain User's registration ID and password. If the user already has X509 enrollment certificate, it can also be used to create a token authorization header.
  1617  Note that Hyperledger Fabric will support clients/users to sign transactions with both X509 and Idemix credentials, but will only support X509 credentials
  1618  for peer and orderer identities. As before, applications can use a Fabric SDK to send requests to the Fabric CA server. SDKs hide the complexity
  1619  associated with creating authorization header and request payload, and with processing the response.
  1621  Getting Idemix CRI (Certificate Revocation Information)
  1622  -----------------------------------------------
  1623  An Idemix CRI (Credential Revocation Information) is similar in purpose to an X509 CRL (Certificate Revocation List):
  1624  to revoke what was previously issued.  However, there are some differences.
  1626  In X509, the issuer revokes an end user's certificate and its ID is included in the CRL.
  1627  The verifier checks to see if the user's certificate is in the CRL and if so, returns an authorization failure.
  1628  The end user is not involved in this revocation process, other than receiving an authorization error from a verifier.
  1630  In Idemix, the end user is involved.  The issuer revokes an end user's credential similar to X509 and evidence of this
  1631  revocation is recorded in the CRI.  The CRI is given to the end user (aka "prover").  The end user then generates a
  1632  proof that their credential has not been revoked according to the CRI.  The end user gives this proof to the verifier
  1633  who verifies the proof according to the CRI.
  1634  For verification to succeed, the version of the CRI (known as the "epoch") used by the end user and verifier must be same.
  1635  The latest CRI can be requested by sending a request to ``/api/v1/idemix/cri`` API endpoint.
  1637  The version of the CRI is incremented when an enroll request is received by the fabric-ca-server and there are no revocation
  1638  handles remaining in the revocation handle pool. In this case, the fabric-ca-server must generate a new pool of revocation
  1639  handles which increments the epoch of the CRI. The number of revocation handles in the revocation handle pool is configurable
  1640  via the ``idemix.rhpoolsize`` server configuration property.
  1642  Reenrolling an Identity
  1643  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1645  Suppose your enrollment certificate is about to expire or has been compromised.
  1646  You can issue the reenroll command to renew your enrollment certificate as follows.
  1648  .. code:: bash
  1650      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/peer1
  1651      fabric-ca-client reenroll
  1653  Revoking a certificate or identity
  1654  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1655  An identity or a certificate can be revoked. Revoking an identity will revoke all
  1656  the certificates owned by the identity and will also prevent the identity from getting
  1657  any new certificates. Revoking a certificate will invalidate a single certificate.
  1659  In order to revoke a certificate or an identity, the calling identity must have
  1660  the ``hf.Revoker`` and ``hf.Registrar.Roles`` attribute. The revoking identity
  1661  can only revoke a certificate or an identity that has an affiliation that is
  1662  equal to or prefixed by the revoking identity's affiliation. Furthermore, the
  1663  revoker can only revoke identities with types that are listed in the revoker's
  1664  ``hf.Registrar.Roles`` attribute.
  1666  For example, a revoker with affiliation **orgs.org1** and 'hf.Registrar.Roles=peer,client'
  1667  attribute can revoke either a **peer** or **client** type identity affiliated with
  1668  **orgs.org1** or **orgs.org1.department1** but can't revoke an identity affiliated with
  1669  **orgs.org2** or of any other type.
  1671  The following command disables an identity and revokes all of the certificates
  1672  associated with the identity. All future requests received by the Fabric CA server
  1673  from this identity will be rejected.
  1675  .. code:: bash
  1677      fabric-ca-client revoke -e <enrollment_id> -r <reason>
  1679  The following are the supported reasons that can be specified using ``-r`` flag:
  1681    1. unspecified
  1682    2. keycompromise
  1683    3. cacompromise
  1684    4. affiliationchange
  1685    5. superseded
  1686    6. cessationofoperation
  1687    7. certificatehold
  1688    8. removefromcrl
  1689    9. privilegewithdrawn
  1690    10. aacompromise
  1692  For example, the bootstrap admin who is associated with root of the affiliation tree
  1693  can revoke **peer1**'s identity as follows:
  1695  .. code:: bash
  1697      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
  1698      fabric-ca-client revoke -e peer1
  1700  An enrollment certificate that belongs to an identity can be revoked by
  1701  specifying its AKI (Authority Key Identifier) and serial number as follows:
  1703  .. code:: bash
  1705      fabric-ca-client revoke -a xxx -s yyy -r <reason>
  1707  For example, you can get the AKI and the serial number of a certificate using the openssl command
  1708  and pass them to the ``revoke`` command to revoke the said certificate as follows:
  1710  .. code:: bash
  1712     serial=$(openssl x509 -in userecert.pem -serial -noout | cut -d "=" -f 2)
  1713     aki=$(openssl x509 -in userecert.pem -text | awk '/keyid/ {gsub(/ *keyid:|:/,"",$1);print tolower($0)}')
  1714     fabric-ca-client revoke -s $serial -a $aki -r affiliationchange
  1716  The `--gencrl` flag can be used to generate a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) that contains all the revoked
  1717  certificates. For example, following command will revoke the identity **peer1**, generates a CRL and stores
  1718  it in the **<msp folder>/crls/crl.pem** file.
  1720  .. code:: bash
  1722      fabric-ca-client revoke -e peer1 --gencrl
  1724  A CRL can also be generated using the `gencrl` command. Refer to the `Generating a CRL (Certificate Revocation List)`_
  1725  section for more information on the `gencrl` command.
  1727  Generating a CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
  1728  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1729  After a certificate is revoked in the Fabric CA server, the appropriate MSPs in Hyperledger Fabric must also be updated.
  1730  This includes both local MSPs of the peers as well as MSPs in the appropriate channel configuration blocks.
  1731  To do this, PEM encoded CRL (certificate revocation list) file must be placed in the `crls`
  1732  folder of the MSP. The ``fabric-ca-client gencrl`` command can be used to generate a CRL. Any identity
  1733  with ``hf.GenCRL`` attribute can create a CRL that contains serial numbers of all certificates that were revoked
  1734  during a certain period. The created CRL is stored in the `<msp folder>/crls/crl.pem` file.
  1736  The following command will create a CRL containing all the revoked certficates (expired and unexpired) and
  1737  store the CRL in the `~/msp/crls/crl.pem` file.
  1739  .. code:: bash
  1741      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/clientconfig
  1742      fabric-ca-client gencrl -M ~/msp
  1744  The next command will create a CRL containing all certificates (expired and unexpired) that were revoked after
  1745  2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 (specified by the `--revokedafter` flag) and before 2017-09-21T16:39:57-08:00
  1746  (specified by the `--revokedbefore` flag) and store the CRL in the `~/msp/crls/crl.pem` file.
  1748  .. code:: bash
  1750      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/clientconfig
  1751      fabric-ca-client gencrl --caname "" --revokedafter 2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 --revokedbefore 2017-09-21T16:39:57-08:00 -M ~/msp
  1754  The `--caname` flag specifies the name of the CA to which this request is sent. In this example, the gencrl request is
  1755  sent to the default CA.
  1757  The `--revokedafter` and `--revokedbefore` flags specify the lower and upper boundaries of a time period.
  1758  The generated CRL will contain certificates that were revoked in this time period. The values must be UTC
  1759  timestamps specified in RFC3339 format. The `--revokedafter` timestamp cannot be greater than the
  1760  `--revokedbefore` timestamp.
  1762  By default, 'Next Update' date of the CRL is set to next day. The `crl.expiry` CA configuration property
  1763  can be used to specify a custom value.
  1765  The gencrl command will also accept `--expireafter` and `--expirebefore` flags that can be used to generate a CRL
  1766  with revoked certificates that expire during the period specified by these flags. For example, the following command
  1767  will generate a CRL that contains certificates that were revoked after 2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 and
  1768  before 2017-09-21T16:39:57-08:00, and that expire after 2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 and before 2018-09-13T16:39:57-08:00
  1770  .. code:: bash
  1772      export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/clientconfig
  1773      fabric-ca-client gencrl --caname "" --expireafter 2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 --expirebefore 2018-09-13T16:39:57-08:00  --revokedafter 2017-09-13T16:39:57-08:00 --revokedbefore 2017-09-21T16:39:57-08:00 -M ~/msp
  1775  Enabling TLS
  1776  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1778  This section describes in more detail how to configure TLS for a Fabric CA client.
  1780  The following sections may be configured in the ``fabric-ca-client-config.yaml``.
  1782  .. code:: yaml
  1784      tls:
  1785        # Enable TLS (default: false)
  1786        enabled: true
  1787        certfiles:
  1788          - root.pem
  1789        client:
  1790          certfile: tls_client-cert.pem
  1791          keyfile: tls_client-key.pem
  1793  The **certfiles** option is the set of root certificates trusted by the
  1794  client. This will typically just be the root Fabric CA server's
  1795  certificate found in the server's home directory in the **ca-cert.pem**
  1796  file.
  1798  The **client** option is required only if mutual TLS is configured on
  1799  the server.
  1801  Attribute-Based Access Control
  1802  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1804  Access control decisions can be made by chaincode (and by the Hyperledger Fabric runtime)
  1805  based upon an identity's attributes.  This is called
  1806  **Attribute-Based Access Control**, or **ABAC** for short.
  1808  In order to make this possible, an identity's enrollment certificate (ECert)
  1809  may contain one or more attribute name and value.  The chaincode then
  1810  extracts an attribute's value to make an access control decision.
  1812  For example, suppose that you are developing application *app1* and want a
  1813  particular chaincode operation to be accessible only by app1 administrators.
  1814  Your chaincode could verify that the caller's certificate (which was issued by
  1815  a CA trusted for the channel) contains an attribute named *app1Admin* with a
  1816  value of *true*.  Of course the name of the attribute can be anything and the
  1817  value need not be a boolean value.
  1819  So how do you get an enrollment certificate with an attribute?
  1820  There are two methods:
  1822  1.   When you register an identity, you can specify that an enrollment certificate
  1823       issued for the identity should by default contain an attribute.  This behavior
  1824       can be overridden at enrollment time, but this is useful for establishing
  1825       default behavior and, assuming registration occurs outside of your application,
  1826       does not require any application change.
  1828       The following shows how to register *user1* with two attributes:
  1829       *app1Admin* and *email*.
  1830       The ":ecert" suffix causes the *appAdmin* attribute to be inserted into user1's
  1831       enrollment certificate by default, when the user does not explicitly request
  1832       attributes at enrollment time.  The *email* attribute is not added
  1833       to the enrollment certificate by default.
  1835  .. code:: bash
  1837       fabric-ca-client register user1 --id.secret user1pw --id.type user --id.affiliation org1 --id.attrs 'app1Admin=true:ecert,'
  1839  2. When you enroll an identity, you may explicitly request that one or more attributes
  1840     be added to the certificate.
  1841     For each attribute requested, you may specify whether the attribute is
  1842     optional or not.  If it is not requested optionally and the identity does
  1843     not possess the attribute, an error will occur.
  1845     The following shows how to enroll *user1* with the *email* attribute,
  1846     without the *app1Admin* attribute, and optionally with the *phone*
  1847     attribute (if the user possesses the *phone* attribute).
  1849  .. code:: bash
  1851     fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://user1:user1pw@localhost:7054 --enrollment.attrs "email,phone:opt"
  1853  The table below shows the three attributes which are automatically registered for every identity.
  1855  ===================================   =====================================
  1856       Attribute Name                               Attribute Value
  1857  ===================================   =====================================
  1858    hf.EnrollmentID                        The enrollment ID of the identity
  1859    hf.Type                                The type of the identity
  1860    hf.Affiliation                         The affiliation of the identity
  1861  ===================================   =====================================
  1863  To add any of the above attributes **by default** to a certificate, you must
  1864  explicitly register the attribute with the ":ecert" specification.
  1865  For example, the following registers identity 'user1' so that
  1866  the 'hf.Affiliation' attribute will be added to an enrollment certificate if
  1867  no specific attributes are requested at enrollment time.  Note that the
  1868  value of the affiliation (which is 'org1') must be the same in both the
  1869  '--id.affiliation' and the '--id.attrs' flags.
  1871  .. code:: bash
  1873      fabric-ca-client register user1 --id.secret user1pw --id.type user --id.affiliation org1 --id.attrs 'hf.Affiliation=org1:ecert'
  1875  For information on the chaincode library API for Attribute-Based Access Control,
  1876  see ` <>`_
  1878  Dynamic Server Configuration Update
  1879  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1881  This section describes how to use fabric-ca-client to dynamically update portions
  1882  of the fabric-ca-server's configuration without restarting the server.
  1884  All commands in this section require that you first be enrolled by executing the
  1885  `fabric-ca-client enroll` command.
  1887  Dynamically updating identities
  1888  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1890  This section describes how to use fabric-ca-client to dynamically update identities.
  1892  An authorization failure will occur if the client identity does not satisfy all of the following:
  1894   - The client identity must possess the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute with a comma-separated list of
  1895     values where one of the values equals the type of identity being updated; for example, if the client's
  1896     identity has the "hf.Registrar.Roles" attribute with a value of "client,peer", the client can update
  1897     identities of type 'client' and 'peer', but not 'orderer'.
  1899   - The affiliation of the client's identity must be equal to or a prefix of the affiliation of the identity
  1900     being updated.  For example, a client with an affiliation of "a.b" may update an identity with an affiliation
  1901     of "a.b.c" but may not update an identity with an affiliation of "a.c". If root affiliation is required for an
  1902     identity, then the update request should specify a dot (".") for the affiliation and the client must also have
  1903     root affiliation.
  1905  The following shows how to add, modify, and remove an affiliation.
  1907  Getting Identity Information
  1908  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  1910  A caller may retrieve information on a identity from the fabric-ca server as long as the caller meets
  1911  the authorization requirements highlighted in the section above. The following command shows how to get an
  1912  identity.
  1914  .. code:: bash
  1916      fabric-ca-client identity list --id user1
  1918  A caller may also request to retrieve information on all identities that it is authorized to see by
  1919  issuing the following command.
  1921  .. code:: bash
  1923      fabric-ca-client identity list
  1925  Adding an identity
  1926  """""""""""""""""""
  1928  The following adds a new identity for 'user1'. Adding a new identity performs the same action as registering an
  1929  identity via the 'fabric-ca-client register' command. There are two available methods for adding a new identity.
  1930  The first method is via the `--json` flag where you describe the identity in a JSON string.
  1932  .. code:: bash
  1934      fabric-ca-client identity add user1 --json '{"secret": "user1pw", "type": "user", "affiliation": "org1", "max_enrollments": 1, "attrs": [{"name": "hf.Revoker", "value": "true"}]}'
  1936  The following adds a user with root affiliation. Note that an affiliation name of "." means the root affiliation.
  1938  .. code:: bash
  1940      fabric-ca-client identity add user1 --json '{"secret": "user1pw", "type": "user", "affiliation": ".", "max_enrollments": 1, "attrs": [{"name": "hf.Revoker", "value": "true"}]}'
  1942  The second method for adding an identity is to use direct flags. See the example below for adding 'user1'.
  1944  .. code:: bash
  1946      fabric-ca-client identity add user1 --secret user1pw --type user --affiliation . --maxenrollments 1 --attrs hf.Revoker=true
  1948  The table below lists all the fields of an identity and whether they are required or optional, and any default values they might have.
  1950  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1951  | Fields         | Required   | Default Value          |
  1952  +================+============+========================+
  1953  | ID             | Yes        |                        |
  1954  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1955  | Secret         | No         |                        |
  1956  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1957  | Affiliation    | No         | Caller's Affiliation   |
  1958  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1959  | Type           | No         | client                 |
  1960  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1961  | Maxenrollments | No         | 0                      |
  1962  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1963  | Attributes     | No         |                        |
  1964  +----------------+------------+------------------------+
  1967  Modifying an identity
  1968  """"""""""""""""""""""
  1970  There are two available methods for modifying an existing identity. The first method is via the `--json` flag where you describe
  1971  the modifications in to an identity in a JSON string. Multiple modifications can be made in a single request. Any element of an identity that
  1972  is not modified will retain its original value.
  1974  NOTE: A maxenrollments value of "-2" specifies that the CA's max enrollment setting is to be used.
  1976  The command below make multiple modification to an identity using the --json flag.
  1978  .. code:: bash
  1980      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --json '{"secret": "newPassword", "affiliation": ".", "attrs": [{"name": "hf.Regisrar.Roles", "value": "peer,client"},{"name": "hf.Revoker", "value": "true"}]}'
  1982  The commands below make modifications using direct flags. The following updates the enrollment secret (or password) for identity 'user1' to 'newsecret'.
  1984  .. code:: bash
  1986      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --secret newsecret
  1988  The following updates the affiliation of identity 'user1' to 'org2'.
  1990  .. code:: bash
  1992      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --affiliation org2
  1994  The following updates the type of identity 'user1' to 'peer'.
  1996  .. code:: bash
  1998      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --type peer
  2001  The following updates the maxenrollments of identity 'user1' to 5.
  2003  .. code:: bash
  2005      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --maxenrollments 5
  2007  By specifying a maxenrollments value of '-2', the following causes identity 'user1' to use
  2008  the CA's max enrollment setting.
  2010  .. code:: bash
  2012      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --maxenrollments -2
  2014  The following sets the value of the 'hf.Revoker' attribute for identity 'user1' to 'false'.
  2015  If the identity has other attributes, they are not changed.  If the identity did not previously
  2016  possess the 'hf.Revoker' attribute, the attribute is added to the identity. An attribute may
  2017  also be removed by specifying no value for the attribute.
  2019  .. code:: bash
  2021      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --attrs hf.Revoker=false
  2023  The following removes the 'hf.Revoker' attribute for user 'user1'.
  2025  .. code:: bash
  2027      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --attrs hf.Revoker=
  2029  The following demonstrates that multiple options may be used in a single `fabric-ca-client identity modify`
  2030  command. In this case, both the secret and the type are updated for user 'user1'.
  2032  .. code:: bash
  2034      fabric-ca-client identity modify user1 --secret newpass --type peer
  2036  Removing an identity
  2037  """""""""""""""""""""
  2039  The following removes identity 'user1' and also revokes any certificates associated with the 'user1' identity.
  2041  .. code:: bash
  2043      fabric-ca-client identity remove user1
  2045  Note: Removal of identities is disabled in the fabric-ca-server by default, but may be enabled
  2046  by starting the fabric-ca-server with the `--cfg.identities.allowremove` option.
  2048  Dynamically updating affiliations
  2049  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2051  This section describes how to use fabric-ca-client to dynamically update affiliations. The
  2052  following shows how to add, modify, remove, and list an affiliation.
  2054  Adding an affiliation
  2055  """""""""""""""""""""""
  2057  An authorization failure will occur if the client identity does not satisfy all of the following:
  2059    - The client identity must possess the attribute 'hf.AffiliationMgr' with a value of 'true'.
  2060    - The affiliation of the client identity must be hierarchically above the affiliation being updated.
  2061      For example, if the client's affiliation is "a.b", the client may add affiliation "a.b.c" but not
  2062      "a" or "a.b".
  2064  The following adds a new affiliation named ‘org1.dept1’.
  2066  .. code:: bash
  2068      fabric-ca-client affiliation add org1.dept1
  2070  Modifying an affiliation
  2071  """""""""""""""""""""""""
  2073  An authorization failure will occur if the client identity does not satisfy all of the following:
  2075    - The client identity must possess the attribute 'hf.AffiliationMgr' with a value of 'true'.
  2076    - The affiliation of the client identity must be hierarchically above the affiliation being updated.
  2077      For example, if the client's affiliation is "a.b", the client may add affiliation "a.b.c" but not
  2078      "a" or "a.b".
  2079    - If the '--force' option is true and there are identities which must be modified, the client
  2080      identity must also be authorized to modify the identity.
  2082  The following renames the 'org2' affiliation to 'org3'.  It also renames any sub affiliations
  2083  (e.g. 'org2.department1' is renamed to 'org3.department1').
  2085  .. code:: bash
  2087      fabric-ca-client affiliation modify org2 --name org3
  2089  If there are identities that are affected by the renaming of an affiliation, it will result in
  2090  an error unless the '--force' option is used. Using the '--force' option will update the affiliation
  2091  of identities that are affected to use the new affiliation name.
  2093  .. code:: bash
  2095      fabric-ca-client affiliation modify org1 --name org2 --force
  2097  Removing an affiliation
  2098  """""""""""""""""""""""""
  2100  An authorization failure will occur if the client identity does not satisfy all of the following:
  2102    - The client identity must possess the attribute 'hf.AffiliationMgr' with a value of 'true'.
  2103    - The affiliation of the client identity must be hierarchically above the affiliation being updated.
  2104      For example, if the client's affiliation is "a.b", the client may remove affiliation "a.b.c" but not
  2105      "a" or "a.b".
  2106    - If the '--force' option is true and there are identities which must be modified, the client
  2107      identity must also be authorized to modify the identity.
  2109  The following removes affiliation 'org2' and also any sub affiliations.
  2110  For example, if 'org2.dept1' is an affiliation below 'org2', it is also removed.
  2112  .. code:: bash
  2114      fabric-ca-client affiliation remove org2
  2116  If there are identities that are affected by the removing of an affiliation, it will result
  2117  in an error unless the '--force' option is used. Using the '--force' option will also remove
  2118  all identities that are associated with that affiliation, and the certificates associated with
  2119  any of these identities.
  2121  Note: Removal of affiliations is disabled in the fabric-ca-server by default, but may be enabled
  2122  by starting the fabric-ca-server with the `--cfg.affiliations.allowremove` option.
  2124  Listing affiliation information
  2125  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2127  An authorization failure will occur if the client identity does not satisfy all of the following:
  2129    - The client identity must possess the attribute 'hf.AffiliationMgr' with a value of 'true'.
  2130    - Affiliation of the client identity must be equal to or be hierarchically above the
  2131      affiliation being updated. For example, if the client's affiliation is "a.b",
  2132      the client may get affiliation information on "a.b" or "a.b.c" but not "a" or "a.c".
  2134  The following command shows how to get a specific affiliation.
  2136  .. code:: bash
  2138      fabric-ca-client affiliation list --affiliation org2.dept1
  2140  A caller may also request to retrieve information on all affiliations that it is authorized to see by
  2141  issuing the following command.
  2143  .. code:: bash
  2145      fabric-ca-client affiliation list
  2147  Manage Certificates
  2148  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2150  This section describes how to use fabric-ca-client to manage certificates.
  2152  Listing certificate information
  2153  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2155  The certificates that are visible to a caller include:
  2157    - Those certificates which belong to the caller
  2158    - If the caller possesses the ``hf.Registrar.Roles`` attribute or the ``hf.Revoker`` attribute with a value of ``true``,
  2159      all certificates which belong to identities in and below the caller's affiliation. For example, if the client's
  2160      affiliation is ``a.b``, the client may get certificates for identities who's affiliation
  2161      is ``a.b`` or ``a.b.c`` but not ``a`` or ``a.c``.
  2163  If executing a list command that requests certificates of more than one identity, only certificates of identities
  2164  with an affiliation that is equal to or hierarchically below the caller's affiliation will be listed.
  2166  The certificates which will be listed may be filtered based on ID, AKI, serial number, expiration time, revocation time, notrevoked, and notexpired flags.
  2168  * ``id``: List certificates for this enrollment ID
  2169  * ``serial``: List certificates that have this serial number
  2170  * ``aki``: List certificates that have this AKI
  2171  * ``expiration``: List certificates that have expiration dates that fall within this expiration time
  2172  * ``revocation``: List certificates that were revoked within this revocation time
  2173  * ``notrevoked``: List certificates that have not yet been revoked
  2174  * ``notexpired``: List certificates that have not yet expired
  2176  You can use flags ``notexpired`` and ``notrevoked`` as filters to exclude revoked certificates and/or expired certificates from the result set.
  2177  For example, if you only care about certificates that have expired but have not been revoked you can use the ``expiration`` and ``notrevoked`` flags to
  2178  get back such results. An example of this case is provided below.
  2180  Time should be specified based on RFC3339. For instance, to list certificates that have expirations between
  2181  March 1, 2018 at 1:00 PM and June 15, 2018 at 2:00 AM, the input time string would look like 2018-03-01T13:00:00z
  2182  and 2018-06-15T02:00:00z. If time is not a concern, and only the dates matter, then the time part can be left
  2183  off and then the strings become 2018-03-01 and 2018-06-15.
  2185  The string ``now`` may be used to denote the current time and the empty string to denote any time. For example, ``now::`` denotes
  2186  a time range from now to any time in the future, and ``::now`` denotes a time range from any time in the past until now.
  2188  The following command shows how to list certificates using various filters.
  2190  List all certificates:
  2192  .. code:: bash
  2194   fabric-ca-client certificate list
  2196  List all certificates by id:
  2198  .. code:: bash
  2200   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin
  2202  List certificate by serial and aki:
  2204  .. code:: bash
  2206   fabric-ca-client certificate list --serial 1234 --aki 1234
  2208  List certificate by id and serial/aki:
  2210  .. code:: bash
  2212   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --serial 1234 --aki 1234
  2214  List certificates that are neither revoker nor expired by id:
  2216  .. code:: bash
  2218   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --notrevoked --notexpired
  2220  List all certificates that have not been revoked for an id (admin):
  2222  .. code:: bash
  2224   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --notrevoked
  2226  List all certificates have not expired for an id (admin):
  2228  The "--notexpired" flag is equivalent to "--expiration now::", which means certificates
  2229  will expire some time in the future.
  2231  .. code:: bash
  2233   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --notexpired
  2235  List all certificates that were revoked between a time range for an id (admin):
  2237  .. code:: bash
  2239   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --revocation 2018-01-01T01:30:00z::2018-01-30T05:00:00z
  2241  List all certificates that were revoked between a time range but have not expired for an id (admin):
  2243  .. code:: bash
  2245   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --revocation 2018-01-01::2018-01-30 --notexpired
  2247  List all revoked certificates using duration (revoked between 30 days and 15 days ago) for an id (admin):
  2249  .. code:: bash
  2251   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --revocation -30d::-15d
  2253  List all revoked certificates before a time
  2255  .. code:: bash
  2257   fabric-ca-client certificate list --revocation ::2018-01-30
  2259  List all revoked certificates after a time
  2261  .. code:: bash
  2263   fabric-ca-client certificate list --revocation 2018-01-30::
  2265  List all revoked certificates before now and after a certain date
  2267  .. code:: bash
  2269   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --revocation 2018-01-30::now
  2271  List all certificate that expired between a time range but have not been revoked for an id (admin):
  2273  .. code:: bash
  2275   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --expiration 2018-01-01::2018-01-30 --notrevoked
  2277  List all expired certificates using duration (expired between 30 days and 15 days ago) for an id (admin):
  2279  .. code:: bash
  2281   fabric-ca-client certificate list --expiration -30d::-15d
  2283  List all certificates that have expired or will expire before a certain time
  2285  .. code:: bash
  2287   fabric-ca-client certificate list --expiration ::2058-01-30
  2289  List all certificates that have expired or will expire after a certain time
  2291  .. code:: bash
  2293   fabric-ca-client certificate list --expiration 2018-01-30::
  2295  List all expired certificates before now and after a certain date
  2297  .. code:: bash
  2299   fabric-ca-client certificate list --expiration 2018-01-30::now
  2301  List certificates expiring in the next 10 days:
  2303  .. code:: bash
  2305   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --expiration ::+10d --notrevoked
  2307  The list certificate command can also be used to store certificates on the file
  2308  system. This is a convenient way to populate the admins folder in an MSP, The "-store" flag
  2309  points to the location on the file system to store the certificates.
  2311  Configure an identity to be an admin, by storing certificates for an identity
  2312  in the MSP:
  2314  .. code:: bash
  2316   export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=/tmp/clientHome
  2317   fabric-ca-client certificate list --id admin --store msp/admincerts
  2319  Contact specific CA instance
  2320  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2322  When a server is running multiple CA instances, requests can be directed to a
  2323  specific CA. By default, if no CA name is specified in the client request the
  2324  request will be directed to the default CA on the fabric-ca server. A CA name
  2325  can be specified on the command line of a client command using the ``caname``
  2326  filter as follows:
  2328  .. code:: bash
  2330      fabric-ca-client enroll -u http://admin:adminpw@localhost:7054 --caname <caname>
  2332  `Back to Top`_
  2334  HSM
  2335  ---
  2336  By default, the Fabric CA server and client store private keys in a PEM-encoded file,
  2337  but they can also be configured to store private keys in an HSM (Hardware Security Module)
  2338  via PKCS11 APIs. This behavior is configured in the BCCSP (BlockChain Crypto Service Provider)
  2339  section of the server’s or client’s configuration file.
  2341  Configuring Fabric CA server to use softhsm2
  2342  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2344  This section shows how to configure the Fabric CA server or client to use a software version
  2345  of PKCS11 called softhsm (see
  2347  After installing softhsm, make sure to set your SOFTHSM2_CONF environment variable to
  2348  point to the location where the softhsm2 configuration file is stored. The config file looks like
  2350  .. code::
  2352    directories.tokendir = /tmp/
  2353    objectstore.backend = file
  2354    log.level = INFO
  2356  You can find example configuration file named softhsm2.conf under testdata directory.
  2358  Create a token, label it “ForFabric”, set the pin to ‘98765432’
  2359  (refer to softhsm documentation).
  2363  You can use both the config file and environment variables to configure BCCSP
  2364  For example, set the bccsp section of Fabric CA server configuration file as follows.
  2365  Note that the default field’s value is PKCS11.
  2367  .. code:: yaml
  2369    #############################################################################
  2370    # BCCSP (BlockChain Crypto Service Provider) section is used to select which
  2371    # crypto library implementation to use
  2372    #############################################################################
  2373    bccsp:
  2374      default: PKCS11
  2375      pkcs11:
  2376        Library: /usr/local/Cellar/softhsm/2.1.0/lib/softhsm/
  2377        Pin: 98765432
  2378        Label: ForFabric
  2379        hash: SHA2
  2380        security: 256
  2381        filekeystore:
  2382          # The directory used for the software file-based keystore
  2383          keystore: msp/keystore
  2385  And you can override relevant fields via environment variables as follows:
  2387  .. code:: bash
  2390    FABRIC_CA_SERVER_BCCSP_PKCS11_LIBRARY=/usr/local/Cellar/softhsm/2.1.0/lib/softhsm/
  2391    FABRIC_CA_SERVER_BCCSP_PKCS11_PIN=98765432
  2394  `Back to Top`_
  2396  File Formats
  2397  ------------
  2399  Fabric CA server's configuration file format
  2400  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2402  A default configuration file is created in the server's home directory
  2403  (see `Fabric CA Server <#server>`__ section for more info). The following
  2404  link shows a sample :doc:`Server configuration file <serverconfig>`.
  2406  Fabric CA client's configuration file format
  2407  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2409  A default configuration file is created in the client's home directory
  2410  (see `Fabric CA Client <#client>`__ section for more info). The following
  2411  link shows a sample :doc:`Client configuration file <clientconfig>`.
  2413  `Back to Top`_
  2415  Troubleshooting
  2416  ---------------
  2418  1. If you see a ``Killed: 9`` error on OSX when trying to execute
  2419     ``fabric-ca-client`` or ``fabric-ca-server``, there is a long thread
  2420     describing this problem at
  2421     The short answer is that to work around this issue, you can run the
  2422     following command::
  2424      # sudo ln -s /usr/bin/true /usr/local/bin/dsymutil
  2426  2. The error ``[ERROR] No certificates found for provided serial and aki`` will occur
  2427     if the following sequence of events occurs:
  2429     a. You issue a `fabric-ca-client enroll` command, creating an enrollment certificate (i.e. an ECert).
  2430        This stores a copy of the ECert in the fabric-ca-server's database.
  2431     b. The fabric-ca-server's database is deleted and recreated, thus losing the ECert from step 'a'.
  2432        For example, this may happen if you stop and restart a docker container hosting the fabric-ca-server,
  2433        but your fabric-ca-server is using the default sqlite database and the database file is not stored
  2434        on a volume and is therefore not persistent.
  2435     c. You issue a `fabric-ca-client register` command or any other command which tries to use the ECert from
  2436        step 'a'.  In this case, since the database no longer contains the ECert, the
  2437        ``[ERROR] No certificates found for provided serial and aki`` will occur.
  2439     To resolve this error, you must enroll again by repeating step 'a'.  This will issue a new ECert
  2440     which will be stored in the current database.
  2442  3. When sending multiple parallel requests to a Fabric CA Server cluster that uses shared sqlite3 databases,
  2443     the server occasionally returns a 'database locked' error. This is most probably because the database
  2444     transaction timed out while waiting for database lock (held by another cluster member) to be released.
  2445     This is an invalid configuration because sqlite is an embedded database, which means the Fabric CA server
  2446     cluster must share the same file via a shared file system, which introduces a SPoF (single point of failure),
  2447     which contradicts the purpose of cluster topology. The best practice is to use either Postgres or MySQL
  2448     databases in a cluster topology.
  2450  4. Suppose an error similar to
  2451     ``Failed to deserialize creator identity, err The supplied identity is not valid, Verify() returned x509: certificate signed by unknown authority``
  2452     is returned by a peer or orderer when using an enrollment certificate issued by the Fabric CA Server.  This indicates that
  2453     the signing CA certificate used by the Fabric CA Server to issue certificates does not match a certificate in the `cacerts` or `intermediatecerts`
  2454     folder of the MSP used to make authorization checks.
  2456     The MSP which is used to make authorization checks depends on which operation you were performing when the error occurred.
  2457     For example, if you were trying to install chaincode on a peer, the local MSP on the file system of the peer is used;
  2458     otherwise, if you were performing some channel specific operation such as instantiating chaincode on a specific channel,
  2459     the MSP in the genesis block or the most recent configuration block of the channel is used.
  2461     To confirm that this is the problem, compare the AKI (Authority Key Identifier) of the enrollment certificate
  2462     to the SKI (Subject Key Identifier) of the certificate(s) in the `cacerts` and `intermediatecerts` folder of appropriate MSP.
  2463     The command `openssl x509 -in <PEM-file> -noout -text | grep -A1 "Authority Key Identifier"` will display the AKI and
  2464     `openssl x509 -in <PEM-file> -noout -text | grep -A1 "Subject Key Identifier"` will display the SKI.
  2465     If they are not equal, you have confirmed that this is the cause of the error.
  2467     This can happen for multiple reasons including:
  2469     a. You used `cryptogen` to generate your key material but did not start `fabric-ca-server` with the signing key and certificate generated
  2470        by `cryptogen`.
  2472        To resolve (assuming `FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME` is set to the home directory of your `fabric-ca-server`):
  2474        1. Stop `fabric-ca-server`.
  2475        2. Copy `crypto-config/peerOrganizations/<orgName>/ca/*pem` to `$FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/ca-cert.pem`.
  2476        3. Copy `crypto-config/peerOrganizations/<orgName>/ca/*_sk` to `$FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/msp/keystore/`.
  2477        4. Start `fabric-ca-server`.
  2478        5. Delete any previously issued enrollment certificates and get new certificates by enrolling again.
  2480     b. You deleted and recreated the CA signing key and certificate used by the Fabric CA Server after generating the genesis block.
  2481        This can happen if the Fabric CA Server is running in a docker container, the container was restarted, and its home directory
  2482        is not on a volume mount.  In this case, the Fabric CA Server will create a new CA signing key and certificate.
  2484        Assuming that you can not recover the original CA signing key, the only way to recover from this scenario is to update the
  2485        certificate in the `cacerts` (or `intermediatecerts`) of the appropriate MSPs to the new CA certificate.
  2487  .. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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