
     1  # reusable workflow
     2  name: .windows
     4  # TODO: hide reusable workflow from the UI. Tracked in
     6  on:
     7    workflow_call:
     8      inputs:
     9        os:
    10          required: true
    11          type: string
    12        send_coverage:
    13          required: false
    14          type: boolean
    15          default: false
    17  env:
    18    GO_VERSION: 1.19.5
    19    GOTESTLIST_VERSION: v0.2.0
    20    TESTSTAT_VERSION: v0.1.3
    22    WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019: ltsc2019
    23    WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022: ltsc2022
    24    TEST_IMAGE_NAME: moby:test
    25    TEST_CTN_NAME: moby
    26    DOCKER_BUILDKIT: 0
    27    ITG_CLI_MATRIX_SIZE: 6
    29  jobs:
    30    build:
    31      runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
    32      env:
    33        GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
    34        GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
    35        BIN_OUT: ${{ github.workspace }}\out
    36      defaults:
    37        run:
    38          working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
    39      steps:
    40        -
    41          name: Checkout
    42          uses: actions/checkout@v3
    43          with:
    44            path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
    45        -
    46          name: Env
    47          run: |
    48            Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
    49        -
    50          name: Init
    51          run: |
    52            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build"
    53            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod"
    54            If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
    55              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
    56            } ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
    57              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
    58            }
    59        -
    60          name: Cache
    61          uses: actions/cache@v3
    62          with:
    63            path: |
    64              ~\AppData\Local\go-build
    65              ~\go\pkg\mod
    66              ${{ github.workspace }}\go-build
    67              ${{ env.GOPATH }}\pkg\mod
    68            key: ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-${{ hashFiles('**/vendor.sum') }}
    69            restore-keys: |
    70              ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-
    71        -
    72          name: Docker info
    73          run: |
    74            docker info
    75        -
    76          name: Build base image
    77          run: |
    78            docker pull ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }}
    79            docker tag ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }} microsoft/windowsservercore
    80            docker build --build-arg GO_VERSION -t ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} -f .
    81        -
    82          name: Build binaries
    83          run: |
    84            & docker run --name ${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }} -e "DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${{ github.sha }}" `
    85                -v "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build:C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\go-build" `
    86                -v "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod:C:\gopath\pkg\mod" `
    87                ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} hack\make.ps1 -Daemon -Client
    88        -
    89          name: Copy artifacts
    90          run: |
    91            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}"
    92            docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles\docker.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
    93            docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles\dockerd.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
    94            docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\bin\gotestsum.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
    95            docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\containerd\bin\containerd.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
    96            docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\containerd\bin\containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
    97        -
    98          name: Upload artifacts
    99          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
   100          with:
   101            name: build-${{ inputs.os }}
   102            path: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}/*
   103            if-no-files-found: error
   104            retention-days: 2
   106    unit-test:
   107      runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
   108      timeout-minutes: 120
   109      env:
   110        GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
   111        GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
   112      defaults:
   113        run:
   114          working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
   115      steps:
   116        -
   117          name: Checkout
   118          uses: actions/checkout@v3
   119          with:
   120            path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
   121        -
   122          name: Env
   123          run: |
   124            Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
   125        -
   126          name: Init
   127          run: |
   128            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build"
   129            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod"
   130            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "bundles"
   131            If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
   132              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
   133            } ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
   134              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
   135            }
   136        -
   137          name: Cache
   138          uses: actions/cache@v3
   139          with:
   140            path: |
   141              ~\AppData\Local\go-build
   142              ~\go\pkg\mod
   143              ${{ github.workspace }}\go-build
   144              ${{ env.GOPATH }}\pkg\mod
   145            key: ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-${{ hashFiles('**/vendor.sum') }}
   146            restore-keys: |
   147              ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-
   148        -
   149          name: Docker info
   150          run: |
   151            docker info
   152        -
   153          name: Build base image
   154          run: |
   155            docker pull ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }}
   156            docker tag ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }} microsoft/windowsservercore
   157            docker build --build-arg GO_VERSION -t ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} -f .
   158        -
   159          name: Test
   160          run: |
   161            & docker run --name ${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }} -e "DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${{ github.sha }}" `
   162              -v "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build:C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\go-build" `
   163              -v "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod:C:\gopath\pkg\mod" `
   164              -v "${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles:C:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles" `
   165              ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} hack\make.ps1 -TestUnit
   166        -
   167          name: Send to Codecov
   168          if: inputs.send_coverage
   169          uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
   170          with:
   171            working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker
   172            directory: bundles
   173            env_vars: RUNNER_OS
   174            flags: unit
   175        -
   176          name: Upload reports
   177          if: always()
   178          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
   179          with:
   180            name: ${{ inputs.os }}-unit-reports
   181            path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles\*
   183    unit-test-report:
   184      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   185      if: always()
   186      needs:
   187        - unit-test
   188      steps:
   189        -
   190          name: Set up Go
   191          uses: actions/setup-go@v3
   192          with:
   193            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   194        -
   195          name: Download artifacts
   196          uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
   197          with:
   198            name: ${{ inputs.os }}-unit-reports
   199            path: /tmp/artifacts
   200        -
   201          name: Install teststat
   202          run: |
   203            go install${{ env.TESTSTAT_VERSION }}
   204        -
   205          name: Create summary
   206          run: |
   207            teststat -markdown $(find /tmp/artifacts -type f -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0) >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
   209    integration-test-prepare:
   210      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   211      outputs:
   212        matrix: ${{ steps.tests.outputs.matrix }}
   213      steps:
   214        -
   215          name: Checkout
   216          uses: actions/checkout@v3
   217        -
   218          name: Set up Go
   219          uses: actions/setup-go@v3
   220          with:
   221            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   222        -
   223          name: Install gotestlist
   224          run:
   225            go install${{ env.GOTESTLIST_VERSION }}
   226        -
   227          name: Create matrix
   228          id: tests
   229          working-directory: ./integration-cli
   230          run: |
   231            # Distribute integration-cli tests for the matrix in integration-test job.
   232            # Also prepend ./... to the matrix. This is a special case to run "Test integration" step exclusively.
   233            matrix="$(gotestlist -d ${{ env.ITG_CLI_MATRIX_SIZE }} ./...)"
   234            matrix="$(echo "$matrix" | jq -c '. |= ["./..."] + .')"
   235            echo "matrix=$matrix" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
   236        -
   237          name: Show matrix
   238          run: |
   239            echo ${{ steps.tests.outputs.matrix }}
   241    integration-test:
   242      runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
   243      timeout-minutes: 120
   244      needs:
   245        - build
   246        - integration-test-prepare
   247      strategy:
   248        fail-fast: false
   249        matrix:
   250          runtime:
   251            - builtin
   252            - containerd
   253          test: ${{ fromJson(needs.integration-test-prepare.outputs.matrix) }}
   254      env:
   255        GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
   256        GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
   257        BIN_OUT: ${{ github.workspace }}\out
   258      defaults:
   259        run:
   260          working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
   261      steps:
   262        -
   263          name: Checkout
   264          uses: actions/checkout@v3
   265          with:
   266            path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
   267        -
   268          name: Env
   269          run: |
   270            Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
   271        -
   272          name: Download artifacts
   273          uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
   274          with:
   275            name: build-${{ inputs.os }}
   276            path: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}
   277        -
   278          name: Init
   279          run: |
   280            New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "bundles"
   281            If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
   282              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
   283            } ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
   284              echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
   285            }
   286            Write-Output "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
   287        -
   288          # removes docker service that is currently installed on the runner. we
   289          # could use Uninstall-Package but not yet available on Windows runners.
   290          # more info:
   291          name: Removing current daemon
   292          run: |
   293            if (Get-Service docker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
   294              $dockerVersion = (docker version -f "{{.Server.Version}}")
   295              Write-Host "Current installed Docker version: $dockerVersion"
   296              # remove service
   297              Stop-Service -Force -Name docker
   298              Remove-Service -Name docker
   299              # removes event log entry. we could use "Remove-EventLog -LogName -Source docker"
   300              # but this cmd is not available atm
   301              $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
   302              & reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\docker" /f 2>&1 | Out-Null
   303              $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
   304              Write-Host "Service removed"
   305            }
   306        -
   307          name: Starting containerd
   308          if: matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
   309          run: |
   310            Write-Host "Generating config"
   311            & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\containerd.exe" config default | Out-File "$env:TEMP\ctn.toml" -Encoding ascii
   312            Write-Host "Creating service"
   313            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\ctn-root" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
   314            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\ctn-state" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
   315            Start-Process -Wait "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\containerd.exe" `
   316              -ArgumentList "--log-level=debug", `
   317                "--config=$env:TEMP\ctn.toml", `
   318                "--address=\\.\pipe\containerd-containerd", `
   319                "--root=$env:TEMP\ctn-root", `
   320                "--state=$env:TEMP\ctn-state", `
   321                "--log-file=$env:TEMP\ctn.log", `
   322                "--register-service"
   323            Write-Host "Starting service"
   324            Start-Service -Name containerd
   325            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
   326            Write-Host "Service started successfully!"
   327        -
   328          name: Starting test daemon
   329          run: |
   330            Write-Host "Creating service"
   331            If ("${{ matrix.runtime }}" -eq "containerd") {
   332              $runtimeArg="--containerd=\\.\pipe\containerd-containerd"
   333              echo "DOCKER_WINDOWS_CONTAINERD_RUNTIME=1" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
   334            }
   335            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\moby-root" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
   336            New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\moby-exec" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
   337            Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\dockerd" `
   338              -ArgumentList $runtimeArg, "--debug", `
   339                "--host=npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine", `
   340                "--data-root=$env:TEMP\moby-root", `
   341                "--exec-root=$env:TEMP\moby-exec", `
   342                "--pidfile=$env:TEMP\", `
   343                "--register-service"
   344            Write-Host "Starting service"
   345            Start-Service -Name docker
   346            Write-Host "Service started successfully!"
   347        -
   348          name: Waiting for test daemon to start
   349          run: |
   350            $tries=20
   351            Write-Host "Waiting for the test daemon to start..."
   352            While ($true) {
   353              $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
   354              & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" version
   355              $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
   356              If ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
   357                break
   358              }
   359              $tries--
   360              If ($tries -le 0) {
   361                Throw "Failed to get a response from the daemon"
   362              }
   363              Write-Host -NoNewline "."
   364              Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
   365            }
   366            Write-Host "Test daemon started and replied!"
   367          env:
   368            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   369        -
   370          name: Docker info
   371          run: |
   372            & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" info
   373          env:
   374            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   375        -
   376          name: Building contrib/busybox
   377          run: |
   378            & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" build -t busybox `
   379              --build-arg WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE `
   380              --build-arg WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG `
   381              .\contrib\busybox\
   382          env:
   383            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   384        -
   385          name: List images
   386          run: |
   387            & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" images
   388          env:
   389            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   390        -
   391          name: Set up Go
   392          uses: actions/setup-go@v3
   393          with:
   394            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   395        -
   396          name: Test integration
   397          if: matrix.test == './...'
   398          run: |
   399            .\hack\make.ps1 -TestIntegration
   400          env:
   401            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   402            GO111MODULE: "off"
   403            TEST_CLIENT_BINARY: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker
   404        -
   405          name: Test integration-cli
   406          if: matrix.test != './...'
   407          run: |
   408            .\hack\make.ps1 -TestIntegrationCli
   409          env:
   410            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   411            GO111MODULE: "off"
   412            TEST_CLIENT_BINARY: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker
   413            INTEGRATION_TESTRUN: ${{ matrix.test }}
   414        -
   415          name: Send to Codecov
   416          if: inputs.send_coverage
   417          uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
   418          with:
   419            working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker
   420            directory: bundles
   421            env_vars: RUNNER_OS
   422            flags: integration,${{ matrix.runtime }}
   423        -
   424          name: Docker info
   425          run: |
   426            & "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" info
   427          env:
   428            DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
   429        -
   430          name: Stop containerd
   431          if: always() && matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
   432          run: |
   433            $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
   434            Stop-Service -Force -Name containerd
   435            $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
   436        -
   437          name: Containerd logs
   438          if: always() && matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
   439          run: |
   440            Copy-Item "$env:TEMP\ctn.log" -Destination ".\bundles\containerd.log"
   441            Get-Content "$env:TEMP\ctn.log" | Out-Host
   442        -
   443          name: Stop daemon
   444          if: always()
   445          run: |
   446            $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
   447            Stop-Service -Force -Name docker
   448            $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
   449        -
   450          # as the daemon is registered as a service we have to check the event
   451          # logs against the docker provider.
   452          name: Daemon event logs
   453          if: always()
   454          run: |
   455            Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue `
   456              -FilterHashtable @{ProviderName= "docker"; LogName = "application"} |
   457                Select-Object -Property TimeCreated, @{N='Detailed Message'; E={$_.Message}} |
   458                Sort-Object @{Expression="TimeCreated";Descending=$false} |
   459                Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Detailed Message' | Tee-Object -file ".\bundles\daemon.log"
   460        -
   461          name: Upload reports
   462          if: always()
   463          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
   464          with:
   465            name: ${{ inputs.os }}-integration-reports-${{ matrix.runtime }}
   466            path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles\*
   468    integration-test-report:
   469      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   470      if: always()
   471      needs:
   472        - integration-test
   473      strategy:
   474        fail-fast: false
   475        matrix:
   476          runtime:
   477            - builtin
   478            - containerd
   479      steps:
   480        -
   481          name: Set up Go
   482          uses: actions/setup-go@v3
   483          with:
   484            go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
   485        -
   486          name: Download artifacts
   487          uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
   488          with:
   489            name: ${{ inputs.os }}-integration-reports-${{ matrix.runtime }}
   490            path: /tmp/artifacts
   491        -
   492          name: Install teststat
   493          run: |
   494            go install${{ env.TESTSTAT_VERSION }}
   495        -
   496          name: Create summary
   497          run: |
   498            teststat -markdown $(find /tmp/artifacts -type f -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0) >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY