
     1  package config
     3  // Config should be read-only in outer world, but golang doesn't have any simple solution for that.
     4  // A Developer MUST NOT modify config value in caller code.
     5  const (
     6  	defaultAergoHomePath       = ".aergo"
     7  	defaultAergoConfigFileName = "config.toml"
     9  	EnvironmentPrefix = "AG"
    11  	//defaultLogFileName = "aergo.log"
    12  )
    14  // Config defines configurations of each services
    15  type Config struct {
    16  	BaseConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
    17  	RPC        *RPCConfig        `mapstructure:"rpc"`
    18  	P2P        *P2PConfig        `mapstructure:"p2p"`
    19  	Polaris    *PolarisConfig    `mapstructure:"polaris"`
    20  	Blockchain *BlockchainConfig `mapstructure:"blockchain"`
    21  	Mempool    *MempoolConfig    `mapstructure:"mempool"`
    22  	Consensus  *ConsensusConfig  `mapstructure:"consensus"`
    23  	Monitor    *MonitorConfig    `mapstructure:"monitor"`
    24  	Account    *AccountConfig    `mapstructure:"account"`
    25  	Auth       *AuthConfig       `mapstructure:"auth"`
    26  	SQL        *SQLConfig        `mapstructure:"sql"`
    27  }
    29  // BaseConfig defines base configurations for aergo server
    30  type BaseConfig struct {
    31  	DataDir        string `mapstructure:"datadir" description:"Directory to store datafiles"`
    32  	DbType         string `mapstructure:"dbtype" description:"db implementation to store data"`
    33  	EnableProfile  bool   `mapstructure:"enableprofile" description:"enable profiling"`
    34  	ProfilePort    int    `mapstructure:"profileport" description:"profiling port (default:6060)"`
    35  	EnableTestmode bool   `mapstructure:"enabletestmode" description:"enable unsafe test mode"`
    36  	UseTestnet     bool   `mapstructure:"usetestnet" description:"need description"`
    37  	Personal       bool   `mapstructure:"personal" description:"enable personal account service"`
    38  	AuthDir        string `mapstructure:"authdir" description:"Directory to store files for auth"`
    39  }
    41  // RPCConfig defines configurations for rpc service
    42  type RPCConfig struct {
    43  	// RPC and REST
    44  	NetServiceAddr  string `mapstructure:"netserviceaddr" description:"RPC service address"`
    45  	NetServicePort  int    `mapstructure:"netserviceport" description:"RPC service port"`
    46  	NetServiceTrace bool   `mapstructure:"netservicetrace" description:"Trace RPC service"`
    47  	// RPC API with TLS
    48  	NSEnableTLS bool   `mapstructure:"nstls" description:"Enable TLS on RPC or REST API"`
    49  	NSCert      string `mapstructure:"nscert" description:"Server Certificate file for RPC or REST API"`
    50  	NSKey       string `mapstructure:"nskey" description:"Private Key file for RPC or REST API"`
    51  	NSCACert    string `mapstructure:"nscacert" description:"CA Certificate file for RPC or REST API"`
    52  	NSAllowCORS bool   `mapstructure:"nsallowcors" description:"Allow CORS to RPC or REST API"`
    53  }
    55  // P2PConfig defines configurations for p2p service
    56  type P2PConfig struct {
    57  	// N2N (peer-to-peer) network
    58  	NetProtocolAddr string   `mapstructure:"netprotocoladdr" description:"N2N listen address to which other peer can connect. This address is advertized to other peers."`
    59  	NetProtocolPort int      `mapstructure:"netprotocolport" description:"N2N listen port to which other peer can connect. This port is advertized to other peers."`
    60  	NPBindAddr      string   `mapstructure:"npbindaddr" description:"N2N bind address. If it was set, it only accept connection to this addresse only"`
    61  	NPBindPort      int      `mapstructure:"npbindport" description:"N2N bind port. It not set, bind port is same as netprotocolport. Set if server is configured with NAT and port is differ."`
    62  	NPEnableTLS     bool     `mapstructure:"nptls" description:"Enable TLS on N2N network"`
    63  	NPCert          string   `mapstructure:"npcert" description:"Certificate file for N2N network"`
    64  	NPKey           string   `mapstructure:"npkey" description:"Private Key file for N2N network"`
    65  	NPAddPeers      []string `mapstructure:"npaddpeers" description'':"Add peers to connect to at startup"`
    66  	NPHiddenPeers   []string `mapstructure:"nphiddenpeers" description:"List of peerids which will not show to other peers"`
    67  	NPDiscoverPeers bool     `mapstructure:"npdiscoverpeers" description:"Whether to discover from polaris or other nodes and connects"`
    68  	NPMaxPeers      int      `mapstructure:"npmaxpeers" description:"Maximum number of remote peers to keep"`
    69  	NPPeerPool      int      `mapstructure:"nppeerpool" description:"Max peer pool size"`
    71  	NPExposeSelf   bool     `mapstructure:"npexposeself" description:"Whether to request expose self to polaris and other connected node"`
    72  	NPUsePolaris   bool     `mapstructure:"npusepolaris" description:"Whether to connect and get node list from polaris"`
    73  	NPAddPolarises []string `mapstructure:"npaddpolarises" description:"Add addresses of polarises if default polaris is not sufficient"`
    75  	LogFullPeerID bool `mapstructure:"logfullpeerid" description:"Whether to use full legnth peerID or short form"`
    76  	// NPPrivateChain and NPMainNet are not set from configfile, it must be got from genesis block. TODO this properties should not be in config
    77  }
    79  // AuthConfig defines configuration for auditing
    80  type AuthConfig struct {
    81  	EnableLocalConf bool `mapstructure:"enablelocalconf" description:"apply local white/blacklist file or not"`
    82  }
    84  // PolarisConfig defines configuration for polaris server and client (i.e. polarisConnect)
    85  type PolarisConfig struct {
    86  	AllowPrivate    bool   `mapstructure:"allowprivate" description:"allow peer to have private address. for private network and test"`
    87  	GenesisFile     string `mapstructure:"genesisfile" description:"json file containing informations of genesisblock to which polaris refer "`
    88  	EnableBlacklist bool   `mapstructure:"enableblacklist" description:"allow peer to have private address. for private network and test"`
    89  }
    91  // BlockchainConfig defines configurations for blockchain service
    92  type BlockchainConfig struct {
    93  	MaxBlockSize     uint32 `mapstructure:"maxblocksize"  description:"maximum block size in bytes"`
    94  	CoinbaseAccount  string `mapstructure:"coinbaseaccount" description:"wallet address for coinbase"`
    95  	MaxAnchorCount   int    `mapstructure:"maxanchorcount" description:"maximun anchor count for sync"`
    96  	VerifierCount    int    `mapstructure:"verifiercount" description:"maximun transaction verifier count"`
    97  	ForceResetHeight uint64 `mapstructure:"forceresetheight" description:"best height to reset chain manually"`
    98  	ZeroFee          bool   `mapstructure:"zerofee" description:"enable zero-fee mode(works only on private network)"`
    99  	VerifyOnly       bool   `mapstructure:"verifyonly" description:"In verify only mode, server verifies block chain of disk. server never modifies block chain'"`
   100  	StateTrace       uint64 `mapstructure:"statetrace" description:"dump trace of setting state"`
   101  }
   103  // MempoolConfig defines configurations for mempool service
   104  type MempoolConfig struct {
   105  	ShowMetrics    bool   `mapstructure:"showmetrics" description:"show mempool metric periodically"`
   106  	EnableFadeout  bool   `mapstructure:"enablefadeout" description:"Enable transaction fadeout over timeout period"`
   107  	FadeoutPeriod  int    `mapstructure:"fadeoutperiod" description:"time period for evict transactions(in hour)"`
   108  	VerifierNumber int    `mapstructure:"verifiers" description:"number of concurrent verifier"`
   109  	DumpFilePath   string `mapstructure:"dumpfilepath" description:"file path for recording mempool at process termintation"`
   110  }
   112  // ConsensusConfig defines configurations for consensus service
   113  type ConsensusConfig struct {
   114  	EnableBp      bool        `mapstructure:"enablebp" description:"enable block production"`
   115  	BlockInterval int64       `mapstructure:"blockinterval" description:"block production interval (sec)"`
   116  	Raft          *RaftConfig `mapstructure:"raft"`
   117  }
   119  type RaftConfig struct {
   120  	Name               string        `mapstructure:"name" description:"raft node name. this value must be unique in cluster"`
   121  	SkipEmpty          bool          `mapstructure:"skipempty" description:"skip producing block if there is no tx in block"`
   122  	HeartbeatTick      uint          `mapstructure:"heartbeattick" description:"heartbeat tick of raft server (millisec)"`
   123  	ElectionTickCount  int           `mapstructure:"electiontickcount" description:"number of ticks to wait to be a candidate when no heartbeat message comes from leader"`
   124  	BlockFactoryTickMs int64         `mapstructure:"blockfactorytickms" description:"interval to check if block factory should run new task(millisec)"`
   125  	BlockIntervalMs    int64         `mapstructure:"blockintervalms" description:"block interval for raft (millisec). It overrides BlockInterval of consensus"`
   126  	NewCluster         bool          `mapstructure:"newcluster" description:"create a new raft cluster if it doesn't already exist"`
   127  	UseBackup          bool          `mapstructure:"usebackup" description:"use backup datafiles when creating a new cluster or joining to a existing cluster"`
   128  	SnapFrequency      uint64        `mapstructure:"snapfrequency" description:"frequency which raft make snapshot with log"`
   129  	SlowNodeGap        uint          `mapstructure:"slownodegap" description:"frequency which raft make snapshot with log"`
   130  	RecoverBP          *RaftBPConfig `mapstructure:"recoverbp" description:"bp info for creating a new cluster from backup"`
   131  	StopDupCommit      bool          `mapstructure:"stopdupcommit" description:"stop server when commit of duplicate height block occurs. use this only for debugging'"`
   132  }
   134  type RaftBPConfig struct {
   135  	Name    string `mapstructure:"name" description:"raft node name"`
   136  	Address string `mapstructure:"address" description:"raft address"`
   137  	PeerID  string `mapstructure:"peerid" description:"peerid of this bp"`
   138  }
   140  type MonitorConfig struct {
   141  	ServerProtocol string `mapstructure:"protocol" description:"Protocol is one of next: http, https or kafka"`
   142  	ServerEndpoint string `mapstructure:"endpoint" description:"Endpoint to send"`
   143  }
   145  // Account defines configurations for account service
   146  type AccountConfig struct {
   147  	UnlockTimeout uint `mapstructure:"unlocktimeout" description:"lock automatically after timeout (sec)"`
   148  }
   150  type SQLConfig struct {
   151  	MaxDbSize uint32 `mapstructure:"maxdbsize" description:"maximum database size of a contract (MB)"`
   152  }
   154  /*
   155  How to write this template
   156  =======================================
   158  string_type = "{{.STRUCT.FILED}}"
   159  bool/number_type = {{.STRUCT.FILED}}
   160  string_array_type = [{{range .STRUCT.FILED}}
   161  "{{.}}", {{end}}
   162  ]
   163  bool/number_array_type = [{{range .STRUCT.FILED}}
   164  {{.}}, {{end}}
   165  ]
   166  map = does not support
   167  */
   168  const tomlConfigFileTemplate = `# aergo TOML Configuration File (
   169  # base configurations
   170  datadir = "{{.BaseConfig.DataDir}}"
   171  dbtype = "{{.BaseConfig.DbType}}"
   172  enableprofile = {{.BaseConfig.EnableProfile}}
   173  profileport = {{.BaseConfig.ProfilePort}}
   174  personal = {{.BaseConfig.Personal}}
   175  authdir = "{{.BaseConfig.AuthDir}}"
   177  [rpc]
   178  netserviceaddr = "{{.RPC.NetServiceAddr}}"
   179  netserviceport = {{.RPC.NetServicePort}}
   180  netservicetrace = {{.RPC.NetServiceTrace}}
   181  nstls = {{.RPC.NSEnableTLS}}
   182  nscert = "{{.RPC.NSCert}}"
   183  nskey = "{{.RPC.NSKey}}"
   184  nscacert = "{{.RPC.NSCACert}}"
   185  nsallowcors = {{.RPC.NSAllowCORS}}
   187  [p2p]
   188  # Set address and port to which the inbound peers connect, and don't set loopback address or private network unless used in local network 
   189  netprotocoladdr = "{{.P2P.NetProtocolAddr}}"
   190  netprotocolport = {{.P2P.NetProtocolPort}}
   191  npbindaddr = "{{.P2P.NPBindAddr}}"
   192  npbindport = {{.P2P.NPBindPort}}
   193  # TLS and certificate is not applied in alpha release.
   194  nptls = {{.P2P.NPEnableTLS}}
   195  npcert = "{{.P2P.NPCert}}"
   196  # Set file path of key file
   197  npkey = "{{.P2P.NPKey}}"
   198  npaddpeers = [{{range .P2P.NPAddPeers}}
   199  "{{.}}", {{end}}
   200  ]
   201  npdiscoverpeers = true
   202  npmaxpeers = "{{.P2P.NPMaxPeers}}"
   203  nppeerpool = "{{.P2P.NPPeerPool}}"
   204  npexposeself = true
   205  npusepolaris= {{.P2P.NPUsePolaris}}
   206  npaddpolarises = [{{range .P2P.NPAddPolarises}}
   207  "{{.}}", {{end}}
   208  ]
   210  [polaris]
   211  allowprivate = {{.Polaris.AllowPrivate}}
   212  genesisfile = "{{.Polaris.GenesisFile}}"
   213  enableblacklist = "{{.Polaris.EnableBlacklist}}"
   215  [blockchain]
   216  # blockchain configurations
   217  maxblocksize = {{.Blockchain.MaxBlockSize}}
   218  coinbaseaccount = "{{.Blockchain.CoinbaseAccount}}"
   219  maxanchorcount = "{{.Blockchain.MaxAnchorCount}}"
   220  verifiercount = "{{.Blockchain.VerifierCount}}"
   221  forceresetheight = "{{.Blockchain.ForceResetHeight}}"
   223  [mempool]
   224  showmetrics = {{.Mempool.ShowMetrics}}
   225  enablefadeout = {{.Mempool.EnableFadeout}}
   226  fadeoutperiod = {{.Mempool.FadeoutPeriod}}
   227  verifiers = {{.Mempool.VerifierNumber}}
   228  dumpfilepath = "{{.Mempool.DumpFilePath}}"
   230  [consensus]
   231  enablebp = {{.Consensus.EnableBp}}
   232  blockinterval = {{.Consensus.BlockInterval}}
   234  [monitor]
   235  protocol = "{{.Monitor.ServerProtocol}}"
   236  endpoint = "{{.Monitor.ServerEndpoint}}"
   238  [account]
   239  unlocktimeout = "{{.Account.UnlockTimeout}}"
   241  [auth]
   242  enablelocalconf = "{{.Auth.EnableLocalConf}}"
   243  `