
     1  %{
     2  /* A simple integer desk calculator using yacc and gmp.
     4  Copyright 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     6  This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
     8  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
     9  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
    10  Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
    11  version.
    13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
    14  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
    15  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    17  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    18  this program.  If not, see  */
    21  /* This is a simple program, meant only to show one way to use GMP for this
    22     sort of thing.  There's few features, and error checking is minimal.
    23     Standard input is read, calc_help() below shows the inputs accepted.
    25     Expressions are evaluated as they're read.  If user defined functions
    26     were wanted it'd be necessary to build a parse tree like pexpr.c does, or
    27     a list of operations for a stack based evaluator.  That would also make
    28     it possible to detect and optimize evaluations "mod m" like pexpr.c does.
    30     A stack is used for intermediate values in the expression evaluation,
    31     separate from the yacc parser stack.  This is simple, makes error
    32     recovery easy, minimizes the junk around mpz calls in the rules, and
    33     saves initializing or clearing "mpz_t"s during a calculation.  A
    34     disadvantage though is that variables must be copied to the stack to be
    35     worked on.  A more sophisticated calculator or language system might be
    36     able to avoid that when executing a compiled or semi-compiled form.
    38     Avoiding repeated initializing and clearing of "mpz_t"s is important.  In
    39     this program the time spent parsing is obviously much greater than any
    40     possible saving from this, but a proper calculator or language should
    41     take some trouble over it.  Don't be surprised if an init/clear takes 3
    42     or more times as long as a 10 limb addition, depending on the system (see
    43     the mpz_init_realloc_clear example in tune/README).  */
    46  #include <stdio.h>
    47  #include <stdlib.h>
    48  #include <string.h>
    49  #include "gmp.h"
    50  #define NO_CALC_H /* because it conflicts with normal calc.c stuff */
    51  #include "calc-common.h"
    54  #define numberof(x)  (sizeof (x) / sizeof ((x)[0]))
    57  void
    58  calc_help (void)
    59  {
    60    printf ("Examples:\n");
    61    printf ("    2+3*4        expressions are evaluated\n");
    62    printf ("    x=5^6        variables a to z can be set and used\n");
    63    printf ("Operators:\n");
    64    printf ("    + - *        arithmetic\n");
    65    printf ("    / %%          division and remainder (rounding towards negative infinity)\n");
    66    printf ("    ^            exponentiation\n");
    67    printf ("    !            factorial\n");
    68    printf ("    << >>        left and right shifts\n");
    69    printf ("    <= >= >      \\ comparisons, giving 1 if true, 0 if false\n");
    70    printf ("    == != <      /\n");
    71    printf ("    && ||        logical and/or, giving 1 if true, 0 if false\n");
    72    printf ("Functions:\n");
    73    printf ("    abs(n)       absolute value\n");
    74    printf ("    bin(n,m)     binomial coefficient\n");
    75    printf ("    fib(n)       fibonacci number\n");
    76    printf ("    gcd(a,b,..)  greatest common divisor\n");
    77    printf ("    kron(a,b)    kronecker symbol\n");
    78    printf ("    lcm(a,b,..)  least common multiple\n");
    79    printf ("    lucnum(n)    lucas number\n");
    80    printf ("    nextprime(n) next prime after n\n");
    81    printf ("    powm(b,e,m)  modulo powering, b^e%%m\n");
    82    printf ("    root(n,r)    r-th root\n");
    83    printf ("    sqrt(n)      square root\n");
    84    printf ("Other:\n");
    85    printf ("    hex          \\ set hex or decimal for input and output\n");
    86    printf ("    decimal      /   (\"0x\" can be used for hex too)\n");
    87    printf ("    quit         exit program (EOF works too)\n");
    88    printf ("    ;            statements are separated with a ; or newline\n");
    89    printf ("    \\            continue expressions with \\ before newline\n");
    90    printf ("    # xxx        comments are # though to newline\n");
    91    printf ("Hex numbers must be entered in upper case, to distinguish them from the\n");
    92    printf ("variables a to f (like in bc).\n");
    93  }
    96  int  ibase = 0;
    97  int  obase = 10;
   100  /* The stack is a fixed size, which means there's a limit on the nesting
   101     allowed in expressions.  A more sophisticated program could let it grow
   102     dynamically.  */
   104  mpz_t    stack[100];
   105  mpz_ptr  sp = stack[0];
   107  #define CHECK_OVERFLOW()                                                  \
   108    if (sp >= stack[numberof(stack)])	/* FIXME */			\
   109      {                                                                     \
   110        fprintf (stderr,                                                    \
   111                 "Value stack overflow, too much nesting in expression\n"); \
   112        YYERROR;                                                            \
   113      }
   115  #define CHECK_EMPTY()                                                   \
   116    if (sp != stack[0])                                                   \
   117      {                                                                   \
   118        fprintf (stderr, "Oops, expected the value stack to be empty\n"); \
   119        sp = stack[0];                                                    \
   120      }
   123  mpz_t  variable[26];
   125  #define CHECK_VARIABLE(var)                                             \
   126    if ((var) < 0 || (var) >= numberof (variable))                        \
   127      {                                                                   \
   128        fprintf (stderr, "Oops, bad variable somehow: %d\n", var);        \
   129        YYERROR;                                                          \
   130      }
   133  #define CHECK_UI(name,z)                        \
   134    if (! mpz_fits_ulong_p (z))                   \
   135      {                                           \
   136        fprintf (stderr, "%s too big\n", name);   \
   137        YYERROR;                                  \
   138      }
   140  %}
   142  %union {
   143    char  *str;
   144    int   var;
   145  }
   147  %token EOS BAD
   148  %token HELP HEX DECIMAL QUIT
   150  %token <str> NUMBER
   151  %token <var> VARIABLE
   153  /* operators, increasing precedence */
   154  %left     LOR
   155  %left     LAND
   156  %nonassoc '<' '>' EQ NE LE GE
   157  %left     LSHIFT RSHIFT
   158  %left     '+' '-'
   159  %left     '*' '/' '%'
   160  %nonassoc UMINUS
   161  %right    '^'
   162  %nonassoc '!'
   164  %%
   166  top:
   167    statement
   168    | statements statement;
   170  statements:
   171    statement EOS
   172    | statements statement EOS
   173    | error EOS { sp = stack[0]; yyerrok; };
   175  statement:
   176    /* empty */
   177    | e {
   178        mpz_out_str (stdout, obase, sp); putchar ('\n');
   179        sp--;
   180        CHECK_EMPTY ();
   181      }
   182    | VARIABLE '=' e {
   183        CHECK_VARIABLE ($1);
   184        mpz_swap (variable[$1], sp);
   185        sp--;
   186        CHECK_EMPTY ();
   187      }
   188    | HELP    { calc_help (); }
   189    | HEX     { ibase = 16; obase = -16; }
   190    | DECIMAL { ibase = 0;  obase = 10; }
   191    | QUIT    { exit (0); };
   193  /* "e" leaves it's value on the top of the mpz stack.  A rule like "e '+' e"
   194     will have done a reduction for the first "e" first and the second "e"
   195     second, so the code receives the values in that order on the stack.  */
   196  e:
   197      '(' e ')'     /* value on stack */
   198      | e '+' e     { sp--; mpz_add    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
   199      | e '-' e     { sp--; mpz_sub    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
   200      | e '*' e     { sp--; mpz_mul    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
   201      | e '/' e     { sp--; mpz_fdiv_q (sp, sp, sp+1); }
   202      | e '%' e     { sp--; mpz_fdiv_r (sp, sp, sp+1); }
   203      | e '^' e     { CHECK_UI ("Exponent", sp);
   204                      sp--; mpz_pow_ui (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
   205      | e LSHIFT e  { CHECK_UI ("Shift count", sp);
   206                      sp--; mpz_mul_2exp (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
   207      | e RSHIFT e  { CHECK_UI ("Shift count", sp);
   208                      sp--; mpz_fdiv_q_2exp (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
   209      | e '!'       { CHECK_UI ("Factorial", sp);
   210                      mpz_fac_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
   211      | '-' e %prec UMINUS   { mpz_neg (sp, sp); }
   213      | e '<' e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) <  0); }
   214      | e LE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) <= 0); }
   215      | e EQ  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) == 0); }
   216      | e NE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) != 0); }
   217      | e GE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) >= 0); }
   218      | e '>' e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) >  0); }
   220      | e LAND e    { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_sgn (sp) && mpz_sgn (sp+1)); }
   221      | e LOR e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_sgn (sp) || mpz_sgn (sp+1)); }
   223      | ABS '(' e ')'              { mpz_abs (sp, sp); }
   224      | BIN '(' e ',' e ')'        { sp--; CHECK_UI ("Binomial base", sp+1);
   225                                     mpz_bin_ui (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
   226      | FIB '(' e ')'              { CHECK_UI ("Fibonacci", sp);
   227                                     mpz_fib_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
   228      | GCD '(' gcdlist ')'        /* value on stack */
   229      | KRON '(' e ',' e ')'       { sp--; mpz_set_si (sp,
   230                                           mpz_kronecker (sp, sp+1)); }
   231      | LCM '(' lcmlist ')'        /* value on stack */
   232      | LUCNUM '(' e ')'           { CHECK_UI ("Lucas number", sp);
   233                                     mpz_lucnum_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
   234      | NEXTPRIME '(' e ')'        { mpz_nextprime (sp, sp); }
   235      | POWM '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { sp -= 2; mpz_powm (sp, sp, sp+1, sp+2); }
   236      | ROOT '(' e ',' e ')'       { sp--; CHECK_UI ("Nth-root", sp+1);
   237                                     mpz_root (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
   238      | SQRT '(' e ')'             { mpz_sqrt (sp, sp); }
   240      | VARIABLE {
   241          sp++;
   242          CHECK_OVERFLOW ();
   243          CHECK_VARIABLE ($1);
   244          mpz_set (sp, variable[$1]);
   245        }
   246      | NUMBER {
   247          sp++;
   248          CHECK_OVERFLOW ();
   249          if (mpz_set_str (sp, $1, ibase) != 0)
   250            {
   251              fprintf (stderr, "Invalid number: %s\n", $1);
   252              YYERROR;
   253            }
   254        };
   256  gcdlist:
   257      e                /* value on stack */
   258      | gcdlist ',' e  { sp--; mpz_gcd (sp, sp, sp+1); };
   260  lcmlist:
   261      e                /* value on stack */
   262      | lcmlist ',' e  { sp--; mpz_lcm (sp, sp, sp+1); };
   264  %%
   266  yyerror (char *s)
   267  {
   268    fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
   269  }
   271  int calc_option_readline = -1;
   273  int
   274  main (int argc, char *argv[])
   275  {
   276    int  i;
   278    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
   279      {
   280        if (strcmp (argv[i], "--readline") == 0)
   281          calc_option_readline = 1;
   282        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--noreadline") == 0)
   283          calc_option_readline = 0;
   284        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--help") == 0)
   285          {
   286            printf ("Usage: calc [--option]...\n");
   287            printf ("  --readline    use readline\n");
   288            printf ("  --noreadline  don't use readline\n");
   289            printf ("  --help        this message\n");
   290            printf ("Readline is only available when compiled in,\n");
   291            printf ("and in that case it's the default on a tty.\n");
   292            exit (0);
   293          }
   294        else
   295          {
   296            fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[i]);
   297            exit (1);
   298          }
   299      }
   301  #if WITH_READLINE
   302    calc_init_readline ();
   303  #else
   304    if (calc_option_readline == 1)
   305      {
   306        fprintf (stderr, "Readline support not available\n");
   307        exit (1);
   308      }
   309  #endif
   311    for (i = 0; i < numberof (variable); i++)
   312      mpz_init (variable[i]);
   314    for (i = 0; i < numberof (stack); i++)
   315      mpz_init (stack[i]);
   317    return yyparse ();
   318  }